5. You have the wrong person.

[Patches apply]

[1. A ranking system will be introduced. Consolidating stats will rank them in high order and only names will be published. The ranking can be found in the 'office' and can be disclosed even to professions and abilities if the parties so wish.]

[Additional rewards are awarded each month based on ranking]

[It is possible to change ranking through each other's legitimate 'rubric']

[Exclusive stamina will be created during 'Bimu'. When HP reaches 0, the rubber stops forcibly.]

[2. Force Mission Activated]

[After a fortnight, you will be forced to participate without missing a single person. The difficulty level of the mission is' S ']

[It is impossible to escape in any way during a forced mission.]

[Compensation is paid depending on whether you are active in the mission. You can get from the highest legend item to additional life.]

[Forced Mission will have a Balance Patch]

A message that came to mind one day.

The patch is for the first time in the mission, so people are more interested. And when I read all the patches, people's reactions were largely expressed as one.


Rankers are now on a Class C mission. Class B missions are not even dreaming yet. Once, a party of rankers tried to carry out a Class B mission. The name of the mission is' Subdue Orc Lord '. It's because of the many Class B missions that I thought it was worth a try. However, now that the name Orc is almost as popular as the neighborhood book level, I thought it would be easy.

And the result was simple.

Eleven deaths and 24 mild injuries participated in 42 trials. Those who were confident in clearing the Slayer Mode barely killed the Orc Guards, so it was best to satisfy the minimum conditions and escape. In front of the Orcs' advances in bonus, elite soldiers, and organization due to the Orc Road, the rankers were forced to lose without a hand.

Troops of rankers do, but it seems to people that they participate in S-grade missions without covering their characters is just a death sentence.

Some expressed anger by forcing them to participate in a multi-tasking class S mission, while others spoke out in self-defense, but the constructive opinion was' I can't sit still and die. '

"Don't be so scared. At the end of the line, he clearly said that a balance patch would be achieved. If I was just trying to kill you, I wouldn't have used this hassle. So that must have made it possible to clear in some way. '

The sound of Chang Chang, the head of the Hatefa and top ranker, was definitely plausible. Only then was I reassured by the word balance patch. And naturally, I also became interested in rewards. You can get from the highest legend items to more lives!

People were forced to open their mouths to that enormous reward. And in order to increase the chances of survival as much as possible, I began to work hard on the mission to earn rewards.

"I'm looking for someone to join me on a Class C mission! It doesn't matter what you do! I intend to make the most of it! To fill Awakening Quests!"

"I buy Rare Fitness Equipment! Try stabbing anything!"

"Gather your colleagues! Minimum Rank!"

When I saw people wandering around in the square, Sung-hoon said a simple word.

"That's crazy."


Shining coffee on the second floor window of the cafe, Sung-hoon seemed to have little to do with the buzzing people down there. Seong Hun, who repeatedly drank coffee with a bite of sandwich as if he was the only one left to breathe the breeze of the century, left the inventory open and locked in his mind. Even yesterday, the two boxes that appeared at the front of the inventory that had been neatly organized attracted attention.

[Gift for Ranker]

We salute your efforts to rank 21st and reward you accordingly.

[Gift of Rocky]

God is watching you. A gift from Rocky for you.



I thought for a moment, tapping the table with my finger.

I could understand the gift for the rankers. There's a reward story on the patch. However, Rocky's gift was incomprehensible.

Loki, where did I see this? I think I saw it in Axworthy. '

When I was on Earth, I remembered the name from the legendary Hero Movie. What I knew about Rocky, who didn't know much about Nordic mythology, was all I saw in the movie, and I had no choice but to say that he was a bad guy. So I hesitated to open this box.

It was a man who naturally sat down without a chair.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I was just thinking about what to do with the fortnight mission."

"Oh, that."

A man who talks like he's close to Sung-hoon. He was Lee Young-gi, a man who decided to give information in exchange for Sung-hoon and Bob in the past.

