My house is in a residential neighborhood in the north of Teito.

It is a neighborhood inhabited by humans of the same knighthood, lined with one-story stone houses.

It has roughly the same construction, about ten meters square room, a cooking area and a toilet, then two two two meters square rooms.

Those who are married and have children generally move into the expansive homes of the suburbs, so many single or childless couples live around here.

"This is my house."

I showed Limul the house. [M]

Riml was comparing the house to me with his frigid eyes.

I walked into the house. First, I proceeded to the back room.

There is a bathtub made of stone, with water stretched out.

Put your hands on the [fever] magic formation painted on the bottom of the tub and pour magic into it.

Then, the magic formation slowly turns the heat into hot water and the water in the tub.

Though I am indifferent to my normal life, this bathroom is the only one that I have been able to tailor.

The magic formation of [fever] was secretly commissioned by Iscarios' men to draw it.

As the water warmed up, I urged Riml to take a bath.

Riml entered the bathroom on guard and locked himself from the inside.

Well... what's going on?


[No name even if reincarnated]

"Hi! Say something from me!

I don't think I can raise a child to Homhom!

[No name even if reincarnated]

'That's right...

I don't eat, I don't sleep.

I faked it when I was traveling, but I'm not living a homhom-hom basic human life. '


Oh. I'm aware of that.

Even this house is basically only used to wake up.

For once, you guys are telling me enough to put the book away, but instead of cookware, there's nothing furnished but a table and chairs and a bed to furnish.


[No name even if reincarnated]

"It's no longer a detention area with a bath..."

[No name even if reincarnated]

"I'll teach you about cooking, but there are a lot of stays at Homhom's in the first place.

It's a relatively safe neighborhood, but isn't it noisy to leave a girl alone?

Besides, there's no human right to slavery, so some people try to force me to do something. '

[No name even if reincarnated]

'Yes, yes. Riml looks beautiful when you look closely.

I'm going to be an amazing beauty in a few moments'


Green eyes on golden hair.

Skin and facial expressions have been done because of the rough life of the last few months, but the making itself is neat and I also feel somewhat like Merriam.


[No name even if reincarnated]

'I thought. Maybe it's the same race. "

[No name even if reincarnated]

'I'm careless... but I can see this kid was attacked by Collins.

Enough weight for the demon to give. Okay.

Because you can't raise them, you can't keep them the wrong way, and you'll have to repeat the tragedy again. "


Collins, the adventurer who had picked up and fed orphans like the Rimls, was loving them and using the girls as a gateway to his own lust behind making them wear upbringing.

I can tell because I saw the acts of Falcus and Lexie.

If you were to force me to do that, you would also have a deep wound to your body.

But you can't let her do that more than I protected her.

I can't get my thoughts together, but in the meantime I decided to collect the money that was in the house in order to pay the slave traders.

I finished paying the slave trader. All I had left was two Tiel gold coins.

We have to get through this until twenty days after the next benefit is paid.


[No name even if reincarnated]

"It's easy to win if you're a homme, I wouldn't spend any money, but I have Riml.

You know what? Homhom.

If you don't eat humans, you'll die... '

[No name even if reincarnated]

"I'm not going to wear my clothes or my homhomme stuff forever.

I have to buy you underwear too. '


I have to get back to my place by noon tomorrow, and I have to lay the minimum foundation for my life by then.

... I may have figured out a little bit about how it feels to buy slaves as a workforce.

In the meantime, I headed to the market to buy what Riml eats.

Buy in bags containing bread, fruit, roasted meat, etc. that do not need to be cooked.

It was then that I hung bags on both arms and tried to get back home.

Merliah came out of the door of the mall.

Then Melia seemed to notice this one too and approached with a small run.

"Mr. Cruz! That's a coincidence!


Meliá compares herself to the luggage in her hand with a happy grin.

"Oh. Just give me some food.

Because I have limited time to come and buy it out. "

"Mr. Cruz seems busy, too.

I have to go back soon, too. "

Melia said that with a sigh.

"But we'll have time in a little while!

Then... can I go to Mr. Cruz's house?

Change your expression to kurli to make you smile full of expectations, Meliá.

After all, time with Melia is a pleasant thing.


[No name even if reincarnated]

'I figured you'd better talk to Meliá about Riml, huh?

She's the same girl, and you'll notice more than Hom Hom. '

[No name even if reincarnated]

Bald Tongue. Plus, Merriam-chan, he's rich in the Marquis family, and I recommend it.

They think they can accommodate the money. '


Indeed... things will go more efficiently than I worry about alone.

"Merliah, I need your help."

