How to Live as the Enemy Prince

< Chapter 23. If such a day comes (5) >

Kalian is also a person.

Therefore, Kalian is also hurt.

For example, when I remembered the face of a servant who cared for himself in the sunset of our Prince Charming.

- The dog just barked somewhere.

The words that appear on Jan's face are quite grim on the bones, although she has heard the word "bark once a day" from Plants.

Or not.

Yan recalled Khalian's request to blow up the roof of the Heitian palace, saying with a half-mixed face, the Duke's eldest son Shiroyan and his servant Yan.

"Finish your meal."

Shut up and eat.

Calian is good at breaking things, but not good at lying and chattering. Then I opened my mouth again.


"Yes, Prince."

"You go."

Yann's face frowns.

I didn't have to listen to Kiri's answer.


Like this.

Even if Kalian says, 'Go in front of His Majesty and draw your sword,' it is only Kiri who will give such a bold answer. So it shouldn't be too hard to tell Arsen to get rid of a fucking roof.

And one more thing.

Arsen, who will receive Calian's words without any help, was a great man to stop by the Haycia Palace on his way here and fly a flame with a light heart. I really do.

Isn't that just the combination of a faithful cracker and a crazy cracker?

"Wait, wait, wait."

Yan, who lives as if there were at least tomorrow among them, hurriedly blocked Kiri's way and said to Calian,

"My prince, this is not something you just break. Sir Hertz is dying. The prince won't get away with it."

Callian smiles for a moment.

"It's okay."

Then he looked at Kiri and looked at her.

It means "Go quickly." Kiri leans against the wall with his sword and goes out to summon Arsen.

"You don't have to worry."

"But, Prince."

"It's okay. Tell him to go get Hina."

Yan, who looks like he's about to cry, wants to talk more, but Khalian cuts it off with a big smile.

"When I was my age, I used to be a little accident-prone."

I'll take responsibility. The king will take care of it.


* * *

Demirea's glabella frowns.

Originally managing the Siegfried Manor in Cairosis was Demirea's mother, Sherry.

Then Sherry went to Siegfried territory with Slayman. Thanks to this, I was able to avoid the unexpected household work.

But that was fine.

Because it's natural.

"A number."

The chairman stood in front of Demirea, covering the book for a moment and asking with a decent sinking voice.

"Eighth time."

On the tray that the deacon was holding, there was a letter. It was, of course, from the late Evan Brissen.

It should have said to apologize properly for Brissen, who was dishonored for what happened to Calian and Plants.

"Burn it again."

Demirea shakes her head, carefully burying her hands. The chairman quickly handed over the letter.

- Parlack!

It was two letters.

Demirea gives you the letter back, a quick and rough look at the contents.

"How do you want to proceed?"

"Did Prince Plants damage or damage anything in this house?"

"No, Lord Cow. Prince Kalian and Prince Plants stayed in their rooms, hardly ever coming out."

There was no damage or damage to the hands of the person who did not come out of the room. Demirea nods briefly, looking at the steward.

"Then there's your reward, and if you keep your mouth shut, reply back to Prince Plants and ask for accommodation and food."

"Are you talking about accommodation and food?"

"Yes. If we hadn't forced Prince Plants into custody and changed the situation to what Prince Plants wanted, it would have been quiet."

When Demirea charges for accommodation and food, Plants will pay without a word, at which point it will be her visit, not a detention. There's no way anyone who's been detained is going to get paid for the lodging and food, but there's no way anyone who's been detained is going to give it to them.

The objective that Kalian had to hide in this mansion was already achieved. Therefore, there was no need to keep thinking about the 'detainment' of Plants in Siegfried. For this reason, Demirea relaxed her voice, telling Plants to put out a howl to charge for food and lodging.

"Since I'm famous, let's see if I can get my name right."

People didn't know there was a Khalian in Siegfried Manor. All they know is that Plants spent a week sneaking into his' lone 'mansion in the middle of the night with my feet. But the Duke Sogaju is rumored to be Calian's bride.

Two princes, three princes, and the Peacock.

Since all three are clearly adults, how interesting a tale can a chatty aristocrat be when he sees these three involved?

"But then the cow would be harmed by the Lord."

"No matter how harsh the scandal may be, the duc's house will not disappear. The Marquis will decide who suffers the most."

No matter what the scandal, it will only cost Plants money.

"Your cow, Lord. I will reply as you have said."

After answering with a funny voice, the principal left Demirea's study with a lighter step.

Demirea reopens her book, covering it up as if nothing had happened.

* * *

There was a cat in Hina's arms.

Kalian picked up a fairly heavy looking one from Hina. You can't do Suir without a cat in your arms.

Kalian, sitting on the couch opposite you, opens his mouth.

"Hina, I have a question for you."

Hina nods, and Calian gently strokes the kitty with a small purr.

"If you could work in the Balkans, would you?"

Hina's eyes widened in unexpected words.

Balkans aren't an army of wizards.

The only person who wasn't a wizard was Plants, a prince who knew only his abilities and skills.

So for a while, I thought about what Kalian meant, and it was like Hina had figured something out.


He shaped his mouth and moved his hand.

- There aren't enough maids there?

Kalian gives you a short laugh. Then he answered with a puffy face.

"I can't believe I'm sending you to clean up another building."

