Hope You’ve Been Well

Chapter 95 I and you are open.

On the way along, Zhuang Fan is tightly hugging the box and returns to the apartment. Gu Yan is both difficult to laugh, and the hard work is resting on the coffee table. He said: "Don't be afraid, will not lose again."

He returned to the bedroom, change his family service, folded back to the living room, see the heart and the legs sat on the sofa, the primary school students look, and the eyes will focus on the crown in the box.

Take into the past, don't take a few on the coffee table, opposite the Zhuang Fan. "You relax." He held the hand of Zhuang Fan, "Don't look at it, look at me."

Zhuang Fan slowly moving the line of sight, cast on the face of the words, steep, his eyes became soft, Shu, is the loss after thinking, just like a rare treasure.

Gu Yan is a bit embarrassed, close to the hands, from fingertips to the fingertips, dispense the attention of Zhuangxin, then try to say: "You don't have any concealment, tell me, is there any uncomfortable body? "

Despite asking "body", the Zhuang Fan is answered: "I don't feel uncomfortable." He grabbed his own chest, "I ... very practical."

Cultured a few seconds, confirming that Zhuang Fan did not scire him, he pushed the mouth, I want to give more peace of mind: "I have recently accompany you at home, the wind is also windy, it is also, you are brave, Just face it together, you have no relationship with timid, I will blocked you. "

Zhuang Fan's look is as description, the desert is seen in the oasis, and it is afraid that it is only the sea of ​​the sea. He is embarrassed and not confident, looking at the words, in front of you, and in the mind.

Care, I'm not finishing the neck, all the embarrassments, all the embarrassments, and all the flies, the ants gathered, he couldn't help but let the Zhuang Forte will experience it again.

And I didn't wait for him to change mouth, Zhuang Fan He first looked up from his chest, said to him: "I can face it, I can do it."

Gu Yan said that the sound of "good", some are somewhat, and Zhuang Fan is very strong, but this strong is quenched in a long grinding. He bowed his forehead, giving the reward, and also praised the same time: "You are brave."

Zhuang Fan smiled: "You like this ... it seems to doctors."

He refers to a doctor who treats depression, and takes care of me, continue to marry him: "I want to thank those doctors, do a few brilliant banners to send the United States, there is also aunt, thank you, I will teach you fold. Ping An. "

Zhuang Fan is shocked: "Do you also know peaceful? My dad said."

"Give me a fold, of course, I have to tell me." Gu Yan said that it is still very stable. Suddenly like a little fart who is eager to remove the gift. "Save in Los Angeles? Since returning to China, why don't you come back?"

Zhuang Fan's heart licks his lips, did not speak, because everything he didn't plan to let Gu, what is wrong. Gu Yan probably guessed, there should be, but can't help: "Our chat record, you stay?"

Hanging, Zhuang Fan's heart is rugged, he wrapped in the neck: "After the one, one day, you sent me a message, said ... You are uncomfortable, you want me ... Do you remember? "

Care does not really remember: "Really fake?"

"Really!" Zhuang Fan's face is red, "I have seen that one every time, I will harm you, how is you?"

Gu Yan was asked without his face, he didn't pay attention to the mouth: "I am not very gentleman now, the video is quiet, the people of the country know."

Zhuang Fan is suspiciously asking: "What video?"

Since it is necessary to face, there is no use, Gu Yu rumor is cut by video, telling Zhuang Fan's current situation: "One night I went to find you, in the sample room, remember?"

Zhuang Fan immediately guessed: "Monitoring is the monitoring?" He was a haired hair, an anxiety performance, "I blame me, I should go to the monitoring room, I am too negligent."

Gu Yu said his shoulder: "It is my active pro, not your fault."

Zhuang Fan is more urgent: "You are also taken, no, you can't be hired."

He completely ignored his situation, only accused of hate and was tired, he thought, whether to give the group with the home of the words, there would be two people who have the old man will not be stimulated.

Zhuang Fan is stunned: "Fast, go back and see Xue Ye Ye, there is your grandfather, see if they are not good!"

