54. Why do villains talk so much?

Unlike mathematics, where numbers and formulas alone can derive everything with certainty, reality was not so predictable.

Objectively speaking, even wars that are unlikely to win overwhelming numbers have the opposite effect to predictions, and reckless challenges sometimes have miraculous successes. Of course, that didn't happen easily, but it often did. Just like now.


"Oops. You can't talk to me like that."


A cleverly broken feast pierces the heart of an archer like a living snake. I tried to shoot the arrows directly to resist in my own way, but the difference in abilities between the two was so overwhelming. Having easily dealt with one person and turned his head with a proud expression, Sung-hoon confirmed that Mirina had defeated three warriors in a short time and slightly shook her body.

Even though he was a half-hearted 4th Awakener who didn't have the time to properly retrain his abilities and the items that matched him well, the only 4th Awakener at the moment was Sung-hoon, but every time I saw Myrina, I could feel a huge wall of any kind that could not be crossed forever. Of course, if it was a battle that mobilized all of its abilities, it was confident in winning, but in the category of melee warfare, it was still in a position that no one could deal with.

"Why are you so stupid?"

"Huh? I was calculating when the reinforcements would arrive. By the way, he cut his throat again."

"It's the easiest thing to aim for a minor to kill with the least power. You have to preserve your health as much as you did long ago."

"... I guess so, right?"

The sudden defeat of the minor against the rankers was proof of how transcendent the sword within Miri was. In that way, Sung-hoon turned his eyes and lightly raised his hand toward the fallen corpse.

"Animated Dead."

As it cools down, it begins to dig up its dark magic, and soon the corpses regain life and begin to move. If you think about the level of people who are dying now, you should have taken the time and made them into a lower level undead, such as Desknight, Richie, or even higher, but as if they didn't matter, they simply made them into a lower level undead, such as zombies, skeletons and grills. I would have been terrified if I had a high-level necromancer, but Sung-hoon really wasn't impressed.

I didn't have the ability to create the top undead anyway, and I was satisfied just by increasing the numbers. And most importantly, when I saw the ingredients of the lower grade Undead, my abilities became much stronger than those of other monsters. like caviar, truffles, geese, making fried rice and boiling seafood with the finest sesame or tuna?

"Go and fulfill your mission."

... Arghhhh.

Sung-hoon, who pushed his new men with a satisfying face, pushed himself between the undead with Mirina and began to move secretly, looking around with sharp eyes.


To put it in common sense, in the Great Alliance's view, this was an unbeatable fight, even if it wanted to lose. If we had at least summoned the army of death from the plains and faced it head-on, the fight would have ended in less than half an hour without going long. However, figures and reality are different laws. When the enemy summoned a death squad in the middle of a war, the range skills were inevitably restricted, and as a result, the Great Alliance was forced to choose the number of individual personalities.

Perhaps they should wipe out the whole place, even given the extent of the damage. However, knowing such an efficient number, I could never choose. The moment those who have fought so far make that choice, based on phosphorus, friendship, friendship, friendship, justice, and all these things, the forces of death may be defeated, but they can no longer trust each other.

'I would have killed them all without hesitation.'

There are as many ways you can use your hands without scratching your reputation as possible. For example, there is an operation to turn an arrow of resentment by offering the right person as a scapegoat after the incident. He wanted to save people somehow, but it is simple to say that the tragedy was caused by one man's misguided propagation during the propagation of commands.

Of course, it would be a blindfold, but how simple is it? Mirina also looked at the battle so easily that she immediately asked me with a crazy, stubborn face.

"If you use siege or range magic instead of defeating each other over there..."

"I would have done it the first time. Moreover, even if you change your mind late, there are people who have already pushed you to rescue, so if you eat a grumpy heart, you will know the signs immediately."

If you fight with admission, you will never win. Knowing that better than anyone, Sung-hoon began to approach the next survivors with an envoy's smile.

It was Jack who first noticed that something was going wrong.

"Something's wrong?"

"H-save me..." "


"... The man I just killed was not Undead."

"You don't know who it is? You're not really up to fighting in a war like this, are you? Once you hit the enemy, you'll have to catch him."


It was Jack who was now in a dry battle with squid legs in one hand while being escorted by ten top-rankers who were completely enslaved. I couldn't believe it was such an urgent battlefield to talk about such a relaxing subject, but I couldn't get caught up in it.

"Something's wrong anyway. They were attacked in ways they didn't even think of, but they're not the kind of people here who have the skills to get hit and run around, are they? Yooseong Hun and Mirinah said that they were fighting and maximizing chaos with their individual waves. That's the same for this side.

"We're way ahead of the numbers."

"That's right. If you can't do it by now, you should have already knocked out a third of your schedule. No, I think it's getting a little more stretched."

After frowning for a while, Jack collects the strength of his legs and jumps into the air to quickly search the surroundings. Of course, dozens of arrows and magic had flown, but the darkness wrapped around him, blocking all attacks, and Jack, who landed safely on the ground, murmured with a stiff face.

"... It's flowing a lot further than I expected. This is clearly out of the picture. I wish I had responded aesthetically at first."


'I don't want to cause any unnecessary conflicts, so I act like this. But if you realize the mistake, it's my advantage to fix it.'