- So, treatment?

"Yes. I don't mean to be precise, but I think you might want Karen and Raon from the Royal Knights to join the Balkans."

Plants did not mention his specific plan. Only Kalian knows that this plant is the most peaceful way to hold two knights in its hands.

Arsen and Plants will be in charge of the Wizards, mainly for Captain Alan Manasil. This is how Balkans are constructed.

"That will change the way you train. If only the Wizard and Knight were trained together. There would be more injuries, so it would be great if there were healers."

Of course, it was a good reason and an excuse.

You can't just keep pushing Hinas around as maids with precious abilities.

Hina had been working as a maid without much complaint, but I thought she might want to do something else. Of course, that's what happened when Hina said she liked it.

- I'll do it.

Hina nods straightaway and says, and Calian shakes his head with a slight smile.

"You seem to be answering without thinking too much, Hina. The Balkans are an army. They are at peace in the palace now, but at a later time, we must join them in battle."

- I know.

A faint voice comes out of his mouth, staring at Hina's black eyes for a moment.

"Hina. I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you if you want to do it. So don't tell me you'll do it for me."

Hina's eyes turn round again.

All this time, Kalian has never asked someone for a job. I asked if I could only 'do' or 'do' when I was dealing with Kyrie and Hina.

"Think about it and decide. Talk to Kiri, too. I'm trying to show you there are other things you can do in the palace, so the choice is yours. If there's anything else you'd like to do, you're welcome to tell me about it, and if it's okay to just do it now, you can answer it that way."

The Hina who heard about it replied with a clear smile.

- Yeah, I'll do that. My sweet prince.

Calian nods and lets out a kitty cuddle again about how he knew the conversation was over.

'I am Prince Plants' favorite cat, Prince Kalian. '

Suddenly, I noticed the long name engraved on the necklace.

Kalian looks down at it and opens his mouth.

"Put this on."

- Were you offended? I must have written, like, a joke.

"No, it's not that I don't like it."

Kalian gives you a look of misunderstanding.

"Just put in your name. Clear my name."

A cat who really likes Plants more. So the real owner of the cat is Plants, by the looks of it.

According to Kalian, Hina doesn't immediately answer.

And for a moment, you gaze into Khalian's red eyes and move your hands very slowly.

- I don't want to.

Kalian smiles quietly.

* * *

And Arsen.

"Thank you."


Arsen replies with a very calm voice, frightened to hear what Kiri has to say. The voice was not at all excited, but Arsen was definitely excited.

In Kiri's ears, the answer to Arsen didn't sound like 'thanks for all the hard work you've done to come here to preach the word of Kalian.' In a long time, I felt thankful for telling her that I had a chance to jump.

After telling him what to say, Kiri left immediately. It was Arsen's doing and Calian's responsibility, so I didn't think Kiri should be involved in it.

Anyway, after Kiri left, Arsen took a quick walk down to the training ground. He then turns to the wizards of Balkan, resting for a moment.

"We're going to conduct a drill, so follow me."

The wizards who heard it stood up with a puzzled face. What kind of practical training is this all of a sudden? When Plants gets here, that's the real deal, and that's hell.

It was hard to say this, so I just followed Arsen out of the training ground in Wilhelm.

The Wilhelm coffin is very close to the Haycia Palace.

As long as you can see the roof of Hessia in Chermil, you can see the entire building. It was only a few steps in between.

Arsen, who is heading for the Heicia Palace, set up an ice barrier between himself and the Heicia Palace.


It was no different than usual except that it was just outdoors. It's because Arsen has been practicing fireballs ever since he built an ice wall like this.

So the wizards nod, and Arsen raises his index finger and opens his mouth.

"Just, one punch."

Arsen's fingers point toward the ice barrier.

"Squeeze all the magic you can find without magic and shoot them all at once. So if that wall breaks down, I'll finish training here and buy you a drink."

What do you think?

I didn't have to ask.

Maybe that's not what Kalian thinks. Why are wizards so progressive? And Balkan was never less favorable than most wizards.

Their eyes were already burning.

"On three, I'll shoot."

In front of Arsen, a raging flame was created. And he began to swell enormously.

It was hard to compare it to the fireball on the day that Grey's wagon was blown away, and it was doubtfully large enough that Arsen's main man was on ice.

Even in front of the wizards who saw it, a fireball came to my mind.


The wizards' concentration was great.

You are unaware that Arsen is building a fireball while maintaining the ice barrier.


Fire and ice.

I had no idea how difficult it was to operate the two forces together, the perfect pole.

I wonder how weak the ice barrier is.


Of course I didn't think.

- Yuck!

The ice barrier breaks apart before the first fireball touches it. Fifty-one giant fireballs have vanished from the barrier. It is spectacular.

And at the end of the direction they flew, there was now a lonely building with no one.

- Kuaaang!

The ground shakes and the trees around you shake.

Alan's desk vibrates.

The window of Chermill Palace shakes.

Demirea's ears are ringing.

After the flame storm and all the dust.

Arsen mutters, confirming the outcome of what he just did.


Kalian calls the roof "smash." Arsen smashes the roof.

"I didn't count on the wall not to last."

It was an accident by mistake during training, of course.

* * *

Time has passed.

Le Maine, who received a message from Allen, said she wanted to be alone for a moment.