How to Live as the Enemy Prince

< Chapter 62. Real Wishes (3) >

Jan did.

Our flower prince hasn't fully recovered, but he can't even fathom when it's going to be broken, so how do we deal with Demirea's ferocious sword with that spineless arm? It's not too early to face that heavy and powerful sword.

Jan had a peculiar ability to take things for granted that even Raven wouldn't believe, including Demirea and Calian himself.

"See you next week. You can do the duel then."

But I know Demirez.

I don't know what anyone else is saying, but I know Dmitre well enough to listen to Jan.

"Lord Bern will be well until then."

"Yes. Come anytime. I'll make time."

"I understand."

"You just have to bring the sword instead. You're not supposed to bring a divorce request."

"· · · · · · · Yes."

Demirea knew it was all because of Plants that she failed to keep her promise. Nevertheless, I decided to pass on the apology, saying that I'm sorry without excusing it because of my brother. Otherwise, the next promise would have prevented him from entering the house.

"So, Demirea. Can we take a walk after all this time?"

After taking out the clock, Von Demirea looked at the mansion for a moment. Then he shakes his head and replies.

"It's too late for a walk."

"Ah, a little bit."

"Instead, I had a few books to buy. Prince, if you don't mind, I'd like you to come with me."

The door in the palace hall was made of opaque glass. And to get to Demirea's study, we had to go through the hallway with the reception room.

Riley can't be unaware that the two prudent plants are back. Demirea notices that Callian is trying to spend some time outside without going to the library. Plants and Riley won't be able to talk comfortably if they know they're quitting the fight and going back to the mansion.

"Yes. Come with me."

Callian nods, smiling small, saying it's too late to take a walk and that he can go out for a book.

Immediately, Demirea put on one of the jackets the deacon brought her. Then Kalian hands Jan a hideous red cloak and climbs onto Raven's saddle. It wasn't long before Demirea came to her senses, but unlike Raven, who had white fur on his front foot, his whole body was black, and his manes and tail were white.

After a brief get-together, the two on their own come out, leaving Jan and Léric at the mansion in Plants and Riley.

"It's been quiet. There were some people when I got here."

"It's late, and Siegfried Manor is just outside."

In the vicinity of the well-packed roads to the ducal palace, several noble mansions were rare. I passed the houses that had decorated each other's front yard, and passed in front of the Marquis Manasil, who would have a statue of singing and dancing.

Soon after the end of the street, Raven turns without hesitation. Just moments after Callian stepped into a new body, there was a new grocery store that stopped by to find Kiri. It was headed to Narancha, where there was a market, but also a lot of bookstores.

After changing direction along Raven, Demirea approaches Kalian's side and opens her mouth.

"I'm surprised."


"I didn't know you knew where I was."

"I went across the river to buy a knife, and it was about me and Vanessa."

"I don't think you know, Prince Plants."

"Well, that's funny. The prince or prince of this country doesn't know what I have in Ransha, but the prince I raised next door knows it."

"That's why you got caught. You're making such a fuss that the royals have nothing to do with me going to Ransha."

I'm in trouble.

After smiling at Demirea's words mixed with half her worries and bruises, Calian turns his head. Then he pointed to a long green bush along the edge of the street.

"There are a lot of rose trees on the way from here."


"Are they all red roses?"

The secret key is obviously asking questions to change the subject. But Demirea, who had no intention of getting any more bruised, replied without making any difference.

"No, it's a white rose."

"I see. Then it'll be worth it when it's done."

"I've heard that it blooms a lot at the time of adulthood, and a lot of people come to see it."

"Then shall we come again when the flowers bloom? Demirea."

"There are a lot of roses in the palace."

"It's all red roses. The red flower is not that impressive."

"Quite the contrary. All Siegfried has is white roses. I've never been so impressed with white flowers."

"Oh, I see."

Khalian nods as if he deserves it.

"That's how much wine we make. There are so many white roses."

Demirea looks surprised.

"McDreamy, you know everything."

Instead of a smile that would normally look good, Calian once smiled back.

"There's a lot of viticulture going on in Cecretia. I didn't live like the brothers here, so I used to go around a lot when I lived in Sacritia. I've known that much."

Rose trees.

A white rose tree from the vineyard.

Everywhere I went, there were rosebushes on one side of the vineyard. A light pink rose, he or she grew a bright yellow rose, but mostly a white rose. So, in the blooming season, it was easy to see the rich white roses blooming in a corner of the noble vineyard.

But Demirea didn't think it was pretty much the same way. It is because it was not planted to look good like a rose bush planted in the street that has now passed.

"Is that why you wanted to see the white rose?"

"The white rose here is just a beautiful, planted white rose. Regardless of grapes. So it'll look better when it's all smoked up."

Rose trees from the Vineyard.

Rosebushes are more susceptible to pests than vines, so they are planted only for that reason.

when the white rose petals burn brown, or the pest hits them, or they wither. People gave medicine to the vine trees and exchanged water for research. We were prepared to prevent the same damage to the vines.

When I saw the sick white rose, I looked at the grapes.

I already examined the grapes, not the sick white roses.

"I'm not saying I don't know why I planted it. I'm just... a little disappointed."

Remain's third son.

The cub of Brissen.

And, Bern of Bern.

Maybe they're all already sick white roses.

After learning that the third son almost died, he turned his eyes to the other sons, looked back at the blood of the cub who grew up in the spear of Brissen, and the one who put himself in hell tried to take out the one who was going to hell.

