How to Live as the Enemy Prince

< Chapter 25. Where it should be (9) >

Sun goes down, clouds go up.

It looks like it's going to rain, so after the dinner, Kalian asks Demirea and Arsen to hand over their wagons, respectively.

After that, Kalyan met Jan to return to Chermill Palace, Raleigh did not realize that Plants had gone to Chermill alone, and instead of returning home, Pale Faced Wizards gathering at the bar beguiled sparkling sparkling water and discussing how to make a statue of him less chaotic.

Hina, with two pink ice creams, finds the training ground.

It's because he hasn't met Kiri properly and made up with her since he was angry with her, saying, 'Do you think it's cool to die without folly?'

Actually, there was nothing to make up with. He just couldn't talk to Hina the whole time. Hence, it was like Hina had already reconciled to Kiri.

So Kiri opened his mouth for a long time, stroking Hina's silver hair.

"You must be upset."

I just finished explaining what happened at the dinner today. A chef who couldn't hear Hina's words properly prepared a strawberry-full menu without checking with Jan or Raleigh about the ridiculous order.

I thought it would be fun to hear it, but I didn't smile at Kiri.

Kiri remembered how horribly Hina cried that day when she fought over blueberries. I just couldn't speak, but I also knew that there were too many uncomfortable and unfair things.

- The people here, they're weird.

In Kyrie's words, Hina brings up this story instead of answering whether she was upset or not.

"What's weird?"

- No one, angry. I'm not saying anything.

You say you want to learn Suer like it's natural, but you can't help but say it's different from uncomfortable because of her.

"I care about you."

Kiri said this and ate a mouthful of strawberry ice cream from Hina.

It was surprising for Kiri that Plants had learned how to speak Suir, but it was also expected for Kiri to teach Suir to the Warlocks of Balkan. Alan stepped up and told us about the Sour Education, even if Callian didn't order it. If it wasn't for Alan, Arsen would have said the same thing.

Moreover, some of Chermill's people were not Calian's instruction in learning how to fish. He thought it was because everyone cared about Hina, too. Given the subjective point of view from the fact that he is his only blood, Hina can't help but care for everyone.

- I love it here. I love it. I love it.

It's called a hina.

After coming here, Hina, who had never heard of 'mute' or 'disabled', laughed. It's because I realized that it was because of Khalian and Hina who brought strawberry ice cream instead of trees for that weird dinner diet, and I just remembered Plants who laughed and passed away.

- Me, next week, I'm gonna go over there and work. I'll work really, really hard.

Work in Balkan.

Kiri looks a little worried when she hears that. I was concerned about the situation when I started doing new things again.

Everyone in Chermill liked it, but we didn't know what the wizards of Balkan were like. Of course, it is imperative that Arsen take care of him.

- And, Bae, Lo, you, car, said he was coming. He's helping me. So, don't worry.

Calian, who was indiscreet, forgot to tell Kiri about this. He said with a slightly surprised look on his face.


Whether she grew up in Libern with relatively little discrimination based on identity or Alan's influence, Veronica treated Hina fairly poorly. In addition, for a month back from Roselita, there were only two girls the same age, so Hina and Veronica were getting along quite well. Kyrie, who thought about it, became a little relieved.

"Good. But be careful not to be too impertinent."

Hina's nodding hand shifts again.

- I like him, I like the wizards, I like everything. I like Prince Charming, and I like Prince Charming. The scary prince was a little scary, but he was okay. From here, from the feet, from the cars, from here, we'll be fine. So, don't worry too much.

Hina said, holding the ice cream that she placed in her hand, she smiled happily.

I didn't see the look on Kiri's face after a simple subtraction with the exception of the sweet Khalian and scary Randall from the three princes.

"· · · · · · You did, hina."

I can't believe "good" came out of Hina's hand.

According to the Hindi expression, 'good and reliable', Kyrie just nodded without a word.

Even if you had heard Hina say that a little earlier, you wouldn't have had to draw your sword so easily in the battle with Plants. It's fortunate that we won't have to face the scoundrel for a while.

The good prince loves strawberries. I like it, too.

Kyrie's hand stopped just as she tried to bring strawberry ice cream to her mouth. And Kyrie put her ice cream back together again.

The moment the strawberries disappeared forever from Kiri's favorite fruit list came suddenly like this.