In return for buying information, I began to ask for information consistently every day in accordance with Sung-hoon's expectation of solving conscious shareholders. And as he began to become stronger, two people who simply lacked the means to solve the ceremonial problem began to demand a greater price.

Of course, I didn't think that Sung-hoon would always be able to eat these two at a cheap price. So I started to grow them by providing them with basic equipment and helping them with know-how or missions.

As a result, the two were not ranked, but among the normals, they were able to achieve so-called junior rankers. Moreover, he was not just good at it. The two who heard the importance of information from Sung-hoon made what is called the 'Information Guild' clumsily.

It was a little lower than the information guild created by the beggars or the Great Guilds, but it was still profitable to some extent, and Sung-hoon was treated like a VIP member of this information guild.

"Anyway, the information you asked for. The information and credit of the people you asked for."

"Thank you. Don't wear it too well."


Holding Seong-hoon's hand while trying to get to the paperwork, Young Ji said with a very small smile.

"You have to pay for it, right?"

"Hah. Was it the Ilman Guild?"

"I think the unit is one digit wrong. A hundred thousand guilds."

There may have been a rumor on a few pages of paper called 100,000 Guilds, but all he asked for was to assess his ability to participate in Class C missions and his creditworthiness through past missions or testimonies from colleagues.

Because you are strong, anyone who accepts you as a colleague and proceeds with the mission may get hit in the back like the last time. It was brilliant to reverse tourism at the time, but it can't keep up with the upheavals, and it can be risky to kill yourself.

In other words, if you calculate it by preventing it beforehand, 100,000 guilds would be a very low price.

"This was originally supposed to be 300,000 guilds, but I made it cheap because it was my brother's request. It doesn't even pay for labor."

"Grown up a lot? Are you a little strong now?"

"Compared to you, it's not enough."

Young-gi is a capable one, and it is tiring to pretend to be with him. After all, Yeonggi was treating Sung-hyun as a mercenary, and he didn't want to break this relationship that was moderately respected.

He is one of the few people who can be 'quite' trusted in the world of missions.

"Yes, your shit is thick. And you didn't get a box or something?"

"Ranking reward box? I didn't make it to the ranks."

I asked him if he knew anything about Rocky's box, but he just shut up when he didn't seem to know anything.

"By the way, can I buy you lunch?"

"You just got 100,000 guilds. Buy it."


"... I'll buy you a cup of coffee."

Sung-hoon, who chased out his spirit with a cup of coffee, began to read the documents. It was only a few pages of documents, so I could read them quickly.

"Use intermediate spear. Occupation is military. The main mission is to defeat Tier C Lumberjacks. Bring your colleagues back alive from multiple missions."

"I have a photowarrior job. When you enter a combat situation, it becomes more difficult to control, but your instantaneous skills are comparable to those of a ranker?"

"I am a Class C Mission Merchant escort and my job is as a Fire Spirit Master. It's not very good, but it's not bad."

I didn't want to go on a mission with someone else, preferably because I almost got rough last time, but unfortunately there was a reason why I shouldn't go on a Class C mission no matter what happens within a fortnight.

It was the primary awakening.

Clear at least 5 Tier C missions in slaughter mode according to the first awakening condition of the swordsman. There are exactly 4 Class C missions that Sung-hoon has completed so far in slaughter mode. One more needs to be cleared.

The Moonlight Cave Survey was as well known as it was at home, but other Class C missions needed to proceed carefully and made this survey possible.

'There are two types of missions. Ending short-term and increasing to long-term.'

Eradication or investigation was of a short-term type. No matter how long it takes, it ends the day after tomorrow, but it has to rise to that level. The level of monsters and the risk were quite high, but it was advantageous to be able to draw high gains in a short period of time.

By contrast, escorts were like organs. The performance period may be increased from a few days to ten days, but the risk is so dispersed that it can be reliably cleared. Of course, I can't expect that much profitability.

Meanwhile, before we go out!