Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu
One hundred and forty-five stories, inhabitants of the sea.
The ship continued eastward and finally reached half of its scheduled route.
I get to see deserted islands a lot when I get around here.
Too far from the continent may be the main cause.
Later you mean that the living warcraft is more ferocious than the continental ones?
Even that weakest goblin is like an oak.
I saw dragons on the island sometimes.
Fei Long (Wyburn) of course, but also a few Drakes.
When I say Drake, it's a dinosaur-like dragon classified as median.
He looks like Tyrannosaurus and can discern the type by body color and size.
The weakest and smallest is Yellow Drake. He is about three meters long.
On the other hand, the strongest and biggest is Red Drake.
He is more than ten meters long and doesn't let go until he kills his opponent once his sense of smell bites as sharply as abnormally.
Besides I even use skills and magic, so I don't have a winning eye for normal people first.
"No, no, no, no! And, Master, help me!
Rivertos, who were out hunting for meat on the beach of the island, return in a fierce dash.
Becky, becky, becky.
Countless birds fly from the woods.
Red Drake appeared on the beach through the woods when the trees broke.
From the circumstances, the Liberts seem to have been blinded as prey.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
When Drake stops and growls, he shrugs his nose and then runs out toward Nona. Every time I put my foot down, the ground rocks and approaches right behind the Liberts who keep running away.
"Flair, Liz, help the five of us."
"I understand. Let's go, Liz."
"Trouble. But I can't help it for my apprentice."
The two get up and walk towards the Liberts.
When the five knew they could get help, they immediately hid behind them.
"I seal the motion with divine force. Liz will take care of it."
"Roger. I'll give Drake's meat to your brother"
Flair sticks his left hand out and grips it.
Drake floated flutterly, his legs cut off in the sky.
Even the dark clouds surround the enemy's body, breaking into it forcefully from within his mouth.
At the next moment, countless black thorns protruded from inside Red Drake's body.
The breathless drake is dropped to the ground dossssssssssssssssssssss.
The Liberts are stunned by the sight. The median dragon was lightly killed.
Considering that Red Drake alone can turn a big city into a sea of fire, I can't help but wonder how they feel or understand.
However, Drake is also a relatively easy dragon to defeat.
Drake is slightly weaker even in the same class because he flies.
"Ugh, that's disgusting. I want to go back to land soon..."
"Are you okay? If you want to throw up, don't push it."
"Thanks Pero. I don't have anything to throw up in my stomach anymore."
In the cabin, a nasty Elna was even getting her back rubbed by Pero.
More than two weeks have already passed, but we are still in the middle of a seasickness without getting used to the voyage.
In the next bed there was a figure of Liz resting.
Looks like she's completely used to it.
When I was fishing for cuttlefish, I made a scene that I didn't like the boat so much.
A flare sitting in the chair was cleverly peeling the apple with a spear spear tip.
I give it to Erna when I cut it up and put it on a plate.
"You can eat fruit. You should eat some."
"Thanks for everything, Flair. Thank you for your help."
"Stop me. It's like a dialogue before you die."
"I'm sure I'm dead. This intoxication is really incurable. You must be."
Weakened Erna laughs empty-handedly when she sees the sea through the cabin window.
You're seriously ill. This. I know you'll get used to seasickness in a little while, but until then, whether or not her spirit will remain. I'll try to cheer you up later.
Gachari and the door to the room are opened and Margaret comes in.
The face also looked angry for some reason.
"Will you come back to life? You're the only master as a magician. I don't like being trained like a warrior every day. Or can't you tell me because you're inferior to me?
"That's not... not true. I'm just not well right now."
"Then I want you to show me the strength I deserve to wrap that burnt brown robe around me. Looks like a master wizard. I'm the one who begs you to teach someone inferior to yourself. Because that's what I'm saying."
Margaret walked out of the room with her hands flickering.
I've noticed you've been burning a strange sense of confrontation with Erna since we met, but I didn't expect you to provoke me at this time.
Secondly, turning her gaze to Erna, she was about to get out of bed with a cane.
"Oh, hey, you'd better stay still."
"I can't rest. What a regret to be ridiculed for making fun of me as a magician. If you want me to show you my strength, I'll show you. The magic of this archdeacon, Erna... WHAT!?
Non held on to Erna trying to fall.
Apparently weaker than I think.
I'll put her to bed and hang her futon.
I said, "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to stand up."
"Just stay asleep. It's not too late for Margaret to get drunk. I guess I'm just here to bump my frustration with my current training."
When Non says so, Erna nods and smiles small.
"But I know a little bit of what she said."
"What do you mean?
"A human wizard is often compared to an elf wizard. Look, aren't you good at magic with elves? That's why I think Margaret's been walking the path of magic so that the elves can't beat her."
If you ask me, I do feel there is a tendency within the kingdom to say so.
Because they expect to use powerful magic just to say elves.
I don't know if Margaret can hold anything close to hostility to Erna.
I'm jealous of Erna. As a magician.
"Still rest now. You are an important companion and a force of war."
"Companions...? Huh."
"I am also a loved one. Just stay calm."
"What did you just say? Hey, what did you say?
"Yeah, don't hang on! How are you!
Non pushes Erna's face back with his hand and tries to peel it off.
Failed. I think I've said something extra.
"... what are you doing?
I opened the door and came in. Lena was looking at me with a frightened face.
Non and Burja were looking at the map with each other's glass of liquor.
