Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu
Eighty-six stories, the end of the war.
When Noh dodges the Emperor's attack by rolling down the floor, he recovers the sword that was falling.
The unseen slaughter smashed the place where Nan was earlier.
"Bad old days."
The Emperor's sword is once again waved by Noun.
Although invisible, it extends from the sword if you follow the original. It would be possible to predict the orbit with the motion at hand. With a sword in his left hand, he managed to prevent his slaughter.
"Are you going to fight with only one arm?"
Nun manages to take the slaughter of the man who is swung down many times with one hand.
Honestly, losing my right arm is pretty painful. I didn't retrieve my arm because it was something like that, but it should stick right now.
I want to pick up my right arm somehow.
"Then you don't need me. Flame Bomb."
The emperor magically blew up the right arm of Non, which was falling on the floor.
Non unexpectedly distorts his expression.
"Kuhaha! What a shame! Now you really have to fight with only one arm!
I've lost my arm. This situation is very unsavory.
If we don't get our arms back somehow, we won't have a chance. But first we have to buy some time.
"Let's specially just play a little bit more. I don't hate hurting the weak."
His dragon slash wave was about to strike Noon again.
Dragon slash waves are dragon slash waves. Non accepts an invisible blade with an invisible blade.
"Oh, did you use it, too? This is out of the question."
"Don't take a sweet look at Non. I haven't decided to lose yet."
Non and the Emperor meet the invisible blade.
The length of each other's sashimi is about fifteen meters, critical to fighting between these sights.
Only one arm on top of the other, and the battle under unfamiliar circumstances hunts down Non.
"What's up? You're getting weaker, aren't you?
Nan's left arm was paralyzed by the intense punch.
Even though my body has grown longer, it is finally in shape because it prevents attacks. We'll have to get close to one or eight.
"Not yet!"
As the emperor cuts down, the dragon slashes the waves.
When you take the invisible fullness with your sword, let it slip and pack the distance from the emperor.
Sparks scattered between the sword and the sword.
"There you are."
When he immediately releases the Dragon Slash Wave, he accepts the Sword of Nong with his sword.
Each other at best, but only slightly pushed.
"Isn't it inconvenient without your right arm? Oh, speaking of which, I cut it."
"It's enough for my left hand to fight you, etc. If Non knocks you down, I'll laugh from the bottom of my heart."
"Fine. I wish I could be defeated."
Powered by the Emperor's sword, he begins to sweep the knots at once.
When Noh rolled back and regained his position, he fired a yarn bomb from his left fingertip.
When the bomb bursts over the Emperor's head, a lot of yarn pours over him.
"Is this...!?
The thread that adheres to the body properly restricts the emperor's movement.
When Rainbow Matthew was removed from the ring in the meantime, he threw it into his mouth and chewed (shuddered) with a mog.
"Ugh, ugly..."
The moment I swallowed Rainbow Matthew, my right arm, which should have been cut, grew.
It was as if Pranalia were going to play the lost part, and the arms of the Green Man in a comic book were completely regenerated.
My own arm but I couldn't help but think it was disgusting.
But now we can fight the Emperor equally again.
"Yes! Out of the way! Fireball!"
The emperor, struggling with tangled threads, finally began to use magic against himself.
The yarn burns down by fire.
"Don't imitate me!
"I told you not to take a sweet look at Non. And the foreword is withdrawn. I'll stop fighting with one hand."
When the Emperor realized that Noon's right arm was back on track, his faceless face only slightly distracted. Because I'm back in my first state.
"How did you get it back? I did destroy my right arm, didn't I?
"Think for yourself if you want to know. I'll teach my enemies. I don't have a stepdad."
"Then I'll cut it off again and observe it."
Non and the Emperor cut together. The regenerated arm was working fine. I think I can find a way out of this.
Whenever the sword and sword crossed, the tall sound echoed all over the room.
Sword arms are almost mutually reinforcing. If there was anxiety, it would be the length of reach due to physical difference.
Then Nao takes advantage of the height difference and jumps under his feet.
"Stupid. Can't you see it's suicide, like coming under my feet?"
He tried not to get lost.
But Noon takes his impending leg lightly with his left hand.
