18. Apparently…,

Moreover, all existing skills also rose in rank.

Voluntary steps and endless exploration have made Rare superior, and Amulet has grown to a very unique level, adding many distinctions and attributes.

"This is a little bit of a stat hike, isn't it?"

Perhaps by the time of the third awakening, existing occupational skills will be at the lowest unique, perhaps elite level. Climbing the stairs once means being stronger than before.

& Staggered

Rating: Unique

Type: Active

You can alternate accelerations and stops in your movement momentarily to break or change the beat.

Acceleration: Instantly speed up by about 1.2 times.

Flash stop: Movement can be reduced by about 0.8 times instantaneously.

Sung-hoon, who identified the staggering character, curled his head for a moment. It seemed so poor that it was a unique skill.

Sung-hoon's unique skill so far was dealing with silver medals that he had used only once in his past career as a Serena. Ranks were higher than staggers, but there were terrifying options, including a 300% increase in minor damage and a small chance to instantly kill, ignore defenses, and increase the chance of minor attacks.

Compared to that, the content is not very comprehensible at first. I know you're speeding up, but where are you going to use it because it's slow?

It seemed better than nothing, though, because it was a unique skill.

Piece of Truth

Rating: Unique ()

Type: Passive

A swordsman who realizes a part of the truth can always stay calm without losing his cool. A trained mind does not shake easily with dizziness, but has the power to resist all the misleading forces.

Maintains peace of mind and increases resistance to distracting or eye irritating forces.

Heart: Decreases magical power consumption by 5% when operating the skill. Skill's Power is increased by 5%. Increases all stats by 10% when you are in Emptiness.

The Piece of Truth... What should I say? It was subtle.

Obviously not bad. However, I have already gained the power to resist hallucinations because I am a true evil man. Moreover, the options attached are all great, but there were some unfortunate parts to playing the unique skill, such as low growth or emptiness.

(E) Manleucoma

Rating: Unique ()

Type: Passive

Sensitive swordsmen who knew that everything in the world would come to an end, could use it to fuse different kinds of phenomena.

Allows forced association and fusion of all skills that fall below the rank of the Maneuver Noble.

You can connect with endless exploration, poles of water.

"Why is everything so vague?"

What is the difference between endless skill associations of exploration and compulsory associations of mannequins?

Of course, they were all unique-class skills, so it would be better than nothing, but I didn't come to see them at all.

But I wasn't disappointed. I ignored the poles at first, but it turns out how good was the skill? If the rating is high, the value should be high.

Name: Yooseong Hun

Occupation: Indexer

Title: Adonis (9)

Tendency: Reputation +13000, Notoriety +105000

Ability: Strength: 558 AGI: 578 HP: 569 Wisdom: 605 Magic: 619 Luck: 630

Status: Normal.

"Yay! I still see the ability!"

Thanks to the bonus options of the item and the bonus stats due to mission clearance, we were able to show all the top ranking figures. Especially now that the Admiral's bonus abilities are maximized, wisdom is about 30 times higher than the agility that can be said to be the main ability of Sung-hoon!

Thanks to this wisdom, the amulet used by Sung-hoon was comparable to or slightly beyond the attacks of dizzy ranking wizards. That was enough satisfaction, no great satisfaction. Seonghun, who came out of the temple with a bright face, was locked in his mind for a while.

I've been thinking about what to do with this secondary awakening.

In fact, if this was dizzying information, if it was of a nature that could be hidden, I would have picked mulberry with this.

Now I could boost the power of the guild members to make it, or lure rankers through the secondary awakening. However, this information was not the kind of information that could be concealed.

It was not a secret to find hidden things in the middle of the city, but it was a loose secret when you asked me to go to a temple in the middle of the city and just give you a secondary awakening.

'Maybe there's someone like Mirina who wants to awaken a second time and keep it a secret.'

Perhaps Japan has announced this fact and awakened a large number of secondary users. Then the damage in Korea is exponential.

'I have to spread it fairly. Of course, we're getting a lot of information.'


