Hope You’ve Been Well

Chapter 13 Shui Lingling is hot.

A alarm clock, Zhuang Fanxin stopped from being stopped from the nest, the eyelids were not open, he could continue to sleep, the mobile phone in the pillow came to a message.

"Go together, see you at the door."

Zhuang Fan is sitting and sitting on, looking at a bright window, remembering the school today. He worriedly walked into the school uniform, didn't have time to eat breakfast, and the book was put on the door.

The bicycle stopped at the gate, Zhuang Fan's approaching the probe, seeing the words have been waiting at the door, he asked for view: "I ride you?"

Today, Gu Baoyu is also started, and Xue Mao took the children to open the wilderway, and did not have a summary tool at home. Care, the thin arm thin leg, refused to say: "Take a taxi."

It doesn't matter, throw the car key to the car basket, go out and go out. Didn't have the sun, the weather is wet, I feel the wind and rain.

Hit on the bus, it is inevitable to congest on Monday morning, and people have no sex children. Zhuang Fan turned his face to see the guys, the other side wearing the white tennis shirt, the shoulders were straight and wide, the neck slender, sitting in two long legs, and the school uniforms were a bit not enough.

It is estimated that his eyes are a little water spirit, and there is a little hot and spicy.

Zhuang Fan Xin said: "Your school uniform is new."

Seeing a new school uniforms for a long time? Carelessly explored, but always reminded himself to pay attention to gentle body stickers, he raised his hand to the collar of the neck of Zhuang Fan, said: "Another red is send you, the same."

Zhuang Fan is not rare: "I don't want, your number is so big."

How to be rejected, taking care of: "Waiting for your long high point."

Zhuang Fan is in a heart, and this is a pot of this pot does not open, and there is another year, he will adult, and even two centimeters of the false newspaper can not be determined. He considers, do you want to go to the hospital for the hospital?

Oh ... young people have a bone age, middle-aged people look at hair loss, is the most pitiful.

If the atmosphere in the car is not unhappy, I don't have a trick, and I have a silent man who is silent. Suddenly, the mobile phone of the heart, he took out, the class teacher just in the group, school uniform card, summer vacation homework, on time to the school, followed by a bunch of students. Reply.

Then, the class teacher issued a notice: I am joining a transfer student at this semester.

Because Zhuang Fan is discussed in advance, a boy has almost no response, only the squad leader sent a "applaud", Zhuang Fan's heart, the mobile phone, said: "Xia teacher gave you a law."

"Well." Gu Yan, the reaction is relatively plain.

Zhuang Fan's heart could not stand: "In fact, I have told the boy in the class before." He remembered everyone's reaction, couldn't help but laughed, "They all hope to be a girl, haha."

It is still unreliable, but it is as if it is a party, but it seems that it is not worthy of it. Zhuang Fan is pushing the other's arm: "Go to the students, can you give some reaction?"

Guaranteed: "wow."

Wo you head ... Zhuang Fan is helpless, and twisted his face back to see the scenery. Gu Yan also paid his face outside the window, not so blocked, the road passed on many students' figure.

Half, he suddenly asked: "Do you want a girl?"

I don't know if it is an illusion, and Zhuang Fan feels that it is not willing, but it seems to be some serious. "I didn't." He replied, "and I have known that you are boys."

At 7:30, I arrived in the school at 7:30, and the words and Zhuangxin came in with the crowd, and I went to the office building to find the teacher, a classroom to the science building.

They temporarily broke up on the ramp, and Zhuang Fan said: "Then I am waiting for you in the class."

Gu Yan and the office building, and Zhou was a high school student who was old. A summer vacation would be free to fight, and those strange smiles were rubbed with him. The people, classrooms, libraries, and even a tree next to the ramp, and there is a unfamiliar with him.

But there is a distressed heart, accompany him in advance, praise his school uniforms, in everything in a strange and unknown, kind and honestly, waiting for him in the classroom.

He walked quickly.

The entire science and teaching building is noisy, and the high school is no exception. He can hear the laughter in the corridor. Suddenly, Zhuang Fan was in his bag and shouted: "Xia teacher is coming!"

Everyone was shocked, the soldiers were soaked to put their own seats, opened their books, and gods to do thieves. More than ten seconds, the door is quiet and airful, and then a little bit of the heart, the unlucky thing is smile.

Everyone is invincible, killing the body of Zhuang Fan's body, pulling the school uniform, pulling the soft hair like electric shock.

At this time, I rushed in one person, it is Zi Nan: "Youtan started with a 20% discount today, beautiful is not beautiful!"

Zhuang Fan He He said: "Don't advertise ... first save me ..."

Zi Nan fixed his eyes: "I rely, do you do your small table ?!"

Everyone is in the same way: "Virtue!"

Qi Nan airway: "Why don't you wait for me!"

The classroom is more chaotic before, and the men and women have no battles, and the table and chairs are striking three. Zhuang Fan is at the table. It took a long time for a while.

Waiting for everyone to be tired, San, Zhuang Fan's heart, said with a fleece, "" Don't finish the English homework, I haven't finished it. "

The representatives of each section have been unable to collect the scorpion. It is similar to the collection waste. Zhuang Fan's heart is a household economy, move the table and chairs of the window to the last row, then use the rag to return to scrub back, when you come Just take the line directly.

