Homeless Tensei: Isekai De Jiyuu Sugiru Majutsu Jisoku Seikatsu
Four Volumes & Comic One Volume Launch Celebration SS
"Potatoes, you change."
Non and Erna have not come to the fields of the boxyard in a long time.
Lately, I have left the field work to my division, and I haven't made a face.
Sometimes I have to see if I've made anything weird again.
It was so normal to come to the field.
But I don't see my stature and Demilich C.
Split up - Tanaka beta is a guy who can't be alarmed if he says so himself.
Non explores every corner of the boxyard where the fields are located and finds something.
"Hey, what is that?
"Warehouse... No, it also looks like a prison..."
There was a box shaped stone building there.
The door was made of metal and had a distinctly heterogeneous atmosphere.
When the two of us gently hit the door, we hear a scream from the back.
"What, what is this place..."
"We'll just look inside"
The door wasn't locked.
As you quietly open and slide your body in, a dim passage continues into the back.
Non and Erna walked without making a sound and glanced at both sides of the aisle.
"This is it!
"Hino, what's that!?
Inside the cabin was a carrot (...) restrained by bees.
The hands and feet are secured by a leather belt and the mouth is fitted with anti-bite restraints. The sole is fixed to a metal plate, and I look at this one. It rumbles in a nasty and excited way.
I'm a man of good muscular stature from anywhere, but from above my head I have carrot foliage and the color of my body looks delicious orange. You look like a human, but you're probably sure with carrots.
I hear screams from the back of the aisle.
Non and the others move on again to see what is being done.
At both ends of the hallway there were a number of barns in which vegetables from earlier carrot-like dolls were restrained.
Give me radishes, cucumbers, peppers, soba, and I'll have no reason.
He didn't seem to have been punished for you, potato.
"Kuhaha, it's done! You're the ultimate potato!
I can hear the laughter and applause of the splinter from behind the aisle.
No way, potatoes again!?
Non rushes to the metal door in the deepest corner and peeks inside.
There I saw you, the golden potato that would be put to sleep on the checkpoint, and Demilich C, laughing at it.
Were you still dyeing your hands at forbidden research?
The door opens vigorously and Noun and Erna step into the scene.
"Don't move! If you resist, you're gonna get hurt!
The split punched his tongue, but he immediately grinned and raised his hands.
"You were too late, main body. We're done with the ultimate potato."
"You were researching again without sexual punishment! Non should have banned the forced evolution of vegetables!
"Kuku, Non is just giving them a little help. Why don't you think about it, how the vegetables self-reproduce without a human hand? We got too many. We just need to break them a little. It's very efficient."
"As a result, they fanned at humans! You're going to continue that tragedy!
Split waves his index finger slightly with his tongue ringing.
He made a Demilich C eye-opener and the two of us began to remove the restraint.
"Stop it! If you get away with it, you're in big trouble!
"That's what you say after you see this. Rise and shine, potato."
A golden potato from the checkpoint. You wake up the body.
The look just looks like a potato that grew up in a human form by chance.
However, Non finds himself overwhelmingly different from the previous ones.
I'm bluffing.
Yeah, it smells hot and sweet.
You golden potato...... no way.
"As you can imagine. He was born with jaguar butter."
"Silly! That it's already done!?
"That's why you're the ultimate potato. Look, the controls are perfect. It won't even happen like that failure anymore."
The golden potato makes you smell close to the tip of the nose. [M]
Non and Erna accidentally rang their throats.
"What's up? Weren't you supposed to stop studying Nong?
"Stuff, you cowardly hands..."
"Stick to him and you'll enjoy the best flavor in no time. Or do you prefer the main body drizzled with cheese? Hmm?"
"Stop it! If you do that, it'll taste better!
Demilich C drips melted cheese from your golden potato over your head.
Then Erna, who became impatient, stuck with you as a potato.
"Ha-ha-ha! Yummy! Excellent!
Non called out to her to stop, but she no longer seemed to hear.
Cheese is against the rules in jaga butter. I don't feel like I can win.
"If you eat it, you can no longer stop the research. Come on, eat it right now."
"Non will not be confused by such things. Even if this ends... please, I will never admit this kind of research... Mogu"
Ha ha. Isn't Noon eating jaga butter at some point?
Couldn't you still defy your instincts? But how delicious.
"Kuhahaha, the main body is also a child of man! Couldn't resist my instincts!
"Non! How delicious!!
Demilich C squeals his jaw and his discernment laughs.
Non continued to mumble the potato with Erna in tears.
The world to come is the age of jaguar butter. Noon is powerless in front of delicious things.
Potatoes are great.
I can't eat anything but jaga butter anymore.
"Makichi! Time to wake up!
Waking up to jump off the couch, Non looked around.
What, was it a dream?
The usual members were relaxed in the living room of the lair.
Non sits back in front of the table and yawns.
Then a soaked potato was served in front of him.
Butter drips thickly over it.
"I made it. I still had enough potatoes."
"Sometimes this is good, isn't it? Let's eat fast."
Flair puts the jaga butter for the number of people on the table and starts eating it with a knife and fork.
Well, you had a strange dream with this smell.
When I put the jaga butter in my mouth with my still sleeping head, the intense delicacy irritated my brain. I knew it but it's still delicious.
The flare sprinkles cheese from the top of the potato.
It was so excellent that when I put it in my mouth, I couldn't say a word.
"Oh my god! Oh, my God!
He jumps into the den in a state of panic.
Noon just had a bad feeling.
"Actually, the potatoes I made in the experiment, your improved version and the vegetables..."
This is a dream. Non seems to be still asleep.
I'm complaining, but Noon decided to sleep in his room with a pillow.