Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 774 Candlelight

When the Simons were in Ukraine, this year's 52nd American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards Dinner was held at six o'clock on the evening of January 28, West Coast Time, United States.

In the past year, as of December 31, 1994, the total box office in North America not only broke the 6 billion US dollar mark for the first time, but also raised the record to an astonishing high of 6.61 billion US dollars at a time, compared with 1993 The total box office of US$ 5.73 billion, an increase of 15.3%.

Anyone in the industry who knows a little bit about the North American film market can feel how amazing this data is.

In the past, the North American film market always showed a steady growth trend with the increase in ticket prices and the recovery of the film industry, but the usual annual growth rate rarely exceeded 10%, just like in 1993, compared with the total box office of US$5.36 billion in 1992, The annual increase is only 6.9%.Whether in the past or in the history that has never happened, only in the years when phenomenal box office blockbusters such as "ET Aliens" and "Titanic" emerged, the annual growth rate of the North American film market can reach more than 10 percentage points.

This time it was the same in 1994.

Not to mention others, in the past year, it was the first time in Hollywood history that four super blockbusters with a box office of US$300 million appeared simultaneously, namely "Batman: The Rise of the Dark Knight", "Forrest of Forrest Gump", " Toy Story 2 and Suicide Squad.

Among them, the local box office champion "Batman: The Rise of the Dark Knight" has a total box office of 416 million US dollars.

Although the "Toy Story 2" and "Suicide Squad" released at the end of last year did not exceed the $300 million threshold as of December 31 last year, this did not prevent the entire 1994 movie market from breaking out.

From "Four Weddings and a Funeral", "Detective Aircraft Head" to the beginning of last year, to "Summer Gate", "True Lies" to "Vampire Night Visit", "Disguised Geek" at the end of the year, etc. Wait, wait, it's dazzling.Of course, the entire Hollywood has also felt the sharpness of Daenerys Entertainment Group in the past year.

The top ten box office charts for the year ended December 31, 1994, "Batman: The Rise of the Dark Knight", "Forrest Gump", "Toy Story 2", "Suicide Squad", "True Lies", " "Spirit", "Theft of Fire", "Burning Eyebrow Pursuit", "The Haunted Mortuary of the Mortuary", "Stargate", ten movies, completely unrelated to Daenerys entertainment, only Paramount's "Burning Eyebrow" Chasing this part.

Among the other five films that have reached the threshold of 100 million box office clubs, "Four Weddings and a Funeral", "Speed ​​of Life and Death", "Blood Romeo", "Visiting Vampires at Night" and "Disguised Geek", or because they are still Due to the release, even the previous life of this year's list did not enter.

Even though the box office rose sharply throughout the year in 1994, the excessive strength of this series of blockbusters still squeezed the box office space of many other movies. Some of the movies that should have been sold in history have suffered the most serious shrinkage at the box office. half.

It can be said that due to the influence of Simon, the super butterfly, Hollywood entered the era of super blockbuster in which the box office at the top of the list was so high that the space of the low-end film market was severely compressed.Even if Simon deliberately suppresses the development density of the film, he still hasn't been able to delay this trend.

Fortunately, because the new era has just begun, the situation has not deteriorated to the embarrassment of being difficult to survive in the non-diffuse and non-sequel blockbuster. "Forrest Gump", "Theft of Fire", "Four Weddings and a Funeral" are good enough. Movies still have the opportunity to realize their market potential.

At the same time, Simon's Hollywood low-cost literary and artistic film market, which has been fostered by Gaomen Pictures, also has considerable market space.

It is not difficult to see from the list of the new Golden Globe Award nominated movies, just like the field of commercial films, just in 1994,

In addition to "Forrest Gump" which can be listed as the pinnacle of literary films, this year's awards season nominated hot films include "four weddings and a funeral", "born murderer", "little woman", "flaming "Love Years", "Nell's Heart", "Great Wisdom", "Bullet Flying Broadway" and so on.

Whether it's business or art, Daenerys Entertainment quietly promoted the year of'God Watching Movies', which is worthy of the name.