"What!? Mr. Cruz to me!?

Fine! Absolutely!

I would do anything for Mr. Cruz!


[◆ Baron Eguchi]

"Hmm? What did you just say?

[No name even if reincarnated]

"Shut up."


"Oh... actually -"

Tell Meliá to look at me with a smile full of anticipation.

"I bought a girl and she ran out of money, so I want you to do something about it"



[No name even if reincarnated]

'Too much broken ends. Yes, yes!!

[No name even if reincarnated]

"What a shitty hippo man! Temei is!!

[No name even if reincarnated]

"Fur www, you're not wrong, www."

◆ Works with

"Oi. Meliá, isn't that a tear eye?

Explain it all without breaking it. "


Once again, I explained that I found Riml in the slave market and left him with a buyer to protect him.

"K...... Mr. Cruz wants you to use a lot of words without stinking.

Really... "

Meliá nods as she suppresses her eyebrows.


Let's do something about it.

Anyway, go home.

Oh, can you tell me more about it? "

I broke up by writing a map of my house in the notebook that Meliá gave me.

When he got home, Riml slept wrapped around his jacket in the corner of the room.

I woke up in a voice and said if I wanted to sleep, I could use the bed, but Riml kept his mouth shut.

On the table I spread out what I bought.

Telling him to eat as much as he wanted, Riml reached out in horror and began to carry the food to his mouth.

I thought it would be more natural for me to eat too, so I grabbed the meat and put it in my mouth.

When I bought it, it was freshly baked, but after time, I don't think the cold and hardened meat would be very tasty.

But Riml eats as much as he eats the bone.


[No name even if reincarnated]

'I knew you weren't feeding me crap.

Poor thing...... '

[No name even if reincarnated]

'Let me just fudge it for you.

First and then! '

[◆ Ozigi Sou]

'I mean, I need to buy him some clothes.

Why don't you just keep your Homhom coat on? '


I know, but clothes are expensive.

Even ready-made products cost 1 tier.

Why don't you re-tailor your coat and make it this evening?

I'll have to buy underwear though.

Silence came to the room after the meal.

Riml sees the floor, he sees the walls. He doesn't seem very comfortable.


[No name even if reincarnated]

'I need to talk to you about something.

Riml, I'm still on guard. '

[No name even if reincarnated]

"Someone was cutting us out on the journey.

It's a homme trial. "


When I try this, it pains me how I've traveled with help around me.

I thought I'd become human, but not yet.

In the meantime, I asked what had happened in the church since I was gone.

Then Riml started talking to Potty Potty.

"The next day you guys were gone, Alf, Mom and Dad and Terez left saying they were going to show Bath to the city doctor.

He said he'd be back soon, but he didn't come back that day or the next.

I've never seen anything like that before.

And it was the armored adventurers who opened the church door instead of the dads...

Aitsura roughed around the church looking for Mom and Dad.

They found a room in the basement, but we didn't tell them about Bath.

I had a bad feeling about it. "


The Empire craves the blood of the Eugrid tribe.

If Therese or Bath were caught, they would continue to make children until they died regardless of their will.

In the cause of defeating the Demon King's Army.

At the end of the day, Santa Monia and Ifestio all have slight differences, which make no difference to the fact that they are offending morals in order to cling to forces that transcend human beings.

"Then a few days later, another adventurer came.

They said they came to protect us, unlike the others before us.

Guys, you were anxious that Mom and Dad were gone.

I followed them without a doubt. "

I ask Riml, looking at his face. [M]

"You didn't follow?

Riml nods.

"Because an adventurer is an incredible thing.

Are they gonna prepare your house or your rice after they take you?

Are you going to be my dad or my mom?

Alf, Mom and Dad and Terez abandoned us. "

Limul's vigilance is muscular.

I can't help it.

She was betrayed by Collins, whom she trusted, and consequently dumped by Alfred and Therese as well.

The latter is to protect the Rimls, but they won't be informed of that.

Blade's decision to turn the adventurer to rescue him wasn't wrong, but you mean that wasn't one hand in solving everything either?

Even then, Limul's story continued.

Riml spent time alone, in a church where no one was left, but also ran out of food, and made a cut that Alfred and Therese were not coming back, and headed to the city alone.

Because all the gold objects had been taken away by the first adventurers who came, Riml, who couldn't even buy food from staying in the inn, slept in a slum and continued his life fishing for leftovers for about a month.

But such a life suddenly came to an end.

I hear Riml got caught when the slave trader was walking the slam looking for merchandise.

And like the other slaves, they were brought into cages all the way to the Empire City.


