Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 309 Gossip

Also on December 1, Japan on the other side of the ocean, after another interest rate hike by the Bank of Japan in November, the Nikkei 225 index maintained its upward stance in the shock and broke the 40,000 point mark in the afternoon of the day.

As of the close of local time in the afternoon, the Nikkei 225 Index was finally fixed at 40039 points.

As various circles of Japan cheered for this record-setting moment, a small news from Wall Street quickly began to spread.

It is said that, according to very reliable sources, Cersei Capital, which has been the focus of the financial community in recent months, has actually secretly withdrawn from the Japanese market.

All of the portfolios of financial securities related to the Japanese market held by Cersei Capital No. 1 to No. 5 sub-funds were packaged and sold to the Japanese consortium by Simon Westero.Therefore, during this time, many hedge funds that followed Cersei Capital's operations around the Japanese market were actually not following Simon Westero, but following the Japanese government!

Over the past few months, at least tens of billions of dollars in the entire financial market have followed up Cersei Capital to chase up the Japanese stock market.Therefore, everyone understands what this means once the rumors are true.

The news was released after the Japanese stock market closed on Friday. Because of the time difference, North America is still Friday morning.

The Lehman Brothers team originally planned to let the rumors ferment on the following weekend so that enough panic effects could form before the market opens next Monday.However, the spread of this news is far faster than Lehman Brothers imagined. It was just a day, not just Wall Street. To be precise, all the people who should know should not know.

The local media in North America who heard the news first thought of contacting Cersei Capital's related personnel, etc., wanting to confirm the authenticity of the news.

Immediately, many media found that Simon Westero was not in North America, and even Westlake’s President James Rebold was also far away in Europe. Another important figure of Cersei Capital, Janet Johnston, also failed. get in touch.Attempts to reach the top executives of Daenerys Entertainment on the West Coast also failed to get any useful responses.

Compared with the media, some investment bank executives and even high-level government officials have tried to contact Simon Westeros, and also failed to contact Simon himself.James Rebold, who can be reached, is also an obscure phrase, which is undoubtedly a very obvious default.

Therefore, although the speed of the news exceeded the expectations of the Lehman Brothers team, there was one thing they did not make a mistake.

Panic started to spread.

Cersei’s goal was too obvious, there were too many insiders, and there were various indiscriminate connections during the period. Simon did not think that this matter could be concealed forever from the beginning. The Japanese obviously did not expect this, and the two parties reached an agreement. The most important clause in the article is that after the Japanese stock market turned, Simon was not involved in a short action against the Japanese stock market.

Athens, Greece.

Because London at this time is too cold, Simon and Janet lived there for only three days, and the woman could not bear it. The two flew together to Athens, the Greek capital of the Mediterranean.

When receiving news from North America that the inside information of Cersei Capital Nos. 1 to 5 had leaked, Simon and Janet had just returned from the Johnston family’s private island on the Aegean Sea and were in the mountains of northern Athens. The mansion in the district rests and plans to rush to Finland next Monday.

The acquisition team of Westeros has negotiated the final contract details with Nokia, and the two parties signed the agreement next Monday.

Because he had expected this day, Simon was not surprised. When he originally planned to remain silent as planned, at noon on Sunday, Athens time, the sudden visit of the former President of the Bank of Japan, former President of the Bank of Japan, Maekawa Haruo, met in Melbourne at the end of June. Broke Simon's leisurely outside.

Maekawa Haruo and his party are four people. In addition to himself, Yoko Kosugi, the'gift' that Simon has always refused to follow, introduces the reason for the translation by Maekawa and others, and the other two are the assistants of Maekawa.

Everyone greeted briefly,

This 6-acre mansion is also built on a mountain. The purpose-built viewing terrace overlooks the entire city of Athens, just because it is too far from the sea to see the sea level.However, since it can become a wealthy area, the vision is naturally excellent.