The biggest difference in details of this year's Golden Globe Awards is that many award-winning filmmakers have been clearly reminded beforehand, and there is no need to thank Simon in the process of winning the speech.This will be true for the entire award season, or for many years to come.

Simon intends to become an invisible person, but does not prevent Daenerys Entertainment's film from making a splash at this Golden Globe Awards.

The core two awards for the best film in the plot category and musical comedy category, one attributed to "Forrest Gump" and one won by "Four Weddings and One Funeral", all fell into the hands of Daenerys Entertainment.Other important awards include Best Director, Two Best Actor, One Best Female Supporting, etc.Including TV series awards, the continuously popular "Friends", "Desperate Housewives", "Emergency Room Story" and other films have also won quite a lot.

Neither Daenerys Entertainment nor the Golden Globes Organizing Committee has not considered balance.

However, in such a dazzling movie year, it would be deliberate to make those excellent films dusty for the so-called balance.

At the three-hour Golden Ball Awards dinner, the Igrid Portal live-streamed the award results graphically and introduced an audience discussion mode. According to the audience feedback, compared with previous years, this year’s Golden Globe Awards results, It was a less controversial one.

The time in Ukraine is ten hours earlier than the west coast of the United States.

When the Golden Globes dinner opened, Rifney was already four in the morning on Sunday morning.

Simon got up at seven o'clock in the morning, and the results of the completed awards came out just right. Los Angeles has already started a side party after the awards dinner.

During the running, I briefly glanced at the award results. Simon only ordered the girl A to send a greeting card to each winner in his personal name. This trick was learned from Michael Ovitz.

People do not blame.

At breakfast time, Eve Besonoskova was added to today's table.

Women are probably born to fight for the wind.

After the first time the night before, the tall Ukrainian girl followed Simon’s orders and'rested' all day on the master bed. Then, after the various reactions of a group of women in the villa, it went smoothly Dominated Simon's second night.It was broken by Simon this morning. The girl’s blush extended from her face to her neck. She buried her head tightly in the pillow and didn’t dare to see anyone, but she didn’t rest on the bed anymore. Her head was always low when she was dining together at the table. Low, dare not look at others.

After breakfast, girl A introduced Simon’s schedule to Simon, and was about to leave. Celia thought of something temporarily, sitting with Simon under the excuse, and after the convoy set off, she took out a document and handed it to Simon.

In the morning, we will go to the southwest suburbs of Rifney.

Where Simon plans to build an airport, so that when he comes to Ukraine in the future, private planes can directly dock at Rivney, and the development of the city will greatly increase the demand for aviation flights.

Because it is a small urban airport with only one main runway, including hangars and terminals, and considering the price of Ukraine, only a budget of 15 million U.S. dollars was finally made. This number is actually a bit high, but Simon I don't plan to compress any more, after all, this is what I want to use.

The Rivne State Government has no money to participate in the construction of such an airport.

Therefore, the planned city airport will be fully invested by Aldek, which is in charge of Sergey Komorov, and will be wholly-owned. In the future, the city will develop. If the airport needs to be expanded, Simon will let out Part of the shares is given to Ukrainian local capital.

There is actually another key to operating an airport, human resources.

This is the least problem in Ukraine.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Ukraine inherited as many as 2,160 aircraft of various types from the former Soviet Union. Such a huge air power actually means a correspondingly large air force.

Now, because there is not enough financial support, many planes directly landed in some abandoned military bases to eat ashes and rot.In Simon’s memory, more than ten years later, the number of aircraft owned by the Ukrainian army was less than 2,160, which resulted in the elimination of a large number of outstanding air force personnel.

Therefore, not only this city airport, but also the military theme park that will be built this year, will also carry out real experience projects of various types of aircraft.

For the military theme park, Simon originally thought it would be a little trouble, but in fact, many senior generals in some Ukrainian military regions took the initiative to contact here, wanting to get orders for all aspects of the military theme park from personnel to material.

tank?not a problem.

Airplane, no problem!

Would you like a warship, oh, Rivne is not close to the sea, but a lake is fine.