[No name even if reincarnated]

'Too pathetic. I think I'm bleeding out of my eyes...

Can't you do something about it?

What about slavery in this country!?

[No name even if reincarnated]

'This world is still immature to have the idea that depriving all races and peoples of their human rights is evil.

There will be no reform of human morality before the system, beyond the differences between the rich and the poor and the differences in identity that are taken for granted. '


The only people suffering in this world are not those attacked by the Demon King's Army.

Some people feel like being burned even in the streets far from the war.

The world is complicated and sometimes cruel.

When silence came to the room again, there was a knocking on the door.

When I asked "who" through the door.

"Wow, it's me! Almeria von Rollingen...... it's Meliá!

When I heard the voice I was used to hearing, I opened the door.

Then Meliá, with a backpack or handbag larger than her torso, stood at the doorstep.

"What's that luggage?

"I'll do something, I told you."

With a fling, Melia entered the house trying to slip into every package.

"Dear Melia..."

Riml is patting his eyes.

"Long time no see, Riml.

You've had a rough time...


If we think more... "

That's what Melia said. She gently wrapped Limul's hands around her with both hands.

"But it's okay now.

Me and Mr. Cruz will try to help you. "

Hey? And Meliá, who turns to me to ask for my consent.

I'll just nod. [M]

"I heard you didn't have anything for me, and for now, I had all the clothes and underwear that girls needed.

I've been collecting things that fit, I don't know, but I was wearing.

We'll go buy more tomorrow if we don't have enough. "

Meliá removes her clothes one after the other from her handbag.

I wonder how luxurious noble costumes come out because I say what I was wearing, and I wouldn't even float around here with all the surprisingly qualitative stuff.

"Then I also bring cleaning tools, cookware, a first aid kit for dishes, and a toolbox or something.

This one was used by my parents' servants, but they responded to the collection with pleasure.

You don't have a shelf in this room...

I think I had an extra one at the store I went to at work the other day, so I'll negotiate for you to give it up. "

I will install the household tools I took out of my backpack in my house one after the other.

There are many items on the floor because there are no shelves, but the cooking area, which was a killer landscape, overflowed with objects at once.

"Mr. Cruz! You wouldn't have cleaned it!

Floors and dust are everywhere!

Uh... the bathroom is getting moist and moldy!

Tomorrow! I'll clean up tomorrow!

I was pissed.


[No name even if reincarnated]

"Zamaaw, we told you to clean it up."


I didn't have to do it alone.

"The bed... it's huge.

Mr. Cruz, were you using this alone?

It was a prep.

"Really? Looks like the three of us can sleep together somehow."


"Can I use your bath?

'Cause I pulled my stuff out and got dirty. "

"Oh, I don't mind.

I'm going to reheat the water. "

And when I went to the bathroom and came back, Meliá was taking something like a white piece out of her bag.

Size wise, I feel too big for a rim to wear.

"Melia, what's that?

"It's my bedtime outfit.

I didn't wear it because it would be luggage during my journey, but this one calms down better when I'm home at night. "

As I tilted my neck, Meliá stood up and stretched her spine, as she noticed.

"Me, I'll let you sleep here for a while... okay?

"Ah...... oh. I don't mind."


[No name even if reincarnated]

"Meliá has become a pushy wife. Aaaaaaaah!!

[No name even if reincarnated]


I was bored. Time for the house at once. Huayaguuuuuuuuuu!


"Are you sure? I guess Meliá has a job, too."

"It's closer to where I live now, and I'm not complaining to the people at home about where I'm going to sleep now.

If I knew this would happen, I would have come sooner... "

Melia squeaks.

"Merliah, please ask for help...

I didn't mean for you to go that far...

I bought Riml on my own. "

And when I said, Melia hung her eyebrows,

"I will! You'll be determined to!

Mr. Cruz himself was anxious to be able to live properly...

When my daughter in the aristocracy was very close to the Kingsguard knight, I thought that would annoy Mr. Cruz, so I kept my distance, but you can't leave me alone when this happens!

It wouldn't be a good reputation to live with a girl's slave. "


[No name even if reincarnated]

"Rather than a public reputation, there's a slight chance that Merriam didn't care that Homhom lived with another woman"

[No name even if reincarnated]

"Right, www. Out of the question. You're jealous.

And so was El's temptation. "


I think it's a lot that the public reputation is bringing Merriam in...

Nevertheless, I am also certain that there are a lot of problems between me and Riml.

I honestly appreciate Merliah's offer.


"What is it?

Besides, it's really comforting to see Merliah in my sight after all.


When I said thank you, Meliá slipped into the bathroom to escape.