How to Live as the Enemy Prince

< Chapter 51 - Puberty (2) >

I had the wrong question.

It is difficult to realize now, but if there is one thing I feel, it is that Devil laughs very well. And it reminded me a lot of people who live downstairs that the meaning of that smile was hard to fathom.

- I think I made a mistake in front of you.

So I suddenly wondered.

- You seem desperate enough.

If your brother's lecherous acolyte was here, let's find out what Devil was laughing about. "

Laughing because it's fun.

Or did he laugh because he thought it was trivial?

- I apologize if I misunderstood.

- No, that's not what it's supposed to be. Why apologize when I'm not offended?

Devilan says:

He smiled, not angry at the two foreign princes who offered to trade for his life. How generous.

- What's worth trading for my life, by the way? It's hard to come up with a reasonable price for a dizzy thing, but there's nothing that comes to mind right now. This is why it's only a matter of time before I make a deal, so if you want to know how I'm going to save my life in the future, I'll think about it.

- Aye, sir.

Plants gave a kind answer. And Devilan, who had been staring at those plants for quite some time, left without further comment.

From the beginning, Plants didn't even think Devil would respond immediately. When I found out that even Chase, my son, turned his back on me, I knew someone who would trust the words of a foreign prince who didn't even know what he was talking about.

If I had, I wouldn't have come all of a sudden to this country, dragging Calian away. Either you planted Zeon's Black pebble stone in your heart to heal yourself, or you said you would go to the Elven City as commander Narzan said and get treatment, so there's no reason to come.

However, it was clear that Calian did not speak the language of a man full of euphemisms because of his personality that he had not even noticed or passed on something like puberty while talking crazy to Devil. That's why I wanted to bring Devilan's gaze back to Calian. I wanted more income than that, and that was all I needed.

After Devilan returned, Plants returned to the annex after a relaxing stroll.

"Nice to meet you, Prince Plants of Cairys."

I really got a surprising income.

A knight guarding the annex stood in front of Plants and spoke to him.

"I have something urgent to tell you."

"· · · · · The knights of this country seem to stand in the way of the royal family."

The opponent says he's never seen Plants before, but not Plants. He was more memorable because of a face that looked unusual.

"I'm sorry."

"Never mind."

A few months ago.

Of Chase's many escorts looking for Cairys, Plants looks at the opponent with his eyes wide open, looking at one face.

"Tell me."

Are you a Devil or a Chase?

Or both.

Measuring it.

* * *

Whether or not Plants met Devil that day.

Either one of the knights who came to Cairys visited Plants or not.


Two down, two to go.

Rushing toward the brown-haired warrior, Kalyan suddenly turns and disappears, piercing the heart of the blonde warrior who attacked from behind. At first, you attack only one person who is stubborn enough, and then the two warriors who immediately saw Kalian changing the way of fighting spread their distance for a moment.

Through the gap, Calian's head returns.

'This is why I think so much during the fight.'

It tastes like death.

Not long ago, Hina was so mad at me for not thinking about it, but getting a hole in her stomach that she couldn't eat. Calian never forgets hunger that day. To be precise, you should never forget the meat that went into Plants' mouth that day.

I still have to concentrate and not think about it, but my head keeps turning.

'I don't understand. What the hell.'

I need to pick up my sword, so I don't hesitate, but I never enjoy it. And Plants is the next person I'm likely to know about how he feels about getting blood on my hands.

You know, Plants is the kind of guy who would plan something like this just to hit his brother in the back.

Then my head kept thinking differently.

It looks like Ser Seyren or Ser Grace used magic. I didn't hear what Prince Plants had to say to them.

What else did Plants tell Kiri about Calian's conversation with Devil Lan? Why did Plants lead Zeon, and why did he keep it a secret from Kalian?

"It's really puberty."

I don't think I did it at that age.

- Boo!

A brown-haired warrior's sword flew in front of Calian, who was constantly thinking. Unlike a double-edged sword, or a sword with a smooth outer blade, a jagged saw replaces a sword.

Calian's fine glabella frowns slightly, as if anything caught by the sword would stick together once you prick it.

"That's a nasty hobby."

A small mumbling Kalian moves his feet.

- Ka-ang!

- Tada party, Ka 'ang! Kaga River!

Unlike the two swiftly shattered warriors, the two remaining fighters were skilled. And Kalian started dealing with both of them at the same time.

The brunette-haired warrior blocks Kalian's attack with a saw blade, then twists the sword away. A few saw blades caught in the blade of the red error have broken off, but the warrior doesn't care.

If you block the front, Calian's sword will fly behind you. If you turn back to block it, the blade falls from above your head. In the meantime, a dagger and magic fly and a relentless sword pours out. The brunette warrior focuses solely on stopping Kalian's attack, because the scar never had time to awaken his senses.

A brunette-haired warrior steps away for a moment, and another grey-headed warrior pulls out a magic bomb and throws it away.

The new Calian statue disappears, terrified of hearing something fall on the sand floor.

- Kuaang!

An enormous sound resonates like a hurricane of sea waves.

As the shield unfolds, Calian turns away from the aftermath of the attack for a moment and looks to the far shore.

I see Arsen.

Arsenal is not interfering with this workshop. This means that something will happen to stop Plants instead of helping Callian.

"Me, too."

A red lip draws a long line.

"· · · · · · · · You can do it. Something like that."

The wind is gathering.

In the midst of that darkness, the wind blows.

