46. Leap

Mirina was fascinated by the sword and has survived this harsh world by relying on it alone.

It is impossible for ordinary people, or even gifted people, to survive in one way or another. That's why I've gathered small items, special skills, my own personal vitality, connections, and forces to fill the gaps or prepare a small number of spleen. It is natural.

But it didn't have to be for her.

Beyond the special or emergency dimension, talent that was thought to be abnormal was simply not enough to solve everything with one sword. Even though it may now be speculated that thousands were comparable or perhaps even stronger in Miri, his strength was within a reasonable category to some extent. The power of martial arts for nearly a hundred years on Earth, and the unlimited body it provides in the world of missions, has produced synergies.

There was little growth in this world compared to those who were strong but had nothing since the beginning. So the gods paid attention to Mirina, not to the thousands. The strength of the open air is limited. Even though it may be powerful right now, there are already people who are strong enough to catch up with him. If time passes, the gap will narrow and be able to overtake him.

'He's special.'

However, Mirina does not have to. Over time, she would still grow steadily, constantly and strongly, so she was forced to receive the attention of all the gods. With that demonic talent, the sword alone has defeated all enemies and grown. However, there were times when that talent was rather poisonous.

I didn't intend to use anything else because I thought the sword was enough.

'Even just now....'

If Sung-hoon had jumped around in a situation where his wrists were held, he would have beaten him to death in time to protest with words, or if he had bitten his neck with his teeth like a servant. However, he did not think that way.

"You said it meant something to me to fight like this, right?"


'What's wrong with you all of a sudden?'

When Mirina suddenly cut off the Mac while fighting, Sung-hoon replied with a trembling expression. In fact, there is no point, but there is nothing to make right now. Sung-hoon may have answered without much meaning, but he approached Mirina completely differently.

'That's what it meant to deal with me with a high-level crowd of movements, using stats so superior that they didn't have to deal with me, and with skills that looked like catches!'

The sword can best save the ability within Myri and is a weapon that ripens to such a degree. On the contrary, however, it could serve as a weakness that trapped her talent to the limit of the sword. Of course, that limitation is rarely revealed. It is because of their talent that they are able to make things that others cannot do with one sword. However, that limitation clearly exists.

Given the distance war, not the melee war, or attempting to attack at various angles, such as Sung-hoon, it was the evidence that he thought Myrina could be defeated.

'Sung-hoon told me to look at me before and pay attention to items.'

If you see a top-ranker wearing a normal or magic armor until he wakes up a second time, anyone will give you that advice.

'He took me to all sorts of meetings and important places, even though it didn't help me with my hair.'

Of course, I could use the strongest escort called Mage Sword, but it wasn't Sung-hoon who would wander around with Cheongcheong alone.

'Turning to the fight so far, I did. Sung-hoon didn't want to use it to deal with his work, even though he was on higher ground than anyone else. We have been dealing with disputes by making them deterrent to each other, by early uprooting, by using plotting.'

To be honest, it didn't work with power, so it was a method that could be interpreted differently depending on who saw it, even though they were desperately rolling around in the notes.

"Hey, Miriam?"

As she closed her eyes and remained silent for quite some time, Sung-hoon was a little worried and called her name. Perhaps he was injured in the battle just now by the operation of a large internal air force. Of course, I didn't really think that would happen. On the other hand, Seong Hun repeatedly thought of himself as immersed in his own world, whether he called his name or not.

'I was trapped in the cage, but I was mistaken for being free. It was simply because we were big and spacious that we didn't know. I can see the meaning of the look that Sung-hoon has been sending towards me.'

Let's forget for a moment that all the people in that cage have been chewed up.

'I'm not asking you to throw away your sword. Just saying that you need to know how to use and apply various things besides swords. You gave me similar advice once in the past, but I gave it up without even asking.'

Teaching has already been going on constantly since the past. However, because he was so clumsy, he showed the treasure in front of his eyes and was obsessed only with small things without noticing it.


"Ugh, huh? Ha, you got something to say?"

At some point, Seong-hoon couldn't point out the fact even though he was talking again. That's why the air around here was so heavy.

"Break the frame and come out. Don't draw any limits. Only now, only now."

"What did she say? '

Had it not been for Mirina, she would have drawn a circle with her finger on the temple. An answer that is not predictable for a reaction that is completely different from the simulation that was set up earlier. Despite this unexpected situation, Sung-hoon was also Sung-hoon.

'Mirina isn't asking me anything to solve her question right now. And with that demonic talent, you're going to have to close something and see if you realize what you're doing is right. If that's the case, you can just fit the shorts just right. Review all of the literature, nuances, novels, and speeches read throughout the night in the library. What's the best answer to Miri's words right now?'