This is so because Simon promised equity.

The Westeros system only intends to occupy 40% of the shares of this military theme park, and does not intend to hold a controlling share. The remaining 60%, the Rovno state government took 15% at the cost of 20 square kilometers of land, and another 45 %, whoever gets it.

As a result, this theme park actually became a major project that the Kievan authorities could not veto at all.

The days are difficult. Compared to secretly smuggling weapons, this is a well-meaning and long-lived rice bowl.

Especially when the planning team of the military theme park has solved the moral problem of this project, all kinds of problems are not even problems.Prior to this, the Kiev authorities mainly feared that the opening of such a military theme park by the country’s public equipment would attract ridicule from the international community and popular resentment, and the planning team easily solved this.

In the name of peace.

Peace, this is a major trend in public opinion after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

No matter what is inside, on the surface, everyone thinks that mankind has entered a new era of peace.

It is inevitable that the swords and guns will be put into Kumadan and Nanshan.

Such a military theme park is opened in Ukraine to allow tourists to cherish peace more while feeling the tragic war.Therefore, the name of this alternative theme park was also locked in advance as'Ukrainian Peace Military Theme Park'.

If anyone doubts.

Hey, don't you love peace, do you want war?

He rushed to the car on the outskirts of Rivney, and Celia gave Simon a fully handwritten application for agricultural loans.

Yekaterina Noskova’s father, Maxim Noskov, one of the remaining three girls in Seongnam Villa, hopes to get an agricultural loan from Simon to finance the restoration of Rovno and surrounding states Agricultural Production.

Modern agriculture is very dependent on means of production.

The collapse of Ukraine’s grain output in the past few years is mainly due to this reason.

After the disintegration, Ukraine quickly carried out land privatization reforms. Not only did it distribute land for every citizen, many large state-owned farms were also directly converted into private joint-stock companies.This brazen reform that does not take into account national conditions directly led to the collapse of the country's agricultural production system.

Although the land was acquired, most farmers did not have enough capital for agricultural production, so much of the land was planted similar to the original slash and burn, sprinkling seeds and watching the harvest.

When Simon first came to Ukraine in August last year, the way he traveled from Kiev to Rivny, the biggest impression was that the vast fields of crops that were supposed to be full of crops were either directly barren or the crops did not have much weeds.Because of the lack of agricultural machinery, the lack of pesticides, the lack of chemical fertilizers, in short, they lack everything needed for modern agriculture.

Without these, only land is doomed to have too much output.

Last night when the Westeros system was hosted in the villa in Seongnam, Ukraine, Maxim Noskov, who was responsible for managing the distribution of the Westeros system in the Ukrainian fertilizer industry, was also present, and Simon was impressed. After others attached to the Westeros system, the clothes they used were quite light. Only Maxim Noskov was still in a light gray old-fashioned Lenin outfit that was washed a little white and only neat.

There are privately concerned about many of the core of this film.

Simon knows that Maxim Noskov is not pretending to be simple, but really simple.

After taking over the fertilizer plant from Simon, the middle-aged man who was retired from the former Soviet navy captain, he spent the last six months in order to resume the production of the fertilizer plant and to save the jobs of all employees of the fertilizer plant.

Sergey Komorov once suggested that Maxim should first lay off several fertilizer plants that have been merged locally and elsewhere, but the other party did not do so. In this era, if you lose your job, it will be very bleak in the end. .However, Maxim did not regard Simon as a gold sheep at all. Not only did he reduce the wages of all employees, he also only received a minimum wage for barely maintaining family livelihood for half a year.

Now, looking at the handwritten documents for applying for agricultural loans in his hand, Simon realized that this is probably the hope of a nation after turmoil, a dark period of negligible efforts to reflect more bright candlelight.

Every country, every nation, there is no shortage of such people.

It is a pity that in the current country, the dark curtain is too heavy, and the night is too thick, not one or two candlelights can change.

Simon admires such people.

However, he did not intend to agree to the agricultural loan application in his hand.

Simon is not a savior, nor does he have any responsibility to revive this country.