52. Destruction

'There is no rest.'


Equipped with the Beginning of Destruction set, Elder Death Knight was clearly a dizzy top-ranker with the ability to fight lightly, and he began to spread his arrows around Wu Chida as well. Since we didn't have to put the situation in our hands and didn't have the heart to do so, we were relatively close to each other's rooms, so Seonghun, who had reached Mirina and the attendant's room, suddenly lifted his tail to the scene that seemed to be beyond the door.

"Ugh! Left!"


The situation in Myri was more important than Choi Yoo Jae looking at this side with a embarrassing look. Even though I had a deceptive power, Miri fell to the ground with a disgraceful expression, proving that she couldn't be strong until immediately after being revived. Meanwhile, Choi Yoo-jae, who had noticed the existence of Seonghun late, twisted his dagger in reverse and twisted his lips.

How did you get here? '

It is Sung-hoon who says that he has broken his limits in the past and that he is publicly stronger than himself. However, now the resurrection penalty will make it difficult for me to get my body right, but I can't understand how I came all the way here. Of course, Seong Hoon started to tilt his sword as he ran at a horrible speed, and Choi Yoo Jae opened his eyes and tried to retreat.

Vaginal ventricle.


"... Nod?!"

In the first place, it was only to say that Choi Yoo Jae, the assassin, was too good at dealing with Sung-hoon head-on in a bright and narrow building. Of course, the name is topranker, so you could have tied your feet for a little while, or you could have escaped safely as much as yourself. But it was on the assumption that from the beginning it would move like that.

He dared not to know that he was going to be penalized for the Resurrection, so he went over to the facade of the Vaginal Chamber and revealed the loophole. Of course, the feast pierced the chest like a snake aiming for food and pierced Choi Jae's chest.

Seong Hun, who had taken his life from Choi Yoo Jae, who lost his strength and fell back, looked at him with an admirable expression as he began to suffer significant amounts of bleeding and irritation from his right arm. The name Topranker, even if it proves that it is not gambling, has prevented him from using one of his arms in such a short time. But instead of sacrificing one arm, if you caught a topranker, it was a business that was resilient enough.

"Are you okay?"

"How humiliating to be defeated by Choi Yoo Jae. But how the hell did you do that?"

"Because I have so many secrets."

"… Foot."

Seeing Seong-hoon sweeping his head as if he was brilliant, Miri burst into a small realm. It didn't look like it, but I thought there was no escape when I found out that Eli had betrayed him. However, the Holy Spirit was also the Holy Spirit. Even in situations that are deemed impossible, it is natural to do so from the beginning, giving solutions so easily.

'I thought I was just by my side....'

"Oh, wait."


"We have to make sure the back is done."


As the half-sworded pickle swung, Choi Yoo Jae's neck fell from the ground and started sprinkling blood fountains. I couldn't understand why I was wasting a minute of my time in such an urgent situation, but Miri silently shut up and got up with the help of Sung-hoon. If Sung-hoon did it, there must be a reason why he did it. Instead, it was a waste of time asking why he did it.

Of course, it was not because of improper behavior that Sung-hoon suddenly tasted like corpse mutilation. Seonghoon can use Uchida to identify the existence of a strong limit, Choi Yoo Jae, a wide range attack machine hidden by two people, and a reviving skill when conducting group wars. And I couldn't leave Choi Yoo Jae behind unless I was a fool.

'The kind of skills that are resurrected from death are so fatty when it comes to the best jobs. Given that he's an assassin, it's probably a kind of skill disguised as dead. If you're really dead, you're sorry, or you're sorry for yourself.'

It was a trivial thing to do, but the consequences were terrible. Choi Yoo Jae used the Pain Death skill as Sung-hoon expected. Of course, it was a futile end that did not suit Choi Yoon, who was called the strongest assassin, although he died without feeling a single pain.

When I left the room in support of Myrina, I was able to see the servant coming up to Uchida from the room opposite in good time. The servant opened his mouth with a bright smile as soon as he saw Sung-hoon, although there were quite serious wounds all over his body for such a short time.

"I'm your brother, too. But I can't even help.."

"Just being alive and seeing it again is enough. We can't stay here any longer than that. Let's move."

"Now, wait! Can we go out like this?"


"Eli Nu... I betrayed you, right? This is how we put our troops in our base right now, but outside we think we've already been publicly wanted..."

Mirina nods marginally to see if the employee's opinion is correct. However, Sung-hoon shook his head without hesitating for a second.

"No, maybe this didn't go public. Only a small number of people in the Alliance know, and ordinary people have not been exposed to any information."


"Absolutely. I don't think it's a good idea to open this up."

