Holy Emperor’s Grandson is a Necromancer
120 coins.
Rank of duck.
It was like a dream for an adventurer, and it was also at its peak.
It was known that there were only 20 people on the continent, and it was an honorable grade that only one of them had achieved enough to save the country.
However, there is an adventurer who achieved the rank in an unusual period of one month.
“So I told you. They are the noble bloodlines of the forgotten kingdom! ”
I told the adventurers to spit.
Elusha's Adventurer Guild has a fashionable story about an adventurer named Allen Loops.
For them, Oregon was also the object of admiration and was actually the hero who saved the territory.
“Elise is the princess, Alan Loops is the escort, and Mr. Hans is the Grand Chamberlain! ”
These rumors almost certainly spread.
At first it was untrustworthy, but now it was untrustworthy.
Big Eyes.
A demon that can trap a dragon in its belly, slowly digest and eat.
You defeat such demons and destroy the entire Great Necromancer force.
Is that it? I faced thousands of undead hordes alone.
Witnesses from the Lord's Throne Room remain to be reckoned with in vain.
Since such a hero cannot fall from the sky, rumors of royal adventure spread about the rise of a fallen kingdom, of course.
It was an adventurer's imagination.
“So, what, we're fighting alongside royalty? ”
“Fighting together, he solved it all by himself. ”
“I heard you're getting paid, how much will it cost? ”
The Adventurer's Guild is in a frenzy.
The Adventurer's Guild roof was blown away by the invasion of the Big Eyes, monsters, and dead, and one side of the wall collapsed.
Repairs are underway everywhere in Elusha territory.
At that time, someone visited the Adventurer Guild.
I just took a step.
However, everyone's gaze was fixed on his appearance.
The adventurers stand quietly.
You bow and salute White Silver's paladin with a nervous face.
The paladin of White Silver stands in front of the guide, ignoring the adventurers.
“Oh, oh, you're here? ”
The brochure stammers, stiffened.
I thought it would be better to deal with the nobles.
“I'm here for the quest fee. ”
In a stiff tone, the brochure was cold sweating.
He rummages under the shelf.
The amount presented by the Kingdom of Iceland was placed on the table.
The adventurers open their eyes wide.
A pouch of leather with gold coins piles up.
“How much is that? ”
The notice gasps and builds up the rest of the money. Then he said to Allen, the duck corn adventurer.
“This is the reward from the Kingdom of Iceland. ”
At the words of the notice, Alan reaches out and grabs the leather pockets.
There was an item window, so I didn't have to carry it separately.
As the pockets of money piled up on the counter disappeared for a moment, the adventurers whispered again.
I thought it was magic because the money was gone so quickly.
As the imagination of adventurers grew again, another visitor came to the Adventurers Guild.
An Iron Advanced Adventurer named Edolf.
He was accompanying knights and wizards from the royal court of Iceland.
Edolf sets foot in front of Allen.
And get on your knees.
The adventurers' eyes widen.
It was natural for an Iron rank adventurer to be polite to a Durkon adventurer.
But there was another reason why adventurers were surprised.
It was because the knights and wizards who were right behind him were also on their knees.
Like Yew to the royal family, there was no careful companion.
“Edolf, a humble adventurer, greets Allen. ”
Edolf gently raises his head and looks at Allen.
I would like to invite Allen from the Royal Court of Iceland. Are you sure you want to respond? ”
Allen smiles in his helmet.
* *
I returned to the inn.
Outside, an escort from the royal family of Edolf is lined up.
I watched him from the window and turned my head. I looked at Alice and Hans in the room.
“An invitation has come from the royal court of Ireland. If you had invited me, I would have responded. I had business on the royal grounds in the first place. ”
I pulled out a few pockets of money from the item window and put them on the shelf.
“They say it's payback for the Big Eyes. There was no other quest, but the royal reward must have been paid. ”
Honestly, I don't need money.
He has the authority to move the funds of the Holy See. I'm full of money.
Above all, I dug up the Emperor's tomb in Aslan, and there was no emotional response to the money.
Even Hans, who was obsessed with money, was unresponsive.
“I'll give you an interpretation. I've been studying warp gates for generations, damn it. How the hell did they come up with this skill!"
Hans stares at the runes with his eyes wide open.
He interprets the runes of Nemesis, the vampire's warp gate.
I looked at Elise.
She stares blankly at the money bag.
“You can write whatever you want. ”
Elise opens her eyes wide. Then I reached out and grabbed the money bag.
She said with a gentle smile.
“The church that Principal Ibelin ran collapsed. The cost of rebuilding will be enough. ”
I like your heart.
You don't write for yourself, you write for someone else?
Well, she's the Cardinal's granddaughter.
Money will be meaningless to her.
It turns out Yuria is there.
We should slowly look at Yuria's trends.
Growth speed, power available.
Elise takes the money and looks curious.
She looked at me and asked.
“But what if I told you to invite me to the Royal Court of Iceland? ”
“As much as you'd like to be a Durkon adventurer, you're going to be treated like one. Or else."
I looked out the window and said, "Royal Escort."
“He knew I was the prince and invited me. ”
The Irish royal family sent me an invitation. I intend to accept.
The capital of Ireland. Come here.
There's something in the basement that I want.
* *
You take the wagon and head for here, to the capital of Irons.
A cool breeze blows through the open window.
Looking outward, I saw the sea and the river. Like an island, the waterway surrounds the waterway here.
High architecture thrives.
Ships for trading are enjoyable, and many wagons have come and gone.
Hans in the wagon stretches out on his forehead to see if it was motion sickness. Elise asked me with a curious look.
