Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 234 Blizzard

A few days ago, Nancy Brill talked on the phone about trying to make video games.Simon did not object, but refused her request to obtain a Marvel hero character or Thor King series game adaptation authorization request.

The Marvel Heroes and the Middle-Earth series are the two most precious brands in the Daenerys Entertainment Copyright Library. Without enough assurance, Simon will never allow these two projects to be easily opened.

Unexpectedly, Nancy Brill got the right to adapt the game after being rejected.

Simon happened to have played video games in the era of Nintendo Red and White.

In the original time and space, a series of video games was opened by the famous Japanese game maker Keleme Konam, and became one of the best-selling series games under Keleme.

The first-generation game sold only 40 million sets in the world in just one year, bringing Kelemei a net profit of hundreds of millions of dollars. The subsequent sequels of the series also made Kelemei profitable.

After finishing the call with Sophia Fissi, Simon began to carefully read the game plan in his hand.

Nancy Brill got the license to open the game for only $20 million, which is comparable to the price tag that Daenerys Films obtained film adaptation rights last year.However, this license agreement is accompanied by a 5% net profit sharing clause.

If Daenerys Entertainment's next game can be as successful as Kelome, only this 5% net profit share achievement will be a sky-high price.

However, Simon was not surprised.

Daenerys Entertainment is just getting involved in the field of video game production. If you don’t offer a higher price, the copyright party is obviously more willing to sell the copyright to those well-known game manufacturers.

What's more, if the full series of games can bring Daenerys entertainment a profit of 100 million yuan in the next few years, Simons does not mind paying the profit share of the phantom studio's 50 million dollars.

Continuing through the plan, Simon's total budget of US$20 million also satisfied Simon.

The operation mode of the early studio shows that Nancy Brill did not blindly pursue one step. She is very clear that Daenerys Entertainment is just a rookie in the game field, and the development is more like an attempt to accumulate experience.

However, the genre positioning of this game is quite different from the Keleme version in Simon's memory.

The Kelome version of the game that Simon has played belongs to the type of action role-playing. The story uses the animation plot as a reference to tell a rescue operation of four turtles.The plan given by Nancy was intended to be a fighting game.

In this era, the best-selling games on the market are basically action adventure and shooting games, such as Nintendo and Kelome.There are few very successful fighting games.

Capcom's cap has been in its first generation in 1987, but has not caused much repercussions.In memory, the series didn't start to peak until 1991.

Not only has it created Capcom’s sales record, it has also been one of the greatest video games in the history of many media judges.

At present, there are no phenomenal fighting games on the market. This kind of content vacancy is actually an opportunity for game developers.

In the planning scheme, Nancy Brilt mentioned this point intentionally, and showed that this is why she is positioned as a fighting game.

Moreover, Nancy also proposed that an important factor limiting the fighting game exhibition is the hardware platform.

The best-selling Nintendo red and white machines on the market are still 8-bit machines with a market share of over 9o%.However, Sega has already deployed 16-bit Sega md consoles, and Nintendo is also preparing for its 16-bit consoles. The console market is in a critical period of upgrading.

Compared to 8-bit machines, 16-bit hosts can bring a leap in the texture of basic technologies such as game capacity and display, which in turn provides better hardware support for fighting games.Therefore, the development will be directly based on the 16-bit game console platform.

After reviewing the plan, Simon also had to admire Nancy Brill's comprehensive consideration.However, he still has one of the biggest problems.

Sega's 16-bit game console was released last year, and the planning plan also indicated that Nintendo plans to launch its own 16-bit console in July in the second half of this year.

The normal opening period of video games in this era is about 3 to 5 months. If everything goes well, the fighting game of Daenerys Entertainment can indeed be launched at the same time with Dongfeng of Nintendo's 16-bit host.

However, Simon remembered that for technical reasons, Nintendo bounced several times in a row. It was not until November 199o that it finally launched the 16-bit sfc host, which was delayed for more than a year, and the distribution time in North America and Europe was even later.

Simon does not feel that this butterfly can help Nintendo overcome technical difficulties.