"For the third day already, how long will you be stuck in this city?!"

Everyone around him frowned on his forehead at a man's sad affair. But I didn't say anything. He was Kenshin, the third best in the Camikaze sequence. In his absence, the man sitting higher than him, Rysuke, sighs and shakes his head.

"The report and his group are missing. It's not something to say that I'm going out of my way. Whether it's monsters or people from other countries, this side needs to be prepared enough."

"Damn it! Who's going to get us now? Kamikaze is invincible!"

Kenshin's words sounded arrogant, but not necessarily like that. Because all of Camikaze's triggers were second-order awakeners.

After completing the Survival Mission, Kamikaze organized a large-scale attack. Korea postponed its mission because of the off-stage competition, but Japan did not.

All but two of the people who entered the main stage of the competition were Kamikaze's people. The rest of them were eliminated in the beginning, and in the rest of the match they acknowledged and went out according to the order of defeat, so the result was determined from the beginning.

After such a short amount of time, Kamikaze was finally able to complete the Class B mission 'Mad Celestial and Demonic Turmoil'.

'The damage in the Middle and Lower spheres is extremely severe, but it is cheap if you can awaken secondary instead. Now that we've hit the target, there's a certain amount of target in place, and now if the people who developed the second awakening lead the rest of us, we can move faster.'

Camikaze held the city perfectly tight and was as strong as any guild. I didn't have to imagine what would have happened if I had done the same thing in a place like Hatefa.

"It must have been abducted or misled somewhere because I didn't come back until now. How do people see us if we're stuck in a situation like this? Are you going to stay stuck like this?"


"If you don't go looking, even if you lead the kids under me..."

"... Just one more day."

"A day?"

"Tomorrow, it's time for Uchida to come back. Eight more secondary awakeners. I'll set up a scout as soon as they get back. Kenshin, let's get Joe ready for the expedition after we do the search today."

Ryoske was talented at marbling people.

There was a possibility that Kenshin would react if he simply asked to remain silent. However, by adding the words "bring people together and get ready," the complaint subsided, giving the feeling that they were entrusted with an important task.


"Flash, what is it?"

"Well... I think I saw someone else in the city."

At that time, the surroundings began to flutter.

I was thinking, but I couldn't help being surprised when it actually came to me.

"Which country are you from?"

"When I showed up from afar on horseback and tried to get close, I couldn't just run away and talk. Instead…."


"I saw what it looked like, and it was thought that some of them might be Chinese or Korean."

Even East Asians can be distinguished sufficiently by country. Of course, the answer cannot be definitive, but it is still possible to narrow the scope.

"China, Korea."

The surroundings began to become noisy as Ryoske pounded his finger.

As in Hatefa, Kamikaze also had no choice but to feel awkward. China, Korea. Both are countries where bad feelings remain at the ethnic level.

'Perhaps... I wish it were Korea. Better than China.'

Don't hesitate today. You should play with your fans and cockroaches... (Play with cockroaches, have fun, twice)

A list of unique skills Mirina learned before moving on.


Rating: Unique ()

Type: Passive

By realizing the meaning of the sword, it became easier to use it. Helps you draw out the best, no matter when you use any sword.

When using a sword, it increases its performance by 1.2 times.

Increases the foresight of swords.

Increases Critical Chance.

Blade Fire

Rating: Unique ()

Type: Passive

The body is said to be unharmed by the power of the lesions.

Ignore below schedule damage.

10% Resistance to all types of damage.

HP +10%.

& Examination

Rating: Unique

Type: Active

Weight that compresses a typed group and sticks it in one distinct form. The Black River has its own excellent attack power.

The higher the rank of the weapon, the greater the power.

Excellent cutting power.

Ignores damage relief from Spirits and Negative Monsters.

Increased Skill, decreased HP and Magic Power Consumption.

Decrease the amount of shock when using the examination.

Can be 'cut' by calculating the damage and performance of the weapon.

There is a high chance that Rare () or lower skills will be destroyed or weakened.