Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 730 Voting Day (2)

In a private house on 78th Street in the Upper East Side, Lin Su and Chen Qing arrived at the reception of Leon Black, CEO of Apollo Management Company, a subsidiary of Cersei Capital, at 7pm.

As night fell, the reception had already begun.

Girl A led the two through the living room crowd to find Simon who was talking to Lawrence Fink.

Retrieved by Alison, Simon turned his head to look at the two women, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Chen Qing was wearing a smart black OL suit with small high heels on her feet. Unlike coming to a cocktail party, she was more likely to work overtime, but Lin Su was wearing an aqua blue round neck with a very obvious figure and her personal temperament. Sleeveless dress.

Lin Su was looked at by the man's eyes, but Lin Su, who was more appropriately dressed, only felt very unnatural.

I don't know if Chen Qing is framing herself again.

Speaking of changing clothes, Lin Su carefully selected a piece of clothing from some of the clothes that a man prepared for them in advance, and came out of the dressing room, but found that Chen Qing's clothes were obviously not right.Want to switch back to the same style as Chen Qing, but time is not enough.

Simon is just a little surprised, but understands the reason why Chen Qing is wearing this dress. The girl doesn't want to be used as a vase, so she deliberately dresses'formally'.

With a smile, Simon curiously showed Lawrence Fink, "Lawrence, this is Chen Qing, and Lin Su, they are all from China. Chen, Lin, this is Lawrence Funk, Black Rock Asset Management CEO."

Perceiving Chen Qing's movement beside him, Lin Su stepped forward subconsciously and reached out: "Hello, Mr. Fink, I'm glad to meet you."

Lawrence Fink roughly guessed the other identity of the two beautiful oriental women in front of him, but he gently shook Lin Su and smiled, "Hello, Miss Lin."

After Lin Su greeted him, he took the initiative to retreat to Simon.

Chen Qing just stepped forward to shake hands with Lawrence Fink: "Hello, Mr. Fink, I am very happy to meet you."

Lawrence Fink shook hands with Chen Qing like this: "Hello, Miss Chen."

After saying hello, Chen Qing did not retreat like Lin Su, and still looked directly at Lawrence Fink, saying, "Mr. Fink, I happened to have read some information from Black Rock Asset Management in recent days. I have to say, short It has been a business miracle to manage more than $200 billion in assets over five years."

"Oh, thank you," Lawrence Fink glanced at Simon, then turned to Chen Qing, and asked with a smile: "Miss Chen's English is very good, is this time going to work on Wall Street?"

Chen Qing also glanced at a certain man, but this time there was a little more eye movement of the little woman: "Well, it depends on Simon's arrangement."

Simon let Chen Qing continue to chat with Lawrence Fink, and then said: "OK, Chen, you will have many opportunities to ask Lawrence in the future, first take you to know Leon, you may want to be in him later Work for his men."

With that said, nodding to Lawrence Fink, Simon took the two girls to another party.

The Westeros system has many investment channels for China.

The Westeros Company, Cersei Capital, the investment departments of various subsidiaries, the team of the Johnston family in Australia, etc., which are in charge of James Rebold, among others, there will be many registered in the offshore market in order to hide themselves. Of shell companies or sub-funds.

Simon intends to arrange Chen Qing within Apollo Management, a private equity investment company under Cersei Capital.

Apollo Management has tested water investment in China on a small scale in the past few years. With the opening of the market economy era in China, Simon has deliberately asked Leon Black to select an investment team specifically for China in recent months and approve it personally. Received the first $100 million in funding.

This money is just the investment quota for next year.

Simon will decide whether to add according to the specific situation.

In addition to the Apollo management team, the entire Westeros system will substantially increase its investment in China starting next year.

In the past few years, Simon has invested a total of 700 million US dollars in China.

Perhaps, next year, the entire Westeros system will not fall below this figure in China.

For other capitals, this generous investment strategy seems too risky and aggressive. Even in the past few years, such as Latin American countries, due to physical imbalances, overseas capital investment has been lost. It is not only that Simon knows that China’s economic future The potential for development.

Earlier stepping into the field, you can get more generous gains.

Introduced Leon Black, Simon introduced Chen Qing to Jared Buckley, the manager of the Chinese business unit of Apollo Management Company. Jared Buckley, 36, is more than the boss of his athlete. The burly, more than one meter nine height, with the characteristic aggressiveness of Wall Street people.

Simon's position for Chen Qing was Jared Barkley's deputy. Buckley was obviously hesitant about this. In front of Simon, he asked Chen Qingdao directly: "Does Miss Chen have investment experience?"

Chen Qing shook his head calmly: "No."

Jared Barkley said: "So, Miss Chen, why do you think you can be my deputy?"

Chen Qing looked up and looked at Barkley without any fear: "Because I am from China, all the guests present tonight, no one knows China better than me."

"It doesn't make sense. What I need is an investor, not a China Connect."

"Mr. Buckley, do you think you are an investor?"

"of course."

"So why do you need a second investor?"

"Because I believe in the power of collaboration, the abilities of two people are always better than one."

"What is the purpose of collaboration?"

"To better complete the business."

"This is the purpose. In my opinion, collaboration is to complement each other. Although I don’t understand investment, I know more about China than you. This is complementarity. China is a country with a very complicated political and business environment. The country’s various political and business rules are unknown, so, unfortunately, even if you have professional investment skills and want to do business in China, it will be difficult to achieve."

Jared Barkley heard Chen Qing say this, his tone slowed down a little bit, but he still didn't stop asking: "So, Miss Chen, can you first say a hidden rule that I need to pay attention to?"

