Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 820: High Concept is the King

The beginning of the helicopter formation battle of Pterosaurs came from the foreshadowing buried at the end of the first part of "Jurassic Park". When the protagonists who passed through the tribulation left in a helicopter, a group of toothless wings was seriously damaged due to the serious damage to the infrastructure on Dinosaur Island. The dragon escaped its cage and flew to the world outside the island.

The timeline of the sequel is parallel to reality, set three years after the Dinosaur Island incident.

In the past three years, these ancient creatures that have no natural enemies in the sky of modern society have multiplied rapidly and attracted more and more attention. Anecdotal reports such as various water monster legends have appeared all over the world.

News about the resurrection of dinosaurs also began to be frequently included in these reports.Until the opening of the sequel, a group of toothless pterosaurs attacked a small town in Hawaii and caused serious casualties. The matter could not be concealed. People from all over the world took to the streets to ask the government to disclose the truth. Accused the US military of slaughtering the Pterodactyl.

There is a lot of public opinion.

On the big screen, the beginning of the modern technology and ancient biological war quickly brought the audience into the plot. The official opening began, accompanied by the subtitles of the main staff, through television broadcasts and newspaper features, etc., about the three years before the toothless pterosaur attack. Various news about the resurrection of dinosaurs.The feature film started at a private hearing in the US Congress.

The subject of the question was Dr. Hammond, the owner of Dinosaur Island, who mainly explained the ins and outs of Dinosaur Island to a member of the Diet.

This hearing is the continuation of the attack of the toothless pterosaur.

After investigation, the federal authorities have grasped the truth of the existence of Dinosaur Island, but there have been serious differences on how to deal with these resurrected ancient creatures.

Some people think that they should be completely destroyed, because they fear that these ancient behemoths will destroy the earth’s ecology like rabbits invading Australia. The toothless pterosaurs that have prospered around the world in just three years are the best proof.Others feel that it should be preserved. This is not only a miracle created by human science and technology, but the ancient creatures after the resurrection can also bring positive influence to all aspects of human society.Of course, there are dark corners that ordinary people do not notice, and some people see huge business opportunities.

There were not many scenes at the hearing. At the end of the hearing, Dr. Hammond and a familiar parliamentarian left the Capitol. The information between the two people revealed that the federal government’s opinion on the handling of Dinosaur Island has not been completely finalized. Mr. said that he can help with the item, provided that he must go to Dinosaur Island to confirm some things in person.

Dr. Hammond agreed.

The two were separated. Hammond was stopped before he got on the bus. A middle-aged man who claimed to be a representative of the Berkson Group stopped Hammond, hoping to buy Dinosaur Island, which was naturally rejected.

The screen switches and comes back to the base of the dinosaur island that the audience is familiar with.

In the simple iron-panel room, the open TV still broadcasts the news of the Pterodactyl attack. Various pictures of dinosaurs and dense handwritten materials hang on the wall of the room. The camera moves and appears when passing through the bedroom. A special wedding photo, a newlyweds in a suit and wedding dress sitting on the back of a huge long-necked dragon, with a bright smile, this is paleontologists Alan Grant and Renee Russell played by Sam Neal Played by the ancient botanist Ellie Steller.

In three years, the two have been married and become Grant couples.

Out of love for personal career, even after the first dinosaur island almost died, after the authorization of Dr. Hammond, the two returned to dinosaur island, and settled on the island, began to change the biological wonder of dinosaur resurrection In-depth study.

The camera walked through the board room to the outer courtyard. The Grants and another black middle-aged figure appeared in the camera. A triceratops also appeared together. Surprisingly, the triceratops were bigger than elephants. At this time, lying on the grass docilely, with a big mouth, it is easy to distinguish that the black middle-aged doctor who is supposed to be a doctor is examining the mouth of the triceratops, and finally pulled out a long wooden thorn with large pliers.

The three-person conversation room,

While chatting, a Dinosaur Island staff appeared in a jeep, expressing the hope that Grant would receive a parliamentarian, and briefly introduced the other party's background, saying that the parliamentarian is crucial to the future of Dinosaur Island.

Dr. Grant agreed to leave with the staff and quickly met the Adrian Lantry congressman who had spoken with Dr. Hammond in Washington not long ago.

as well as.

Most importantly, the three children of Congressman Lantry, 16-year-old Connie Lantry, 13-year-old Robert Lantry and 11-year-old Wayne Lantry.

Dr. Grant learned that he was not receiving Aridan Lantry but the three children in front of him.

Reappeared yesterday.

As if remembering some horrible past, Dr. Grant waved his hand firmly: "No, Children, No, No, No."

In the hall of the Sacred Citizen, accompanied by Dr. Grant's series of'No, No, No...', the audience laughed conspicuously.

Because of the success of the first "Jurassic Park", this is almost a well-known stalk.

In the first song, Dr. Hammond’s granddaughter Lex was the most annoying character in the movie. He screamed bad things at times when he should not scream, so that when the character dolls were launched later in the film, the role was really considered. It is disgusting to the audience. Most of the other supporting actors have their own dolls, and Daenerys' entertainment departments only skipped Lex.

Now, the bear-child combination that gives a bad impression seems to appear again.

Out of respect for Spielberg's seniority coffee in Hollywood, Simon did not interfere too much in the first part, basically keeping the original plot, so it also caused the old "Jump Scare" that should appear in the horror movie frequently appear.

This sequel completely controlled by Daenerys will naturally not have this problem again.

The three children did it deliberately in the process of conceiving the script.

Including the big triceratops played by the Grants as pets.

All in all, it's all around.