Calling, this fear is a shadow and lesson of Zhuang Fan, he presses the other's knee and says: "Grandpa and grandfather are very good, I have to be all right, they still have to go back. . "

Zhuang Fan gradually stood down, he went to the mobile phone charger, no matter what to look at the outside. Just started, bounced out a series of unread, , Wen Lin, Qi Nan, and the colleagues of the design department have sent them, saying to him.

Zhuang Fan is unexpected, he never expects colleagues to stand here, Gu Yan, his shoulder: "This world, after all, is it a little more, is it?"

"... um." Zhuang Fan is very light, and the ancestors for many years are swaying.

He boarded the Internet and took the lead in finding the source, which is the long text of the river. After reading, he did not wrinkle his eyebrows, swallowing the real bitter fruit, and the text version after many years can only be painless.

Then, the monitored video, countless media uses very exaggerated words to do title, male comrades, kiss, late night office, or even more furchat and vocabulary.

Zhuang Fan is open, discovers the problem: "Is I measuring the wrong? Isn't the first dress tried on a shirt, kissing again?"

Gu Yan said: "Have a clip."

The clip has achieved good pornography, and the pro-off clothes, as if it is to do that the one, Zhuang Fan is coming back and watched three times, and it was very unfortunately: "I didn't take your face."

Waiting for him to open a comment, in the number of people in the Ganges, all kinds of ridiculous, Ming swaying, and critical criticism.

Some netizens questioned the authenticity of the video, because the new shirt did not sew the buckle, and the words were open, but the back is in the release. But similar to the "singing and reversed" comment is attacked by other netizens, directly crowned "Water Army", "White" and other labels.

When the show exhibition, Gu Yan rushed to the stage to take the Zhuang Fan's heart, and that scene was taken by many media. Some netizens guess the words are another protagonist in the video. Following, Gu Yan is slammed out, GSG Group General Manager, contact GSG as a sponsorship of show exhibition ... This seems to be more interested than the grievances between the two designers.

There is also the video of the hit video, and the same number of horses, almost only the shackles of Zhuang Fan's heart to the river, and then the boss of the Fujian factory, the hard operator is spoke, and the masses are more sympathy and indignant.

All spear heads point to Zhuang Fan.

The three words of "Zhuang Fan" can be seen everywhere, netizens crazy discuss, from plagiarism, framing, being dried, deliberately injured, to men and men, beat victims, destroyed with the factory. Zhuang Fan is listed in seven sins, nailing on the criminal frame, withstanding the carnival of everyone.

Some picking rumors are touched, saying that he has been plagiarism, saying that he is a year of "hurting Zhong Yong", saying that he has fallen, told against GSG Shandong pulled the sponsorship, saying that he did not respond, in fact, has already fled the United States.

All such sides are endless.

Growing under the sun, brewing a cavity, the idiots in the world is more, black, watching people like individual, is not as good as the pork dog. There is a male, there is a woman, there is a little, the wind is rain, Zhang mouth is fart, the fool murderer, the , use their own dirty wall to dismantle, then get to the sky.

The mobile phone was drove away, and his hands left the warm body. They found cold and numb. Zhuang Fan Xin has not finished reading, how can it be finished? The rumors and discussions are endless, and every moment is increasing.

He is angry, of course, can not hit, but the mind is surprisingly calm. The voice of the network is honorable, the reputation is damaged, and Silhouette will inevitably be affected, and it is estimated that the distributor's retreat phone has been exploded.

Zhuang Fan said: "Silhouette's loss of financial units, GSG also makes a loss assessment, integrating, all accounts must be clear."

Gu Yan, I have a lot of stimulus, who is very stimulating, no one is shallow, his eyes include appreciation, ask: "Is there?"

Zhuang Fan's heart understands that there are no few people who have the power to monitor the video, Cheng Jiama is a girlfriend of Jiang Hui, so it can only be her. In addition, his video, the boss of the clothing factory, should be all scheduled.

He made a little assumption that Cheng Jiama will not be blinded by the river, thinking that the river is victim?