"No!? What do you mean!? You can't trample it!
No matter how much power you put into it, you can't trample it.
The reason is impact disabling skills. I don't know the rationale, but my skills are nullifying the power I have. In other words, Noon is almost invincible in fleshshell warfare.
Pushing his feet back, the emperor falls to the floor out of balance.
When I jumped on my chest, I put my sword up against my heart. Non is convinced of victory.
"Now - Ugh!?
When he was grabbed with his big hand, Noon was thrown to the wall with momentum.
I hit my back hard against the wall, but thanks to the shock nullification, I have no pain at all. I am surprised that the emperor, who should have stabbed his heart more than that, is slowly rising.
The wound disappeared without signs of blockage. I just want to mourn if it's self-regeneration again.
"You've never pissed me off like this before. Let's bury him with no bones left behind, as we hope."
Apparently, Non touched the emperor's scales.
His body is covered in dark green scales and his face turns into a dragon.
Wings came out of his back, and long tails grew out of his buttocks.
I have the impression that Noun is the closest to a dragon.
If you activate Skill Dragonization, the black scales will cover your entire body.
"Be ashes."
The emperor, breathing in, exhaled flames toward Noon.
Barely avoiding it, the flames sweep away the walls and make great holes. It's so powerful that the flame Gaen threw up looks like a toy.
Secondly, I notice that the light outside is plugged in through the empty hole.
"This is your chance."
Non decided to escape from the great hole to the outside of the castle when he put out his wings.
It is too unfavourable to be attacked like earlier in a limited space. A wider space would be desirable if we were to fight. Besides, I just want to avoid destroying the castle.
"I won't let you get away with it! I'll kill you even at the end of the earth!
The emperor was chasing us.
When Noh increases his flight speed, he flies far above the Empire City.
Stagnating around beyond the clouds, the emperor appeared as he drew the cloud sea apart.
"You're not running anymore? He's a short human."
"Non did not flee. I led him to a big place."
"Reduce your mouth!
Flames are thrown out of the Emperor's mouth.
It is no longer at a level analogous to flamethrowing or the like. In other words, it's fireworks.
The calories are high, and even dragonized rice noodles feel burnt and hot on the skin.
With the impending flame in front of her, Non breathed in all at once.
"Wang Long breath!
A bright red flash emits from the mouth of Non.
It extended straight and hit fire. The shock wave spreads to the perimeter, pushing the cloud in a circle.
Each other's braces at best.
Perhaps this will be our last battle.
If Noun can take care of him now, all he has is this king dragonbreath.
Then I'll bet everything on this blow.
Spitting flashes added even more momentum.
Gradually push back the fire, one by one, to the emperor.
The emperor's fireworks push the flash back.
But it also faded quickly, and Non's spitting flash finally hit the emperor's head directly.
When the flash goes out, the body of the emperor who lost his head begins to fall towards the ground.
I think we won this time, but given his regenerative power, we can't be alarmed.
When Noh recovered the Emperor's body, he decided to return for a moment.
"Apparently, he's dead."
I was observing the body, but I can't see the Emperor coming back to life.
Just as self-regeneration doesn't seem to regenerate the head either. It is a relief.
Non decided to acquire the Emperor's diminutive skills by picking up his skills.
Name: Makichi Tanaka
Age: 17 (56)
Race: Homeless (Kings)
< High Elf Hydwarf High Beast Man, High Wing Man, Hydragon Newt Vampire >
Occupation: Adventurer
Magic Attribute: None
Mastery Magic: Restored Space, Quarantined Space
Mastery Skills: up Analysis (Premium), up Activation (Premium), up Master of Martial Arts (Advanced), Theft (Advanced), Hidden (Premium), Universal Thread (Intermediate), Divided (Premium), up Hazard Prediction (Advanced), Sound (Premium), up Nerve Enhancement (Advanced), Digestive Enhancement (Premium), up Limit Breaking (Premium), up Awakening (Intermediate), up Impact Disabled (Intermediate), Sandy Walking (Extra), Underwater Adaptation (Intermediate), NEW Fast Flight (Intermediate), Hardened (Extra), UP Self Regeneration (Advanced), Plant Manipulation Modification (Advanced), Metal Manipulation (Intermediate), Separation (Extra), NEW Pressure (Intermediate), UP Dictatorship (Advanced), Noble Spirit, NEW Wang Dragonbreath (Advanced), UP Paralysis Eye (Extra), UP Dragon Slash Wave (Extra), Dependency, Family Enhancement (Extra), Family Summoning, Dragonization, Skill Picking, Race Picking, King's Vessel, New Emperor's Vessel
What I got was dragon slash waves, awakening, self-regeneration, dictatorship, repression, vessels of emperors.
