Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu
Six stories, things you need to live with.
I'm shocked that this is a different world, but it looks like this and I'm a former proprietor.
I have a reputation for the speed of getting back on my feet.
Well, sometimes when you cross the limit, you want to die, but it's not a big deal to remember when you got divorced and they took your kids.
By the way, I'm not sure why Nong got divorced.
It wasn't long after my wife told me one day at the border that she was going to change her attitude and divorce her.
My son was only about five years old at the time, and would he have been in his early thirties?
I retained my wife, but I finally took the child out.
At that time I felt more angry than sad and tried to bring the trial to trial, but I couldn't grasp the news of my wife and son.
When I contacted my wife's home, she didn't have a daughter like that in our house. She didn't even know what happened.
I hired a detective to look into my wife's and children's search requests, but I didn't get any information.
The trace that I was enrolled in the same university had even disappeared, so I just had to get on my way.
Who was his wife?
Where is my son doing now?
Nong doesn't know. I just don't get it.
"I could barely go home at that time, I guess I was disgusted by such a non..."
That's how I grumbled and changed my mood.
I just remembered the past, and I can't even do something about it.
Besides, he was reborn. You should live a new life.
Pack your backpack with what you collect and bear it all at once.
I borrowed an affordable backpack because I couldn't get my stuff in, but it might have been a little too much to take charge of all three.
Besides that, it's tiger meat.
I'm wrapping meat with leaves like banana trees that were growing in the boxyard, but they're pretty big.
It weighs quite a bit on the back.
Still walked out with one thing thrown away.
But the problem surfaces.
I don't know the way out of this room.
The entrance is closed and confirms that it will not open already.
"I don't know what to do... hmm?
Looking at the wall of the room, a large triangle is carved.
Underneath it I see something like a rectangular hidden door.
The surrounding walls and hidden doors are subtle but of different colors.
Press to make a sound with the gacon and the concealed door opens.
How it works, thick walls open up with little force.
If you just walk through it, you can see the waterway and understand it's outside the room.
Releasing his hand from the door he was pressing, he made a noise with Gacon and closed it.
From the outside, it's funny because it doesn't look like there's a hidden door.
I try to push the closed door, but I still can't open it from the outside.
Looks like we can't get in without another hidden door.
Non will have a room. Hands together against the wall.
May the dead sleep in peace.
With heavy baggage on his back, he finally fell to the floor when he reached the safe house.
Even so, I wake up and get to dinner.
I'm alone here, so I don't have time to rest.
"I'd love some oak meat today."
Remove the meat from the box next to the stove.
It was originally a crate in this room, but Noon decided to use it as a food bank.
It's convenient because it has a lid and blocks the smell.
"Yeah, you found a frying pan at the scrap yard."
When the frying pan removed from the backpack is placed on the stove, next door add water to the pan and bring to a boil.
I appreciate this stove because it has two fire escapes.
When I put the meat on the hot frying pan, the fragrant smell filled the area.
Patience hunger while also making soup.
Well, I just add the chopped vegetables and season them with salt and pepper.
When I could cook enough, I put him on the table and started eating.
"Ugh! Yummy!
Hungry sounds like the best seasoning, but I agree. Whatever you eat is delicious.
When you're done eating steak and soup, hang out with water and lie down on the couch.
"Whoa, you haven't trained your sword yet."
When you grab the sword, you practice bareback and foot judgment for about an hour just after the meal exercise.
I had a Kendo class when I was a student, so I'm referring to that.
However, when I recall today's battle with the tiger, I can see that I cannot cope with Kendo's movements.
So I decided to aim for Tanaka's best swordsmanship, weaving Kendo.
The goal should be high.
At the end of the training, I took a bath in the waterway.
Afterwards, he was struck by a strong drowsiness and decided to sleep on the couch.
My body is light when I wake up.
I immediately took off my clothes and went in front of the mirror, where I saw someone else's nonsense from before I fell asleep.
Blood vessels appear in tight muscles from shoulder to arm.
The chest plate grew larger and the abs were completely cracked.
I still have the same physique, but it's a hard body to say it's normal.
The force is increasingly enhanced, and even grabbing the three backpacks that were left unattended is held lightly.
If you hold the sword, it's as light as if you had a knife.
That's not all.
Has my eyesight also improved? The room is looking brighter, and my thoughts are neater than before.
When I sat on the couch, I held my belly and laughed.
"Hahahahahahahaha! Oh, my God, here! Isn't that amazing!
I can't stop laughing.
Whatever. Non is a type of athlete who doesn't like to exercise and can hardly muscle in one way or another.
I've never gotten this much muscle in my life, and I've never achieved a physical modification in such a short period of time.
Ridiculously fast growth rate. Something's wrong with not laughing.
"Ah, I laughed. My stomach still hurts."
When I get up off the couch, I start muscle treading.
As a student, it was so painful. Muscle training makes me do it lightly.
Rather comfortable. I'm going to keep believing in my muscles.
"Now, is this how much the muscle tresses split their luggage"
When I left what I had harvested from my backpack in their respective places, I noticed something.
I was wondering where the inhabitants of this lair kept their food and household items.
That's not all.
Even the bathroom and the bed are not in this room.
"Were you doing anything for me in the waterway down there? No, that's just dirty..."
That's where the bookshelf gets into my eyes.
Shifting the bookshelf aside, it slides like a drawer.
If you look closely, there's a rail under the bookshelf.
I want to tell myself a while ago to look into it more closely.
From behind the bookshelf appears something like an entrance, behind which you can't see anything in the dark.
In the meantime, if you step in, the two lighting stands in the room light up in response to the shadow.