Gu Yan analysis said: "If so, the long text of the river is enough. She is so many way to pick up the wood. What is not normal. When the monitor is recorded, the river has not appeared yet. Do not rule out that she has already planned these. "

Zhuang Fan is not cold and chestnut, only for the loss of the loss caused by Silhouette? He suddenly remembered Cheng Jiashu to participate in the appearance of the conference, in addition to the outside, the interest in the landscaping, and the work of Cheng Jiashu is working in the performance of the performance, just a handkerchief for Silhouette just.

Nowadays, Silhouette is grateful. Cheng Jialu, one of the bosses, must be implicated, the best way is to quit from the company. Perhaps, Cheng Jiama does this, and this purpose is. Once, I didn't have a relationship with Cheng Jiashu in the business. After all, the adult as long as there is interest, it is not a discontinuation.

Zhuang Fan's heart is sinking: "I want to discuss it."

It is not responding next to it, and Zhuang Fan is dying to look at it. It will see if he shares his mobile phone. If you don't, if you don't have a smoothness, the dignity is vaguely revealed ... Touched?

"What's wrong?" Zhuang Fan has a heart to look at the mobile screen.

He is now a hot salami, the hedgehog, the non-related person hates, and you can't wait to step on a foot. Those who were invited, and those who know each other as much as possible, they can hide how far.

And ten minutes ago, Lu Wen, named the 18th small stars, this is due to the unfair relationship of the show and Zhuang Fan, release a Weibo in this public opinion: "Zhuang Fan Xin is innocent It is a friend for many years. The truth will definitely be big in the world. The bad guys will be punished. "

Usually responding, this comment has quickly smashed thousands, nature is an insult, what object is gathered, what is blocked, the content is increasing per second.

"Why are he so stupid." Zhuang Fan is in a hurry, he has never appeared, the masses are eager to find a vent-the target, at this time, it is completely turned to

Suddenly, the amount of transfer of Weibo has increased dramatically, and he opened: "I am in ..."

I know that I am forwarding Lu Wen's Weibo, which is both aid, and sharing the firepower, directly: "I am the best friend, I believe him, time will prove everything."

Gu Xin said: "Lu Wen is my brother, knowing there, thank you for your family."

"Well." Zhuang Fan is more mood, "the company loses him to cook, but also help me, I don't know how to thank it."

Gu Yu Proposal: "You have a key point, do you want to send your suit?"

"... I rely on." Zhuang Fan was surprised, at this time, the mobile phone received information, and he didn't seem to be as determined by the Internet.

Zhuang Fan Xin Siles back to the news, involving the company, he wants to see the side.

"About at home, told him to have dinner." Gu said.

He got up and put the sea glass crown into the corner cabinet, the design chart and scan maps were taken together, as well as banks issued by the bank. He is ten years ago, Zhuang Fan left the day, then brought it back in a week, then it has been stored.

Gu Yan and play a few calls, return to the sofa, you have to chat with Zhuang Fan.

"We have evidence of the hand." He said, "Bank's storage record can prove that the crown of sea glass is designed to design, so he is not original, but the sea glass is mine, so you still need Prove that you give me. "

In other words, it is necessary to prove the sea glass royal crown is indeed, and Gu Yan: "When you design it, do you have anyone know?"

Zhuang Fan said: "I have a studio. I have contacted it after an accident, but I helped me have not done it. And this type of thing involves copyright, the studio never retains photo records, all of my manuscripts are also lost. I can't do it. "

Gu Yan said: "Now the design map and scanning map are in the studio packaging, also printed their logo and address. I sent people to the past, Qi Nan was familiar, please help together Going, finding the master is a human card, the studio confirms the scanning map from them is a license. "

Zhuang Fan's eyes ignite bright: "OK?"

"Well, affirm it." Gu Yan said, "I broke the clothing factory, the boss and Cheng Jiama's relationship I have already checked, the problem of monitoring will find a professional prove to be clipped, even if it is kissing? I pro It is you, it is not a boyfriend of others. "

Zhuang Fan Xin was said to be embarrassed by him: "It is affecting your reputation. Since the video does not shoot your face, don't pull it in."

