Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu
One hundred and thirty-one stories, Guild headquarters.
After the creation of the new treasure trove, Non and the others were to deliver a letter to the countries for the Dollar.
Here's what it's all about. Six months later, an emergency meeting will be held at Alliance headquarters, so the heads of state gathered as soon as possible. Of course, it also details what happened in Daltan and tells them that the Holy Beast is in danger.
It's unclear how many countries will react, but now I just hope they come together to believe me.
"Heck yeah!
"Look, I'll lend you my robe. This isn't cold."
"Thanks." Hey Liz, don't come in the robe!
"Cold makes me sleepy. Let me in because I'm good on the clouds."
Erna and Liz wrap themselves in a robe of nong as they fly.
Behind it, a flare with a pero was flying with divine force.
"I don't have to hold it because I have a griffon..."
"No. If I can touch Master Pero's Moffmoff, I'll spit this flare, blood reflexes, but I'll keep flying."
"On the contrary, I'm scared. My eyes are running blood."
By the way, Rodman is returning to Marna one foot away.
You think you're worried about the family you've left behind? I think he's a good father.
Nong et al. are now headed for the Elpion Mountains, which lie to the east of the Kingdom of Logus.
Going to the general headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild, said to be in the middle of Grand Mountain, the highest spiritual peak in the mountains.
And it is to take part in the Six Nations Summit to be held there.
Already in sight there was a series of snow mountains that shook through the heavens, and in the centre the grand peak Grand Mountain, a magnificent figure, looked down upon them.
The contrast of the blue sky on the white mountains is truly beautiful.
If I had a camera, I'd feel like taking one of the pictures.
"And I wonder if there really is a headquarters in such a snowy mountain. I've never actually seen it, either, just to hear the rumors."
"But Doddle used to say it the way he'd been. You have no doubt it exists."
"Because Adventurer Guild is a frighteningly mysterious organization. It is unclear except that the Commission is partitioning everything. It's a huge corporation that can't even handle the country."
That's certainly true if you ask me.
I use it casually, but Noon doesn't know anything about the Alliance.
I don't think I even tried to find out.
If it hadn't been for this incident, I probably wouldn't have gone to HQ for the rest of my life.
"Let's take a break around there. Located close to the middle belly."
"Right. We're going down."
With Pelo's words, Non gives instructions to his companions.
There are winding mountain paths in Grand Mountain, along the way there are several rest points.
A robustly built hut has been set up that will withstand a snowstorm, with beds and a furnace enclosure to set fire to. For once, there was also a blanket, but it was unlikely that the blanket could be kept thin and warm. Well, better than nothing.
Non decided to light the enclosure and make warm soup.
"The king of Daltan has arrived first, hasn't he?
"We set out while Nong and the others were delivering letters to various countries. By now, I'd be snorting around setting up a venue."
"You're preparing for the banquet anyway. Because Dwarves don't just let go of alcohol at any time. And you know what? The king of Dalton is going to sleep with a helicopter."
Erna sips hot soup after saying so.
It could be. That dollar is going to tell us to deepen rapport with booze, etc.
On the contrary. Maybe at the headquarters already, the Dwarf banquet has begun......
Non feels such an unpleasant feeling, while putting the soup in a bowl and passing it to Pero.
"Thank you. Yeah, your father's soup is delicious and warm."
"Right. Look, drink Liz and Flair too."
"I don't want it. Sleeper than that."
"I'll have it. My body's getting cold and I'm going to catch a cold."
Flair, who received the soup, was clinging to Pero's body.
My regular girlfriend would have been happy with Moffmoff, etc., but now she looks desperate to maintain her temperature at all - no, it's my fault. It's the usual look.
That's where I heard strong wind noises from outside. The cabin is slight but shaky.
I opened the door and checked and it was a white blizzard on one side.
I hear the weather in the mountains is changeable, but you're absolutely right.
It should have been sunny until earlier. The sun is completely covered in clouds.
"Looks like a blizzard. I can't move for a while."
"Uh, hold back here? We're almost there."
"You have no choice. Even if you go out there, you'll just be shipwrecked with poor vision. For now, we have to wait here until the snowstorm stops. - What's that noise?
Suddenly, I heard a horse hissing from the outside.
Immediately thereafter, the door of the cabin where Noura is located is opened.
"Oh, there are people! Thanks!"
"Your Majesty, don't go before me even though I don't know what kind of people there are...... Erna!!
Coming into the cabin was Sir Frederia, the Queen of Sanalgia and Elna's father, dressed in cold proof clothes. Behind the two I see about three knightly figures. I guess he was on his way to HQ as well as the others.
Sir Frederia ran into the cabin and embraced Erna.
"I didn't know Elna was coming! My sweet little girl!
"Hey, let go, Father! Everybody's watching!
Sir Frederia is extremely impressed by rubbing his own cheek against Erna's cheek.
When the queen and the knights entered the cabin in a frivolous manner, Noun closed the door and spoke to the queen, who seemed to speak plausibly.
"You guys go to HQ too?
"Oh, we were just about to be called to King Daltan. That's what they call it."
"Um, I'll tell you what, this Allied command is also to be taken."
"I was relieved to hear that. We in Sanalgia don't want to fight in the coalition under Dwarf's command even if we die."
The queen smiles as she sits down in front of the enclosure.
The elf and dwarf mismatch still seems to be going on.
At this point, you might want to ask why we're hanging out.
When Noh sat across from the queen's enclosure, he put soup in the vessel and offered it to her.
"Thank you. I couldn't help but freeze my body."
