15. Whatever you say.


The ground began to vibrate marginally with a massive explosion. Just in case, people who looked at the mountains and the ground alternately soon saw lava flowing from the top of the mountain. Unlike normal volcanic eruptions, the rate at which volcanic ash flows down is not as fast as it seems, so no one will die from it if we consider the time the mission ends.

But I said it wasn't enough to be reassured. The flame weapon opened its mouth wide and started to emit flames. I didn't know it was so clever beyond the mountain, but if I were to think of the message that a firearm was attacking a human, it would be obvious that the attack was directed against a human.

However, Seong Hoon was quietly waiting and was able to confirm some changes in the mission window.

You have completed the Characteristics of Carnage.

(B) in progress

The number of missions that stopped at 448 increased to 449 and the number that stopped at 530 increased to 533.

In the remaining time, Seonghun killed 136 people. So Sung-hoon made a different idea. Among the missions, there is a sub-mission called Shadow Homicide, which encourages others to commit murder. However, the decision of this mission was quite vague.

Missions such as suicide bombs and suspicious ears could be easily cleared, but the assassination weapon could not be completed if someone ordered or encouraged to kill it. Migration was the survivor with the most reach for Sung-hoon, and she didn't even complete a Class C mission. However, when I gave the order to Lee Gun, I had already completed a Class C mission. Moreover, it was not enough to fill the number of missions.

There is one more characteristic in the vicious killer system.

[If 3 or more people are killed, mission trigger increases the count of murders by 1 time]

That is, every time a person who receives his or her orders kills three people, he or she also counts as having committed one murder.

I told Lee to kill at least 400 people. Probably enough to fill that number. Even if an island is vast and there are people in it, it won't be hard to fill that number because once the lava is slowly coming down and there are groups of people in it.

The moment I thought about it, Sung-hoon hurriedly blew his body back and shook his sword.

Kaga Gaga River!

Sung-hoon, who had barely flown a sudden flying spear, stared at the opponent with a stiff face.

"May I ask why you attacked?"

"For what reason? That's why that firearm must be causing chaos!"

"What does that have to do with making a fuss and attacking me now?"

"What do you care? You got an iron plate on your face!"

What the fuck!


The Holy Hun, who barely received the prick that was thrown into the canteen, swallowed up a groan in his heart.

It wasn't a skill, it wasn't a proper strength, but the shock from the arm was just terrifying. I probably wouldn't have missed my sword without the Misrill gloves I got this time.

When the ghost stops his attack not so hard, the mighty limit shines on both eyes. This guy was definitely a top-ranker.

"I don't know what the point is, but you didn't encourage that riot! You lunatic! You look like you've lost your life!"

"Ha! Any proof? Did you even listen to me tell Lee to cause that commotion!"

The force of the words immediately distorted his expression.

I don't know what kind of intention this is, but there's a good chance that this guy did something about the runaway weapon. However, I did not see it with my own eyes.

Even though it was a blindfolded and glorious battle, it was a big difference between revealing yourself and telling a lie that didn't even matter.

"Then why didn't you let anyone else hear your wish?"

"It was a personal wish. I asked you not to be heard because you don't want to hear others. Is that a problem too?"

The strong body that grabbed the spear began to emerge from all over the place.

Soon, Seong Hun sneaked his hand into the book of waist dancing.

"Yes, you do, don't you? I won't stop, but then I'll believe that, no, I won't cheat."

"I'm glad you understand."


While people were soaking in their big voices, they took out two daggers in the inventory and hung them on their backs. It seemed funny to me that I was equipped with two spears on my waist, two on my back, and five spears in my hand, but it was also a situation that could never be seen more humorously by anyone with the best power in the mission.

"You know, right? Our peace treaty was only going on in that cave? Backyard!"


"Take all the kids and stop Kim Lee Hyun."


"Just keep your feet tied. If you stay still, just leave it alone. If you try to get out of here instead... You know?"

It's not an order to sneak up on the Caucasus.

Yooseong Hun heard Kim Lee Hyun heard Kim Lee Hyun heard all the people who were there. This was a warning. I will not harm you if you stay still. If you try to leave here instead, you have to pay for it.

"I take care of this one."

Blame it!

It really happened instantly.

Fearing the words to fall, Sung-hoon jumped into the forest as he stepped on the backstep, forcefully pulling the spear out of his waist like lightning. It flew like a cannonball, and the helmet grabbed the side of the Holy Hun and passed by. The force chased after him and began to rush.

"... wow."

Looking at the fierce chase in a straight line like a ghost and a mildewed pig that disappears with a flimsy body, the backcastle pulls out the Horn Bow you just got and points an arrow at the opponent. The atmosphere on both sides was instantaneous.

It was Kim Lee Hyun who moved first in the same urgency as if he had a little trigger.

"What are you so nervous about? Let's all come this way and make it a little easier."

"Don't move!"

"Can't you rest? Don't mind. Gather over here. Let's have a quick meal."

Kim Lee Hyun, who was not on guard with the White Canal, finally gathered all the leftover groceries and started eating. It was a group of Caucasus people who became rather ridiculous.

As if they were watching animals in the zoo, their self-esteem soared because of their gaze at them as they forgot their food. However, I was wary of Kim Lee Hyun without relaxing.

The power on this side is not great, but Kim Lee Hyun is there.

If the two of them fight, the winner will almost be Kim Lee Hyun. Funnily enough, Kim Lee Hyun never thought of doing anything special. I thought it would be a good idea to recruit ghosts, but not until I realized the serious damage and the danger.

This close distance was also fatal for the archer, Baek Canal, but vice versa. The moment I put the protest on hold, I had to be beaten.

'Well, that should have been enough.'

The deal in the cave, the concession, and the kindness that seemed to be enough appealed to him.

Whether he died or was forced to live, it was no longer what he could do; all that remained was to see good or eat bread.

"Oh, but would you like to move a little? It looks unlikely, but it could burn this way, right?"

It was Kim Lee Hyun who was talking about biting fruits like tourism.

What are the limits of human strength?

Sung-hoon could feel the answer today. The spear thrown into the canteen as the tyrant rushes forward aims for himself with a force that is very deeply embedded in the lump of wood. Excellent accuracy, but most surprising was its power.

It's not the right posture, and it's only necessary that the helmet that was blown by the wrist be that powerful!

'Shall we fight?'

If it was the move that melted the dance and the voluntary steps together this time, it wouldn't have been so easy. However, Sung-hoon, who was contemplating for a while, shook his head. First of all, I was not very well.

Fighting the Knights of Fear and subsequent quarantines have brought down your health to the limit. Kim Lee Hyun tried to restore it, but there was a lot to fight. I didn't think it would be a good idea to touch the opponent named Topranker.