Gu Yu: "I will be afraid of this person a ten years ago, will he be afraid?" He seems to be a good trick, "the first wave of evidence collected, I will announce, I will admit that I am video Another protagonist. "

The other party must unveil, then he also unveiled, the other party hides in the dark, he has a big bright.

Zhuang Fan is wrong: "That is equal to ..."

"It is equal to our public, gay, male comrades, Silhouette director and general manager of GSG, Gu Yan and Zhuangxin."

The words said in a word: "I am open to you."

He took three smiles, and the sound will be so good: "I don't forced me, it is water to the streak, are you ready?"

Zhuang Fan nodded, despite it, it still felt very lucky.

The author has something to say: Beautiful people have felt, it is over.


About Cheng Jia Tree This role says something.

Put 44's Right - There is currently no clear deputy CP, matching free, but don't make your brain, so as not to have a difference between the text I wrote.

1. First, there are many boasts, which means that he didn't imagine, and there was no disadvantage. Everyone has excellent disadvantages.

2, the road is the CP, but in the righteousness, I stressed that there is no clear deputy CP, because the relationship between Cheng and Yan's feelings have contradictory, the contradiction between the parents, the contradiction of the sister is in the middle. The junction is very small, and the second half has a few positive descriptions. It is in the support of the Sinong, and the support after Wen Lin. Serving the plot, so I think this is not a deputy CP, my brain is freedom, so I also reminded anti-heart to fall.

3, for the process, I don't have any subjective emotions, I even have no emotions to Jiang Hui and Cheng Jiama.

4, "The author doesn't like him." I explain, before, the sullette is listed, A like, B is, because B is a bad person, the author doesn't like him, not the author doesn't like, so let him be a bad person, causal Don't reverse it. For theoret, A and B are not real, just the role of creation. Here B is just examples, no representation,

5, "I said that I didn't play. Cue." I explained, he did not write a positive description, just in the line, I originally had a dismissal, I have not been well expressed. But I think the author has the right to mention a role because of the plot? I really feel that I am the general manager of brokerage, is the process of love beans? This is just a novel.

6, "Don't give a clear answer, hang the reader." I replied in a chapter in a chapter, and then explained that the contradictory love this section is a part. I have never considered it. This article will not be considered. Written. I replied for a hundred years, but they do have contradictory. Is there anything? I said that they broke up halfway, but I will not write it out, is there an empty mouth dismantled?

7. "The circle is stronger." His character relationship is destined, because of his girl. In fact, on the 95 chapter involves his part, what he will do it all, isn't it?

8. About the comments of the process are mixed, the flatteen of the station, because this role and related plot have conflict. I don't interfere, publish any opinion is the freedom and rights of readers, even if there are so many supporters between Gu Zhuang quarrel that I have never intervened (only for no midborn).

9. Reason for reply: Some people say that I wrote him because of "annoying speech", I first explained the first time, I won't be designed for any person's remarks. This reply is because of the first few, the reader is hanging, the author doesn't like the truth, will lead ... The discussion role is freedom, involving my own, so replying to explain.

10, brain supplement is uncontrollable, the brain makes the role or evil is also subjective, I have no power to intervene, and I don't want to withstand what I didn't do, right?

11. The frontal depiction of the deratilation is very small, and it is very relying on, and the appearance is written. It has been mentioned as a couple who mentioned the back of the relationship. First, because he is really angry, the other is that he likes his readers when the conflict occurs. Although it is still there.

12, once again, I really didn't consider the process, because I won't write, so I didn't think about it ... and this kind of contradictory feelings, I have never written, I haven't experienced it, it is difficult to conclusion . To be honest, I saw some comments today, I want to break up, but it is too casual. After all, I really don't like this role.

13. I am a person who doesn't really love to explain, because each idling is free, if it is a malicious quarrel, it will not pay attention, but comment is the readers who have been supported by the reading text, so I've these. I don't know if I explain it, I think so much for the time being, there may still be a place where I have no circumference.

14. When I reply to the comment, I am emotional. I am not good. I am very grateful to see this article. Maybe I will see this article, I must have the reason I can't shirk, sorry. If so unhappy, I hope you are happy.

the above.