It was sometime in the night when I was wrapping around in a futon on my bed.

The room is dark and you can faintly hear the hustle and bustle of the city thriving at the Millennium Festival.

As I got out of that hustle and bustle, the cuttlefish and the footsteps running on the ground stopped in front of the house.

The door was unlocked at the same time as Gachari and the front door were unlocked.

"Mr. Cruz! Are you there!?

It was Meliá's voice.


And I reply without getting out of bed.

Then Melia sighed loudly, closing the door and lighting the room.

"I'm surprised.

When I went to the treatment center, they told me I was home because I could walk. "

Melia approached my pillow. [M]

When I showed my face from the futon, I got a horrible look on my face.

"Face as if nothing had happened...

I fought until I was so worn out. "

"I have confidence in my sturdiness.

I'm not in the mood yet, but we'll be fine if we take another night off. "

"There's more to being sturdy.

That's why my heart won't stay when I'm all lame. "

That's what I said, Melia sat down in bed.

"In the end, what happened after that?

"Oh...... right.

Well, let me tell you a little bit. "

Melia started talking about the McRinger Mansion after I fell.

Hall was as desolate as it was after the storm passed. Apparently, it was shocking to all the humans on that spot that General Iscarios defeated a single knight, and the scene was filled with agitation and confusion, and it was no longer a very prom situation to be able to continue.

He said he got out of the scene with Kosokoso while the Empress made fun of him for saying, "You're a sinful woman," and Lexie hated him for saying, "If Master Iscarios can't marry me, I'll compliment you with the Dungeon Beauty."

He then saw me asleep in the treatment center, made sure that there was no such thing as a farewell to his life, and then he went back to his house and went to work for the Millennium Festival in a different way from mine.

"I say you can't put a door in a person's mouth, but everywhere in the capital, it could have been Mr. Cruz's topic.

There were a lot of people making a scene saying, "It's the birth of a new hero in the empire," or, "The time to rely on one General Iscarios is over."


I could only win because Iscarios was spitting out all his magic.

Besides not being a contender with a serious Iscarios, there are also many fighters within the Empire who are considered transcendents.

As they are driven out for much of their lives into battle with the Demon King's Army, they will not come into contact with the eyes of the masses living in the far empire on the front, but none will be weaker than me first.

"You've become too conspicuous."

When I sigh, the shadow falls on Meliá's expression.


For this minute, your voice will be stronger about driving Mr. Cruz out into battle with the Demon King's Army.

It's natural for someone with power to take the lead and fight...

It's common sense in this world to think so. "

Melia tried to confront me head-on with that common sense.

But people will want my power as if to crush Meliá's thoughts like that.

Merriam's wishes, I'm sure, will not come true.

"I have no choice.

There is not enough room in this country to give freedom to the strong.

Because that's not evil or being selfish, it's what it takes to live.

Rather, Merriam's thoughts are too sweet and insane.

So much so that it makes me laugh by accident. "

"Wow, I know, but isn't that a terrible way to put it?

I just... "

"But it's such a Meliá that I..."

I can't wait to like it.

There's Meliá who's foolishly sweet and sensitive to people's pain.

The weak and precarious creature of man is distorted in that way by the pressure emanating from this harsh world.

who trample others for their own pleasure.

Those who rejoice in trampling others.

who continue to fight for stronger power.

He who seeks to find the meaning of his life based on strength.

But Melia is turning her back on the pressure of such a world, trying to face the weakness and the pain of those she finds in her own eyes.

He mourns and suffers from the death of others, hurts his chest in tragedy, and still rises again and again, trying to live.

I want to protect Meliá because she's like that... no.

Now I'm staring at her with more different emotions.

With very selfish and unpopular emotions.

"Mr. Cruz, can I give you a hug?

Merliah stares at me with her slightly moistened eyes.

The moment she tried to wake up, Merliah hugged me to cover her.

"Whatever people in the world say, I won't give up.

Because I'm Mr. Cruz's thing.

I'll never leave you. "

Meliá whispers so in my neck.

The exhale tickles on my cheeks, making me feel bored, but I can't move out of strength like I'm soaking in a warm bath.