Maekawa Haruno did not enjoy the beauty. Simon, Janet, Maekawa, and Kosugi Yoko sat down at the round table and waited for the servant to serve coffee. Mason Kazuo, who was exhausted with a tired expression, said with a spirit: " Congratulations to you, Simon, for the game Ninja Turtles, which seems to be selling well during this time."

Simon took a sip of his coffee and smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

"I learned beforehand that Yamauchi’s royalty system for Nintendo has been excessive in recent years. Since Daenerys Entertainment intends to enter the field of video games and has achieved such outstanding results, I think that Nintendo is in In addition to Capcom, Kelome and other companies, it is also appropriate to give Blizzard Studios a special quota overseas."

The Nintendo royalty system is simply to review the content of the game manufacturer and extract the royalties equivalent to the authorization fee from each game cassette.

In addition, Nintendo also monopolized the production of game cartridges, which further compressed the profit margins of game manufacturers.

Because six game companies such as Capcom and Kelome first became Nintendo's game content suppliers, after the rise of Nintendo, these six companies were granted a preferential policy. In short, Capcom and other companies deliberately produced their own games. The cost of the cassette tape is much lower than that of ordinary game manufacturers who cannot enjoy special offers.

The "Ninja Turtles" video game released by Daenerys Entertainment last month costs $60 of cassettes. Including cassette production costs and royalties, Nintendo will take away $20, minus profits from channel providers, etc. Daenerys Entertainment can only earn about 30% of gross profit from each cassette.

In comparison, companies such as Capcom and Kelome, because of their preferential policies, can achieve a 50% gross profit per game cartridge.

Nancy had previously expected that the first game of "Ninja Turtles" would make a profit of 100 million US dollars for the company in the next year, but if Nintendo's preferential policies were obtained, this number could increase by at least 50%.

Maekawa Haruno had such a huge bargaining chip with almost no bedding. Simon couldn’t help but be surprised. He didn’t doubt that Maekawa Chunxiong promised it.Although Nintendo’s president Yamauchi is strong, Japanese companies are basically under the control of various consortia, and Nintendo is no exception.

If high-level pressure from the Japanese consortium pressures Yamauchi's strength, he can only obey.

Nintendo can still maintain its heyday for at least another five years. Such a special place may mean hundreds of millions of dollars of profits for Daenerys Entertainment.

However, Simon did not show much emotion on his face, nor did he immediately accept the promise of Maekawa Haruo, but said: "In fact, I still very much recognize Nintendo's royalty system."

Maekawa Haruo listened to Simon's words and realized that he was acting too anxiously, following the tone of the young man in front of him: "This made me a little surprised. Simon, in recent years, some people have been criticizing Yamauchi's decision. As a result, the two preferential manufacturers broke with Nintendo."

Simon said: "If there is no restriction, many business fields will prosper and then quickly decline again, just like the Atari collapse. The Nintendo system is a kind of restriction on the market, which can make the field of video games move towards one. A state of sustainable and healthy development. All that, Nintendo’s system is not wrong, and those manufacturers who break with Nintendo if they have the opportunity to become rule-makers, they will do the same."

Maekawa Haru nodded and asked with a smile, "Simon, what about you?"

"Of course I am the same," Simon said. "In fact, anyone has the ambition to become a rule maker, but most people don't have this kind of strength."

Maekawa Haruo suddenly asked, "Simon, do you want to defeat Nintendo?"

Simon smiled and shook his head, saying: "Daenerys Entertainment will not get involved in the field of consoles, we will focus on the development of game content. However, Atari and Nintendo have already proved the huge profits in the field of game consoles, this industry is destined to welcome There are many new players, and Nintendo’s sluggishness on the new generation of game consoles is well known. Sega’s 32-bit game console has been launched for almost a year, but Nintendo’s SFC is still procrastinating. So, it is destined to decline. This decline is only due to its own lack of progress, not because of the premium system."

