22. Over-estimation and under-estimation.

SS class, B class. Organize a two-person liver party.

Please select a field to enter.

Echoing Island (S), Canyon of Groans (S), City of Death (S), Ancient Abandonment (S).

Seabed City (A), Bug Nest (A), Desert of Heat (A), City of Cultists (A) ….

Sung-hoon, who checked out the options that came before his eyes, was locked in his mind for a while. I thought I would enter the field randomly, but I didn't think I could choose the field. I knew I could get into another grade, but I didn't think there were any fields within the same grade.

'If you ask Eli about this... I don't have it.'

After realizing that he was alone, Sung-hoon sighed and looked at four options. Difficulties will differ depending on which one you choose.

'The island is tired now, and above all, it becomes difficult to cope if there is a four-sided blockade. There are two left except for the same reason.'

Canyons and cities.

If you choose a city, it will be much easier to sleep or hide. However, that is what everyone else thinks. If you have a normal mindset among those four choices, most of you will probably choose a city. So why don't you think of it as a station and pick a place outside of the city?

'Maybe there's someone else to think about.'

The more people think they use their heads, the more they are forced to bite their tails. A person who obtained a grade S in the first place is most likely to be close to ranking within 100 places in one city. It is dangerous to meet them wherever they are. If so, preferably the place where 100% of the skills can be achieved is the most okay. After all, what Sung-hoon chose was the City of Death.

You selected City of Death (S). I hope you're jealous.

As the message window disappeared, the power began to return to the body that was in a state of dehydration. As soon as the space, which was watered in pure white, began to become colorful and felt the touch of the ground at the toes, Sung-hoon lowered his posture and leaned against the wall with Eli next to him.

"Wait, too close...."




Looking at Sung-hoon with his fingers in his mouth, Eli turns his head slightly and starts to look around. The place where Sung-hoon and Eli appeared was between narrow alleys. Seeing the familiar, yet so unfamiliar, alleyway beyond, Eli panics for a moment.

I wouldn't be embarrassed if I saw a realistic city with street lamps and shophouse buildings in almost a year instead of the medieval city I used to see. Unlike Eli, however, Sung-hoon was not so surprised.

'I've been through this a dozen times thanks to Eli.'

It is not once or twice that I saw the city because I was delusional. I'm not embarrassed that the surrounding landscape has to change. Rather, I was organizing my thoughts quickly in my head.

'For now, hide yourself.'

It's not about defeating monsters together, it's about killing each other just like the last mission. A Battle Royale where you can loot personal belongings. Holding Eli in his arms, Seong Hun pushed his legs and hurried up the walls of the building alternately.

"Wow, Sung-hoon, was this even possible?"

"It's not weird, Ranker, no matter how skilled you are."

High-level warriors can use magical power to defeat vegetation, and can run kilometers at speeds that exceed detailed terrestrial records. Among other things, it would not be great to climb up the wall if only to Seong Hoon, who can be said to be at the top.

"What I usually see is that I fight monsters and all people become equally strong, so I'm losing my sense of reality, but it's different from this."

I feel different when I look at the ability of a superman against the background of a modern city.

"Even if you're a wizard, it's not very touching, but this... doesn't look so good."

"What should I call post-war ruins?"

"There's nothing to be surprised about."

Ashy skies and decades of unsupervised vegetation, shattered and sometimes bitten skyscrapers. I may not have been impressed by what the city looks like in a long time, but it was much better to be wary of the surroundings now that you're wasting your emotions.

"Multiple navigation."

Eli casts a search spell without Sung-hoon speaking. Due to the nature of the profession receiving bonuses for using assistive magic, it was possible to explore much more precisely over a much wider range than ordinary wizards, and a small map appeared.

"There are seven people and monsters, except us, who are within a 300m radius."


"Yes, it's not very powerful, but there are a lot of numbers."

The red dots were densely clumped together, largely away from the place where Sung-hoon lived, and seven green dots clumped together not so far away. Soon, however, the dots began to move at a fast pace.

