Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 249 Oscar Ceremony

Los Angeles.

The time is Monday, March 27.

Just over the Easter weekend in the past, Daenerys Entertainment's new film "Ghost Hunt 2" was officially opened in North America on a scale of 1117 screens.

Amy Pascal got the first weekend box office data for "Ghost Hunter 2" early in the morning.

Three days after the painting, this follow-up new line "Menggui Street" created a series of sequels of "Hunting Ghost" for $4.61 million. The box office performance is equivalent to the first song of "Hunting Ghost". The total box office in North America is still expected to be 15 million US dollars up and down.

The production cost of "Ghost Hunt 2" is only 3 million US dollars, which is already three times the production cost of the first song of 1 million US dollars. The company's investment budget is also 3 million US dollars. The US$15 million box office forecast in North America means that Daenerys Entertainment can achieve good profit only on the local theater release.

The box office data was released, and in the morning meeting with the management of New World Pictures, "Ghost Hunt 3" was logically included in the development plan.

The 61st Academy Awards will be held on March 29th.

After concluding the meeting with the management of New World Pictures, Amy organized another meeting back to back in the same conference room, and discussed the preparations for the Oscars with the team in charge of Ella Doichman.

The reason why the Oscar award ceremony can become a big business with an annual output value of hundreds of millions of dollars is that all parties involved in this event can benefit from it.

On the side of Daenerys Entertainment, in addition to popular nominees such as "Rainman", in order to increase the exposure of the company's upcoming "Bodyguard", "Sixth Sense of Sixths" and other films, Kevin Costner and Robert · Stars such as De Niro will also attend the awards ceremony, and even Valerie Gallino was sent back by Simon from Australia.

Valerie is not only the heroine of "Rainman" during the awards season, but also the heroine of "Batman" to be released at the end of the year. No matter what aspect, she is very necessary to attend this award ceremony.

In the meeting room of the Daenerys Entertainment Division in Burbank.

Near noon, Amy looked at her memo again and looked up at Deichman: "The last thing, Ella, about Simon’s nomination for the best soundtrack, how do you feel about winning the award?"

"I have tried my best, but,