53. Insignia.

"It doesn't have to be accurate. If you just have a little guess..."

"The unfair gains Yooseong Hun has made so far are at least 1 trillion guilds, and the damage is so enormous that it is impossible to estimate. He's no longer a top-ranker of our gods, he's just a flesh-eating parasite inside."

"For those of you who have captured or crucially influenced the capture, we will give you a pool of 200 Billion Guilds and the finest Elite Items you have in the Union and promise you a crown prince position!"

"... It's awesome."

Lee Seo-jun scratched his head as he watched people standing every block screaming for their throats to burst. My reward was great enough to make a fuss, but what he admired more than that was the will of the coalition to see this day.

"I don't know how much resentment there is, but from General Guild members to allied forces, to the Warehouse? It just fills the city."

It would be unimaginably enormous just for the general public, but I was afraid to think about the opportunity cost of putting this power into the mission and how much deficit I would record. Moreover, beyond expecting that this would only last a day or two, it was clear that he was really 'harsh-minded' if he did not take any further steps to get over the oil already.

"Take this."

"Oh, that's fine."


After a brief outing, a man holding six leaflets in his hands and handing them out as if they were debts, looked embarrassed and slightly lowered his head and retreated. Who distributes leaflets, who shouts constantly, who buries in crowds and secretly searches people's faces.

I was not joking, but I could not escape from the eyes of the Union anywhere in the city to say that it was half the general public and half the coalition. I could see how important it was for him and Yu White Woo to do this.

Of course it had nothing to do with him. The street where he moved was a gathering of small and medium-sized guilds. He now leads a fairly small and medium-sized guild that specializes in the procurement of material items, but until a few months ago, he ran a so-called criminal guild that used fraud and negligence as his main business. However, since I was reborn like this through a really coincidental instrument, it was something that I didn't know was really human.

"Seo Jun? You're having a really hard time at this time."

"Is it so amazing that I'm here?"

"No, I'm sure the whole guild decided to set up a mission to meet the Alliance's demands for massive supplies. So I haven't seen you for a while since I went on a mission a few days ago."

Incidentally, Lee Seo Joon said to the alchemist guild leader, without changing a face.

"It was originally planned, but you know what. That."

The guild leader who checked the leaflet that Lee Seo Jun was shaking nodded as if he understood right away.

"Ghost, no, Yooseong Hun's case is so shocking and I don't know what's going to happen while we leave the city, so I decided to postpone the mission for a while."

"Well, that's worth it. What do you want to do with the shortage?"

"We have to rob the warehouse or we have to laugh and save it. Ugh, why does this keep rotting my head? How are you doing these days?"

"This is Boom Boom? All of a sudden, the Union is asking us to supply the highest quality potions, saying it doesn't matter how much it costs. They're all volunteering all night, and they're obsessed with their awakening."

After two or three conversations with each other in the same position, Lee Seo-Jun lightly waved his hand and opened the door of the building where his guild was located and slowly entered.



"Don't move."

He wasn't very proud, but Lee Seo Joon didn't think he was lame enough to be ignored anywhere. There is no peculiarity, but it is possible to enter four-digit numbers in the official ranking. However, even then, I could not detect the presence of the knife that touched my neck as soon as the door closed.

"Hey, can you put this away...?"

"... Quiet."

The protagonist of a small voice that sounded faint in his ear was a servant. After suppressing Lee Seo Jun and listening to the door, the waiter immediately confirmed that he felt no sign outside and took the sword. However, Lee Seo-Jun, who thought that the name was the owner of this building and was about to be treated too much, checked the sharp eyes of the servant melting in the shadows and kept his mouth shut.

'Life is more important than pride!'

As he stroked his chicken fleshy forearm up, Lee Seo Jun checked the presence of strangers on every floor and sighed without even knowing himself. No one will see those who are trimming their lives with weapons or constantly muttering curses and think they belong to a medium-sized Gathering Guild. Of course, of course.

Contrary to what I just told the Alchemist Guild Leader, the real guild members have already left for a mission to supply large quantities of materials all before oil. Now, the people in this building were invisible guildsmen who were trying to find the Alliance by setting fire to their eyes, and in their original room, on the top floor, there was a man called Lottery Paper, who was walking around in ridiculous noises.

Knock knock.

"May I come in?"

"Come in."

"Can't you just say a word to the boy called the servant? Every time I look at it, I put a knife to my neck and it looks like it's cutting my life in real-time 1"

"I understand you. It's an invisible situation, so it's quicker for you to understand and move on than to convince me right now. By the way, did you buy what I asked you to buy?"

"… here it is."

Lee Seo Joon was forced to laugh at Yooseong Hun, who was the hottest person to get the attention of the Shinsi, looking at him eating doughnuts and coffee happily.

It was so easy to rescue the men who had been captured in the Alliance's building, where only the nominal vigilantes had been set up, even though they didn't think they would be ambushed in Shinxi. At first, I thought it was a good thing to save half, and as a result, I was able to save the original eight halves, and even the heavily sealed cheeks. However, the problem was then.