“The underground maze in the palace? ”
Elise says I nod.
“Yes, stay there. The first Holy Father, Ordin, told me by his brother Rufel. ”
Cardinal Michael, the leader of the Kaolum Cult, was researching Aztalun when he found traces of the Holy Father Ordin. Apparently, Rupel got the information by accident.
Rupel believed in the Kaolium Cult, and based on the trail, he was able to locate where the bolts were buried.
And that is the underground labyrinth of the Kingdom of Iceland.
It was Titalos.
“Is there such a thing as a magic palace? ”
“I hid it in the royal house of Iceland, but it's said to be a labyrinth of all kinds. ”
It was also a place where new forms of ecosystems existed through magical actions.
The Royal Court of Iceland was also secretly keeping information fairly limited.
“In fact, I chose my career as an adventurer to get in there smoothly. Well, the royal court of Iceland had every intention of noticing. ”
“Does this have something to do with an adventurer? ”
Elise tilts her head.
She doesn't understand.
Why do I need an adventurer's identity to enter the maze, not the Crown Prince's?
“Of course, we can make a request with the prince's identity. ”
But now was a sensitive time.
"I was turned upside down by a vampire in my neighbouring country, Rom. Apparently, in Ireland, we have to be careful. Especially if the Holy Father, who is a vampire and a Chuck, comes here?"
I will express my objection
Scared, actually.
"As the Crown Prince of the Holy See, I'm a diplomat. But right now, I'm an Icelandic adventurer. Do you know what that means?"
Elise, who was thinking of the bear, opens her mouth.
"You don't need to consider diplomacy?"
“Yes, that would be a blurry case for them. The prince entered the false identity on purpose. That means you can decide whether to treat me as" the prince "or" the adventurer. "And what if I told myself I was an adventurer? ”
“You want to treat me like an adventurer? ”
I nodded.
The Crown Prince is not an easy man to move.
One tone, one action, leads to diplomacy in the country.
It was an old ally, but now it is a kingdom of Iceland in conflict with pride in faith and magic. That's why it was hard to get close.
‘I want to enter the maze.’ if you are going to present it from this side.
They said, "Well, we have a condition. ’It was obvious.
"Not only that, but here comes the prince at the center of the case, who will also become unsettled in Iceland. I wonder if he has a vampire in his palace. That's why you invited him."
Elise nods, agreeing.
"I don't want to be in debt to the Holy See, but I'm afraid I might have a vampire. A quest for an adventurer like me...”
This is the right answer.
This is also why the name is easy to find and the strength is not understated.
The crown prince Chan noticed that he was hoping to invite you to the palace.
I dealt with the Necromancers in unexpected ways.
With this, the Royal Court of Iceland owes me a great debt.
It still meets the conditions for entry into the labyrinth.
While chatting, the capital of Irons arrives here.
A river flows through the city, and tourists aboard it.
I also enjoyed sightseeing.
“We're here.”
The royal knight carefully opens the carriage door.
“I'll walk you through it. Alan Loops.”
The title of the Royal Knight was clear.
The opponent wants to consider me an "adventurer."
Elise and Hans walked through a large palace following the Royal Knight's instructions.
There are all kinds of statues around.
The wizards wandered around the royal palace more prominently than the knights.
“Here you go. Come on in. ”
The Royal Knight opened the throne room door from both sides.
A splendid carpet unfolds, with nobles and wizards to the left and to the right.
They were very nervous.
I walked out the middle and looked at the nobles.
Some of the nobles who meet with their eyes are flabbergasted and quickly bowed their heads.
All the other nobles do is frown.
‘Very few people know me. ’
I turned my gaze to the royal throne.
There is an old man there.
Sitting on the throne, she wears a rich skirt and holds a crystal cane in her hand.
I stand tall, and Elise and Hans bend their heads, keeping their manners.
“... what? ”
“What are you doing? ”
“Such a humble...! ”
As an adventurer, the nobles protest when I don't kneel.
The wizards withheld them.
I looked at the old man on the throne.
[Rocks Ice.
Age: 82
Characteristics: Weak flesh, superhuman mana, vast knowledge, magical genius. Neutral tendency.
+ Will Celt still be healthy?]
... the Queen of Iceland is worried about Grandfather.
Maybe you two are connected.
The Lord of Iceland, Queen Rox, looked at me and said,
“Welcome, Allen Loops. Adventurer of the duck corn.”
Queen Rox got up from the throne and came at me with a loud voice.
Grasp the corner of a rich tooth and lift it lightly.
With an elegant gesture, she bows her head.
“Rocks Ice. She's the queen of this country. ”
I smiled bitterly at Queen Rox's words.
It is not easy to bow down to the queen's identity and to her nobles and wizards.
I took off my helmet.
I put my hands on my chest and bent at my waist.
“I'm Allen Loops. It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty. ”
Queen Rox smiled softly.
She reaches out.
I stopped, but the queen touched my face.
“You look just like him. ”
Taking the hand of fate, Queen Rox said.
“No, I called you here for a reason. I know this is a rude request, but I want to request you as an adventurer. Will you take it?”
Seeing the relaxing queen smiling, I asked her:
“What kind of quest? ”
“This is where the main nobles of Iceland gather. And the commission. ”
Queen Rox gently closed her eyes and said.
“Vampire bleeding. ”
The royal family is restless.
When the nobles roared and were in distress, the Royal Knights and Wizards stopped the nobles.
It must be embarrassing for them.
“If you accept, I will reward you accordingly. As an adventurer, or.... As another identity."
Queen Rox opens her eyes.
She gives you a sharp look.
“Will you accept it? Hero of Elusha. ”