Hollywood legendary director

Chapter 555 Catalysis (seeking subscription, votes)

Soon, one day passed.

In the early hours of the 17th, the box office of "Dead Silence" was released at the midnight show.

Lehman also insisted on knowing the box office information before falling asleep.

5.57 million at midnight.

This is the result given by "Dead Silence".

If compared with general blockbusters, it is not too much, but if you only compare works with horror themes, "Dead Silence" broke the box office record of $5.21 million in the midnight show set by "Island Cry".

If you continue to compare, the audience reputation of "Dead Silence" is very different, and it seems that it is not conducive to the subsequent market operations, but in fact, this film is a rare masterpiece in the eyes of horror lovers.

In this way, even an upsurge of discussion on the Internet.

On the second day, Lyman rushed to Blue Butterfly Pictures to have a small meeting with Liam and others.

Wen Ziren was relieved after learning about the box office of the midnight show. He believed that the prospects were fair and the money invested could at least be profitable.

But for Liam and others, the polarization in the film's reputation, without publicity and guidance, is likely to undermine the current screening momentum, but it has to be prevented.

Although the scheduled fight in September is not very fierce, it is not without competitors. If Mubao Films had this opportunity to fight "Dead Silence", it would certainly not be unwilling to add to the flames.

"Perhaps, we can increase the amount of funding for paper media, so that the film critics try to hold a positive opinion and suppress the bad comments." In the conference room, a propaganda executive suggested.

Liam shook his head: "We lack the means in this area. Those newspapers like topic hype and gain circulation. How can they be easily bought? This is something that the Big Six can't do. How can we do it. Besides, Those film critics are very temperamental, and they may not be able to get in. If some people just don't like "Dead Silence", can they still get all of them? How much does it cost?"

"Now, the most important thing is to guide the audience, not to let similar boring, vulgar arguments continue to ferment." Another person said.

"This is simple to say, but not easy to do. Do you think there is a movie in the world that can be liked by everyone? The top ten works on IMDB are also difficult to gain market recognition, let alone "Dead Silence". It's very exciting. It's normal for some people to dislike it. As long as we grab the part of the audience we like, profit shouldn't be a problem."

While a group of executives and Liam were discussing the issue of propaganda and guidance, Lehman listened quietly while reading a newspaper with some thought on the other side.

There is a piece of news about "Dead Silence", and the criticism is still that Director Wen Ziren deliberately shows off the lens. Some scenes are too intuitive and make people accept incompetence.

Then another adult man was frightened in the middle of watching the movie and was taken to the hospital.

But watching a ghost film, my heart beats too fast, my breathing is short, and I get shocked.

"Everyone, I think instead of spending a lot of money and not necessarily eliminating unfavorable comments in the media, it is better to focus on publicizing resources to promote the strengths of the film."

After all, Lehman deliberately passed the news he just saw to everyone to see clearly.

“Isn’t it a kind of boasting that horror-themed works are scary enough? Anyway, people who don’t like to watch ghost movies will say good things and don’t go to the cinema. I am curious. When I type out the title, I say "Dead Silence" prohibits fans with a bad heart from watching movies. We are not responsible for any consequences."


Actually, this thinking about people's hearts is really a university question.

Since the premiere of "Dead Silence", some relatively fierce film critics even called on the MPAA not to give the film an R-rated rating, but to give NC-17 a bit more fiercely, it would be better to ban the screening.

However, regardless of the external evaluation, Blue Butterfly Pictures has passed several cases of watching "Dead Silence" and fainted, and immediately admitted the error, and once again emphasized that viewers with hidden heart diseases should not "take risks with their bodies."

As soon as this "can scare people" gimmick came out, some viewers wanted to try whether "Dead Silence" was really that scary.

Some of the psychological wonders, who love to watch this kind of stimulating movies, feel that they cannot be missed. The more they watch the stimuli, they actually praise them.

Otherwise, in the future, people will not often judge the ranking of the "most scary horror film" and argue with each other.

This kind of thing is just a heartbeat.

Therefore, the multi-party emphasis of Blue Butterfly Pictures and the strong opposition of film critics have caused the audience's fans to rebel and curiosity. They all say that this movie is scary, so how is it scary?

In particular, this film still bears the titles of director Wen Ziren and producer Lehman.

Although the box office performance of the "Chain Saw" series is worse than the other, the audience influence is still there.

Human? Sometimes my heart is quite nasty. At the beginning, "The Ring of Midnight" was really scary and did not affect the momentum of the movie. Now, when "Dead Silence" is only being screened, it scares many audiences to leave the scene and their hearts are not. Okay, it's just shock, but the audience went to the theater to see it.

Even some horror enthusiasts, who have heard of the prestige of "Mary Shaw" on the Internet or from relatives and friends, can't wait or even watch it two or three times to satisfy their spiritual pleasure.

Of course, this makes Mubao Pictures very daunting.

They did use a little trick at the premiere of "Dead Silence", nothing more than spending some money to buy through the critics and pour some dirty water on the opponent, increasing the adverse impact.

How can I know that Blue Butterfly Pictures did not refuse at all. It was really scary to catch the film, and the filming was vulgar and meaningless, and a brainy acknowledgment made Mubao Pictures feel that it was helping to take advantage of the situation and enlarged "Dead Silence". The screening momentum.

Regret is impossible.

Spill dirty water, who has never done it before.

The more intense the competition, the more despicable the means.

But then, the market for Exorcism languished.

In addition to the new release of "Dead Silence", which robbed the audience market, there are also two comparisons of the same horror theme.

It turned out that the quality of "Exorcism" is not bad, and it is exciting to look at, but now that it is better than "Dead Silence", it is natural for the audience to give their own choices.

The 17th has just passed, and various box office data about the North American box office market on this day have come out.

Among them, "Exorcism" scored 4.25 million, and the daily box office dropped 32% year-on-year; "Zombie Bride" scored 6.24 million, an increase of 7% year-on-year.

As for "Dead Silence", with more than 1,600 screens and the first share of the lineup, it lived up to expectations and won the daily box office championship, directly airborne.

Results: 17.25 million US dollars.And the single hall can break through 10,000 US dollars, which is the basic performance of selling.