"Melia is not a thing. Human.

I won the duel, but I didn't want to give it to Iscarios...

I'm not gonna make it my property. "

"I want to be.

To Mr. Cruz's. "

That said, Merliah put her strength into the hand she turned on her back.

"You've been fighting all along to protect me.

My life wasn't the only one saved by that.

Because you were there, I was able to find me.

I owe it to you to have me now.

Did you know?

You can't possibly know.

No matter how much emotion you get, no matter how much you can analogize people's feelings, you can never foresee them to the depths of others' minds.

Merliah wakes up and moves her hands on my back to my side of the head.

Meliá, laughing softly, was gentle and frightened.

"You have always been a sword to protect me,

Then I want to be a sheath.

I want to be a sheath that you can wrap around so you won't fight or hurt.

Sheath can stay with you all the time, right?

I... a human being named Almeria lives for Mr. Cruz and makes Mr. Cruz happy.

I want to be something like that. "

Meliá's voice is trembling.

Tears are glowing in my eyes.

Imagine how you feel... I stopped.

Now I thought analyzing the causal relationship between people's minds and behavior in this setting was in itself a senseless thing, and because I felt that doing that more than that would cool my feelings.

I grabbed Meliá's head and pulled her... over her lips.


[No name even if reincarnated]

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!

Homhom went ahhhhhhhh!!

[No name even if reincarnated]


[◆ Ozigi Sou]

"Everybody calm down!

Shut up! Don't break the mood!!


For a few seconds, overlap your lips and then gently lift Meliá's head.

When I thought my eyes were right, the next thing I knew, Meliá put her lips on my lips.

Softness and wetness are transmitted through the lips.

I inserted my tongue into her mouth with my listening knowledge.

When her tongue and mine touch each other,


and a small voice that withstood leaked out of Merliah's lips.

I want you to let me hear that voice more.

I moved my tongue further and gradually stretched my tongue from the other side as I slammed it through her mouth.

Over and over my lips, intertwining my tongues. Soon, my and her body's position reversed and I looked down.

"Ah... Ku, Mr. Cruz...

Did you sleep naked? "

... it was.

I could feel it coming into bed with worn out dirty clothes, so I didn't think until Merliah or Riml left...

Well, it's convenient.

I said so, lifting Meliá's forehead and mouthing it on her forehead and making her crawl further into her earlobes.


Strengthen your body, Melia.

I gently stroke my arms from her shoulder and I can't. [M]

"Melia, are you afraid of me?

I shake my neck beside my words, Merliah.

"It's okay.

Um... I've been thinking this could happen for a long time, and I was ready... "

And I said, then I got up with my face under both hands.

"No, I'm ready or something! Now... not..."

Melia wiggles her neck with her face under control.

When I wondered if Pitali and his movements had stopped, I unstringed the back of the piece, put my hand on the skirt part and pulled off vigorously, removing my underwear under the bed with my body rounded.

Meliá looks at me sideways, sitting right in front of me like she's got her chest covered in her knees.

"Because I know that doing this kind of thing is about making sure we love each other...

He wants to make sure I love Mr. Cruz too... that... that's how I feel.

So... "

Meliá rounded her body together, with a voice so small that she could not hear it,

"Hold me..."

and groaned.


[No name even if reincarnated]

'It's En. Aaaaaaaa!!

[No name even if reincarnated]

'Being able to be present at this moment...... thank God!

Merliah came here and she's cute at her finest. '

[No name even if reincarnated]

"He's so cute, he's dying!

And I'm dying of jealousy for Homhom!

◆ Works with

'Get out of here all of you!!

This is holy time for Homhom and Merriam!!

[No name even if reincarnated]

"Yes, yes, let's go out with a sample first."

[◆ Wild boar]

"Hey...... this happened without knowing the gender of homhomhomme, but is all that okay with you?

[◆ Baron Eguchi]

'No problem. I sneak to homhomhomme in less time of people. I lecture them about their behavior in three patterns: man × woman, woman × woman, and fuzzy × woman'

[No name even if reincarnated]

"Baron GJ...... but from the bottom of my heart, 'What's finally happening' and like a tsuko '


It's woven that the fairies get noisy.