* * *

"Miyaang Meow!"

After returning to Chermill Palace, Calian quietly steps out onto the terrace and sits down.

'I am Prince Plants' favorite cat, Prince Kalian. '

A cat came to my knees. Then, I bashed my head in Kalian's hand as if it was too natural to get his attention.

Kalian strokes his head and under his chin like a tickle. Then the cat made a joke to hold Kalian's finger, showing the pink paw like strawberry ice cream. Khalian laughs a little as he looks like he has nothing to worry about.

"This is how cats like people."

The cat that Kalian knows is always vigilant and clawed. No matter what happens, whoever it is doesn't give me up completely.

But this one was different.

I always slept next to someone, ate food, and played a prank. I acted like I couldn't live without people around me.

- Knock knock.

You hear two small knocks.

"Come in."

Kalian gives his permission without even knowing who came to see him. That sound that is neither small nor loud is definitely Yan's.

Soon, you hear a small door closing and Jan arrives on the terrace. The refreshing mint scent wraps around the tip of your nose.

Jan sits next to Callian, placing two glasses of cool tea on the table. He doesn't ask for your permission, but as always, Kalian doesn't say much.

"I'm sorry, Prince. There was a mistake today because it was miscommunicated."

Yan said without putting Hina in his mouth.

Kalian turns his head to look at Jan and Jan's car. And I smiled as small as when I saw the cat's joke.

It was carbonated with more mint leaves and cinnamon than usual. It must have been prepared like this in case it hadn't been digested.

"You were uncomfortable. I didn't know you hated strawberries. I want to apologize."

One day I remembered Jan handing me a tea with dried strawberries and mint. At that time, it was over, but this time it seemed that he was reluctant.

'You're probably not used to it.'

I learned about the real tastes of the old Khalian during dinner today. I knew it when I grabbed the tip of my new memory. Until then, Calian thought he only liked her. When it was Bern, he didn't like it so much that he forced himself to smile at the many strawberry dishes, but Jan seemed to recognize it.

"Enjoy your meal. It's nothing to be sorry about. I don't hate it that much."

After answering, Calian looks back at Jan because he feels that Jan's attitude towards apologizing is a bit strange.

The attitude of apologizing for not matching one's tastes was clearly a servant. However, it was not the servant who sat next to him without his permission. So now Jan must have been keeping an eye on Jan and his long-time guardian, Shiroyan, both of them, to pass the apology on.

"Are you here to tell me that? It's mealtime."

There were not many times when Callian sat down with Jan. Because of this, usually, the servants and maids gathered to eat separately after Kalian had finished eating. If it had been another day, Jan would have had dinner by now, but he said, "I came to see Kalian like this."

"It's just, I have a lot on my mind. What did Prince Plants say just now?"

Yan's words, which were so unlucky, did not continue for a while. Calian sits quietly and watches the sky turn darker and darker.

"Maybe I don't know everything about Prince Charming after all. That's what I thought. I wonder if I'm not looking straight at him again, or if I'm not seeing the changes he's made."

When they called me like a flower, they already knew.

He didn't say, "How far did you go with just one strawberry?" I just waited for Yan's words to continue, which were not finished without words.

"He also said he put down everything in his hand. I didn't understand what that meant."

Kalian frowns for a moment because his brother, who was worried about his nemesis after that, was omitted. I wanted to know what the enemy's brother was saying to the child. Then I realized Plants was younger and quickly made an impression again.

After all, Jan thought he knew the inside of the Kalian, but it seemed a bit confusing to him. I didn't know what it meant to "I don't look straight at it again," but it was roughly what it meant. Chan noticed it, and it was as if he had said something to Jan.

After some insight into the situation, Kalian opens his mouth.

"I thought my cat liked my brother more, but he didn't."

Then he said this nonsense.

"Maybe my brother likes cats, so he climbed up with his chi like that. I had that thought for a second."

The mint and cinnamon smelled strong.

It would look great if I put it in, but the carbonated water flavor was the worst as much as I was worried about Kalian.

Callian once again said that he had swallowed something tastier than strawberries.

"I didn't even know what my cat was. How do you know all about me? Of course you don't."

When I learned the secret and was sad, I could comfort and grieve as much as I wanted. Even if I hated Kalian now, I was sure to stick around somehow.

