Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu
Fourteen Stories Adventurer Party
Once inside the store, a strong shopkeeper like Bulldog was blurry by sucking on the xels.
The spitting white smoke disappears as it reshapes toward the ceiling.
I remember my father when I saw him like that.
Non's father was a very heavy smoker.
My father was a small company employee, but when he came home from work without a break every day, he smoked.
I thought my father's spitting smoke seemed magical as a young man.
But one day, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer and a few years later he took his breath away from me at the hospital.
Non did not smoke as long as he became like his father, but only his figure has been burned in the back of his brain.
I guess that's why I feel nostalgic for store owners.
The shopkeeper smiles when he realizes that Noon and Erna have arrived.
"Oh! Tanaka, isn't it you! You brought me another weapon!?
"Um, I'd like to ask you to buy it"
Leave the weapons collected at the disposal yard at the counter.
This is an arms dealer and a place I've been on my feet for about four days now.
This is a thankful store where you can buy the weapons and protective equipment that Noh has collected at a low price.
When the store owner starts appraising the weapon, he writes the price down on paper one after the other.
The task is familiar.
The owner's name is Rodman. He seems to be the third-generation owner of this Rodman weapons store.
He looks like a bulldog, his cheeks dripping and many wrinkles, and his head is devastating balding up.
The only hair left is bilateral and posterior heads.
The clothes are in loose thin blue, and according to the person, there are ten more pieces of the same clothes?
While watching Rodman's appraisal, Noh and Erna decided to sit in a chair in the store and wait a long time.
"Is Rodman still using skill appraisals to see prices?
"Hmm? Well, I have it, but I can't even see the price. Experience dictates this."
"By the way, what is the rank of the skills appraisal?
When asked what Noon cared about, Rodman shook his finger gently to indicate a rejection.
"The content of the skills is a trade secret. And don't ask too many other people what their skills are. You better be careful who you want to hear."
"Well, I didn't know that. Non is ignorant in this country, so he learns."
"Uhaha, then don't struggle. Ask us anything you want and go. Uh, but if you want to know someone else's skills, if you increase the rank of the skills appraisal, you'll be able to see it."
React to Rodman's words.
What does it mean to see someone else's skills? He keeps talking.
"Nah, it seems that his archdeacon, Master Moore, was able to foresee the status of others in the skill appraisal. It's easy to deal with humans if you know their status. Well, I suppose it's only natural for you to be treated like a wise man."
"Can you see the status in the appraisal...... bad for your valuable information"
"I mean good, look at the price now that the appraisal is done"
Non receives paper from Rodman. There was a line of weapons types and prices.
Seems cheap one at a time, but the total is not a bad price.
"This will do. Can I ask you why you're cheap, by the way?
"Whoa, these are all iron weapons. Poor quality, and that's a downside to using as a used product. So these cheap iron scraps are melted and processed into new weapons. I recommend steel or demon steel if you want a higher price."
"Magic Steel?
"Demon steel is a metal that absorbs a lot of magic in the process of building steel. It looks red and harder than steel. Best of all, it's an excellent thing with less magic and more power."
That's what Rodman said. He brought a sword from the back of the store.
The design looks simple but oddly entangled.
"This is the Devil's Steel Sword."
When I receive the sword, I try to pull it out of my sheath.
Reflecting like a mirror, the red fillet reminds us to destroy our enemies hot as red and as flaming as blood.
It was as if it was manifesting a concept as a weapon.
"I saw this as quite a move. Are you glad you showed it to Non?
Non returns the sword to Rodman.
"This is our best weapon. But it's no big deal. There are more amazing weapons gobbling around in the world. A weapon that wields such an intent to kill. Then the enemy will run away, won't he?
Rodman's words convinced him.
Earlier swords were indeed relegated to kill.
It's a strange story to feel like killing from a sword, but would it be more correct to say that it exists not as a weapon to protect oneself but to kill something relative?
In a nutshell, it's like a demon knife. Non appraised the sword held by Rodman.
[Appraisal Results: Pedro's Sword: The Demon Steel Sword that the hero Pedro never let go of until he died. The number I cut to death with this sword is said to be about the number of stars, and my son who betrayed Pedro also cut to death with this sword]
Ugh, um... After all, was it a sarcastic sword......
Rodman has a hell of a lot of stuff. Historical value also seems high.
"What's the matter, harden up? Could you have appraised this sword?
"Sorry, I appraised it, but it seemed more delicious than I imagined."
"I apologize. I don't care if you have an appraisal. It's for anyone. Do you have any idea why we have this sword?
"Did you give in from someone?
In the meantime, when I replied, Rodman had a mean grin with Nishi.
"Listen, I'm surprised we're descended from the hero Pedro, right? Isn't that awesome?"