"Early? This is moving?"

"Huh? You must have picked up our location."

"You got a location over here?"

"Yes, I wasn't prepared for anyone who might have mastered the backtrace assistive magic, but senior rankers are different. Sung-hoon, what are you going to do?"

Regardless of whether you take the magic potion out of the inventory or look at Eli, Sung-hoon realized that something caught his mind.

"Don't even think about running away, but get ready for battle."

"Yes? Should we gather more information?"

"I do, but I have a bit of a thing on my mind."

This is a Class S only field.

It doesn't make sense that there are seven people coming from places where only one or two of them can have a party.

'The mission has just begun, and in that short time at least four parties are coming to join forces and fight this side? In other words, this is not an S-rated opponent.'

"Are you really going to do this? I think we'd better get out of here before we're surrounded."

"You don't have to worry, shoot me."

"If Sung-hoon's brother is so proud."

Eli starts to focus his mind on putting down the magic potion and firing it as Sung-hoon speaks boldly. The posture was quite plausible, thanks to the knowledge of the skills involved in shooting as well as sniping after obtaining the Magazine.

'If I get more bonuses, I think I can shoot more horsepower than usual.'

Eli now completes the charge and pulls the trigger much faster than usual, benefiting from a large amount of magical bonuses, reduced consumption, and increased stats. Of course, I pulled the trigger, but I didn't expect it to hit me.

Speed is faster than arrows, but the 'Hazard Detection' skill, which is learned almost like a necessity for any ranker above a certain level, can be easily avoided by a single linear attack. Now I will avoid it immediately. However, Eli soon curled his head into an unexpected situation.

"That's right...?"

One of the blue dots wanted to stop, but it disappeared. Unlike Eli, who was embarrassed because he didn't know he was going to get hit, Sung-hoon nodded his head as if he had guessed.

"They're not Class S. Based on the numbers, it's probably a Class A user."

"Class A? Why is Class A here?"

Are you a suicide seeker?

'I didn't think this would be possible, but I thought it was so strong.'

If you enter a place below your own level, you will receive a huge level of penalties. Getting to your level is the most reasonable choice. That was the natural idea of the people up there.

However, those below thought to the contrary altogether.

This is your chance to hunt the stronger. They can party with 9 or more people and get a bonus to stats just like Eli did when he entered a field higher than his ability.

Moreover, the powers that were not even normally accessible were scattered in one or two.

"I came in thinking of us as hunting grounds."

He draws his sword and wears a mask, staring at those fools who are hunters and who don't know who is feeding them at such a fast distance.

"Ellie, don't shoot anymore and ask for a buff."

"Yes? Can I take down two more?"

"When you hear gunfire, don't let anyone else know where you are. Drag it this way and deal with it with Melee War in an instant. If they come within range so they don't get out, they put a shield on them."

The Maze of Witch unfolds. If you try to stay out of range, you lose your sense of direction.

Increases Strength and AGI by 50 due to a tentative attack.

Suspicious magic wraps around your body and lightens your body.

Skin becomes firmer.




'Well done on bringing Ellie.'

If I had brought Myrina, it would not have been possible to deal with various situations in this way. Of course, it will wipe everything out in no time without this hassle.


The arrows shot as they swiftly rushed to the front just lightly lifted their heads.

"You dodged it?"

"Don't panic! Just one! This side is still five, we can win enough by joining together!"

'Which country is that?'

Sung-hoon, who heard a faint sound, curled his head. As I first came into contact with Japan, I can understand its meaning naturally. When I looked at the gold and brown hair, I didn't think I was probably Asian.

Hah... I think I'm going to die from the flu. I slept with the window open because it was hot. I didn't think it would be like this...

My head gets cranky and my cough and nose keep coming out, but I don't know what I'm writing because I don't know if I'm writing properly. Once you write it up, you might want to read it again later.

Oh, I'll die...