Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu
Seventeen Stories Dragon Modki
When we came to the outer walls surrounding the city, soldiers and adventurers had already launched an attack.
Many arrows are released and pierced by the body of the monster.
The Wizards wield their wands and direct fire balls.
But they won't stop the monster from moving through the meadows.
The pattern is poisonous when red on the green scale.
I have six of those legs and my head is lizard from anywhere without horns.
He was busily moving like a longitudinal pupil observing his surroundings.
A monster about twenty meters long raised the earth smoke and rushed to the city.
"Is that the dragon modoki? That's a big lizard."
"It looks like it, but you should think it's a dragon."
Sure, it looks lizard, but its size drains the liver.
The horizontal width alone seems certain to have two large trucks, and what surprised me even more was its vitality?
Hundreds of arrows were also pierced on Modki's back, leaving many scars.
A normal creature would be breathless.
Still, I can't see how it worked for him.
"By dragon, are we all oh?
"Dragons are the most powerful species. I can't compare you to Modoki."
"Oh well..."
I don't want to see the dragon. Besides, I don't want to fight if I can with Modki.
That's what I thought, but Erna pulls a string and releases an arrow when she takes out the bow.
"This city is my precious place. I will never let you destroy it."
When the wind arrow is ejected, it hits the flank of the roundabout Modki as it changes its orbit.
Misty as an explosion, I decided on some.
Did it just work for this, Modki stops the movement and gets bored with the pain.
The soldiers and adventurers who saw it cheered.
"Moving on to our next operation! Melee units deployed!
When someone like a knight raises his voice, soldiers appear from the gates of the city and align themselves around the outer walls.
And when the soldiers put up their spears, they ran out for Modki.
A soldier's spear pierces the body of Modki, who has stopped moving, one after the other, and from the wound, bright red blood erupts like wine.
When Modki rang out loud, he opened his mouth wide and exhaled the flame.
"It's an unsavory brace attack! Run!"
Elna's cry was also murky, and the intense flames turn the soldiers into charcoal.
The braces that kept throwing up turned off the escaped soldiers as if they were going to snuff them off as well.
Non and Erna sweat cold as they watched.
"Come on...... don't you suck"
"It's that dragon moddle, isn't it? It's not easy to win..."
"So what are we gonna do? Are there any other soldiers?
When she shook her head to the side, she looked into Non's eyes.
"Oh, hey, are you telling Non to get rid of me?
"An adventurer in this city will fight now, and then we will fight Modoki, too. If I can take him down, I think he's the only one."
"... you're not going to run away?
"I will fight even if Shinichi escapes. This city isn't my home, but it's home to a lot of loved ones. I like this city of Marna."
Non scratches his head and laughs bitterly.
I didn't even think I'd have this kind of adventure when I was 56.
I was going to spend the rest of my life under that cold sky in Tokyo, but fate doesn't seem to soften me up. Then do you get hungry like a Japanese boy?
"Run as soon as you're in danger."
"It's okay, I'm fast on the run."
When Noh and Erna laughed at each other, they ran out to the gate.
Many adventurers have already gathered at the gate and discussions have been deliberately held.
It would feel like an ops conference before the battle.
One woman appears there, drawing the crowd.
"Dear Adventurer! I'm an Alliance employee, listen to me as I have an urgent report!
The woman, who would be an Alliance employee, spoke to the adventurers as she gently went over the outer wall.
"We are now presenting an urgent request from the Alliance! The target of the crusade is Dragon Modki! You will receive a reward of thirty gold coins for an exorcised person or their party! We will give those who fought a worthy rating, so be excited to join us!
Whoa, whoa, whoa! The adventurers rejoice in speaking up.
An adventurer gathered from all over the city, not knowing where he was, and quickly turned into a festival.
"Adventurers are cash."
"'Cause it's thirty gold coins, right? And a chance to earn fame."
Elna also grips the wand as excited as an example.
What happened to the bow?
"Hey, you fight with a bow, don't you? Why are you putting out your cane?
"What are you talking about, Shinichi? I'm a magician, so it's not natural to have a wand."
"... you insist you're only a magician"
I'm sure he was inspired by the adventurers around him and even lit a fire on his pride as a magician.
Well, I'm sure I'll be switching to the bow soon, but I don't want you to be too unscrupulous.
"Open the door!"
The gate, which was disappointingly closed at the same time as the voice, is opened.
The adventurers jumped out with us first and rushed out with a dragon moddle.
When they also leave it to the flow to run out, they start moving behind Modki so as to circle in first.
"Looks like you split into two hands from the front and the back."
"Hey, Erna. Eat this while you can."
I threw Balm's fruit at Erna.
"What's this?
"It's a fruit that enhances your senses. That would be pretty useful."
Non also chews munchkins as he takes the fruit out of his nose.
Super sensation to visit in a few seconds.
I can see the breath of the adventurers and the sound of Modki's heart in my hands.
"Whew!? Wow! Everybody looks slow!
Erna also seems surprised by the effect of Balm's fruit.
In addition to his super senses, he uses skill tweezers.
I'm worried it'll work for Modoki, but it's better than not.
I thought so, but all the creatures in my eyes showed red dots that were going to give me a headache.
Four red dots also appeared on the body of the pivotal Modki, who secretly felt certain of victory.
I've only noticed one thing.
When you look at Erna, for some reason, you see a yellow dot (...) on the waist.