Pressure seems to be more or less the same as an effect, as it seems to be the upper skill of intimidation.
Some skills were further ranked for fighting Holy Beasts and Emperors.
What has gone up are analysis, activism, martial arts masters, hazard prediction, nerve strengthening, limit breaking, shock nullification, and paralyzed eyes.
It is quite a harvest.
[Certain conditions have been met to evolve your skills]
[Skill Evolution: Hardened Slash Resistance]
Skill evolution is displayed in the vision.
It was unexpected that the hardening would become slash resistant. This is a delightful report.
And then I get the Emperor Dragon Newt with the pedigree pickup.
"Well, we have to end this..."
Non exhales.
The truth is that with the emperor responding to the discussion, this war was planned to converge.
How about that? In the end, Non took over the Emperor.
The worst case has come true. Non puts his mind on what to do now.
Looking back at his voice, one woman was about to go inside at the entrance to the room.
It is Sketaro who stops a woman. But the woman swung off Suketaro's suppression and came in between glances.
"Oh, Father! Father!!
The woman sits on the floor and weeps when she sees the emperor's body.
Apparently she is one of the royal families.
Sketaro apologizes for ”I'm sorry”.
Non replied, "I don't mind."
"... will you... destroy this country?
The woman who stopped crying looked at her without being strong.
Purple long hair with a slightly saucey shaped eyebrow.
It looks like whoever sees it will appreciate it. Plus the pink dress looked great, and yet had character.
Nong does not answer her queries immediately.
When I looked at the floor, the crown that the emperor would have worn had fallen.
Besides, it's about half melted and makes me think it would be impossible to use this again as a crown.
When he restored the crown in the restoration space, he put it over the woman's head.
"Non killed the Emperor. But we are not going to destroy the Empire. So you will lead the empire from now on."
"That's not true for me............"
Women are confused by Non's words.
Normally it would be. I'd rather not be confused if the person who killed my father told me to be an empress. But as for Non, I felt she was the one who deserved to rule the country.
Of course not. There is no clear reason.
But he said that the woman in front of him should be made an empress.
"Noh is Makichi Tanaka, an adventurer in Marna. If you want your father's revenge, you can always take it and stand. But if you're going to go to war, think of it as your father's two dances."
"... we will not have a war or anything. Because I've always disagreed with your father's idea. And I will not avenge you."
"That's fine. Let's hear your name."
"I... am Skaaha Dragnil, sixth in the throne."
Non wrote the woman's name on a note in her heart.
Well, I don't know if she's actually going to be an empress. Maybe someone else will be emperor, but as a non, I just want to recommend her.
"Then Non leaves. Don't ever lay your hands on the kingdom again."
".................. Yes. The Empire will never reach the country where Maichi Tanaka lives again."
Hmm? I feel subtly different, but I also feel the same as it turns out, so let's just say it's good?
Non remembered something as he tried to leave from the sight.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, to pay compensation to the five countries that fought the war"
"I know. The atonement for trying to invade is going to take a long time."
"That's fine. Besides, can I get a pot that's on the ground floor?
Skaaaha looks at Nguyen with a decent look.
He must have wondered how much treasure the man who killed the Emperor would take.
Unfortunately, Noon is not in trouble for money. If there's anything you want, it's about the pot Sketaro was showing interest in.
"If it's about a pot, take as much as you want. I'll give you as much money as you want."
"No, all I want is a kettle. Thank you."
When you get down to the ground floor, you get the pot of purpose.
Sketaro looked a lot happier with his jaw, but this would take some polishing on the tea room decor.
When Noh joined the Skeleton army, he followed the Empire to return to the kingdom.