Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu
Twenty-two words, kiss the spider.
Entering a house, Erna starts to roam through the room.
Non also explores the house, but none of the rooms are popular.
Someone would have used the bed to make them see that the futon was disturbed and hurried away.
"Come on!
As soon as I heard Elna scream, three men were being groomed by yarn in what would be a children's room. Carefully wrapped from toe to face and knotted like a ribbon.
Surprised to see the body, Erna is sitting on the floor.
"Are you all right?
"Yeah, I'm just a little surprised..."
She took a deep breath when she stood up.
Though I was prepared, I feel disgusted when I look at the body this way.
I guess the other side only sees humans as bait.
"Oh, I heard your voice again."
Erna walks out, fluttering around the living room.
And when I put my ear on the floor, I slapped the floor with a cane like some sort of ritual.
"Is there someone down there?
"Look for the best. There must be a hidden door."
When he also begins to look for floors, he discovers that only some floors have different colors.
When I tapped it, it returned a mild sound, so I decided to plug in the knife and try to open it.
"Hit it."
A staircase appeared off the floor.
Down the dreaded stairs, I heard many screams in the dark.
"Erna, give me the light."
When she used magic, the underground space lit up brightly and the faces of about sixty people emerged.
The room was a small space of 10 m square, but men, women and children are frightened of each other.
"Non is an adventurer called the homeless. I came here for a favor, but I'm pretty sure it's here, huh?
That said, one elderly man stood up.
"Oh! You got me a nomination request! Thanks! Expel those spiders as soon as possible!
"That's fine, but is this everything for those who are evacuating?
The old man darkens his expression to the question of Non.
"Unfortunately, that's not all the villagers who survived. The men who fought the spiders are dead, and when it comes to what we can do, it's enough to call the city for help."
"Well... that was tough. But if Nong et al are here, you can rest assured. Always try to get the village back from the spiders."
"Ooh! What a comforting word! Nice to meet you!
When Noon shook hands with the old man, he decided to go out to earth first.
"So what do you do? There must be some wacko in the woods.
"That old man - according to the village chief's story, there's a spider's nest in the cave that went west of this village. Tap there and you'll be relieved for a moment."
"But not everything's in the nest, is it? What about the other spiders?"
"Use this for that"
Non pointed to the three bodies at his feet.
Sorry about the deceased, but let me use it for the sake of the village.
Using skill yarn generation, a single yarn pops out of your fingertips. Sturdy and elastic yarn.
When the three bodies were bracketed in thread, they were placed on their backs.
"Well, Warcraft skills are handy."
"I didn't think I could even pick up monster skills, but it's surprisingly convenient to use. You can be a spy now."
Erna looks strange, but the hero thing is a boy's favor.
Especially that hero who flies endlessly across the building bloc is also popular.
Don't remind me that my son was imitating me while watching TV.
Non and Erna stepped into the woods, killing all the spiders that appeared, and searching for the western cave where the nest would be.
"Is that the western cave..."
Walking for about two hours with a sense of body, I found a hole in my mouth poking into a large rock.
From inside, spiders crawl sometimes, and you can see how they bring round prey inside with yarn.
It looks like a spider, but it may be ecologically close to an ant.
"I've come this far, but what do you do with the body?
"Do this"
Non threw the body to the front of the cave. Then a few of them noticed the body approaching.
"Elna, it's Flame Bomb!
"Huh!? F, Flame Bomb!
The spiders that were gathered in the body scream and burn to death.
Non quickly used skill secrecy and embraced Erna from behind.
"Hey, hey... here..."
"Be quiet. I heard you scream and my people should come."
The spiders began to gather straw after hearing the screams of their companions.
The spiders that emerged from the woods were as if they hadn't noticed. There are even spiders going straight through the side, so the power of secrecy is immeasurable.
Interestingly enough, Skill Hidden is an excellent way to erase not only the signs of people you come into contact with.
At first, it was an experiment on how far skills work, but when I tried it on Elna in the city, everyone started ignoring Elna. That's where I pinned it.
Even in thinking about it, spiders get together and go mountain by mountain.
The total number had already exceeded four hundred, and the more I felt sick, the more I said goodbye.
"Elna, it's Flameburst."
"Ugh, yeah."
With her ears red, she puts up her wand and unleashes advanced magic on the spiders.
A bright red flame rose with the explosion, and the spiders instantly turned to ashes.
Where the crater is made, the red glowing charcoal and the still drifting black smoke reveal the power of advanced magic.
"It's time to let go..."
"Hmm? Oh, sorry."
Releasing Elna, who was holding her, she mozzles with a bright red face.
You should still refrain from hugging a woman of your age. I must have thought it was sexual harassment.
"But didn't this kill most spiders?
"I'd like to think so..."
At that time, something like a current ran through Non's spine. Skill Hazard Detection.
Immediately after leaving the scene with Erna, the place where Nona was was filled with thread in an instant.
It feels like something exploded and a ton of yarn popped up.
A large spider appeared, about three metres from the cave.
"Come on, parent spider. I thought so, but it still doesn't seem to end so easily."
The parent spider flies a white sphere when he points his ass at it.
Non quickly escaped holding Erna in his arms.
Immediately after, the white sphere explodes and scatters a large amount of yarn.
Apparently, the array is a special yarn that only the parent spider can use.
Running into the woods, the parent spider moves between the trees instantly but quickly.
I knew the spider's bouncing power was tremendous, but even super senses follow him, so finally.
"Maichi, I'll use magic!
Elna, held by her side, puts up a cane and she puts up a series of flame bombs.
