22. Over-estimation and under-estimation.

"There's no way I have the talent to distinguish the Westerners. '

If you're Oriental, you can only distinguish between the middle and middle schedules. After all, Sung-hoon lightly raised his mouth and raised his right hand in front of him, where nothing was heard, and clasped his fingers, and people began to jump across the city at a much faster pace than now.

The three warriors arrived on the rooftop while the newlyweds and archers, who were coming from relatively far behind, resisted the Holy Hun in a long-range attack.

“Two strong warriors, one agile warrior. Do you really think there's a chance of three of them? ”

“Hmph! I don't know which country you are in, but stop bluffing, these three! Plus, you're getting a huge stats bonus! ”

The muscles are overpowered by a force increased by more than 20%. My heart is pounding like it's about to explode. If I don't spill my power right now, I'll explode. Two men holding an axe and a rapier began to move slowly beside both sides of Sung-hoon, while the other, holding a hammer, rushed towards Eli, who was not seen below.

“This bitch is going to be taken care of by us, so get rid of her quickly and join us! ”

“I'll kill you without a chance to feel pain, so stay calm! ”

No matter how strong I am, there is a difference in my imagination. If this is the case, it is possible to cut your throat in the blink of an eye. The green aura begins to rumble in the hammer and the strength begins to enter the muscles.

All that's left is to swing from left to right and smash that bitch's brown canister, and it's easy enough for yawn to come out. Thinking so, the warrior swings the hammer with all his might.

And as he thought, his hammer could break his head so easily.



The man holding the axe fell on the floor as half of his head fell into the hammer swinging behind him. He sensed the crisis late and turned around with all his might, but was not strong enough to withstand an attack that flew in a direction that was neither unexpected nor vigilant.

At least it will be thanks to increased HP that Auror is still able to maintain some form of head after being hit by a Silane attack.

“Bain! What the hell are you doing?! ”

“Hahaha. That's a shame! ”

“Hey, hey! Have you lost your mind!”

“Oh, don't worry! I'll join you right now! ”

“Hmm, simple warriors with empty heads are so easy to use. ”

Eli looks at a man called Bain and has a more powerful hallucination spell. It is difficult to brainwash people and move them according to their will. However, it is not so great to show hallucinations and mislead allies and enemy forces. Above all, Eli succeeded in raising most of his skills to grade S with the help of Sung-hoon and Miri.

Protected by monstrous abilities and skills, the existence of Myri with strong will and spirit is the best sandbag to do skillful work.

“I'll get rid of them all, hahaha! Haby Crash!"

“Son of a bitch! ”

Kaang! Kang!

The man who took the hammer and put it on a thin rapier realized that there was no need to keep the situation in his hands. It's a funny joke to be in the hands of a colleague.

If you don't kill him, then he will be able to recover the next congregation.

“Fuck! I don't like you! Chain Slasher!"

From the outside, it appears that three warriors have collapsed by causing internal injuries, without using a maggot that appears to be an attack. This was Eli's true strength. Attack magic? What do you need to learn from powerful attack magic? It's a lot easier and more convenient to deal with an enemy using someone who weighs on him.

Meanwhile, as the two warriors began to fight each other, Sung-hoon spread his stab using a rapid acceleration, creating blackness on Rune Blade. The place where the sword extends is a rusty iron gate. And a scream came out beyond that.


“Oh my God, it's too late. If I had five of them at the same time, I would have survived a little longer. ”

The archer, who had just arrived through the stairs, came to the checkpoint as he approached to open the door, and his throat was pierced with nothing to do. In order to prevent the blood from rising like a fountain, the staggering archer and the embarrassed shrine beside him used vaporization to lift their strength and kick towards the iron gate with all their might.

The iron gate, which had been shattered by the hinges of rust everywhere, could not bear the power contained in the kick, and the archer in front of him was naturally forced to silence for the last time with a thunderous rupture on the heavy iron gate.

“Mr. Kyle! This demon!"


The congregation surprisingly had quite a sense of combat. However, the arrows of light emanating from the tip of his hand were scattered through the air, scattered as they were in the jab of the prankful Holy Hun.

"I'm a little grumpy to say this, but I'll send you to the same place as Kyle, so don't be so grumpy."

"Divine Bling..." "

One stab.

Rune blade that penetrated the tongue and neck to make spells. With it alone, the goddess collapsed as she stood in the face of the extreme pain that was pushing her forward. If you are skilled, you can activate the skill without having to memorize the spell.

