6. Preparation.

Mirina, who finally got into a fight with Sung-hoon, remained in a position to sink the excitement that was pushed from her chest.

She was well aware of her strength; she was born in the 21st century in a tradition that did not suit her and was constantly retraining. The most widespread swords in the world were confident that they fell short of the swords they had learned, and in the more missionary world, anyone with the skills to satisfy their eyes could be counted as one hand.

Normal, ranker, topranker.

Most people were not even caught on the basis of the weapons they used. I was showing off my strength as a skill and ability, but I was suddenly confident when I faced it head-on. Even Chang, Massacre, and Monarch, who were rated as similar to her, did not appear in her eyes. However, Sung-hyun was different.

'This man is real. At least equal to me.'


I had the strength to hold the sword in my hand.

I thought it was unusual from the first time I met him. A skilled person who completed the mission faster or inferiorly, even with all his power at the fastest speed. Of course, there were other strong, but mostly they were undervalued in that they had parties.

Once again, I took a long breath and looked at Sung-hoon with my eyes shallow. I'm not just looking at it.

[Hepatitis is triggered]

Just looking at him, I began to see the red bites everywhere in the body of the Holy Hun. Hepatitis is a skill that finds gaps in the opponent. However, hepatitis was not very helpful to Mirina. There are two gaps in Sung-hoon's finding. However, there are eight gaps in the holiness found by the eyes and feelings in Miri.

It was a hepaticism obtained from the gift of the sword, but it was on a higher level of skill than the skill of Myri. Miri looked at Sung-hoon like that and was forced to curl her head.

'There are too many gaps. Are you inducing my attack?'

Although the whole body is better than other players with weaknesses, it still seems to be too lax. If it had been usual, I would have jumped in without hesitation. However, the opponent was at least equivalent to himself.

'I do my best.'


As the sword shook slightly, Miri's new brother was already rushing forward.

The first strike is from left to right with a left sword. Then, with a very slight time difference, the wooden sword across the shoulder loads up and falls from top to bottom. It seemed really simple for a second, but Seonghun who was attacked was forced to grip it at the same speed as if he were haunted by demons.

'I can get it!'

If I had just fought, I would have been blindfolded.

The first set may not have been able to resist, but it would have been cut to the ribs by the second wooden sword. However, Sung-hoon has been using voluntary steps constantly since the moment he confronted Myrina. A voluntary move is an instantaneous skill. It is said that the HP and magic power of Seonghun have increased considerably, but there is a burden of continuing to spread.

However, if you limit your battle to titles and pour out all your stamina and magic, you won't be able to use them.

Take the first strike to the right and swing the sword to block it in advance before loading it properly. At the same time, Sung-hoon frowned on his forehead by the force pushed from his sword.

However, it was a man and a woman who did not know that they would be pushed out of power.


As he breathes lightly and plays his new role, a wooden sword falls into place.

However, there was no room for rest. The volunteer step was already predicting her next move. He twisted his sword and opened the station X and barely stopped the attack by bringing it forward.

"You're amazing, too."

Sung-hoon, who was listening to Myri, was not even able to have a conversation. It was very brief, but I could clearly understand the fear of a double sword. With two weapons, the range of attacks can be varied and it can be difficult to respond. Unfortunately, Miri was not in the mood to set up with a double sword.

"And it's even thicker."

"What do you mean?"

"The mockery that just happened was definitely great. But I don't think I have any intention of spreading a true sword, even though it's a trick and a mockery."

It was Sung-hoon who looked at Myrina with a feeling of what she was talking about. Mirina, however, was serious.

"Are you still arrogant against me without revealing your true skills? Let's see if that's confidence or arrogance."

'So what the hell are you talking about?'

He lowered the twin swords from top to bottom with all his might toward Sung-hoon, who was screaming in his heart. It's a simple attack, but just as efficient.

If you don't stop it properly, the balance will be broken and if you avoid it, you will immediately become an egg on a twin sword in Miri that is preparing a linkage herb. Sung-hoon initially thought of avoiding the attack, but was forced to hesitate to see the movement shown by his volunteer steps.

He was saying, "Take that double sword one step forward."

'Let's not worry about it. You have to follow the steps of the volunteer.'

Oh, shit!

Myri's Dual Sword and Sung-hoon's Longsword collided.

I almost sat down with my knees loosened in shock a few times before, but I could barely bear it thanks to the blessing. Mirina, who was aiming for the Holy Hun with consecutive stabs, grinded her teeth in fury while continuing the fight against the Holy Hun she had hoped for.

'You're not taking me seriously!'

Until then, the current way of combat cannot be explained. Foot and body teasing is definitely fine. However, wielding a sword was the worst.

There is no form of fusion that momentarily increases the shock force by putting the whole body in one place. The idea is that you can just take the attack with your arm.

Of course, to stop his attack, he must have pierced the gap. Nevertheless, immediately after the screening without backing up, I look back. He will defend himself, so he reveals his pride to attack as much as he can.

'No matter how confident you are!'

You mean you're confident that you can hold the tithe without exposing yourself to the power of the peninsula? I wanted to break that arrogance.


At the time of the division of the six sums, the sword in Miri began to move subtly. As the left sword moves in a dazzling fashion, it kicks out the sword of SeongHun, and the right sword turns into a powerful stab and pierces the gap. Immediately upon the inspection, the sword of the Holy Hun opened up and the seventh inspection could barely be avoided by raising its head.

"Three times now! '

I thought Sung-hoon could endure it three times.

However, Myri's abilities had long been out of line with Sung-hoon's expectations. The swift movement of the left sword like a butterfly and the swift movement of the right sword like a bee began to change in an instant. The left sword became a bee and the right sword became a butterfly.

Until now, because I was used to the formula of left sword deterrence and right sword attack, the movement of Seonghun suddenly revealed a breakdown.



Eighth, the wooden sword gently kicked out the sword of the Holy Hun. On the other hand, it succeeded in forcefully striking the handle and finally letting the sword go. It was shocking to miss the sword from the hand, but even more surprising was that the volunteer step was out of the way of predicting.

Obviously, the image of the self-stride was taking the sword in the mirror and pushing it away, but the result was the opposite.

This meaning was simple.

The movement within Miri has penetrated even the movement of the volunteer steps.

It is neither the help of skills nor the help of abilities. By dividing the seven sums, Miri has already fully penetrated the movement of the voluntary steps. It was an admirable talent to destroy the skill of magic () in an instant with his sword alone, but unfortunately, Sung-hoon, who was being targeted by the sword, could not be admired purely.

'You crazy bitch? I have no intention of quitting!'

Clearly, the set is still a situation.

But since we missed the sword, we've already lost the victory. Mirina was stabbing with a twin sword. I wasn't aiming for an emergency, but I could see deep wounds on my arms as I stood still.

We must avoid it in any way. With that in mind, Sung-hoon unconsciously took a step back.


'I won.'

As the thoughts of Seonghun and Miri intersected, the black body was moving innocently. However, at the last minute, factors that no one expected were involved.


Seonghoon's new brother, who had retreated, suddenly turned off under a while.

Mirina is a water supply.

Normal, Magic, Rare and Unique skills fall short of their pure abilities.

Oh, and there's no such thing as acting. I have no intention of giving the protagonist at least 100 flights. You have to hurt them.