Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu
One Hundred and Three Stories Homeless Destruction Operation 3
After resting on the twenty-first tier, the Royal Army stepped into the twenty-second tier.
The floor is filled with water, and the only way to move forward is through a stone road that extends to the horizon.
"I don't think I can make it for drinking water."
Arvish glances into the water and pounds his tongue.
Then Cobby pulled Arvish away from the water as he panicked.
"Sir, you mustn't go near the water. Easy to get eaten."
"They eat you? Is there anything here?
"Hey, on the twenty-two hierarchy -" Ghaaaaaaaa!
A soldier screamed as Cobby tried to start explaining.
There were dragonflies gathered right over the soldiers.
Insects are captured at unnoticed speeds when they find a diminutive soldier. Lift it up and take it away to the horizon.
Some of them were slapped in the head on the spot.
The Royal Army falls into havoc. Trying to protect their own lives, the soldiers even turned their swords to their allies.
"No, no, no, no!
A man appeared jumping from the top of the road into the water.
Dragonflies do not aim for prey that has fallen into the water. I realized that as soon as possible.
But something drags the swimming soldiers into the water one after the other.
That's a flash. When something like a thick, long rope wraps around your neck, you don't have time to resist into the water.
Arvish, who has undoubtedly truncated the dragonfly, gives instructions.
"Don't stop! Move on!
The soldiers rush out in unison, spearheading the running Arvish.
The dragonflies were chasing after us with more than enough to let them escape.
"Aerocutter! Aerocutter!"
Felia does not stop her legs, but releases a series of magic to the attacking dragonflies.
But more and more warcraft gather than they kill. Hundreds of dragonflies have already flown directly over them.
Cobby spoke to Arvish as he ran.
"This is no good! I'm so excited those bugs are here! This way of gathering is unusual!
"I know that too! Is there any way to get rid of that bug!?
"It's fire! Those guys are scared of fire! When I walked through here, I could easily remember using the pine lights to get rid of it!
"Okay, that's fire! Professor! Use Rich to burn down those dragonflies!
Professor Jill was carrying on Rich's back running behind Arvish.
"Don't give me orders. But this is not the preferred situation for me either. If you want to kill those bugs, you can do it. Ignis."
Reacting to the professor's voice was Rich, who buried the red demon stone on his forehead.
His name is Ignis. It is an artificial rich unity that specializes in flames.
Besides that, Aquanis specializes in water.
Arel specializes in wind.
Tyra specializes in soil.
and others and named by Professor Jill.
Ignis lifts his hands and unleashes his magic when he stops against the flow.
What emerges are hundreds of fireballs.
Unexpectedly the sights make the soldiers stop and see.
The dragonflies who were chasing their prey also temporarily stopped moving.
When Ignis rang his jaw, the fireball was fired simultaneously.
Explosion as the flash spreads towards all directions. Dye the sky bright red.
The direct shot dragonfly lost its head and feathers and fell over water and roads, wrapped in white smoke.
"Can you even do that..."
"Kuhaha, are you surprised? My Rich boasts luxurious magic and can still be used. I'm guessing you can't imitate the human wizard there."
Arvish could not hide his joy in Professor Jill's words.
Because I wondered if Maichi Tanaka would have no hands or feet if he was such a powerful warcraft.
Feria was furious.
"I can do that kind of magic, master! I hope it doesn't bother you as much as the primary magic multiplication!
"Ho, can my little girl do that too? That was a surprise. Well, good. That degree of magic is a play for my rich. There would be no point in comparing them to the lower-level."
"Low level!?
Feria shivers with her anger's less eyes open.
Arvish just broke in between this tasteless and the two of us.
"We should be working hand in hand to defeat the homeless. Don't do anything to buy anger for nothing."
"Because that little girl belittles my rich. It would be that elf who should be blamed."
"... hmm"
Professor Jill moved on while Rich carried him.
Feria hasn't stopped being angry and is staring at the professor's back.
"Brokerage is pointless. In order to defeat them, we have to use that man's help."
"I know. But I still have a problem with it. I really don't like the big guy's attitude, even with the help of the Warcraft."
"Let me tell you something. It's a temporary relationship. Once this operation is over, that man will never worship the sun again."
"What do you mean?
"His Majesty seems to be going to let Professor Jill mass produce Rich. Probably going to keep making it till he dies. This is the last time I'm free for that man."
Feria laughs niggly. Her anger vanished somewhere as soon as possible.
"If that's what you mean, I understand. There's no way I'm angry at a man like that."
"I'm glad your mood's fixed."
Arvish kissed the back of Feria's hand.
"It's about time you saw the building. There must have been a staircase down there."
Cobby, who leads the way, said so pointing to the end of the road.
Arvish put a wrinkle between his eyebrows and put his mood in his mouth.
"What floor is the twenty-three hierarchy? No more giant insects."