But the parent spider had beautifully avoided Erna's attack.
On the contrary, we are already approaching the back of Noun.
"I have no choice, this is a direct confrontation!
Putting Erna down to the ground, she pulls out her sword and relative it to her parent spider.
He was rattling his fangs and intimidating Noon.
When the parent spider fleshes in a quick motion, it rises its fangs to the body of Noun.
Big fangs poked deep into his arms.
From the tip of the fangs, the poison pours in, and the poison spills all over the body.
I forgot, the wrapping spider is a poisonous spider.
I hear Elna, and I'm ready to die if you're done.
but the pain doesn't come numb or anything. I felt more like I woke up in pain.
"How long have you been biting me, spider bastard!
Grabbing the biting spider, he lifted it up and backdropped it all at once.
"Piggy Yikes!?
A big spider shows his belly and is jittery.
Activate a skill knob push there and stab the sword at the red dot that appeared at the base of the foot.
When he touched the demonic squares in the pattern of the sword, he sounded a unique sound with the bees and the electric shock flowed all over him.
The spider freaks out and shivers his body, relaxing his whole body when he exhales tons of bubbles from his mouth. He's dead.
"Phew, looks like you managed to win..."
"Makichi! Are you okay?!?
Erna rushes over to Non, staring at the wound on her arm in a grated and wolfish manner.
"There's nothing like this. More than that, Noon's made a big discovery."
"Heh? Big discovery?
"Um, apparently, a species called the homeless mutant doesn't work with poison. Besides, look, the wounds are already starting to clog. The ability to regenerate is incredibly high."
Non's arm had already stopped bleeding. On the contrary, it also appears to be playing gradually.
Of course there will be the benefit of skill self-healing, but nevertheless this ability to regenerate is abnormal.
"I'm still worried. Eat Cure Matthew."
If you eat Cure Matthew given to you by Erna, the rate of playback soars and the scratches disappear in no time. I still feel like Cure Matthew can't let go.
Identifying the parent spider you killed contained interesting information.
[Appraisal Results: Wrapping Spider Mother: She is the mother of a wrapping spider and lays large quantities of eggs once a year. Its fangs are stashed with fierce poison, and even a fierce warcraft doesn't just get close to its mother]
Race: Wrapping Spider Mother
Magic Attribute: Soil
Mastery Magic: Rock Arrow, Rockwall
Mastery Skills: Yarn Generation (Advanced), Yarn Manipulation (Advanced), Yarn Bomb (Advanced), Vision Enhancement (Advanced)
Non acquired skill yarn generation and yarn bomb and vision enhancement with skill pickup.
It's a skill I don't know if I'll use it, but it might help.
"With that said, how many skill caps do you have?
"Uh... I'm going up with beginner, intermediate, advanced, and superior, but I wonder if you've heard that when the conditions are in place, it integrates and becomes a superior skill. But it's rare for people with that kind of skills, and it's rare for people to get to the top, so I don't know the details."
"Hmm, superior skills? That sounds pretty funny."
When Noon took charge of the parent spider, he began to walk to the nest.
"Hey, the village is in the opposite direction, right?
"It's not over yet. If we don't burn down the nest properly, another spider might come and build the nest."
"So is that."
When they returned to the western cave, Nong decided to explore the inside.
"Wow, it's not just human bones..."
"That's all they're saying. They attacked a lot of villagers."
As we proceeded through the dim cave, the chilling air began to drift from the back.
I hit the end of the line about twenty meters away.
"Are we done here... hmm? What's this?
There were purple crystals growing on the end walls.
There are about thirty large objects of about five centimeters, but when you add together the small ones of about a beetle, the thousand won't go down.
"Wow! This is the Dark Demon Stone!
"Is that unusual?
"Not for granted! The Demon Stone of Darkness and Light is famous for being hard to come by!
Ho, that's good news.
When Noh puts the parent spider on the ground, he breaks the dark crystal into pieces.
"Wait, wait! These things dig right from the roots! Because you just can't see, it can be really big stuff!
"Well... then dig it out with a knife"
When the walls are scraped with a knife, the demon stone is carefully collected.
I'm ignorant of this sort of thing, so I appreciated Erna's point.
I'm sure Noon alone would have just mass-produced scratchy demonic stones.
I leave the cave where I collect about forty.
"Are you sure? Maybe you won't get the Demon Stone anymore, will you?
"Just do it quick."
When Erna released Flameburst, the entrance to the cave was destroyed and buried in rubble.
Now there should be no more warcraft to nest here.
When they returned to the village, Non and the others told the village chief and the villagers that they had exorcised the spiders.
Everyone embraced and rejoiced, and rejoiced that peace had returned to the village. It made me happy to see you like that.
It wasn't just that. It was filled with the fullness of someone's usefulness.
"Were you still a hero as rumored...... this is a reward. Because of this small village, we couldn't color it, but please accept it."
When I receive the leather bag that rings, I check inside.
Twenty silver coins for three gold coins.
It seems to be worth about two and a half million yen. I don't know if this is cheap or expensive.
But I'm going to have to take it because this is the best they can get out.
"I did receive"
"Thank you. The work of the adventurer homeless will surely be told in this village"
"Yes, no... that's it..."
The chief of the village says no.
Isn't it like a brave man, such as talking about activity? I die of embarrassment.
"That's good, homeless people are gonna be famous sooner or later. It's a party with Elna, the archdeacon."
Erna is laughing at the thought of ease.
You don't seem to quite understand that you're going to be famous. I don't know if you'll come crying in a few years.
When he greeted the village chief, Non and the others followed the village.