"We're like each other at times like this. By the way, I've been wondering, why are you and Dwarf not getting along?
"... They once had a great battle between demons and people called the People's Demon Wars. We Elves fought on the front line with Dwarves, albeit at many sacrifices. They say the two old races were not as close as they are now."
"Were you close? So how did you end up like this?
"At the time King Daltan was taken hostage by demons. The demand beyond is for Sanalgia and Daltan to withdraw completely from this battle. Daltan made a decision to accept this condition, but Sanalgia refuses to do so. As a result, the king was killed and the elves were hated by the Dwarves."
"But isn't that something you can't do about it? If Sanalgia and Daltan retreat, things will carry the way the demon wants them to. That's what war is all about."
"Dwarves also know that. It's just that their emotions couldn't forgive us. The King who was murdered was just a great man to admire, both inside and outside. Now forget why. The two races continue to struggle."
The queen sips soup after she's finished talking.
Are you saying that even if the reason is forgotten, only the emotions held by the ancestors are passed on to future generations? It's a difficult situation to solve.
However, it still seems to me that Daltan and Sanalgia are also making an effort to walk away from each other. Attendance at this meeting should also have never been face-to-face if one of them was reluctant. What an ironic story that war is pulling each other apart and trying to interact again in war.
"I've heard about Erna. This is where the Great Commander is now."
"I think we're close, but we're still not active enough. If we don't do something bigger, we won't get a recommendation."
"A letter of recommendation from the royal family to the guild committee? Then I'll call on Her Majesty the Queen to make a recommendation."
"Yeah, I'm happy to feel it, but I'm not gonna take your father's hand. I want to be a Great Mage mentor my way. Besides, Maichi told King Logus about me a while ago, and he told me that if I gave him a big hand, the recommendation would be okay."
"Uggh, that guy again!
Guillaume and Sir Frederia stare at Noon. Your love for Erna is still faint.
If the Queen wasn't here, she must have attacked me. Well, then I would have hurt you to the point where I wouldn't kill you.
"Oh, it looks like the blizzard has subsided."
That's what Pero said when he was checking outside the cabin.
Non also stood up and glanced out through the gap in the door and did feel the wind momentum weakened. Already in the sky, the sun is plunging in through the gaps in the clouds, and I think the blizzard is close to stopping. I packed my bags and got ready to leave the cabin.
"All right, you stopped the snowstorm. We're headed to our destination before sundown."
"We're leaving too. I'll run the carriage immediately."
When I get out of the cabin, the Queen of Sanalgia will follow me later.
There's no reason to stay in a place like this forever. Naturally.
Non and the others fly in the sky and aim for the middle belly.
On the terrestrial mountain road, a carriage carrying the queen was running abruptly.
If you keep flying along the road, you can see what looks like a building in your sight.
A rainbow dome covering them in the palace of White Asia surrounded by four towers.
Anyway, it was very similar to the demonic kingdom we saw in the Xyrian Episcopal State.
The carriage passes through the dome without difficulty and goes inside.
Nong et al. later passed the dome before descending near the entrance to the building.
There the queen had already got off the carriage.
"Looks like you got there, too. I envy you being able to fly."
"I think evolution will gain those abilities, too. By the way, you hadn't heard the name yet. Queen of Sanalgia."
"With that said, you didn't remember to properly introduce yourself. Once again, then, I am Deanna Luberia, the witch and queen of Sanalgia. Call me Deanna."
Non exchanges hands with the queen before heading to the front door.
At the entrance stood two guard-like, inflexible men.
But without being asked about their qualities, they are passed through lightly.
Maybe they thought you were a Sanalgian official because Deanna is with them.
The building was simple.
There is one staircase going up to the entrance hall.
And then I guess I'll use it for a break. A bench is installed.
Just to say the general headquarters of the guild, I saw many times the officials with the paperwork.
"Oh, you're finally here! I've been waiting for you!
An international loud noise echoed in the hall.
Running down the stairs is a doddle with a jock in one hand.
After all, it looks like they were using their waiting time for a banquet.
He led him to a large room where he could say hello.
There was a round table and a hundred people had enough space to hold it.
Several dwarves and beasts are serving liquor on the floor, and a familiar face on the round table drinks amber liquor in a glass.
It's King Nazi's Vish.
He smiled when he noticed Non.
"Maichi! I've been waiting for you!
"Long time no see, Vish."
Non and the others had a hug and were happy to reunite.
... and it seems to be wearing a lot.
Your body looks bigger than usual because of your clothes.
Growing up in the South, he will be able to enjoy this snowy mountain environment.
"It would have been cold out there. Let's warm ourselves up with booze until the other royalty gathers."
"Right. By the way, is Sanalgia, Nazi and Daltan the only ones here?
"No, Xyria has already arrived. They're warming up in separate rooms now. It's just hotter than Nazi. The mountain's cold seems unbearable."
"There's nothing I can do about it because it's the environment I grew up in. Well, let me give you a drink too."
Non and Vish sat down and poured liquor into the glass.
Soon Doddle will also sit in a nearby seat and toast to the three of us.
"A man wants to throw a banquet soon. Maybe it's instinct."
"Um, I guess so. But I don't hate being busy either."
"Dear Pero, I asked the officials that they would rent out the room free of charge. Let's take a break there."
"This place stinks of booze and man"
My buddy leaves the room and moves to a different room.
Sanalgia, you decided you couldn't stay in this room for a whole line or you left.
Later, Non and the others continued the banquet until late at night with stories accumulating.
And the next day, a meeting was held by the Heads of State.