Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 816 Little Gifts

Simon stayed in San Francisco until Saturday afternoon, returned to Los Angeles, spent the weekend with women and children, and set off for the East Coast again on Monday.

The time is May 15.

The TV spring file basically ends.

May is the month when major television networks and production companies finalize their new year’s development plan. As the center of the television industry, there are also many TV program promotion meetings throughout New York during this time, so that large and small production companies can communicate to all parties. TV stations promote their TV programs.Now that the acquisition of the ABC TV network has been initiated, it is no surprise that this merger can be completed in the second half of the year, and therefore the TV department of Daenerys Entertainment must also start to plan ahead to ensure that it can be stabilized in the shortest time after the ABC TV network is won. The transition is not the same as Tom Murphy and Warren Buffett experienced several years of turbulence to stabilize the situation.

The core of a TV station is always content.

Therefore, this May is crucial.Simon departed on the west coast on Monday morning, and the person was still on the plane. Another news that was released on the Internet portal and traditional media after discussing with the Igreat management last week has attracted extensive attention and discussion.

The reason for the matter is to talk about Washington.

Unconsciously coming to mid-1995, the pre-election campaign for the 1996 US presidential election has already begun.

Since taking office as president, despite various trouble scandals, Clinton has basically tried his best to fulfill his election promises.

The problem is economy!With the recovery of the US economy, the federal unemployment rate has been declining in the past three years, and has dropped from nearly 8% before Clinton took office in 1992 to about 5% at the current stage.

Not only that, but the rise of the new technology industry has become the highlight of the Clinton administration's spare no effort in propaganda.

In order to warm up next year's election, the White House recently plans to organize a gathering of leaders in the new technology industry in Washington, mainly to publicize the great success of the Federation in this field.

After last year's midterm elections, Simon did not intend to interfere too much in next year's presidential election.

However, with the long-standing tacit agreement between the Westeros system and the Clintons, it is impossible for the new round of presidential elections to really provide no assistance to the other party. It is inevitable to occasionally give the White House some small gifts. .Taking advantage of the upcoming gathering of leaders in the new technology industry, Igrid officially announced on Monday that Igrid's outsourcing platform went online just half a year ago.

The dazzling to even dazzling data directly destroyed a lot of conservative arguments that the excessive development of the Internet industry will affect physical employment.

Within six months of going online, Igrid Outsourcing Platform achieved a total of 1.67 million people through a minimum of one paid outsourcing task to activate membership, completed a total of 12.29 million outsourcing orders, and paid a total of $127 million in remuneration.

Even if the average active member receives an average compensation of only $76 from the Igreat outsourcing platform in half a year, such a part-time platform that has only been online for six months has brought more than 1 million people in a short period of time. More than 12 million job opportunities, this alone, is enough to show the huge potential of the new technology industry to change human society.

Not only that, Igerett deliberately rendered some details.

The most important of these is that of the 1.67 million active members, more than 90% are in the United States. 12.29 million outsourcing orders are naturally the same.

Moreover, in just half a year, if only relying on the natural development of the industry, it is certainly impossible to have an average of more than 60,000 outsourcing orders per day. This is actually the result of the deliberate promotion of the entire Westeros system, including temporarily retaining most of the outsourcing orders. This decision within the United States.

All in all, this is a disguised subsidy program jointly organized by multiple companies in the Westeros system.

At this stage, many Internet companies have already started the subsidy war. Although Simon knows the many benefits of doing so, he also understands that this is an inevitable cost to promote the rapid development of the industry.

What you get for free is often not cherished.

As a result, the Igreut outsourcing platform and many new technology companies in the Westeros system jointly promoted this disguised subsidy program.

In terms of specific implementation, after the initial screening of user data by Eaglet, the system will automatically select qualified users, and actively send outsourced task invitations to the target via email, or image classification tags, or web page information editing. , Or product data entry, in general, as long as users who can use the computer can easily complete.

As long as a single paid task is completed, the relevant user will automatically activate the account of the outsourcing platform.

However, Igrid has made a small restriction on the withdrawal after payment. The minimum user withdrawal is $100. However, during the six months, the average user is actually only from the Igrid platform. On the US$76, most people fail to meet the cash withdrawal standard.

Although it is not possible to withdraw cash, users can use the money to purchase any goods they want on the relevant software stores, game malls, and online malls of Igret, and users can also pay AOL's network fees.As a result, Igrid paid most of the remuneration paid by issuing outsourcing orders back to himself.

As a result of the final implementation of this plan, many webpages, images, audios, and other documents that need to be manually edited by Igrid's search engine, online mall, and peripheral Broadcast website can be completed quickly and at low cost.

Secondly, Ygrid’s online payment tool Ypay has more than one million new users, because activating Ypay is a prerequisite for users to receive tasks. In the process of issuing tasks, the priority is also high enough and not activated. Ypay users.

Finally, because most of the rewards received by users do not meet the cash withdrawal standard, plus Igreat’s deliberate guidance, these people often choose to consume on Ystore, steam, Amazon, Broadcast and other platforms, in addition to reinvesting most of the funds Withdrawing, and once again developing a large number of potential consumers for the e-commerce ecosystem.

Online shopping is easily addictive, which is something that Simon has proven in his memory.

Now, as long as you have experienced the first time, you will naturally start the second, third, and fourth times...When the remuneration paid by the outsourcing platform cannot meet consumer demand, these users will naturally open their pockets.

Igreat tracks the related user account dynamics, and the results obtained also prove this.