- Saa · · · · · · · · · ·.

The Maelstrom of Mana gathers toward Khalian. A black cloak of red light scatters.

The two warriors who know how foolish it is to give the Wizard time to cast his magic have narrowed the streets. At the same time, sand rises between Khalian and the warriors.

- Kuaa!

A pillar of wind the size of a human body spins threateningly in one direction, pushing the sand away. With three tornadoes, Khalian strikes his foot again, blocking the warriors' vision, and flies through the whirling windy column.

At the same time, the gray-headed warrior reaches for Calian's neck.

- Kwakwang!

Then, the compressed wind beneath the gray-headed warrior's feet exploded and scattered the sand to all sides.

Immediately, the grey-headed warrior leans back and sets his feet two feet in the distance. The edge of the warrior's clothing is torn apart by the power of a tornado or an explosion.

After lightly unfolding the shield and protecting her body from the attack she exploded, Calian flicks his flying sword forward and twists his head to the side. The four red daggers that were created behind Kalian fly towards the brown-haired warrior. You draw attention from the gray-haired warrior who hasn't returned yet.

- Yuck!

- Tadadadang!

You dodged three of the flying daggers through the turbulent sandstorm, but one grazed your neck. Calian's sword flies away, unable to resist the tingling sensation.

- Kuquaang!

Another explosion erupts under the feet of the gray head, rushing toward the two, but the gray head, expecting the same attack, is already out there and in front of Khalian.

Calian moves as he looks at the sharp edges of his blade swinging toward him. A short while ago, the gray-haired sword passed where Khalian was standing, and with him a thin spear of wind flew towards the gray-haired warrior's neck.

Kang, Kaga River!

- Ka 'ang!

When gray hair bites one foot, a brown-haired saw blade flies towards Calian. Once again, the gray-haired long sword aims at Calian's neck.

- Ka-ang!

- Yuck!

Magic Power with Physical Power.

The spear of the wind that Kalian blew away is blocked by the Grey-headed warrior's sword and disappears far away. The sword of the Red Orc rushes toward the two once more, without a bird to follow its movements.

The gray-headed warrior bends his waist rapidly and dodges the red sword in an attack that doesn't even give him a chance to breathe. - Qasim!

You hear a eerie sound behind your back.

The gray head, knowing the situation, softens down. I saw long braided brown hair. A thick, red bloodstain covers the blade with a serrated blade.

"· · · · · · · 3."

A thin aesthetic touches the gray-headed warrior behind the neck.

* * *


Arsen smiles as he reveals himself between the patrons of Cecretia and Plants, whom Devlan has placed on him.

Arsen, a wizard who likes to fight against his opponents, knows that the Kalyan Red Sword is the perfect place to go when you run into a fancy trail and lose your head. That's why I was hoping to tie the remaining warriors to their feet while standing at a distance next to Plants.

- Kuaa!

It's because I feel the magic of the wind gathering.

Before long, several tornadoes have appeared between Calian and the two warriors. I decided not to intervene because I had enough free time to leave the error behind and use magic.

I knew if I stepped out of the way to help, and one of the rest of them turned to find Arsen, if I turned to find Plants, he'd pretend to catch the warrior, too.

- Yuck!

Of course, it doesn't mean he was still there.

Arsen smiles ferociously, putting a spear of ice in front of the guards' feet as they approach.

"This is Arsen Hertz, deputy commander of the wizard of Cairys Balkans."

Afterwards, he introduced himself as no different from any other day.

Knights of Cecretia.

To be precise, Calian thought he didn't know his face, and now he stands in front of the other knights, facing the two knights who stepped forward.

"One more step and I'll consider an assault on the Kairis royal family."

Plants opens his mouth to Arsen, who gave him a warning horse with the power of his deputy commander position to make good use of it again.

"There's nothing dangerous about that."

"I know. The Guardian will attack the royal family for being mad." "

"Then why?"

Arsen sighs briefly and opens his mouth, saying, "Why are you threatening the knights of Cecritia?"

"Is this what the Vice Commander, McDreamy's older brother, expected?"

"Except for the blue-haired crazy wizard."

"You knew you were going to leave Xeon."

Plants frowns at this question and opens his mouth briefly to hear the sound of Kalian's battle from afar.

"Lord Seyren."

"The Chairman of the Association is not coming here."


"My lieutenant prince."

I didn't fully expect Xeon to come, but I was prepared. Then came the blue-headed two wizards. He then called Plants without answering the question.

"Tell me."

"I saw the bracelet glow. If you planned to bring Prince Cecretia out of the palace and do this, he won't come. Knight Bern remains in the palace. I don't know what the nobles of Cecretia wanted to do in the palace while the prince was away. Whatever the reason, it would be better for you to achieve the objective of confirming the connection between the nobles of Cecritia and Zeon."

Plants does not respond to even the slightest voice that would not be heard by the knights.

"I don't think that's going to pass. My back hurts so much."

Instead, I heard the answer from somewhere else.

Callian stands behind Plants, shortly after the last warrior's breath.

Kalian also listened to Arsen's last words. Because of this, Kalian knew exactly what to do.

Calian walks in front of Plants.

The red light gathers on the tip of his hand again.


A cool blade touched Plants' neck.

A cooler voice comes from Calian's mouth than the blade. A colder life than his voice echoes in Plants' ears.

"· · · · · · · · Brother."

A thick drop of blood flowing down a red blade.

I fell on the sand.