It's too late to keep pushing the wrong choices. It is the right path to choose a different path before things get worse. And Jack didn't hesitate a bit in making this kind of choice.

"Hedges. Be careful not to fall."



[Horseshoeing activates]

[Increases Strength, AGI, HP and Magic Power by 100% during skill retention time.]

[Reduce all damage by 50%. Receive 200% damage from Light, Castle, and Passover attributes]

[Receive 50% of all damage that was reduced at the end of the mashup.]

[Permanently decreases HP and Magic Power by 20. Luck decreases permanently by 60.]





After having erased so many message windows that began to fill up in front of his eyes at once, Jack smiled brightly, enjoying the boiling power that seemed to burst.



The skin emerged from his left arm, which was fine and twisted strangely, and began to turn into something external. And what is in its hands is a dark spear that erodes and defiles everything on all sides. Jack, who grabbed it firmly, once again jumped into the air and threw it out.

End Spear

"By the time you're a top-ranker, you'll be able to survive on your own, right? Hang in there."

Jack's arm swings and the spear, literally calling the end, slowly begins to fall towards the battlefield, where his forehead is mixed. And as soon as the window was stuck on the ground, everything was bitten white.

The disaster that Jack called a warrior, not a wizard, was utterly inexplicable. Those at the source of the explosion disappeared without leaving a trace, and those within a hundred metres radius of the source immediately disappeared, mostly without covering the human, the undead.

Of course, you can think of it simply as a hundred meters, but the number of humans and undead in it has fallen lightly by four digits. Moreover, it was no exaggeration to call it tactical nucleus, a force that did not cause a moderate explosion, but almost completely extinguished what was in its range or brought it close to death.

"... Look, wake up!"


"Yoo White Woo! Hey! Wake up!"

"Argh, shake, don't shake."

Obviously, I was working hard to defeat the monster, but when I woke up, I was surrounded by myself and a few people were making up a dustpan, and I was holding a potion bottle with a worried young face right next to me. I tried to get out of my seat in gold, but soon I was forced to settle down in the tremendous pain that comes from my body.

"Don't bother. I've offset the shock as much as I can, but it won't be easy for you, the Wizard, to handle the aftermath."

"What the hell is going on?"

"... Some lunatic used range skills to literally extinguish everything without hiding the piano."


In response to an unimaginable answer, Yu White forgot even the pain and hurriedly arose from his place and began to look around.

"... this is insane."

What would it look like if I were to draw a painting on the painting and push it out with an eraser?

A corner of the battlefield, where intense fighting had just taken place, was as neatly beaten as if it had spread into a huge reservoir. At least I wouldn't have thought it was an attack on something if it wasn't fragments or corpses of armor that I could find away from the center of the explosion.

In the face of this carpenter dog disaster, humans were staring at each other, dumb and embarrassed, and even the Undead were gathering together and looking at the situation without squatting. And at that moment, two thoughts crossed in the head of the powerful.

'Whoever did this crazy thing should pay for it... but on the contrary, this is also the best chance.'

It was a superprecipitation that even humans blew away, but thanks to it, many of the undead were extinguished as they were. During the panic that followed, people hurriedly retreated back and succeeded in constructing a foie gras against the undead. A situation where you can't be pure happy or sad. And it was Jack who broke this strange silence.

"Yooseong Hoon! Show yourself now! Then I will not coward my men and pressure them, but only toprankers who fit in the fight. If you refuse this offer, I don't know how many times the same attack just happened. Hhhhh."

The faces of Jack, who was proudly floating as though he had no intention of concealing that he was the culprit, and the people who knew about him had no choice but to be shocked by his silence. However, he did not even think that the representative of Utopia would use this evil number.

"That bastard... huh?"

It was Yu White Woo who was trying to stop the violence by twisting his spear right away.

'I don't like it, but it's also the most reasonable choice. I have no responsibility for this, but I'm going to leave Jack with a thorough investigation.'

"Once... now."


For the greater good, we must be able to pass on injustice for a while. That was the path the leader had to choose. I thought about it and tried to convince him to be strong, but I was forced to shut up for a while when I saw the message window in front of my eyes.

[Command forwarding is triggering]

'Are you reporting on timing now?'

A command forwarding skill of a bookkeeper capable of communicating information over long distances with Nodelei. The problem was that there was not enough information to receive at this time. I've placed a bookshelf on the outer perimeter in case Sung-hoon does anything, but isn't that party here now?

Yu White Woo, who thought it would be an extraordinary message and was trying to get rid of the window nervously, was forced to pause at the thought that the content was much longer than he thought. And as I read all the messages that had been sent, Yu White murmured with a dumb face.

"Mr. Kang Han."

"Why? You want me to lead him this time?!"

"… we need to stop Jack right now! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

"What's wrong? Yoo Baek Woo, hey, hey! Wake up!"

Yu Baek Woo, the best wizard in the world, has never seen him panic. I hit my cheeks a few times to wake up quickly, but I was still shaking less, and the consciousness didn't come back. I didn't even know why I was so shocked. But soon the question was solved.


"What is it?"

"Ugh? Isn't something exploding now?"

"... but why do you hear it in the back?"

Explosive sound coming from an unexpected place. And people's expressions began to harden, meaning the sounds that were becoming increasingly large and diverse.