Non didn't understand the awesomeness at all, but Erna, who was next door, said, "Uh!? Wow!" he starts screaming.
What is a hero in the first place?
"Maichi! It's that Pedro descendant! That legend says you achieved a thousand cuts during the war!
"Ugh, um... you worked in the war..."
I sweated cold while hammering for now.
It's sad that you don't understand.
Non would have been able to blossom into conversation if he had grasped history as well.
That's why I decided to change the conversation.
"Then can I take the money?"
"Whoa, hold on a second."
When Rodman takes out the leather bag, he takes out the silver coins and the copper coins and gives them to Nong.
It's worth about 50,000 yen.
It would be quite a day's income.
"Oh, yeah. Tanaka, if you're collecting gear in the dungeon, aren't you also finding the Demon Stone? We also buy demon stones, so I'd like you to bring them if you have one."
"Demon Stone?
When Noh slipped his neck, Erna took the red stone out of his nostrils.
"Makichi, this is what I mean when I say demon stones. It's a magical stone that grows in places where magic builds up and we use it for our lives. Sometimes it grows in dungeons, so we adventurers collect magic stones to make money."
"Ho, demon stone. I've been wondering, how do you use that?
"Huh? It's not easy. You're just pouring magic with a stone of your own attribute, right?
As Erna remembered holding the red demon stone, a small fire appeared on the stone.
At the same time, Noon is shocked.
If so, many people have fire attributes and easily substitute demon stones for lighters.
On the other hand, Non has no attributes. It was unusable and natural.
It's kind of regrettable.
"Come on, I'm done with this story. Rodman, I have the Demon Stone, so I'll bring it next time."
"That would be nice. Demon Stone is a consumable, so I'm glad to hear more suppliers."
When Rodman and I exchange goodbye greetings, Noon takes Erna outside.
"Hey, how is Makichi angry?
"I'm not angry. By the way, do demon stones have some attributeless ones?
"Well, there are times, but I guess the effect varies from stone to stone. There seems to be a lot of special things because they make attributes indistinguishable from non-attributes."
"Oh well... do you have an unattributed demon stone"
I'm relieved inside. I want to use magic.
It would still be sad to be able to use such a convenient force around you, but not just yourself.
And the incompetent Rettel is something that can hardly be removed once it is stretched.
"Hey, what are we going to do? We got the money, and we're shopping, right?
"... because I don't buy clothes. More than that, I'm going to show my face to the guild today."
"Yay! Finally, you're willing to throw a party with me!
Non has already registered Adventurers in the Alliance.
However, I had put my party application with Erna on hold.
Being registered as an Alliance in the first place doesn't help.
By the guild's decision, adventurers can get equal recognition for organizing parties.
When you get a certain rating, you'll be able to get your job turned around as a priority, and you'll be multiplied by a few rewards.
But it doesn't have to be a party to raise the ratings.
Even when it comes to work, I don't want more than I need.
That's enough as long as you get as much reward as you can for your life.
So I wasn't attracted to the party.
"I don't know what to name the party - I knew thunderdragon claws and stuff would be cool."
Erna seems to be devising a name for Niyaniya.
It may be pathetic to betray her expectations.
Lately my feelings have shifted and I feel like my daughter, so sometimes you can ask me all I want.
"Okay. I'll throw you a party. Instead, you'll be named."
"Huh!? Are you sure? Thanks!"
A hugged and full breast is pressed.
My cheeks loosened unexpectedly due to the soft feeling. Muhufu.
"I don't like the first eye! What are you thinking!?
"Ki, it's my fault. Non is not such a bad man."
Jumping away, Erna looks at him with her jitsu eyes.
Although I tried to make excuses for now, my nose was rough because of the excitement.
I have trouble being honest with my body.
When I went to the guild, I saw the axe and wand sign.
The building remains as dignified as a temple, and in this country it is named as an authoritative organization.
“Adventurer Guild." That's the name of an organization that faces every difficulty.
Once inside the guild, many people talk to this whether it's in front of a bulletin board or not.
Request forms are staggered on the bulletin board, and a wide variety of contents can be seen, including crusading monsters and collecting herbs.
It's interesting because there's even a request that says, "Find a cat to keep inside."
Non turned the bulletin board sideways to the counter.
"Would you like to apply for a party?
"Yes, please fill it in here"
The receptionist giggles at Nong and gives him a piece of paperwork.
I filled in Sarah, my name and Erna's name, and after a little thought, I filled in the name of the party.
Received receptionist puts his neck up.
"Um... is this...?
"So sign me up. Anyway, it's a party I don't know how long it'll be."
Leave the counter when registration is complete.
Soon after, Erna caught Noon and asked questions.
"What did you name it?
"What, I just named him what he is now?"
"What!? Tell me without wasting it!
"The party was named" Homeless. "
I heard Elna screaming.