51. Time


As soon as he showed up, Hellfire, who used it without hesitation, began to burn the body of the fall in an instant without giving him any room to respond. Even the same skill that is embedded in the item can be called Dry Sky Lightning because it is activated instantly without casting time or a separate magic power.

The blue flame and the black scam were struggling to eat each other, but the Hellfire did not turn off easily. Assuming that it is authentically accurate, it is a skill that can do significant damage to the Demon King, so it was rather strange to break it out easily.

"Arben! Use all the skills you can use now!"

"All my skills are for interns…."

"Now is not the time to hide or save anything! Skills embedded in your sword!"

'... I knew it!'

Even when I pulled out my wings, I used to do it just in case, but now I can't even gamble anymore. Fewer than ten people knew about Pragarah's true performance, and only one person in the other city knew it. Even now, I wanted to reach out to the ghost and pick it up like a chimney, but it was only a short time ago that one of my colleagues died selling one eye, and I couldn't repeat the same mistake.

'If you shoot in the front, you might be hit by someone beyond the wall. Then tilt from the bottom to the top..'

It was a defenseless gulf, but it was very dangerous to get close because the Hellfire's power was still there. However, Arben quickly rolled forward, kneeling, gripping his sword firmly with both hands and shouting.

"… a wind cannon!"

Wind Cannon didn't go out like Hellfire for a long time, nor was it a skill that burned a vast area beyond imagination like Hurricanes. Skill that instantly activates casting and disappears immediately. However, instantaneous power was far ahead of the previous two skills.


The moment the wave hit Pragarah, 30% of the upper left side of the gulf was scattered like dust, and the wall of darkness behind it was scattered instantly. Of course, there was also a shield that was pre-wrapped by the Hellfire, but the power of the Wind Cannon to break down objects into powder units was powerful enough to cool the spine.

"You should have shot him in the face!"

If Arben had aimed straight ahead without clumsily aiming from the bottom to the top, the battle could have ended. However, Arben frowned slightly on his forehead at the reproach of the Holy Hun, and began to scrub his breath backwards without saying anything. Even if this was enough, I was going to regain my peace and target them gradually. On the other hand, Sung-hoon retreated and began to gather magical power, confirming that Arben had no intention of following his words.

"It works." I wish I knew this. '

The skill embedded in the item clearly had the power to reverse the situation at once. Rather, however, it could not be used as a harp because of its strong power. If you have to break the mission or use it to catch monsters easily, maybe there will be situations where this skill cannot be overcome while cooldown is maintained.

That's why you don't use your skills unless it's really urgent. However, the skill of taking that burden and using it demonstrated performance beyond expectations. Meanwhile, Gurak looked at his body and said with a blunt expression.

[I can't believe you have two miracles that can instantly trigger Class 8 magic. So... so much.]

"It's too much for you to stand face-to-face with those two."


Goulak began to sneak around as he fitted his shingles to Sung-hoon's words. The three men who surrounded themselves in triplicate were wary of themselves without missing a string of tension, as if they would not allow a slight gap. Elder Death Knight, who had to deal with the people outside, was soon weakened.

The enemy knew so much about himself and fought with so little preparation. To be honest, it was a tremendous achievement just to bring the fight here in a situation where the true power of Death Road could not be achieved. After all, even if the extinction of the body did not mean eternal death, I could not regret giving it away from here, but I healed my heart by looking at the Holy Hun who was touching me while shaking one leg.

'... Even because of him, I have to go to the end of the attack.'

Starting with the sudden escape of his arms, Hellfire flew unannounced, and as if he had no intention of seriously engaging in combat, unlike others, his light-looking attitude was against the nerves of the cave. In the same situation, if you try to activate only one magic, there will be a disturbance immediately. However, there was only one magic that showed a terrifying power that could be activated immediately.


"I'm thinking of something! Get in the way!"

Arben tries to rush forward to prevent the skill from completing as the Gould tries to bounce his finger. However, Seong Hun, who had sent Arben first and noticed from behind to avoid the danger that he did not know, discovered that Gu Rak's gaze was looking behind him and instinctively activated his defensive skills.