I feel like there's always a lot of them...

But you know what? Ignore it.

I want you to shut up if you can, but the fairies can't stop me anyway, and I can't stop me anymore.

I don't know how you're gonna feel or what's gonna happen, but I want to hold Merliah.

I want to feel Meliá's presence closer than anyone else.

I don't want to give Merriam to anyone.

I want it to be my only thing.

It is certain that my presence will soon hurt her. [M]

There will always come a time when you will die faster than Merriam and make those eyes twinkle in mourning.

Iscarios tried to keep me away from it, but I refused to do so.

So, even if it were to hurt Merriam, I decided to dedicate all this body, heart and budding love.

Oh, Melia......

Please forgive me.

I'm a selfish, solitary, weak thing that can't reveal all my secrets to you.

Still, I'll always think about it.

Speak as many times as you like until the end of time.

"I love you"

I spoke with Merliah again. [M]

Long mouthfuls crawl around each other's necks and chests as well as lips and get wet with saliva.

And I slowly pushed Meliá down.

Meliá, blushing her cheeks and roughing her breathing, is hiding her chest to protect her with both arms.

I want to know everything about you.

I want everything about you.

I want you to tell me everything about kindness, beauty and nasty.

I put my hand on Merriam's arm, feeling her desire and excitement. [M]


[◆ Baron Eguchi]

"I'll take care of this hand assist!

You can't imitate me to a parade guard or Mario, my knowledge and experience to homhom-home.

Uh-huh. '

[◆ Wild boar]



All of a sudden the fairy's voice came back, so I was surprised.


[◆ Ozigi Sou]

'What surprised me was Koch!

Suddenly my vision turns black, and I can't even hear my voice!

◆ Works with

"Honestly, I was in a hurry to see if Homhom was dead..."


I don't want you to kill me on your own.

I don't know what the hell happened, but it wasn't even observable how Koch was last night that you guys didn't utter the word?


[No name even if reincarnated]

'That's right!

Shit...... the server fell off because everyone was so excited?

[No name even if reincarnated]

'Suicide bombing is a good place too...

Reflect, all of you. '

[◆ Wild boar]

'Thanks to you, we spent half a day with anxiety and yakimoki...

Are you glad that's the other way around?



Thanks to you, I didn't have to be disturbed.

The night just dawned.

Until then, I'll leave it to my imagination what we were doing.

The morning sun is leaking out of the gaps in the curtains, lighting the room lightly.

I look up at the ceiling on the bed and fall asleep, and I look to the side.

Meliá in the futon is sleeping and clinging to my arm.


[No name even if reincarnated]

"You can't imagine Kampeki afterwards!!

[No name even if reincarnated]


I wanted to see it! I wanted to see it. Whoa, whoa!

[No name even if reincarnated]

"Give me my pants back!

Give me back my tissue!

And congratulations!

◆ Works with

"Homhom, good for you.

I'm gonna lay down a little bit. "

[◆ Baron Eguchi]

"Imagine from the way the bed is disturbed and the marks that you can even see on Merriam's neck muscles..."

[◆ Ozigi Sou]

"What was it like?

How do you feel now?


I'm not going to tell you what I did.

If you guys weren't watching, I'll keep that time a secret that only Meliá and I know.

But I can tell you how I feel right now.

Instead, I want you to listen.

I met you guys and they told me to live, and I've lived my whole life trying to find the meaning of that word.

Melia or Blade...... Balzac, Kukri, Alfred, Therese, Farkas, El, Victor, Iscarios, Her Majesty the Empress......

I knew this world, where so many people lived, that I understood to some extent what it meant to live.

If my life was limited on top of that, I would have cut it off...

Last night, I wanted to live forever while Meliá loved me.

It may not be the same pleasure humans feel, but it was filled with happiness.

Because I thought it would be great to just live with so much sweet and exciting and time to be filled.

On the other hand, I loved Meliá, thinking that I could die any time.

I want to use up this life to protect a treasure called Meliá.

Sleeping next to me, a beautiful woman is more important than anything in this world, so I have to protect her.

And I spoke hundreds of times so that Merliah wouldn't wake up. [M]