"Whether I know something else that doesn't know about me or how I've changed, You're staying with me anyway."

The first day I opened my eyes here.

A yarn that used to wrinkle clothes with a hand full of nail marks.

Even though he was a disdainful prince, Khalian knew that Yan was all he was. So, one step behind Kalian. Or next to it. It was always Yan's seat.

That's why Khalian never worried about Yan.

"I don't care if you put everything in your hands. It's not important. You don't have to blame yourself for not knowing. You don't have to look right at me. You can see what you want to see. That's what my baby elephant used to do. It's okay."

One or two raindrops started falling from the sky.

It's raining.

One day, a good memory touched the end of my nose.

It smells like rain, dark mint and cinnamon. I don't know if the previous Khalian liked it, but what do you think?

You're gonna love it now.

"Jan. Wanna bet with me? I'll be taller than you or not."

Bet a gold coin.


When it's not natural to be taken for granted.

People usually get angry, or cry, or laugh.

Or run away.

And the boy was a fugitive.

* * *

- Why, do I have to learn this?

When I asked him this question, his mother smiled with a face she would never think of again. So the boy did not ask that question again.

A long time later, I learned how to speak with my hands.

The boy held the mother's hand and went somewhere in the mansion. The boy could not forget how hot his mother's hands were.

The far right room on the second floor of the mansion.

I never told anyone not to go there, but I never got close to the room because of the fear. When the tree rusted, the door that was always tightly closed opened with a heavy sound like this.

The boy went into it with his mother.

Then, I struggled to move my pale face and met someone who looked smiling.

The boy who saw his face let go of his mother's hand without me knowing. And I created a horse that I practiced hard until that morning.

- No, of course not.

A clumsy gesture greeted the boy's brother for the first time.

- I am, Shi, Lo, Yi, In, Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

It was a silly thing to say, but the boy's brother didn't blame it. He looks at his arms with a happy face, sitting on the bed.

It was something you could recognize without having to speak with your hands. The boy looked up carefully. It was a question of whether it was okay, and she smiled quietly and nodded.

The boy hurriedly ran up to bed, smiling, and hugged a boy with the same blonde hair and gray eyes as him, who resembled him very much, but slightly bigger.

It was strange and ugly and cold like a dry branch, but it was still good.

"Hey, bro."

I know you can't hear me, but I really wanted to.

At the first place he met his brother, he put a short word in his mouth that he wanted to say.

Hey, bro.

I'm Siroyan.

* * *

The air in that room always felt thick.

I felt heavy enough to consciously inhale and exhale.

But I thought it was okay.

I thought it was okay to have a brother who always smiled in it.

The boy's brother was sick and the cause was unknown.

So his sister didn't go to that room often. I was afraid that the boy's brother's illness would pass on to his younger brother. That's why I decided to go with my sister when she was as big as a boy.

- Today, she cried.

- A cicada?

- Yeah, Mami. It's amazing how she cries. One day, all of a sudden, Mama, Mama, do it. No one knows when to start crying. Just all of a sudden, mamma, mamma. Cry like this.

The boy's brother had not been outside the mansion much. I could not walk. But it hurt even more when I went outside. I coughed and had a fever. So the boy went out every day hard on his brother's behalf. I worked hard every day to see something new.

Every day, I went to the far right room on the second floor and told him the story.

- In the summertime, something this dark and ugly, starts crying out loud one day. Mum, Mum, Mum.

- Is he black and ugly?

- Yeah, winged, black. On the boat, make a noise.

- What's that? It's like a monster.

Ugly, but not like a monster.

Crying with black, ugly wings. Besides, anyone would think you're a monster if you just said you're making noises on the boat. I didn't think of that.

So I thought I'd catch a cicada tomorrow. The boy thought so.

- If you miss me, I'll catch you tomorrow.

Would you be surprised to see a cicada?

Do you think it'll be fun?

I think I want to go out.

I wonder if that would help your brother.

or · · · · · · · · ·.

- I don't want to see it. Like a monster, I think. Just, uh, give me the violin.

The boy's brother said,

Instead of saying that the cicada is not a monster, the boy simply said he knew. Then he played a violin he couldn't even hear.

I didn't have to see something I didn't want to see.

The boy's brother can't even enjoy what he wants to see and hear.