'Where should we go?'

If you absolutely have no outside influence and want to be perfectly assured of stability, choose the right mission and carry out it. But it was such a simple ignorant choice not to think about the future. Even if it's not Yu White Woo, if I just roll my head, I will check the identity of all the elite in front of each mission station.

There were advantages of being able to gather information somewhat outside the synagogue and easy to escape, but there was a problem that none of them would produce satisfactory results in situations where they did not even receive proper dissemination. How to take risks to get enough rewards. In the end, Seong-hoon led everyone and arrived at the Guild of Lee Seo-jun.

"I've been living here for a while, but it's okay, right?"

"I don't care if all the guild members go... but, Eeeeee?! Go, what are you suddenly?!"

"What is what? Let's help each other and live together."

The evil inventory item called the beginning of annihilation was fraudulently placed in the hands of Lee Seo Jun, who accidentally made a connection at the time when he was moving to make the pool. All the information networks and hideouts that Sung-hoon had built were all known to Eli and were handwritten by the Alliance, but at least he was reassured.

It was a relationship made with an impulsive toy, and the funding that followed also used personal funds without going through the Elina Guild. If there was anyone who could start with a zero without any hint and figure out his relationship with Lee Seo-jun, it was no longer a question of how he could do it.

"Can I trust you?"

"Eli betrayed my sister, too. But how do you hide in trust with someone you've never seen in your life?"

At first, when faced with Lee Seo Jun, Mirina and the servant could not be trusted gently. This is a betrayal of a family who has been together for two years and has crossed the line of duty. It was natural to fall into a state of anxiety that no one believed, but Sung-hoon said without panicking.

"Who do you trust? You think I believe him?"

"… Yes?"

"Kmm, I think something's going to hurt my face, so I have to tell you something, but this guy is just like me. A villain who would sell anything without hesitation, whether conscientious or acquainted, even if he judged it to be more profitable. As long as I've personally supported you so much, if you think the Alliance will reward me for sticking my neck in the future, it's no wonder you betrayed me right away."

"Then it's better to kill him right now, or maybe he'll come back to life, so you better lock him up."

Lee Seo Jun was going crazy to see a conversation that suddenly meant that he could not see the light forever in a ridiculous yard. It was Yooseong Hoon who saved Lee Seo Joon as it was said to be sick and weak.

"It's easy to deal with a traitor who's blind to profit. If you give me more than that, I won't betray you."

If you can see what type of human the opponent is and what they are thinking, moving the target as intended is not that difficult. Seong-hoon was the right example to deal with Lee Seo-joon.

"Now I am being pursued by the Alliance. I don't know how many hundred billion guilds the Union will offer, or even a legend item, but unfortunately, I can't promise you goods comparable to that now. I can promise you one thing instead."

"Well, what is that?"

"You may lose the Alliance's position, or the Alliance will be disbanded. Anyway, I guarantee you the same position as him. It's not about wrapping it up, it's about promising you a place where you can continue to hold immense goods and power while you're alive."

'... Isn't that an autograph check?'

It was Lee Seo-jun who barely swallowed the words that soared to the throat. As if I didn't have to say it, Seong-hoon, who laughed at Cook, said with confidence.

"Well, I can make you a god, not a drunkard. So I'll give you time to make your choice. For the time being, stick to my side and see if there's any chance I can make an offer. If you don't think so, go to the Coalition at any time and get your reward. And if you think there's a possibility, you stick to it."

It is impossible to stay in this building for a long time without the cooperation of Lee Seo-jun. Half was a gambling suggestion, but most of what we had was lost because of a situation where we couldn't take a chance without gambling, and the gambling was successful for now.

"Why have you remained silent for a few days when you promised to guarantee the Alliance a position at least equivalent to that of a trainee? Do you really want to do it right?"

"You think that's enough planning to happen in an instant? We take the time to devise and revise. It's urgent. Rice doesn't become rice, right?"

"Aww. I was so proud to cooperate, but I'm not the only one disappointed. Then you can stick to the Alliance.."


Less than five minutes after the wound was healed, I got back in the same spot. Looking at the ignorant pupil in the Magic Sword Miri, who was threatening himself with a twin sword, Lee Seo-Jun said with a sob sweat.

"… but what is our relationship?! Hahaha! It's urgent that rice doesn't become rice! Yes."


Looking at Lee Seo Jun, who plays for fun on his own, Seong Hoon began to swallow the coffee that Kim was soaring. It's been a long time since all the donuts were gone, and there's not even a few coffees left. Sung-hoon, who waved the cup with a bitter face, closed his eyes lightly and locked his mind.

If the leader is desperate, everyone below is desperate. Even in the desperate situation of Eli's betrayal, everyone's dialogue with the goddess, Mirina, the servant, and the guild members burned the will of vengeance without despair, because Sung-hoon was in a relaxed position. But frankly, it was half a bluff.

'... It's really awkward.'

There's no meaningless connection. Hmm.