I'm confused about the first time.
In curiosity, I'd push, but if it works similarly to the red dot, it just afflicts my people.
It is pointless.
Turning her gaze forward toward Erna's waist, she decided to forget the yellow dot.
Modki storms hard and bounces off the adventurers.
Some of them have been trampled by big feet and have become like crushed tomatoes.
Still, if a few jump resolutely, swinging the sword down on your back won't kill you just to crush the scale.
Besides, before taking out a second blow, the adventurer ends up being shaken off his back one after the other.
The sons and daughters who circled behind him finally joined the attack, waving the sword of Mithril down Modki's abdomen.
The blow stabs deeply and blood erupts from the incision.
Apparently, Non's weapon performs well unlike any other adventurer.
I was kicked in the second leg of the guy when I tried to make another blow just to say it was a chance.
Bouncing twice on the ground, I manage to get up.
It was powerful, but it seemed like it did its job to guard it.
I forgot I had six legs on it.
"Makichi! It's okay - I have to!?
As Erna rushes over, Noon quickly takes her aside and leaves the scene.
Shortly afterwards the place I was until earlier was engulfed in flames. Brace attack.
"It doesn't taste good. It looks like he's targeting Noon."
Turning around, Modoki was pushing the adventurers one after the other toward the retreat.
Perhaps you were angry with the earlier attack.
It's good news to be able to pull away from the city, but it doesn't feel good to be targeted.
"Maichi, keep holding me and running!
When Elna sets up her wand, she works out her magic and unleashes her magic.
When a fireball of about 10 cm appears, it flies towards Modoki.
And the fireball hit his head and disappeared.
"Idiot! Use your bow more than that! You're not a magician, you're a bowman!
"No! I am a wizard! I don't like swordsmen and bowmen anymore! I've decided to become the most powerful wizard!
I'm pissed off at Elna, who's going wild, eat this! and just press the yellow dot on the waist area.
If the red dot is as good as the same effect, it is ideal for punishment.
When Erna shook her body, she became quiet as if she had died suddenly.
"You're not dead, are you?
Erna laughs spookily.
Something like a transparent aura begins to appear from her body, distracting the scenery around her.
The wand I was holding vibrated into small pieces and felt pressure from Erna herself.
"Oh, hey, what's going on?
"It's more magical than ever..."
"Listen to me! Whew!?
Modoki releases a brace attack after stubbornly chasing Non.
Although I avoided it critically, it would hit me sooner or later while holding Elna.
"Makichi, now is the time to show you my true power!
"Then do something about this situation!
"Fine, look at my glorious debut as a magician! Flameburst!"
When the clear aura converges on the cane, a bright red fireball of as much as five meters in diameter appears and emits without sound.
And then we had an explosion and raised the black smoke.
The blast scorches the ground and blows everything around it.
A strong blast hit him from behind, and Noon fell to the ground with Erna.
"I was there... what the hell did you do?
When she got up, Erna was landing from her face.
Trying to wake up worried, I hear a creepy laugh.
"E, Erna? Are you okay?"
When she stood up bah, she pointed her finger at Modki.
"What do you think, you saw the power of the Enchantress Elna!
Dragon Modki had his whole body blackened and discoloured, causing the skunks and smoke to rise.
Besides, the power of the explosion was considerable, and the crater is made.
"Could it have stopped you with a single blow?
"This is the power of advanced magic flamebursts. Now, let me ask you to withdraw the numerous ramblings you threw up on me."
I don't remember rumbling about anything, but I guess it's rooted in the word that I'm not a magician.
"I'm sorry about Noon. Erna is an undisputed wizard."
"Kuhaha! My Wizard Life has just begun!
Leaving Erna on track, she walks over to Modoki.
I think he just died in that explosion, but I can't be relieved if I don't leave him toddled.
I feel uncomfortable approaching close range.
I still hear dokundokun and heartbeat.
The moment he realized it, Modki threw out a moving brace.
I heard Erna.
Footage in this world is remembered like a running lantern, and a bright red flame scorches the body of Noon.
- No, I felt like I was burning. But the heat never comes.
When I opened my eyes, the flames were extinguished only around Nong.
In a bright red space, the only thing standing flat is the noodles.
I laugh niggly.
Noh's robe already knew to disable magic, but apparently the brace attack was magic. If so, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore.
I went straight ahead with the braces that kept throwing up and stabbed my sword in Modki's mouth.
When the braces disappear, they jump at once and jump to Modoki's back.
This is where we live.
Step on the black burnt scales and pierce the sword to the red dot on your back.
The scales were crushed and the sword of Mithril sank deeply.
I hear the feeling and sound of the flesh breaking, and Modki storms violently, but Non grabs the sword desperately.
"I'm gonna help you now! Flame chain!"
When you hear the noise of jarring, a red chain wraps around Modki's body.
Looks like Erna is magically joining us.
"That's it. Ah!
Pulling out his sword at once, he leaped and stuck his sword to Modki's head.
Even a boulder dragon modoki can't live if it destroys his brain.
As expected, when he stopped moving, he lay on the ground like a marionette with a broken thread.
"You did it! Shinichi! We beat Modoki!
Sitting back with his sword pierced, Noh laughs bitterly at Erna, who is shaking.
Honestly, if it weren't for the robe, it would have died.
"What the hell are you?
Non shrugged toward the black robe he wrapped himself in.