Once the 16-bit sfc jumps, the 16-bit game opened by Daenerys Entertainment can only be smashed into the hands.Of course, the company has another option, that is, Sega's md host, or PC platform.

The current major mainstream game console manufacturers are very strong.

Even large game companies such as Capcom and Kelome don’t dare to step on a few boats with too much fanfare, and newcomers like Daenerys have no choice.If you cooperate with Sega, you will be rejected by Nintendo.

This situation did not start to change gradually until the further development of PC games in the 1990s and the more intense competition from major console manufacturers.

Considering for a moment, Simon instructed Jennifer to connect to Nancy Brill's phone, and began to write on the manuscript paper about the original action role-playing game settings.

Jennifer handed over the microphone after it was turned on, and Simon and Nancy talked about his speculation that sfc might bounce. At the same time, he briefly explained the game opening plan about the type of action role playing.

The two discussed on the phone for more than 20 minutes. Nancy said that she would carefully investigate the progress of Nintendo sfc and adjust her plan appropriately.

Finally, Simon provided Nancy with an additional budget of US$50 million. Once the plan confirmed that the sfc may bounce, the company can open two 8-bit-based games at the same time, one type of action role-playing proposed by Simon, and the other. It is still the type of fighting in the Nancy plan.

Of the two games, the former is based on commercial interests, and since the memorable Keleme version is so successful, there is naturally no reason to let it go.The latter can be used to accumulate experience, the market vacancy of fighting type games is obvious, and the series may not be so successful without the foundation of the first generation.Therefore, this investment is very worthwhile.

Speaking of which, the scale of the global video game industry will catch up with the movie industry in the coming years, and this field is definitely promising.

Since he started to dabble, Simon didn't plan to just play around.

Therefore, before ending the call, Simone asked about the studio's name.

Nancy Brill didn't pay much attention to this issue, but just casually said that she could follow the naming rules of Daenerys Entertainment's other subsidiaries, called Daenerys Game Studio.

Simon did not intend to confuse the game business with Daenerys Entertainment, saying: "In this case, call it Blizzard b1zzard, Blizzard Studio."

A suspicious voice from Nancy came out of the microphone: "Blizzard, does it have any special meaning?"

"Yes, a meaningful name," Simon said: "So, if you mess up, I will be very disappointed."

Nancy felt that Simon did not explain in detail, so she stopped asking, "Okay, boss, I will get people to register tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone, Simon had written several pictures on the draft paper in front of him unconsciously.

Instructing Jennifer to sort it back to Los Angeles, Simon looked at his watch, it was already 11:35, and it was lunch time soon.

Leaning on the back of the chair relaxedly, closing your eyes and recuperating, the next day's work schedule is sorted out in your mind.

In the afternoon, I will go to check the samples taken in the recent period, and discuss the production plan of some special effects lenses with the Daenerys special effects team. At night, I will start shooting another opponent's scene in the film.

Batman vs death shooter.

Crocodile man and death shooter, these are the two professional killers hired by the black mask in the film.At the same time, the appearance of these two characters also laid the groundwork for a series that may be opened in the future.

Opening his eyes again, Jennifer stood at the side of the desk and bent over to help Simon organize the documents in front of him.The female assistant is wearing a light blue pinstripe shirt and white trousers today. The slim cut makes her figure look slender from the side without a lack of curves.

Feeling that Simon was looking at him, Jennifer straightened up and found a topic: "What are you going to eat at noon?"

Simon continued to appreciate the slim figure of the female assistant, but asked: "Will you be disappointed to follow me like this?"

Jennifer froze for a moment and shook his head seriously: "No."

Simon said: "I mean, you originally thought Simon Westero was an artist. But now, he has become a businessman and is thinking about how to make more money every day."

Jennifer heard Simon say this, turned to the desk, and came to lean against the edge of the table next to Simon. After thinking about it, she sat on the table and stepped off the little black heels on her feet, looking at the man in the leather chair seriously. : "I don’t like you because you are an artist or something, Simon, although you are really good at this. But I like you because you are different from everyone in the world, you are unique ."