However, it also differs from one person to another. Is it possible for a relatively wounded newborn in the back to be able to activate the skill in a calm spirit, even with penetrating pain in the tongue and neck, compared to a common warrior?

The answer is what you see in front of your eyes.


Rune blades with extremely high cutting power by the sword cut the human body and made no small noise. Looking at a drop of blood and an unstained sword, Seong Hun interrupted the attention of the two men who split the body into two eastern rivers and shared the sacrament.

"You, you coward!"

"I can't deny it."

2: 1.

It is also an overwhelming difference in performance, so I have no choice but to deal with it. He wielded the rapier in his own way, but eventually fell to the ground with his heart pierced by the prick that led to the crushing and crushing in the ever-increasing blackness of the Holy Hun.

Meanwhile, the warrior holding the hammer rubbed his blurry eyes and looked around and immediately looked terrified.

"Piedo! Bain! Hey, what the hell happened?"

"Ellie, he's out of his mind already."

"Oh, don't worry."

"Shit, shit!"

Once the man pulls up the inner air to get a detailed picture of the situation, he falls behind with all his might. For now, it's important to make room for yourself so that you don't get surrounded. But something was strange. I didn't feel the hard ground to touch my toes.

What you feel is a strong wind on your back and neck. No, there was something strange about this being a simple breeze.

'It's like falling somewhere...'


At the same time, his vision began to burst red and irritate the body. I shook my mouth to say something, but I couldn't even see if I was speaking properly because I couldn't even hear my ears.

"What about this?"

"I had a little fantasy about the environment, not the character. You don't have to brainwash or kill yourself, but you can use it like this. What do you think?"

"... That's awesome."

Suddenly, looking at the outstanding man in the air beyond the railing with all his might, Seong Hun stared with awe at Eli.

What do you think of the attack magic that tears, burns, and destroys monsters that shows hallucinations? It is possible to use this scary magic just by simply switching ideas.

'There is nothing particularly revealing when viewed by others, so if you only use it in a timely manner, there will be no disaster.'

Sung-hoon, who threw a dagger at the squirming man with a lather and gave him rest, turned to collect the loot.

And I was forced to harden.

"Hey, this is new."

Tuck, tuck.

A young man who stumbled on the head of a fallen corpse with a grumbling attitude. Compliant appearance and sharp eyebrows, and a pleasant look once you see it. However, seeing him was a negative emotion.

Fear, disgust, fear, disgust, submission, a whirlpool of emotions that you can't express on your own. Eli, who was next to Sung-hoon, also pointed at the mysterious man who showed up with a magic mask without saying anything about Katabuta.

"Oh, wait a minute! I have no intention of fighting you. Let's talk about this, shall we?"

The emotion felt by a blond man was a complex one that could not be stopped at all. Cool sweat flowing along the dorsal trunk. The marginally raised chickens were shouting to run away right now.

No, I'm not running. I didn't think I should be hostile to that man. I want to talk more with him. I want to work under him. I want to take orders from that man.

'What is this? Is that Eli's magic?'

In the flood of emotions that was coming, Eli was already quivering and slowly making his way down. Then, as the smile on the young man's mouth darkened, Sung-hoon naturally walked forward and opened his mouth.

"If you're having a conversation, we're welcome."


When he stepped on the back of his foot invisibly, Eli, who was sober, shook his teeth and empowered his eyes.

"Really? Then his name is...."

"Wait. Don't come any closer. And if you want to ask your opponent's name, isn't it polite to state your name first?"

"Huh? Don't come near me?"

"Yes, I and my colleagues are a little vigilant. Cook."

Looking at the masked man's behavior from beginning to end, Jack was curious as if he saw something unexpected.

I'm confronting the tendency 'Ma'. Intimidation triggers.

"The evil-doer doesn't give in to me? '

This is my first experience. Before the Demon King's occupation, he was the ruler of evil. In front of him, some villains were frightened and succumbed like herbivores in front of carnivores. It's a natural phenomenon, just as water flows from top to bottom.

They instinctively confirm Jack's nature and surrender.

"Yes? Then I'll name this side first. My name is Jack, Jack Apron. What's the name of that guy?"

"Call me a ghost."

"Ghosts? You're naming them?"

"If you don't like it, Phantom Ghost. I don't care if you call it whatever you want."

Unlike the Jewish attitude of the Holy Spirit, his heart was in a state of half-panic. There was only one reason Sung-hoon seemed so peaceful right now.

The smoke that distinguishes the outside from the inside is moving the body itself. Saving the Holy Spirit at the moment of the crisis was not a firm belief, faith, or pride as an evil man, but a lowly act.