* * *

The boy visited his brother every day.

And every day, the boy's brother collapsed.

Like a dying violin string, like a broken violin bow, bit by bit. But it collapsed in good faith.

The boy didn't know that.

The boy's brother hated the thought of comparing himself to his unhealthy brother. It got sick again. The boy found out too late.

It was only later that I realized that the loss that was raised to envy became a disease. I knew it before it was too late.


* * *

'My illness is getting worse. I heard Sir Manasil's son handles medicine well. I think to Sir Manasil once again.'

'There's something else I can't hold on to.'

At first, I didn't understand what it meant.

'But the Lord.' '

"Can I block the way because my son is sick? '

I don't know what it means to get worse. I don't know what it means to handle medicine. What the boy's father would give up now. Not all of the boys understood.

So much time has passed.

- Brother.

The boy always went to the far right room on the second floor.

- Bro. I brought some leis, ah,.

The little sister of the boy now speaks well. I told Mother that I wouldn't get another disease from my brother. With that permission, we came together.

It was the first gathering of the three.

So he had pretty flowers on his head. I also wore a skirt that was not well dressed.

- Get out.

The boy's brother said:

The boy said it again because he was sorry for his beautiful sister.

- Are you tired? Wait a minute, Leah.

The boy's brother had never seen his face before. I didn't know if it was smiling or crying. I looked scary.

- Do I look tired?

The boy could not answer.

I was still holding his hand and watching what my brother said.

- Look straight. Don't avoid me. Look right at me.

The boy blindfolded his brother.

I thought I should.

- Don't turn your back on me.

I couldn't close my eyes and covered my brother's eyes even though I didn't understand what he meant.

- Yeah, look at it that way, and now, you know it. You, too.

That's why I was watching everything my brother said.

I couldn't say anything, I just watched.

I just cried.

- What's the matter? If I die, isn't it good for you?

I should have said no.


* * *

And one day he had a nightmare.

I dreamt of wandering alone in the woods where nothing could be seen.

Violin and cicadas buzz in all directions. In such a place as may or may not have to go forward, I dreamt that I was lost and lost because of all the noise.

"Duke, Duke!"

I couldn't open my eyes after a long time because of that dream.

It was a knight's egg.

The egg, which saw the boy open his eyes, held him without another word. He wrapped himself in a little blanket and ran out of the room.

"What's the matter?"

The boy asked, and the egg replied shortly after.

"A little fire broke out. Don't worry about it."

"Then why are you going outside?"

The egg does not answer.

I wrapped the boy's head in a blanket and held him in my arms. To hold him with one arm and block his ears with one arm.

I could feel the boy breathing, but the egg wouldn't let it go.

I realized that I didn't have much time left, so I lit a fire in my room to cover my tracks. The screams of the speechless brother. It wasn't until a long time later that the boy realized that he didn't want to tell the boy the horrible sound.


* * *

Another few days of silence passed.



Don't freak out.

Don't be so sad.

That's what my father said.

It sounded like a cicada when I opened my eyes.

"Your brother. Yesterday."

It sounded like a cicada shouting in the summer.

* * *

The cicada cries.

You don't want to spend your last summer like a mamma ma'am.

The boy cried.

In the room on the far right of the second floor, where everything was burnt down, the owner now cried everyday in the room that disappeared. I took out the words I couldn't say every day and cried every day.

Summer comes, autumn comes, winter comes.

That's how spring comes and goes.

Until I hear the sound of a moan again.

Eventually, the boy's father forced him out of the house. He said he didn't want to go out and forcibly stepped outside the duc's palace, holding his penis in his arms.

I showed him the stars, the sky, and the river.

The boy's brother couldn't see it, so he insisted on putting everything in his eyes.

After a while.

just like the day I was taken into the far right room on the second floor by my mother. The boy set foot with his father somewhere vast and beautiful but unstoppable.

And in that barren place, I saw a child who should be more glamorous than anyone else, but wasn't.

Yeah, it is.

Like a parched branch.

"Who is that child?"

So I asked him.

It's been a year.

In a year, the boy saw something and asked himself:

"The third prince of this country."

Instead of appreciating the boy's question, his father quickly replied:

The boy did not listen to him.

I walked to the child as if I was possessed.

"· · · · · · Hi."

And like this.