Simon toes the ground to move the leather chair. This time the female assistant naturally lifted her legs and stepped on a pair of thin feet wearing thin stockings on Simon's thigh, so she reached out and caught, saying, "In theory, everyone is unique."

"Actually, I have never had any ideas, and it is not suitable for being a very independent woman. From small to large, of course, I have also had many crazy ideas, but the number of real actions has been pitiful. I am worried about failure and worry. I was laughed at, and I was worried that Mom and Dad would be disappointed, Barabara, and then it would look like this. When I was a child, I was protected by Mom and Dad, and I grew up, and I knew you can’t rely on Mom and Dad anymore. Then, a pair of little feet stepped on Simon’s palm and were scratched. He couldn’t help laughing, and stepped on a few more times, saying, “So, it will be wrapped around you in the future. Simon, you must be Will protect me, right?"

Simon pretended to be embarrassed: "Well, I try not to let Janet bully you."

"Jenny is smarter, smarter than me, and perhaps smarter than you, so she doesn't care that my little assistant who can't threaten her at all."

Simon smiled: "It seems that Jenny is the real boss behind the scenes."

"Oh, yeah," Jennifer nodded in sympathy. After a moment of intimacy, she found another topic and said, "Blizzard, what is the point?"

Simon thought for a while and said, "The true meaning cannot tell you. However, there is probably such a song, named."

There are too many secrets in front of this man. Since he said that he could not tell himself, it was definitely not suitable for disclosure.However, when I heard a piece of music, Jennifer was interested again, and said, "Can you sing a piece of music for me?"

Simon shook his head and said, "This is pure music, there are no lyrics, so I'll do it for you if you have time."

Jennifer gently stepped on Simon's palm and said, "There is a piano in the restaurant downstairs, now you can."

Simon remembered the piano in the hotel restaurant. He hadn't seen anyone play it these days. It was probably that the hotel owner put it in the restaurant as decoration, but he didn't know if it would work.

Jennifer didn't hesitate for Simon, jumped off the desk, put on his shoes, and pulled him out: "It's time for lunch, you play it for me first."

The two left the room, but Jennifer turned to his room and came out again. There was already an eight-mm video recorder in his hand.

Simon looked at the machine in the hand of the female assistant and remembered the original one. Jennifer apparently thought of it here too, and raised the video recorder in Yang's hand: "This is my own collection. I will never show it to others."

Near lunchtime, the restaurant seemed very lively.

Because the hotel is under contract, all the members are members of the crew, and some people are still tired, apparently just got up.

Simon greeted everyone and stopped a waiter to ask a few words, and then walked straight to the piano next to the window.Jennifer picked a dining table nearby and sat quietly, fiddled with the machine in his hand, and then looked up at the man sitting by the piano, with anticipation in his eyes.

In order to enhance the appeal, this song needs to be amplified.

The waitress quickly installed the microphone. After Simon pressed the key for a short test, he looked at the female assistant not far away. Under the watch of the restaurant, he smiled and approached the microphone and said, "Give Jenny."

Many people around heard these words, and a smile of understanding appeared on his face.

In the famous video at the beginning, Simon also started this way.

It's just that some people understand that Jenny here in Simon is probably another Jenny, such as a female assistant with an 8mm video recorder.

Simon didn't care about other people's thoughts. When the words fell, he began to play a tune called.

The song is not actually called.

It should be thedan, the real source is an episode of the movie.


Some people call it.

Simon felt that the name was also very appropriate.

Strictly speaking, the piano music doesn't fully show the charm of the piece, but under the superb play of Simon, the hotel restaurant is sometimes light, sometimes heated, sometimes soft, sometimes strong, sometimes quiet, and sometimes crazy. , Quickly immersed all listeners in it.

The girl who silently held up the video recorder looked at the focused figure beside the piano, and her eyes became a little obsessed.

Perhaps it was some kind of long-term relationship, and Jennifer instinctively felt that there must be a long and long story behind this song.In the story, the hero who has killed the evil dragon wears worn leather armor, carries a giant sword, braves the dense snow, and shuttles through the ancient forest that has been forgotten by too many people, and continues to find his unknown distance....

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