Perhaps, but the stand isn't a machine either, and he thinks it's made of magic formations and mysterious stones.
I want to open inside and check all of them.
There was a bed in the center of the room.
There are doors on the right and left walls, which would be toilets and warehouses if they were as expected.
So I'll open it through the right door first.
Is this the bathroom?
When I opened the door, a western potty sat in the small room.
A small button is installed on the wall. Non tried to push the button somewhat.
Jabba Babba - Make a noise and water flows through the potty.
Convenient, but I was a little wondering where this water was flowing.
No way it's flowing down the waterway, is it?
The next time you open the door to the left, you will find a number of shelves in a large space as expected.
A peek on the shelf revealed that objects that used to be ingredients were weathered and powdered.
I was convinced when I saw it.
In this dungeon, for some reason, bacteria can't reproduce.
Otherwise I can't explain it.
So were the bodies in the dump, but they were weathered, not rotten.
And so are the ingredients we have here. I can't even see the little bugs on top of each other.
inference, but creatures below a certain size cannot live in this dungeon.
That's all I can think of.
But here's one catch.
How plants in the boxyard breed in the absence of microbes.
Microbes are nature's cleaners.
Disassemble many things and return everything naturally.
Plants should be absorbing and growing their nutrient sources, but that still seems to be wrong.
"Hmm, we just have to observe the dungeon and come to a conclusion"
Non resumes his search in the warehouse.
The shelves can be used as food items, but we plan to collect more weapons, protective equipment, and more in the future.
I want to make sure I have that place. So skew the shelves slightly to create a wide space.
"It would be something like this. Then we'll wrap up the garbage."
When I brought the white cloth, I put the weathered and powdered together in one.
With that on his back, he gently heads to the scrap yard.
"Sure, around here..."
Walking through an entry-like place with a leg opens only a few places.
When Noh jumps in there and slips the slope, he walks all the way down the aisle.
The terribly elevated leg strength carried me to the scrap yard as if it were the wind.
The place where the body became a mountain is still heartbreaking no matter how many times I see it.
As one parent this sight is sad that there would have been another life if I hadn't died.
I want to bury him on the ground, but the floor in this room is inorganic and strong like it was made of concrete.
I sprinkled the powder stuffed in the cloth near the mountain, apologizing heartily to forgive me for not being able to do anything.
"Now it's time to go back......... what is that?
When I looked at the empty hole in the ceiling, I found that there was something thorny on the inside.
That's good. I have more to worry about than that.
Something like a black cloth is caught in that thorn.
The addition and subtraction of light or the black cloth was slight but I felt the light emitted to wave.
"... it must be my fault. Go home."
Non leaves the waste yard behind.
When I get out of bed, I stretch out in a clear mood.
I finally slept in a comfortable place when I got here.
Even considering the experience of sleeping wrapped in a blanket in a cardboard, I naturally feel the best.
Non is invincible today.
When I get out of bed, I gently muscle and then start training my sword.
Someone said it, but if the muscles wake up, so does the head.
True or suspicious, but I do feel that way when I try.
Come on, muscles. Wake up.
Finish your training and get on with your meal.
To be honest, I don't even know what time it is.
So it is also unclear whether this is breakfast.
I'm just letting you know that Nong's body clock is somehow morning, so let's just say it's morning.
At the end of the meal, we'll be ready to leave next.
When wearing a leather breastplate or tibia, carry a backpack and equip it with a sword and knife.
"Whoa, I need to take my bow and quail"
I had a bow yesterday, but I missed the time to use it.
Plus you'll need practice. The quail is for the field.
"All right, let's go!
Jumping out of the safe house, he rushes out for the boxyard.
I found the shortest route out of yesterday, so it won't take three hours today.
Once you arrive at the stairs in about thirty minutes as expected, you will descend without hesitation.
What you see is the same boxyard as yesterday.
Relieve yourself of the sight of trees growing and grass growing all you can.
"Build your way first"
When I grip the quay, I dig back into the ground from the entrance towards the field.
Does Mithril's quack perform well? Gently cut the grass roots, making it easy to dig the soil from weed to weed.
This feels good.
When he reached the cultivation field, he also dug back into the place where it was a vegetable garden.
While harvesting vegetables, mix the soil and make an acre (uh-huh).
We're supposed to be mixing fertilizer together here, but now it's hard, so ignore it.
"That's a lot more like a field. Then plant it quickly."
Replant Hathai, who is still growing, and then fill another acre with Jaguar Im.
Others planted tamanes (onions) and ginnins (carrots) to see how they had progressed.
If the flowers bloom, I'll have to pollinate them, so it'll be quite a while before I can harvest them.
"Bow practice next."
When I grab the bow, I try to pull the string.
Strings that could not be pulled forward could be pulled easily.
After all, the benefits of the muscles are endless.
When I pulled the string, the wind rolled and a clear arrow appeared on the bow.
Actually, this bow, he doesn't need to carry an arrow.
Non also had doubts about the lack of arrows in the bow storage area, but if this is the reason, I'm convinced.
And if you look closely at the bow, you'll see that it's engraved with something small and spell-like.
Thanks to these letters it seems to have been possible to create an arrow of air.
I targeted the bird who was on the tree with his bow up.
A bird that looks just like a chicken is eating nuts at ease.
I was just hoping to have a whole chicken roast. Let's make it delicious.
When you release an arrow, you pierce it near the bird and the arrow disappears.
The surprised bird also threw out the nuts and ran away. Failure.
"Bows are hard. It's going to take some time to get the hang of it."
Non decided to practice his bow for a while.