"Our department will focus on long-term investment in China, instead of quickly cashing out after three or five years of profit. Therefore, this needs to pay great attention to the growth of the company. To achieve this, a Chinese company first The concern is local protectionism. Mr. Buckley, have you paid attention to this issue?"

Jared Barkley nodded: "Protectionism, this is a problem we need to face when we want to enter any overseas market, it is not special at all."

"I'm not talking about extensive national protectionism, but local protectionism in China."

"Is there any difference?"

"National protectionism usually has very clear terms. We only need to follow the rules. Local protectionism is different because there are no clear rules. All parts of China are now very conscious of economic growth indicators. Therefore, in order to protect local enterprises They will find ways to exclude foreign companies from doing business locally. Our investment in China must continue to expand if we want to get rich returns, which will inevitably create a strong conflict with local protectionism."

Jared Barkley thought for a while and said, "I think this kind of thing should be a concern for professional managers of our investment companies."

"Mr. Buckley, are you evading responsibility?"

"Well, then, how do you solve this matter?"

"The root of local protectionism is economic indicators. We can set up branches in areas that need to be expanded and leave the economic indicators locally."

"This... seems sloppy."

"Indeed, because I don't know how to invest for the time being, this is just an immature idea that I have produced when reading some materials in recent days. However, I think my direction is correct. Mr. Barkley, I recommend reading a book, This is the work of the leader of our country, called "On Contradiction." If you have read this book, you will understand that the simplest way to solve the problem is to grasp the main contradiction."

Jared Barkley continued to stare at Chen Qing for a moment, and finally nodded slightly, reaching out to the girl again: "Chen, I hope we will cooperate happily in the future."

"of course."

Leon Black, who was listening to the confrontation between the two of them, also smiled at this time: "Miss Chen, maybe that "Contradiction" may also give me one."

"No problem, Mr. Black."

Lin Su has always stood beside Simon, with a faint envy in Chen Qing's confrontation with Jared Barkley.She knew she couldn't do this. It wasn't that her knowledge was not as good as Chen Qing, nor that she was not as good as Chen Qing, but that she lacked the personality traits of Chen Qing who dared to tit-for-tat.

Thinking this way, only listening to the man beside me: "It seems that your future cooperation will be very happy, Jerry, then you will be responsible for introducing some other guests to Chen. By the way, talk about your future cooperation."

The two nodded. Before leaving, Chen Qing naturally came together and kissed on Simon's cheek. He said softly, "Simon, don't forget me here when you leave."

Simon smiled and patted on the girl's waist: "Of course not."

People around see this kind of scene, and they all show a certain smile.

Leon Black was the closest, looking at Chen Qing's small movements, and couldn't help but think that the girl would really catch the'major contradiction'.

After Chen Qing and Barkley left, Simon continued to talk to Leon Black about Apollo's management of the company.

Continued to stay at the reception for two hours. At nine o'clock, Simon said goodbye to everyone and left the mansion on East 78th Street.

Lin Su and Chen Qing were with Simon and left the room. Both women were wrapped in trench coats, but it was still difficult to hide their tall bodies.However, Simon did not take the two daughters back to his apartment on Fifth Avenue, but just separated directly outside the Black mansion.

It wasn't that I didn't want to do it. Rather, girl A had a short temper, and she had been holding the man's arm since Simon and Black had said goodbye, worried that he would run out and be jealous with other women.

Simon has become accustomed to the intermittent temperament of girl A, and will always do so once or twice a month.

Of course, punishment can't escape.

Still in the car returning to the Fifth Avenue apartment, Girl A reached out with some kind of excitement to extract the belt around the man's waist.

Early the next morning, Simon woke up at six o'clock.

This is November 8.

on Tuesday.

Voting day for mid-term elections.

Simon's registered constituency is in California, as usual there is no plan to participate in voting.

After the routine morning exercise, at seven o'clock, he sat in the restaurant on time. This time, the accompanying Zoe and Isabel served breakfast and left. Girl A handed a marked "New York Times" to Simon and sat down next to the man. .

The headline of the "New York Times" today is not the midterm elections, but the news that the company will open its outsourced platform next week.

Bragging without taxes.

Therefore, the article stated that the upcoming Igreat outsourcing platform will provide Internet users around the world with tens of millions of jobs every year.Not only that, with the continuous promotion of online office, this new working mode in the information age will bring great convenience to the entire society, because no longer need to commute frequently, a lot of transportation resources will be released, and the operating costs of enterprises will also be It will be greatly reduced, which can not only link the traffic pressure of major cities, but also save energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions, and so on.

All in all, it is the merits of contemporary success.

It’s not just the New York Times. On Tuesday, many other mainstream paper media in North America are discussing the news released by the Igrid outsourcing platform. The Igrid portal naturally gives more detailed information.

As the human resource gap in Silicon Valley continues to expand, the Igrid outsourcing platform is not only a platform for Igrid to release tasks to the entire Internet netizen group. Any new technology company in the world can connect through the Internet. The eagle platform releases tasks.At the same time, as long as you have a computer at home, as long as you have a little understanding of the basic operations of personal computers, anyone can find a job suitable for them on the Igreat outsourcing platform.

Compared to the mid-term elections that have been called suffocating in recent months, this kind of news that seems to be related to every ordinary person has quickly become a hot topic when people chat with each other after going to work today.

This is naturally the result that Simon wanted.

After breakfast, Simon rushed to the famous Lexington Avenue Arsenal, which was used as a weapons factory warehouse during the war, and is now an indoor place that is used by many large-scale events such as exhibitions or concerts.

The third Victoria's Secret Fashion Show will be held here on November 12.

As the show date approaches, today is a complete rehearsal before the official show.