Simon said that, but he thought of Apple in his mind.

The success of Apple’s sales of APP software in the past is actually imitating Nintendo’s royalty system.

On the other hand, compared to Nintendo's unimproved progress, Apple has always been able to surpass the Android field, which is destined to be difficult for the Android camp to fight against Apple.

"I will tell you what Yamanouchi said," Maekawa Haru nodded, took a sip of the coffee in front of him, and began to talk about the topic: "Simon, I came here this time, I hope you can make some public statements."

Simon nodded and waited for Maekawa Haruo to continue.

Maekawa Haruo said: "We have found out that the news came from Lehman Brothers, an American Express company. In the past two days, the situation in North America and Asia has been very bad. We hope you can openly publish in some media to be optimistic about Japan. Economic speech."

Simon said: "What about Cersei Capital Nos. 1 to 5?"

"This is also an important point. We hope you will tell the media that you have already changed the portfolio of Cersei Capital No. 1 to No. 5 sub-funds in June, but the Japanese stock market did not show any decline in the following six months. People predict more vitality."

Simon did not care about the time when former Chuan Chunxiong unconsciously brought Cersei Capital No. 1 to No. 5 sub-funds forward to June. Strictly speaking, this is probably true. The two parties did confirm the transaction at the end of June: "In fact , Maekawa, you should understand that my position is not significant now. Since Lehman Brothers has released the news, he must have established a large number of short positions. Perhaps, many financial institutions have already done so in advance."

"But there are also more bullish capitals that have not left the market," said Maekawa Haruhiro. "Simon, as long as you stand, those funds that still maintain the bullish status will definitely work. We will also experience maintaining market stability."

Simon said: "Maekawa, you should know that there is indeed a serious bubble in the Japanese economy, and a shift in the Japanese stock market is inevitable."

Maekawa Haruo nodded and said: "I understand, Simon, what we are doing now is only hope that this kind of steering can be gentler and give us more time to relax."

Simon Mo weighed while holding the coffee cup in his hand.

The Japanese stock market has exceeded 40,000 points, and it has obviously peaked. It is impossible to go up. A decline is inevitable.

In memory, the Japanese stock market fell from a high of more than 38,000 points to 28,000 points, which took a full four months. This is indeed quite mild, and it also shows that the Japanese government’s rescue measures at the time were very effective.

Now, if he does nothing, with the panic accumulated in the market now, even if the Japanese stock market has a limit of ups and downs, there will not be a black Monday like North America in 1987, but it is likely to be a crashing continuation after the opening next week. Setback.

Once this happens, some hedge funds that were "misguided" by Cersei Capital in the early stage will likely suffer heavy losses, and it is inevitable that they will blame Simon.

Conversely, if Simon is now showing some optimism about the Japanese market, delaying the decline of the Japanese stock market, and giving hedge funds time to escape, this is actually retrieving his own possible target.Now that the Japanese stock market has determined that it will go down, he does so only to make those bears make money later, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Determined in this way, Simon raised his head again and looked at Qianchuan Chunxiong: "So, what should I do?"

Maekawa Haruo beckoned to the two assistants who were not far away to come over, took out a piece of information from the handbag they brought, and said, "We have prepared some information, you can take a look first. In addition, we I have also greeted various media in Japan and North America. As long as the manuscript is confirmed, you can make headlines in many newspapers and newspapers tomorrow morning. In addition. If you are willing to accept TV interviews, it will be even better."

Simon picked up the information and looked at it, and then Yan Yan shook his head: "Even if the interview is over, I don't want to show up on TV."

"Then, as long as you can express your position in the newspaper," Maekawa Haruo also reluctantly said: "In addition, all the press releases we have completed will be handed to you in advance to ensure that no surprises will occur between us. Unreachable differences."

Simon nodded.

At the same time, I also understand that the Japanese are so cautious, but they are actually worried that he will suddenly repent and refuse to admit his account.'

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