All in all, through this plan, Eaglet has obtained more than one million cheap labor, helped many new technology companies under the Westeros system complete a lot of work, and at the same time developed its own online payment and e-commerce Businesses in other areas, multi-purpose.

Now, the implementation of this plan has also become a major bright spot in the development of new technology industries.

Even if many media keenly discovered the joints, they also pointed out that the average salary of $76 per person for half a year cannot change anything at all, but this is just the beginning.An emerging field can grow to such a scale in half a year, and in the future it will feed millions of people, who can say that this is impossible.

What's more, this is just the tip of the iceberg that has brought many job opportunities to society after the rise of the new technology industry in recent years.

It is not hard to imagine that at the upcoming gathering of leaders of the new technology industry, it is enough for Mr. President to utter this data during the speech, which is enough to arouse cheers.

The same is true.

When Igrid released news in the morning, the White House Facebook account immediately following the trend of the times immediately reprinted the relevant news, and at the same time did not forget to mention the many efforts made by Mr. President in recent years to promote the new technology industry. .Moreover, affected by this obviously good news, after the opening of the East Coast stock market in the new week, the Nasdaq technology sector once again showed a clear upward trend.

On the topic of Igrid's IPO, the news of outsourcing platforms has once again become the focus of media attention from all parties.

Both the capital market and the general public are increasingly looking forward to the listing of Igret.

Capital is for profit.

The public is curious. Igreat, a technology giant with a valuation of hundreds of billions of dollars during the IPO, will reach what height after the real listing.

Simon departed from Los Angeles at nine o'clock in the morning and arrived on the east coast. It was basically after get off work.

I asked Robert Iger to have dinner together, and talked about some details of the merger and acquisition of the TV network.

On the face of the merger, Simon and Amy personally took the helm at the helm. More specific implementation was still Robert Iger. The executive of the Daenerys Entertainment TV department will also be directly transferred to the head of the TV network after the merger is completed.

The dinner place is about a restaurant inside Rockefeller Center in Midtown, inside the building.

Simon arrived at his destination, and Robert Egger had arrived.

I specially booked a corner location that would not be disturbed. After ordering, Iger directly talked about the relevant matters.

Large-scale mergers and acquisitions with a total amount of more than 20 billion US dollars, even if behind-the-scenes decision makers like Simon can reach an agreement through several communications, the specific implementation is a very large project.

Just like ABC.

To be precise, it is actually the Metropolitan ABC Group. From this, it is also conceivable that this company is definitely more than just having a TV network.

In fact, in addition to the ABC television network with more than 200 affiliate channels, the Metropolitan ABC Group also has ABC radio stations throughout the country, a number of completely local TV stations, national cable TV stations such as ESPN and Lifttime, a large number of newspapers, Paper media assets such as magazines and the huge copyright reserves and real estate related to these assets, etc.

When Warren Buffett and Tom Murphy had just acquired ABC, the company even had a considerable number of art collections. The corporate headquarters in the prime location of Rockefeller Center was also valuable, but these were both two old-time companies. The family sold all to offset the loss.

All in all, if you want to complete the acquisition, you must be aware of many of the assets of the Metropolitan ABC Group and even the relationship between all aspects of equity, debt and even copyright.

Otherwise, it may fall into the pit.

Sony acquired Columbia Pictures because it failed to sort it out as an outsider. After spending a lot of money to acquire this large studio, it also lost more than $1 billion in various litigation disputes. Warner sued Sony. The acquisition of the production companies of Peter Cooper and John Peters in violation of the contract and the invitation of the two to serve as corporate executives resulted in a solid compensation of USD 800 million.

Tuition is everywhere.

If Daenerys entertainment is not enough, the possibility of being slaughtered by fat sheep in the future is very high.

Before joining Daenerys Entertainment, Robert Iger was a senior executive of the Metropolitan ABC Group. Both the industry and the specific metropolitan ABC Group were able to know everything and were very familiar with the various industries in the industry. This kind of invisible trap makes the other party specifically responsible for this merger and acquisition, which is more appropriate.

In the restaurant, most of Robert Iger’s topics are about these traps: “The recent period happens to be a key node in the purchase of TV networks. Boss, if we have set a goal, we should first notify the other party. In the purchase agreement, Daenerys Entertainment must have the right to know and have the right to veto. Otherwise, some executives will likely sign a large number of program purchase contracts without our attention, regardless of the amount or quality. Guarantee."

Dinner has been delivered.

Simon cut the steak in front of him and heard the words: "This matter, you can communicate with Tom Murphy in private, but you should still pay attention to confidentiality first."

Iger nodded and understood, and continued: "And on the ESPN side, Steve Bernstein is a very aggressive person. I have probably calculated that the total number of contracts signed with major sports leagues in recent years has exceeded 2.7 billion US dollars, these contracts are redeemed year by year. Although it is normal operating expenses, but because the amount involved is relatively large, it can still be used as a bargaining chip for us and the Metropolitan ABC Group. We must make a certain offset on the purchase amount. ."

Simon thought about it for a moment and shook his head slightly: "If there is no accident, this acquisition still requires me and Buffett to communicate a few more times, and it will probably be finalized. You probably know that Buffett is not a person who likes to care about these details. I also No. The biggest possibility for both of us is to strike a certain premium directly on the basis of the current stock price and reach an agreement."

Iger thought about it, and also understood.After all, he has worked in the Metropolitan ABC Group for many years, and he is relatively clear about the behavior style of the two speakers.

Simon sees Iger and smiles: "So, your job is to ensure that this company does not have anything unexpected than we expected. I am responsible for paying the money and signing the contract. What you have to do is to guarantee this to the greatest extent."