"Don't worry about it. The twenty-third floor is a baboo forest. The only enemies out there are skeletons, and it's easy to imagine they won't be the first to do anything about it."
"Skeleton? Then you'll be able to put your soldiers to rest."
The soldiers are relieved by Arvish's words.
Everyone had already regretted diving into the Great Labyrinth.
Because I realized that humans are the bait of warcraft here.
Cobby continues the conversation.
"I'll tell my husband, the twenty-two tiers are still cute stuff. Twenty-six, twenty-seven hierarchies make it easier for skeletons to come out. Besides, there are rumors that Rich and Zombies are coming out."
"Rumor. Didn't you meet?
"Hey, Arashara had obtained information beforehand, so she burned the demon deodorant and immediately took off the stairs. You can't deal with a whole bunch of skeletons and multiple riches."
Arvish laughed inside out at Cobby's people.
Because it couldn't have been like feeling scared every time you skeleton or rich.
"Oh? Is that a person?
Cobby reacted to the figure at the end of the road.
Professor Jill turns his gaze to Arvish and Feria in his voice.
Shadows sitting in the center of the road.
The body was equipped with iron armor, and the protruding head was a skull, no matter what you might think.
In the silver skull lies a blurred red light in its eyes.
On his right hand, he was holding a spear and skipping to the Royal Army.
"Skeleton...... is it?
"Back off, Feria. It doesn't look like I'm just a skeleton. Somebody check your appraisal skills."
Instructions were given and soldiers in possession of appraisal skills examined the mysterious skeleton.
Silver skeletons still don't move in the meantime.
It was as if they were waiting for their own enemies to appear.
"We got results. It looks like a warcraft called a homeless silver skeleton."
"What about magic? Skills?"
"I'm sorry. I was only able to confirm my name on the appraisal (intermediate)"
The soldier droops his head and apologizes.
Appraisals are commonly referred to as ill-grown skills.
Rank up very slowly compared to other skills.
It is not uncommon if you continue to use it for fifty years and remain a junior, depending on the talent of the holder.
Therefore, when they become more than appraised (advanced), they are treated as holders of rare skills.
The presence of an appraisal (intermediate) holder is rather a testament to excellence.
"Is it a master class warcraft to say you can't be seen in an appraisal? I guess I'll have to deal with it."
"Master Arvish!
"Don't stop, Feria. This is when we, as heroes, have to show our soldiers our strength. Wait there for my victory."
When Feria is stopped, Arvish pulls out his sword and moves on.
The sitting skeleton slowly stood up and put up a misrill spear in his hand.
"Hey, skeleton there. Is that what you call a homeless guy? Then why don't you come under me? I think I deserve your Lord more than that man."
The silver skeleton shook his head sideways.
The forehead says' 7 'to a large extent, and Arvish didn't know that was a number.
Because it is an Arabic number that is not in this world.
If he had noticed the numbers at this time, he would probably have turned back from the Great Labyrinth.
"I don't know how you subordinated the silver skeleton, but if you're gonna stand in front of me, just turn it off"
Arvish cut in with an intense step.
Heavy slaughter. Skeleton 7 is not quick with a spear and takes a step back from the spot.
"Not yet!
The sword does not stop. Successive strikes enough to see the remnants retracted Skeleton 7 step by step.
Every time a spear receives a sword, it makes a tall sound and scatters a spark.
The soldiers' eyes seemed to have skeletons pressed unilaterally.
"This guy... is judging my sword without difficulty"
Skeleton 7 was out of sword orbit with a skillful spear judgment.
That alone recognizes Arvish as an out-of-line opponent.
The skeleton in front of him was more heterogeneous than any warcraft he had fought.
"Then how about this! Flaming Sword Dance!
The moment his body touched the spear's spear tip, Skeleton 7 was engulfed in the flames of an explosion.
The soldiers cheer and the battle is wrapped in a mood as if they had decided.
Arvish also looked at the burning skeleton as he lowered his sword.
"He was strong for Skeleton, but he's not my enemy now."
But he doesn't move off the spot.
I was feeling a strange heartbeat.
A man-shaped flame rose.
The flames that are gradually wrapped up disappear, and a silver body appears from beneath them.
Did the iron armor blow up in the explosion? The body of the original bone was protruding, and there was no scratch on the skull where the red light lit.
The soldiers who were happy to step out with Katsunkatsun go with their mouths shut.
Even Arvish gets a glimmer of sweat from his forehead.
"Are you a real monster?"
Compliments and received skeleton 7 offer a compliment to the enemy.
Professor Jill, who was watching there with the soldiers, speaks out.
"Wonderful! What endurance! Hey, hero! Get me my body! I'm the best ingredient for my rich to get even higher!
"Shut up! Not now!
Arvish silenced the professor.
He was trying to figure out how to beat the enemy in front of him.
Skeleton 7 rattled his jaw.