How to Live as the Enemy Prince

< Chapter 13. Found (3) >

- Keep your head down.

Since Khalian was standing right outside the reception hall door, Jan was outside listening closely to what Kalian had said. It was hard to clear my anxiety.

It should be a relief to Kiri, but Kalian was not escorted inside the castle. It gives them time to train freely.

'If I had known this, I would have brought the knights even if I had come late.'

I didn't think it would be such a shame to agree to leave the knights, thinking only about going back quickly, especially since there were no force conflicts.

It was a meeting with the prince, so Grey in the reception room wouldn't be armed. But maybe Jan grew up watching Slay. You do not know that anything in your hand can be a weapon to a soothsayer.

'What if the change bag loses his mind and goes crazy?' '

Jan continues to remain restless.

During that time, there were people walking towards the reception room.

It was Arsen and Rachel who received the assignment from Callian on the magic of the move. Probably came to the reception room to have a conversation with him, but the reception room was already occupied.

"Go somewhere else and talk."

So Jan talks and tries to send them back.

Arsen nods, without asking anything else, since Jan is outside the closed door. Then Teshid's butler approaches and gives him a quick nod.

"There's a place upstairs where you can talk, so I'll show you."

"I know where it is, so you don't have to work hard."

Rachel raises her eyes at Arsen.

Soon the two turned their feet to go where the butler had talked about.

- Tadahak!

But soon, the two of them had to stop together without anyone having to first. It was because I saw someone running scared in the hallway from afar.

Every step of the way, Silver Hair shakes noticeably.


It was Hina.

Normally, Hina would never run like that. So now it was like saying something was wrong.

Yan, who called Hina, walks aloud with her face firmly fixed and asks.

"What's going on?"

Hina's face was full of tears.

I looked at Jan and soured, but her hands were trembling so much that it was hard to recognize. Jan lowers his waist to meet Hina's face and says with a calm face.

"Hina, slow down. It's okay. Take your time."

Hina nods. And then I moved my hand at a slightly slower speed.

- Brother, knights.

Yan, who had forgotten about Suir a lot and was not good enough to recognize them all, recognized just two of Hina's gestures. But that gave me an idea of what was going on.

"Kirrie, the Knights of Brissen?"

Hina nods.

Jan fixes his face and asks again.

"There was a fight, was there?"

Hina's head shifts up and down again.

"Where is it?"

- Mal.


Yan rises from the dead, with no more water. I looked at the reception room for a moment.

Since Kalian and Grey aren't done talking yet, we can't go to see if Hina's been sent. Arsenal stepped forward and said,

"I'll go."

He lowered his head slightly, thanking Arsen for stepping forward in a difficult situation to leave.

"There seems to be a problem between Kiri and the Knights of Brisen. He'll be at the stable."

Hina nods next to you. It meant Jan was right. After confirming that, Arsen is about to head straight for the stable, where Jan speaks.

"Sir Hertz. Sir shouldn't hurt them first."

"Don't worry, I don't know that much."

As soon as I said this, I left.

After Arsenal, he tried to follow Rachel, but Jan withdrew.

"It is better for Lord Hertz to deal with this alone. Sir Grace, please take care of Hina."

Arsen was right, so Calian was able to fix the problem, but Rachel wasn't there yet. Besides, Rachel's a stranger who just entered Cairis from Libern. You get involved with Brycen, you get in trouble.

We didn't know if we all understood why, but Rachel nodded without saying anything else and grabbed Hina's shoulders and gestured to go into the room together. Then he went up to his room with Hina still weeping.

Yan, looking behind Hina, frowns slightly.

I didn't know exactly what was going on. However, it was clear to me that the Grey knights had touched my beloved Kyrie and Hina like blood.

"If the prince finds out about this, he won't get away with it."

I have a hunch that something will never go over well with Kalian. Jan lets out a short sigh.

* * *

In the reception room, the eye of the hurricane was still flowing, not even knowing what was happening outside. I felt like I would go into an uncontrollable situation if anything went wrong.

In the middle of the silence, the Grey Brissen Change Bag tries not to let go of the smile on her face. Thanks to this, I was somewhat unnatural, but I managed to hang something similar on my face.