Screw you!

Corpse explosion.

No grand explosion was heard. As soon as the sound of the finger bouncing off the gulf turned into myriad pieces, Death Knight's body was shot everywhere at a horrible rate.

"What is this... big?!"



I was lucky to be able to scream even if my arms or legs were pierced. The man whose heart had been pierced by a piece of flesh shot from a nearby distance stumbled and collapsed without saying anything.


"No, you have to save me, I can save you!"

Unlike the two who died in a heartbeat, Evan may still be alive. Lucia, who had been in the rear so far, thought that others had started to run forward without stopping her, but one step ahead of her, Sung-hoon began to move toward Evan.

The people who were there at that moment thought the ghost would use its shining wings to take Evan to Lucia. However, they did not yet know so much that they were ghosts.


Sung-hoon cut Evan's throat without hesitation and set off a flame like it wasn't enough to burn even a corpse in an instant.

"Stop it, stop it!"

"No, kid!"

"You, you, you bastard! What are you doing!"

As people threw up their horrors toward the Holy Hun, Arben and Mirina slashed the throat and waist of the Blade Gould neatly, and a spear appeared in front of everyone's eyes indicating the completion of the mission.

[You have completed the 'Tomb of Grief' mission]

[You did not get the final invitation because you did not have enough contributions]

I guess I didn't get the invitation because I didn't participate in the attack bravely from the beginning and only got involved in the last boss hunt. However, after confirming that the desired objective had been achieved, Sung-hoon did not hesitate a bit and began to fly towards one side with his eyes wide open.

He moved as if he had finished the calculations from the beginning, so that even those who were aiming weapons and restraining them could not react. Sung-hoon could easily catch Lucia with a sad expression.

The explanation was long, but all this happened until Arben ran towards the gulf and finished and landed. Meanwhile, Arben, who handed over Gobi to die and killed Gulac, said that he saw Lucia with a stubborn look on her throat and said the most plausible situation he could think of.

"Do you have brainwashing magic?"

Otherwise, I couldn't explain why the ghost is doing this right now.

"Unfortunately, I was wrong. I'm perfectly fine now."

"If you're okay, let Lucia go. What the hell is this?"

"Arben! That son of a bitch killed Evan! I killed Evan too!"

"... ghosts."

If Lucia hadn't been in the ghost's hands, Arven would have exploded by now. Arben, who had been patient enough to shed blood in his fist with a silky vein on his forehead, was forced to name the ghost with a low voice.

"Of course, the situation may be upsetting, but I hope you don't misunderstand. I didn't kill that Evan guy for nothing."

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Lucia, who speaks clearly of hatred in her eyes, was unimaginable to anyone who usually knew about her. Of course, Seong Hoon said that this look is fine because he has received it hundreds and thousands of times, so he shook his shoulder lightly.

"Gould was able to use his skills to create powerful explosions as a medium for undead monsters. I was just dealing with him so quickly that he would come back to undead and explode in a chain of events."

"I could have been alive! Maybe I could have saved your life!"

"Maybe he's dead. It's an extreme assumption, but what would you have done if you had just been brought back to Death Knight and exploded and had more victims?"

"That, that."

He said only half the facts of Sung-hoon. I was thinking of moving quickly to prevent further damage, but I used my hands because I was anxious to reduce at least one Toronto topranker in one corner of my mind.

"I don't have anything to say to you if you insult me, but I've only dealt with you on behalf of something you can't for your own conscience and friendship. So I don't want you to resent me too much."

If I could, I would just rush in right now and rip that mouth off. But it had to stop imagining everywhere. And it wasn't really that important right now.

"... Then why are you holding Lucia?"

"Well, in short, is it a guarantee? I'm not sure if you'll let me go while keeping your promise of unconditionally handing over one item at a time when I've already seen the ball field. This woman can think of as a collateral for you to keep your promise."

"I must keep my promise once! So..."

"I want to believe you, too. By the way."

Seong Hun, who did not reveal the mask but made a clear laugh, said confidently.

"You knew who I was."

Icons of trust and betrayal!