The global box office of the first "Jurassic Park" regretfully stopped at US$980 million and failed to break through the 1 billion mark. However, as of "Jurassic Park 2" release, more than two years ago, the first chapter of "Jurassic Park" The surrounding sales volume actually reached a huge 2.1 billion US dollars, creating a net profit of more than 300 million US dollars, which is not a few major theme parks. The related benefits of increasing the attractions of Jurassic Park and this IP are Dan The potential brand gain brought by Nellis Entertainment.

In the former "Jurassic Park" and later "Jurassic World", why there will be one or two young characters in each film, even if it makes people feel awkward will not be absent, the key is that the children are around this series The main consumer of the product.If you want your children to spend money, you should naturally leave them with characters that can resonate.

This series is positioned as a standard commercial entertainment blockbuster, so Simon will not violate this potential rule.

On the big screen, all the little players played together, and the three sisters of the Lantry family remained.

This is followed by a standard high-concept movie plot.

The high-concept idea of ​​the first song can be summarized as Dr Hammond invited a group of experts to examine the feasibility of the Jurassic Park project.

The second story can also be summarized simply as the Grants and the Lantry family trio fighting against the dinosaur island poachers.

High concept is king.

For commercial movies, details can be added and advertisements can be inserted, but in any case, the most important thing is to give the audience a simple and smooth complete story, reviewing the history of Hollywood movies, many phenomenal commercial blockbusters, the core story line is very Simple, like "Terminator", like "Alien ET", like "Independence Day", etc.

The three sisters of Lantry entered the dinosaur island on the surface, but the appearance of the bear child was quickly exposed. They secretly ran out of the safe area where the staff lived that night, wanting to watch the legendary Tyrannosaurus.

The plot here uses a setting that first restrains and then raises.

Abducted the triceratops Toby, who has a 5-year-old child's IQ, into the three bear children inside the dinosaur island. Not only did he not make trouble this time, but also accidentally discovered that the Berkson Group acquired the dinosaur island and failed to start. Conspiracy to dinosaur hunting.

This plot is full of little accidents and joys when children get along with Totoro, and the final chase is even more exciting.

The three children finally escaped successfully, but Triceratops Toby was hit by a poacher with an anesthesia gun and fell into a cage.

The three bear children who had been embarrassed returned to the Grant couple's residence. Dr. Grant was initially very angry, heard the truth of the matter, and finally united with the children to rescue the dinosaurs arrested by poachers and about to be transported out of Dinosaur Island.

On the other side, the Poxon Group’s poachers accidentally found three Tyrannosaurus rex eggs, which led to the first real'protagonist'. At the same time, the first episode of the popular Raptors also appeared one after another.

In the final battle between the poachers and the dinosaur army, Michael Bay again used the movie style he was good at. The triceratops Toby accidentally summoned the triceratops army on the island. Dragon eggs also gathered, dismantling the poacher base secretly located on the other side of Dinosaur Island into flat ground.

The ending of the story is naturally happy.

The most classic scene in the Michael Bay movie of the Kiss of Victory of the Grants in the sunset also appeared.

The movie ends.

The subtitles rise, but there is no end.

In the Easter Eggs, Dr. Hammond and Mr. Lanteri stood with the Grants and three children on the highest point of Dinosaur Island, looking at the peaceful scenes of the quiet life of various dinosaurs on the island. Finally, they believed that dinosaurs could live in harmony with humans. And, in order to avoid more coveting, opening the dinosaur island to the world’s talents is the most correct decision.

Obviously, this is laying the groundwork for the third part of the story.

The big screen was completely dark, and the lights in the hall were on.

Warm applause also sounded.

Since the "Great White Shark" in the 1970s, Spielberg has become one of the most important movie symbols in the hearts of Americans. However, even after watching this sequel to "Jurassic Park" with a different style, even with human habits People’s nostalgia complex is still the same, most people still have to admit that Michael Bay’s sequel is indeed more exciting than the first thriller-style dinosaur blockbuster.

Applause that lasted more than a minute was the most direct proof.

The next day, many media left important pages for "Jurassic Park 2".

"Hollywood Reporter" even produced a feature, the relevant film critics did not hesitate to praise "Jurassic Park 2" is'a wonderful sequel beyond the first song, the new director Michael Bay once again proved his excellence Film talent'.

"Variety" refers to the stunning IMAX screen at the premiere last night: "Daenerys Entertainment is once again at the forefront of the world's film industry after CG special effects. IMAX is likely to be The future of a new generation of movies."

"Los Angeles Times" and other newspapers, while giving unreserved positive comments on the film, also turned their attention to the red carpet ceremony of the premiere, pointing out that only from the red carpet lineup yesterday afternoon, Daenerys Entertainment In Hollywood, it has an unparalleled strong appeal, and this appeal has been successfully transformed into a strong propaganda for the film. No one can deny that it is almost a carpet-style announcement with no dead ends. The brand "Park" is printed in the minds of a large number of the public.In the first "Jurassic Park", the initial comprehensive media score reached 9.3.

Even if the sequel movie is naturally prone to more critical criticism from film critics, on the second day of the premiere, when the initial word-of-mouth statistics were released, "Jurassic Park 2" still achieved a strong score of 9.5 points, successfully achieving the first The overtaking of the word-of-mouth, even the most demanding film critics, can't be too picky about this sequel that has inherited the essence of the series and is sufficiently innovative and more brilliant and skilled in the use of technology.In anticipation, on June 2, "Jurassic Park 2" was officially released in North America on a large scale, with 3461 screens.

Out of fear of "Jurassic Park 2", in addition to only three or two kittens with dozens of screens, this heavyweight super blockbuster almost exclusively monopolizes the golden season of the summer season, which opened on June 2.Only in this way, the stronger Hollywood situation that Daenerys Entertainment has created is more obvious.