"What do you mean, duck?"

"At the word of the prince. How rude."

Full subdivision.

Now Grey chose to doubt my ears rather than be angry.

It's because I never dreamed I'd hear such a thing. So I looked at Kalian with an awkward smile like a child lifting a brush.

Callian has been staring at Grey's eyes like that for a long time. Hangi leaves her young eyes alone.

The look on Grey's face did not change at all.

Callian opens his mouth again in a clear voice.

"Change Bag."

Grey Brissen was one of those at the pinnacle of power.

The firstborn of the late Evan Brissen. Queen Lucille Brissen's brother.

A strong man and a change bag within five fingers of the continent.

It is obvious how such a man has lived so far.

The first son of a duchess who is serving as a servant is really strange. Most people are naturally like Grey.

Kalian no Bern has seen so many of them. You confront them and rule on behalf of Chase, who is a good man.

So I knew.

"To you I say. He said," Bow your heads. ""

This kind of thing has to go all the way down to the bottom.

That way, you have a choice whether to show your belly or stick out your claws.

Grey's face was unknowingly cruel to the perfect base that Le Maine did not even know. Grey opens her mouth while Teshid stands beside her.

"What did you just say?"

"You're not the one who has to move."

Kalian doesn't even listen to Grey.

His voice was calm and his expression remained unchanged.

Grey sees it and wakes up straight away.

One head is a bigger accessory than the taller one, Teshid. One grey eye straightens to look at Callian.

'You're going to bring her out alive. Or pull out a sword you've been hiding somewhere with your mind.'

Or maybe they'll show you something unexpectedly clever.

In Calian's head, these thoughts come to mind.

Anticipate Grey's next move.

However, these numbers, which Kalian had predicted, soon became useless.

"Now that you're up, have a seat and show some respect. Brissen Changbaek."

It's because Teshid stopped Grey's behavior like this.

Kalian's eyes turn to Teshid.

Grey doesn't seem to think so, but it wasn't Calian that Teshid was helping, it was Grey. To prevent any further mistakes, this petty emotional struggle is to mediate, so as not to call for a bigger accident.

A small person would need a lot of courage to dry and stand up.

What's too bad is that Calian only knows the intentions and mindset of Teshid. And Kalian just didn't want Teshid to step up.

Kalian turns his head to Teshid for a moment and looks back straight at Grey. I was standing far away, so I didn't have to look up at grey that was taller than me. Grey frowns for a moment when she sees that look in her eyes.

- Don't think about the old Three Princes.

I finally understood the meaning of the letter that Silica had sent me. It wasn't that I hadn't heard the news from Silica as well as the rumors about Kalian from all over. But I didn't think that was the chief.

Grey barely holds back the urge to snap Calian's head. If something like that were to happen, the entire Earl of Brissen would be slaughtered. I remembered that it's not time to pick up the sword yet.

"You're up, then."

However, he did not even think of walking away peacefully.

Grey's face makes a twisted smile.

Instead of pulling out the sword, Grey makes a very exaggerated arm gesture. By all accounts, deceptions full of lies were made at Grey's fingertips. It was a greeting filled with the meaning of ridicule to the top, as a circus clown would do.

"Grey Brissen meets Prince Three of the Great Cairys."

Then Grey looks up at Calian.

We greeted him and greeted him, so there's nothing Calian can say about him if he seems reckless. So, he expected a response to this greeting.

However, grey's expression was completely distorted.

Kalian's head points toward Teshid.

I didn't even look at Grey.

Calian turns to Teshid, as if he had nothing else to see about Grey. And I opened my mouth, looking tired.

"I'll be damned and go up first. Take care of Reddington's change bag."

Callian's head turns to Grey as soon as he says so.

Kalian speaks with a bold tone.

"It hurts a lot."

Then you turn around and walk out like you don't need to deal with Grey anymore.

Grey's eyes changed, realizing that she was completely ignored. When the unbearable Grey finally took a step behind Callian.

- Kuang!

An unexpected sound shook the castle.

Kalian's eyes turn sharp as she hears the thunderous sound of the glass shaking.

A magical power that felt instantaneous.

The energy belonged to Arsen.