Sung-hoon has been practicing all kinds of filthy things that he can't put in his mouth without wearing a mask. However, what was done in masks and not in the back was the opposite. A number of opinions, of course, moved with the acceptance of a small number of ignored opinions and saved Shinxi from numerous dangers due to the unusual weather scheme.

Moreover, it was not surprising to see Kim Yi-hyun not actively participating in the activities of the Salvation Guild since quite some time ago, as much as the general public's awareness and support has increased in comparison to the people of the Alliance who are conducting aggressive attacks. But what happens when you officially denounce ghosts and attack them?

"If the Alliance defines me as an enemy, it will eventually, but it will inevitably create noise in the process."


"Yes, but if a reputable coalition officially kills a ghost, its civil conscience will really shake. Besides, they thought we were in the perfect trap."

"... Ah!"

Mirina, who was quietly listening to her side, then vomited a small amount of emotion as if she understood Sung-hoon's words.

"It was the best scenario for the Alliance to capture or deal with us in extreme misconduct without informing the public!"

"Bingo! And after handling the case, I must have arranged for a fight within Myri to finish as if nothing had happened to the public."

'Of course, as long as all those plans go back to wasteful work, now I will not hesitate to publicize this. Before it happens... Come on.'


Seong Hun suddenly realized something and stopped. Now this situation was a regular that no one thought of as a coalition. No, no one will ever think of escaping through a rigorously constructed double trap.

The two supreme decision-makers, Yu Baek Woo and Choi Hyuk, who were so desperate to capture themselves, were now so far away from the synagogue that they could say that Choi Yoo Jae also died perfectly because this was his last life.

'Perhaps very few of you know about this fact within Shinshi. And even with a bookseller, it takes at least an hour for a coercive order to arrive here.'

"... Once you two have taken refuge here."

Kyoto Samgul ( ). A cunning rabbit is a lion that digs three oysters.

Sung-hoon also prepared dozens of different types of apartments, connections, and emergency inns in case of an emergency. But most of them are made through Eli or what Eli knows.

Even though there are some hideouts that I know of, I can't say that all the funds that went into setting them up are likely to have been tracked beyond the operating funds of the Unknown Guild. That's why Sung-hoon thought that even he would take advantage of the half-impulsive connection.

"Where is this place?"

"Secret connections. If you go and tell me the water has been sent, I'll take care of it without asking anything. Wait till I get there."

"Now, wait. Where are you going, Sung-hoon?!"

"At least we have to find out what we can build."


As soon as he opened the door, Sung-hoon, who lightly overpowered the sighted people, naturally tucked himself into the crowd, knowing that there was no problem soon before he looked around for a while in the alley.

'The guild may have already arrived, but they haven't taken care of all the members yet. He must be locked up somewhere.'

The Invisible Guild generously invested the majority of its astronomical money several times in phonograms, and as a result, it managed to raise the skills of those who were not talented or who had fallen short of the top rankers of the coalition to a level that was slightly below or equal to the top rankers.

Moreover, it would have been so unfortunate to get rid of the power contained in the topranker Wolf right away, and if Eli was confident in his mental magic and brainwashing work, he would certainly have worked with the treatment, confident that he could make it his own accomplice.

'Even though all my information has passed to you, I remember all your information. There aren't a few secret buildings that the Alliance can hold at the same time, including a number of unidentified guild members.'

"... I'm going to do it step by step. Step by step."

Sung-hoon's super-sized trolls are getting closer.

Many people have predicted with comments, but some of them… may or may not.

And in a recent note, some of you gave me a little bit of a shock. It was information that was being shared unauthorized or sold for a fee on a site called "xx Library."

Honestly, when I heard this, I felt two emotions.

The first was the feeling, "Maybe." To be honest, the fact that the novel Tevon is leaking and rolling around is a public fact that everyone knows. You can search Google right away for the villain's way of life. It was a little funny what this scarce piece of work would say, and it would open up to Tevon and share it. Yeah, just when I heard they were sharing.

The second problem is, when I heard that someone was dragging this and selling it for a fee, it was frankly ridiculous. I didn't even know I was scratching the rest of my writings unauthorized, and (frankly, I shouldn't have handed this over) I don't know what people who sell their writings for money have in their heads.

Because of this, I became obsessed with writing and how to deal with it, but my head got complicated. One reader told me to just move it to the Kakao page. Anyway, I just want to make sure that I don't have a lot to deal with, but I'm too ignorant about copyright, so I just want to ask you two questions.

I would really appreciate it if you could let me know if you could file a copyright complaint, even if it's a web series, not a publication, or a work in Nobles, or protest through Joara.