He rolled his head so desperately that the wizards could deal with cross-border magical power, just like the moment of a duel where the warriors took their lives against the sword. Despite deliberately coming up with the right answer, Mirina opens her mouth precisely to Chalna who wants to urge her back.

"Myriana. You have the talent to be strong. But that talent is trapped in the concept of swordsmanship. That's why you can easily predict your behavior and know exactly where your strength comes from."

"Have you noticed that since you first met me?"

"... Yes."

"I see..."

"Even though you can fight more diversely, even if you can fight more efficiently, limiting your possibilities on your own…."

To be honest, unlike Sung-hoon, who was talking plausibly without even knowing what he was talking about, Miri was suffocated by the two emotions that came along.

The first emotion was joy.

Sung-hoon's advice did not stop simply to make the body move efficiently or fight in more diverse ways. The newly acquired skill, the Symbol Sword, was difficult to control or activate even though it was clearly used once.

'Absolutely. I was wrong from the start.'

An intangible sword made with deep sword mental power. I tried to understand and use it as a kind of swordsmanship based on common sense, so it was obvious that I couldn't use it properly. However, as soon as I realized not to be tied to the framework, I instinctively realized that I would be able to implement and use more freely the examination that I couldn't use in the meantime.

The cheerfulness of the heat coming from one level to the next was not comparable to anything else. However, the illusion of enlightenment that Miri now felt was so drunken that he could unhesitate.

It was touching.

Understanding enlightenment or the truth in your head and speaking with your mouth is easy for anyone to do. However, taking it seriously and applying it is a completely different dimension of the problem. If Sung-hoon says, "Don't draw any limits. Fight ',' in a more diverse way. 'What would you have thought if you tried to convey it directly in words like this?

'I may have said that I knew it from the outside, but I thought it would be unnecessary to hand it over. When you advised me to care about equipment once in the past, I only cared about that time and forgot something.'

Towards him who was so clumsy, Sung-hoon continued to show his behavior until he realized it himself. not to be trapped in the limits of the sword. Do you really need to do that sometimes for him? 'I showed myself deliberately, without hesitation, in a way as nasty as I thought. From the first time I met him, I didn't understand even though I had noticed this and given him the opportunity to continue to realize it indirectly.

Isn't he just delusional?

So how do you explain the fight that just happened? Sung-hoon responded consistently using a method that was low enough for him to be momentarily angry. Among them were even the ability to overwhelm the opponent with strength. Despite being on such a high ground, even though he could easily overcome something like himself, he revealed that he would not hesitate to be humiliated solely for his own good. His earnest heart touched Miri's heart.


At the same time, a drop of tears fell from the side of Miri's eyes, and the heart of Seonghun's heart fluttered. I didn't even dare to guess what those tears meant.

'Did you realize everything? Those tears you shed right now, those tears of sympathy you blame for your stupid self? Or tears of anger towards me?'

Mirina barely opened her mouth until the Holy Spirit swallowed a dry spit and waited for disposition three or four times to return to heaven and hell.

"Seong-hoon... No, Seong-hoon."

I was slightly strangled by the touch of rising without knowing the limits. I almost unwittingly put Nim back on, but I barely changed my mind when I thought he didn't want it. I called his name, but I didn't know what to say next.

So far, he only received it without giving it to him. I thought that I would not trust myself because I was forced to be by my side by avoiding the times. So I have tried so far to prove my worth somehow.

What can you do to him who is so determined and sincere about him? With a solemn expression, Mirina, who began to walk one foot and one foot towards Sung-hoon, looked at herself, came to the front.

"I don't know how to repay this grace, this commitment. I can't think of words or sentences to express the feelings I'm feeling right now. Nevertheless, I must say."

"... What is it?"


After failing to suppress the feeling of buzzing, Mireille reaches out her arm and hits the tree behind Seonghun and takes another step forward. Of course, I suddenly shivered slightly after realizing that Sung-hoon had no place to run away, but I couldn't see it from Mirina.

"As long as I'm with you, I'll always be with you as long as I'm alive. I wielded my sword on your behalf and took care of all the hard work. I will live by your will. So let me stay with you."

I trimmed it with barely plausible sentences to the extent that I could. Then, pushed by an unknown clap, Sung-hoon nodded his head up and down without even knowing it.

What kind of grace did you get? Huh? Can you solve it and explain it to me in a way that makes sense? '

Of course, Sung-hoon had no understanding of what had happened so far and wanted to get out of this situation a little sooner.

That's how it is with the walls, isn't it?

Tomorrow is election day.

Some of you may not have a person to vote for, but I hope you will go and vote for the annulment. How good would it be for you to vote and go to rest?