Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Episode 112 Bear Was Great

"Did you say you went, or did you catch them in a drinking shop?"

Ha ~, I knew it was the same.

When Tachiyoshi talks to Lyon and the bear man sighs loudly, it sounds like the roar of the bear.

Nevertheless, there is no clue in the conversation who the Bear Man is.

"Um, who is this?

Tachiyoshi said, "Didn't you tell me? I'll tell her.

This is General Lee Lee.

An unexpected identity appeared.

I do hear General Wei was the best force in the current army?

In times of emergency, such as war, there are superior general positions such as general, but in normal times, the emperor's immediate army leads the defense general at the top of the substantive army.

And now that the Emperor has not invaded or been attacked, he should not have held a temporary general position.

After all, information about the appearance of the palace ladies who are aiming for the balls will flow without even asking, so Yu sister will naturally accumulate this information.

One of the top men in the army is drinking alcohol in front of Yu's sister.

This was, in a way, more surprising than when I met the Emperor.

After all, the emperor lived in the rear palace, so he knew that he would see him one day if he was lucky.

But when you become a general, don't you have to go to the battlefield to see him?

Why are you here dressed like a regular soldier?

That's why I came out with a higher status than I imagined. Rain sister tried to thank me in a hurry, but she was in the way because she had a hot water vessel and a parcel in both hands, so I wound up alone.

Calm down. Put your food on the table first.

"Don't be so hard, I just drank it here."

As Tachiyoshi's advice, Bear Man and General Li said so and took a swing at him.

In the meantime, Yu sister, who had placed the pottery of "Tan" on the table, asked General Li who was afraid.

"Um, why are you here, even General Wei?

Instead of using a cafeteria like this for general soldiers, you should drink good alcohol at a better shop.

Whatever you say, the alcohol that is consumed here is cheap.

General Li smiled as if he could read Yu's thoughts that made him wonder.

"I don't know what to drink, but who to drink with."

If you want to go out for expensive drinks, don't bother with 'General, General'. "

Well, that makes sense.

Apparently, I don't like various people stopping by when I drink outside.

"General, are you selling your face?

Tachiyoshi nods when he confirms the story in the first place.

"It's a city.

I guess I don't know anyone like you who just came out of the country. "

Apparently, the fact that he didn't know General Li revealed that Yu sister was a rural person.

That's a fact, and I don't care because there's nothing to be ashamed of.

"So? Who are you?

General Li finally asked me, but as Yu Sister, I don't want to be named a great person.

Because I don't know where it leads or what it exposes.

"I don't have enough status to be named General, but as you can imagine, I'm a lower court lady."

Yu Sister explains that, Tachiyoshi said, "Is there such a rude way to say it! I don't have any particular complaints about it.

However, General Li seemed to have something spinning, and he stepped out and stared at it.

When my face gets closer, I feel like an extra bear.

And General Lee is bread! and hit him on the knee with his hands.


If I've heard of you, are you the Miyagi who's been making some noise lately?

For some reason, I had a strange way of seeing things.

"Are you making a scene? I am."

"I'm sure it fits."

Tachiyoshi told Yu that he was asking.