The students have arrived, and the early reading of the ringtones will consciously return to the seat. The colleagues collar will come back, and the teacher is coming to the students, this news is true.

"Do you want to transfer students?" Someone asked.

Hand borders: "Handsome!"

"Bis Triae looks good?"

"Biszhuang Xin MAN!"

Zhuang Fan is erecting, he heard the answer after hearing the answer, but the citizen has freedom of speech, he warns: "You don't let me hear!"

The class teacher appeared in the door of the classroom. When the classmates were suddenly awkward, Zhuang Fan's heart was put on a phrase, his arms hugged, the chin is pillow, sitting with a old obedient look.

Xia Wei is a circle of people, which is not aligned in the table, which of the corners is not put, then pick the patch. Nothing, he cleared the scorpion: "It is high in the third class, and our science three classes should join a new classmate. Now I ask the new classmates bright, and I know it."

At the door, Xia Wei said he heard a warm applause, and there was a burst of buds, and there was a kind of illusion of the big stage of the Spring Festival party.

He moved on the platform, positive to meet the eyes of more than forty eyes of the whole class, is watching the weight, accepted the scan from the head to the foot.

Qi Nan touched Zhuangxin: "His handsome is still my handsome?"

Zhuang Fan said: "Some people don't have to wait, some problems don't have to ask."

The general teacher stands on the podium. Whoever speaks below can discover that at this moment, I will find the movement of Zhuang Fan and Qi Nan. His sight slowly swept, and finally stopped on the body, the third row, the color was shallow than others, and the arm was touched by the fine circle of others.

Zhuang Fan He said, looking at the eyes of Hourly, it is a bit serious, even a bit cold. He mistakenly thought that he was nervous, so he stretched out two index fingers in his mouth and gently pushed.

Care and then smile slowly.

He said: "I am a guilty, I am very happy to enter the three classes."

After the whole class is waiting for a while, I confirmed that the self-introduction is over, Xia Wei said: "Don't be embarrassed, in detail, let the students know more about you."

Gu Yisheng turned and wrote the mobile phone number on the blackboard, and the chalk was lost in the box, and he said: "Please contact us, there is something to contact."

Everyone has recorded the number, this gap, Xia Wei asked: "Other aspects, you can talk to you, such as what do you know?"

This problem generally appears in the enrollment survey roll, is aware of the students' interest, competition direction, cultural and sports activities. Care, what is good at? Answer learning to appear, fencing? I haven't been practiced for a long time, the instrument, after the literary performance, the literary performance, how to do it.

After considering, he replied the most inspirated: "I am particularly good at catching the doll."

Everyone unexpectedly, Xia Wei asked: "Is it from the doll machine?"

"Yes." Gu "said," "I also grab a pleasure."

The big guy is good at that, the script is impressed, the temperament is not tied, anyway, Xia Wei is very curious: "Why is it good at catching the doll? Often arrest?"

Gu Yan laughs: "It is good at giving a little girl."

The boy below can't be excited, and Qi Nan is in the heart of the heart, and some of the hearts of the gods said: "Hey, why don't you let me catch me?"

No variety of villains, Xia Wei first knocked on the drum, and the great idea is that the studies are in the current stage, do not advocate love. If you can't help but go to the podium, I can't help it when I've been in the heart, and I raise my hand and touched the hair of people. Who is hurting him, and I am in front of his thigh.

At 9 o'clock, the teacher started to sweep, the teacher went to consciously wake, and the students were sent to the classroom. Zhuang Fan is a representative of the English class, and he is not moving.

Gu Yan put the new collar's teaching and support in the table, one looks up, and I see the horses' hearts.

"At the same table." Zhuang Fan Xin unwind the first button, "let you see a good thing."

Qi Pan purses to make an English composition, and the road is derailed: "Do you have a mobile phone?" Flying quickly saw three buttons, showing a small piece of white chest, "I rely, are you so hot?" "

Zhuang Fan's mysterious hook hand: "Come over!"

Gu Yan faceless, he knew that Zhuang Fan Xin was showing the tattoo, just like the clothes, gave him a close to him, and unwind the buckle to give Qi Nan appreciation.

He looked at the two from the three or four rows of rows, leaning against the chair, and turned to play a pen. I saw that Qi Nan is close to Zhuang Fan, with her head to Zhuang Fan's neck, her face is almost buried in the neck of the heart, and the attention is naturally the shoulder snoke under the school.

"How?" Zhuang Fan asked, "Good look?"

Qi Nan asked: "Isn't it a post?"

"of course not!"

"It hurts?"

"Don't hurt."

Two people are scream, click, and they will fade. He thought, just a small heart, see more than three seconds. So thinking, can not help but make a bright, the brush is not in the back of Zi Nan.

"Oh, who is!" Qi Nan yelled, with Zhuang Fan's heart together.

Gu Yingzhao is looking to the window, pretending that the scenery is unique.

Time is urgent, Qi Nan continues to make a text, and Zhuang Fan is waiting. He picked up the cap, black, sticky a starfish, and remember that Gu Bao said that he passed his forehead.


Zhuang Fan Hexin: "Are you doing me?"

Gu Yan: "Are you not happy?"

Zhuang Fan Hexin: "I will give me next time!"