To discuss the journey ahead and the route ahead.
"I've been sailing for the first time in three weeks, and I think I'll get to my destination sooner than planned."
"So how soon can we reach the island?
"Is it a week of trouble? I'm scared it's going too well."
"... a resident of the sea? Probably show up closer to the island."
"Rather, it's not weird to come out right now. They said on the island," You can't go in there. It's in the ocean. "
The map was marked with a red X on the location of the island he was going to.
There is a wide area of no-invasion around it.
That said, there's not something right in there.
At the moment, we're sailing on a ship that has no problems.
The ship rocks loudly.
Burja fell off her chair and put liquid in the glass on her face because she was in the middle of drinking.
Hey, what!? What happened!?
Non jumps out of the captain's office to the deck as he coughs.
"Master... these guys are suddenly on the ship..."
On the deck, the Libert held both hands up and solidified.
His neck was accompanied by a three-fork spear, and it was a blue-scaled man with it.
His eyes were as sharp as a bamboo, and between his hands and his toes he saw a watermark, and he wore metal protective equipment.
There are about five other similar men up on the ship, and like Libert, a blade is stuck to the neck of a member of the Sword of Glory.
The man opens his mouth with a glance.
"What can a human do for this watershed? Depending on what you're talking about, I'll kill you on this spot."
"Wait. I'll be honest with you. Don't kill them."
"I can't promise that. Don't lie to me. Just tell me what you want."
The man pushes the spear spear tip all the way to the neck of the Libert.
You can't move poorly just because you don't know who they are.
Do we have to live up to their demands here for one second?
"Nong et al are on their way to a forbidden island. The purpose is to meet the Tree of God."
"To the Divine Tree? What's a human for?
"Talk for a long time. But if you dare to pull it together, it's for this world."
"I don't know what that means. Are you mocking the people of the sea?"
I think I've spoiled a man's mood.
The difficulty is high, such as talking only about the main points in the first place.
Even the party, Non, has not been able to grasp the whole picture.
Angels, kingdoms, world trees, gods... it's this way I want to hear.
"You know what I call a world tree?
"I don't know. We are ignorant of land."
"It is a being that is creating a bond that protects this world. Yeah, that's exactly what the god tree is, but the world tree is called one of the six holy beasts of the pillars, and it's been killed recently."
"The six holy beasts of the pillars..."
Finally the man saw the upset.
He turns his face to the other men and exchanges words with his eyes.
"You are lying. There are no six holy beasts on land."
"Wait! Non is telling the truth properly!
"Sanctions against you for talking bullshit. It's a punishment for trespassing on our territory."
Where a man tries to put his strength into the spear, "Wait, Mars," there's a voice coming from nowhere.
"I didn't know Master Leviathan would come to such a place."
"They said they were coming, so they came out. Keep them with me."
"Ha, if it is the command of Lord Leviathan, who will be at the apex of the Six Holy Beasts"
The man known as Mars let the spear tip off Liberto's neck.
The Lord of the Voice, however, is nowhere to be found.
He said the Six Holy Beasts, but it is also doubtful that they are true.
"Human, if you're a guest, let's welcome you. But if you imitate Leviathan disrespectfully, I will strangle him immediately."
"I don't see any disrespect or anything like that Leviathan or anything?
"Kuku, kuhaha! Don't you see how great you are for a man on land!
Mars embarks himself and peeks directly beneath the ship.
Non peered in the same way, and a giant object seemed to be moving under the sea.
No, this is a torso. A body so thick that it lines up four sides of the ship is twisting like a snake under the ship.
It was like a sea creature with a long body, of unknown length but several kilometres from what I saw.
I can see that it is a fish because I can see the scales, but the size is not enough to fit into its boundaries. Exactly a monster that can't be beaten by humans.
"What a ridiculous decadence. I'm going to believe you're truly a holy beast."
"It's not like a holy beast, it's a holy beast. Well, I just asked you a question, and it's a waste of time. At best, you burn Leviathan's noble figure into his eyes."
Mars leaves that behind before jumping into the ocean with his buddies.
Non glanced at the status using his analytical skills at them on the verge.
Looks like their race was Merman, to tell the results.
It is a little stronger than the Liberts in stats.
I first changed my mind and decided to talk to Leviathan, who swims under the sea. He said he was a guest, because his purpose is unknown at the moment.
"What do we do now? I'd like to go to a forbidden island, if possible."
"Not to worry. I have been told to pick you up more than God Tree. I'll show you the shortest distance to the island."
"That would be appreciated. By the way, is it true you're the Six Holy Beasts?
"Whatever. In the sea of this world there exists a thing called the Back Six Holy Beasts, including my seniors. Normally, the Six Holy Beasts of Land are responsible for the generation of the junction that protects the world, but in emergency situations, we, the Sacred Beasts of the Sea, become the energy source of the junction".
"Back six holy beasts...?
So you're saying that there were twelve major sacred beasts in this world in all?
It is also a strange story that the Holy Beast concentrates only on land if you think about it.
Because there are organisms in the sea, rather naturally.
Now it turns out why the junction has finally been repaired.
"Your Highness - someone is waiting on the island to see Makichi Tanaka."
"Who do you want me to meet? Isn't that the Divine Tree?
"Go and you'll see. Follow me."
Leviathan begins to take Noona and the others gently.
What the hell kind of person is he who waits on a forbidden island?