"Now I feel sad that I couldn't take care of the roses and grapes so they wouldn't hurt. It's just that I... What do you think, Demirea?"

I wish all the white roses and grapes didn't hurt. I wish we could all take care of each other. I suddenly had an idea like that outside my mouth.

Demirea stares at Kalian for a moment at the rose bush.

"If you smoke all the well-cared for white roses, I'll come and buy another book."

And I just answered like this.

* * *

Round slice thin cookie dough.

Place fruit jam in it, fold it in half, and bake crispy.

An invisible half-moon cookie.

Some had strawberry jam and some had fig jam. Or there was meat or coconut or jam made of milk or chocolate.

Sherry found out that there was underripe pear candy, and she scolded Slayman a lot. Thanks to this, the second snack that the couple had made for Li Li before they left for the hot springs did not include salty or bitter jam. Of course, there was no jam with flowers.

"Your Majesty, what flavor is that?"

I feel like the walls in a child's heart are made of ice. If you leave it in a cold place for a little while, it hardens quickly and breaks it wrong, it leaves a scar.

The height of the ice wall was like the height of a child. So I couldn't see well from the adults looking down at the child from above. In fact, the low, transparent ice wall was difficult to notice that a wall formed if you did not pay attention.

The wall was hard to notice, but it melted away in the warmth and disappeared without a trace.

"Looks like mangoes."

"Oh, I had mango, too. It was delicious."


I only said a few words, but it was definitely different.

My face brightened and my eyes cleared.

When I show her the remaining half of the cookie, which is smaller than her thumb, she smiles at the yellow jam inside. I don't know what's so funny, but I smiled as if I met Spring, looking inside a yellow flower like Fredia. Then he showed me the other half of the cookie in front of me.

Maybe he hated me or just came to send me away. He looked scared and scared with a clear face everywhere.

"Mine's like pomegranate jam."


But Plants was clumsy.

A child under the age of ten could not enter the palace. It was not prescribed as a law that must be kept, but it began at some point. A child who can't tell who his opponent is, worrying that the royal family might make a mistake, suddenly decides that and calls it a courtesy.

So I was clumsy.

I had never sat so close to a child who was less than ten years old, except my brothers. I never had a proper conversation with Calian on my childhood.

"What's your favorite flavor?"

In fact, I didn't like sweetness.

There was no jam with strawberries at all that I liked. The Duke and the Duke hid it so well that they couldn't tell what jam was in it. Thanks to this, I was able to eat only non-strawberry-flavored cookies, even though I chose it quite hard with my eyes. So far, there was nothing in the five radish cookies that matched Plants' tastes.

Plants, dipped in a sip of tea, quietly picked an answer and put it in his mouth.

"Everything is delicious."

I didn't forget what my brother gave me because he said not to say anything short. But I was so clumsy that I couldn't say a long word or tell him what I liked best. However, it was not a lie to say that they were all delicious. It didn't fit my mouth, but they were all delicious. I know it doesn't make sense, but it did.

Half-month cookies that are hard to fathom.

A candy that Riley explained that she already ate it, but really liked it, but couldn't tell by the color alone.

Plants immediately found out what it meant.

"All of them. It was delicious."

"Thank goodness."

"· · · · · · · You."


"What was the best part?"

Lee smiles at Plants for a moment.

"Banana jam. That was the best, Your Highness."

It's a banana.

Plants grins.

Fruit for every time your barking brother comes back to life. That's why Hina's most wary fruit is bananas. Perhaps if it were Hina, the banana would have opened its big eyes again the moment it came out.


After seeing Plants smile, Riley picks up the next cookie again, full of laughter.

"Wow, this must be pineapple jam. I've never tasted pineapple before."

She showed me inside a cookie that looked like it was between yellow and orange. As he looked at it, Plants suddenly opened his mouth.

"Do you know where pineapple grows?"

I asked this question without my knowledge.

Plants himself was a little surprised, and the horse was coming out of his mouth first.

Ryrie frowned and replied as she thought.

"I think it's going to open in a tree."

"No, grow on the ground."

"Do pineapples grow on the ground?"

Plants nods.

"Purple flowers bloom in this long, sharp, hard grass. It's where pineapple grows."

I moved my hands and explained what I saw in the Elven City indoor garden.

As the flower in the middle grows, the pineapple comes out from inside.

In addition to the description I heard at the time, Plants also shared with Riley what he thought was quite curious.

It tells me that there are many fruit trees that I've seen and heard about and learned about, and that I eat fruit, but there are also plants that cut stems and use them to heal my wounds. So we spoke to each other a little more and answered a little more.

"But · · · · · · · can I ask you one more question?"

"It's okay."

"Do you have a puppy?"

The look in Riley's eyes only touched the cat's fur on Plants' clothes.

Yan, who was a brown poodle, didn't lose much hair, but that didn't mean he didn't lose it at all. Lily, who sometimes picked up Yann's fur on her clothes and had fun, asked if Plants had a dog, too.

"No. Two cats."

Unlike his own insistence, there was one more black one that looked more like a dog than a cat. However, it is difficult to distinguish precisely because it is not a four-legged species according to Plants' bioclassification standards. So I took it out of the equation.

Plants picked up and showed me the two types of fur attached to the collar.

"This is a white cat. Lucy, and this is a gray cat. Anne."

"You're a cat. I like that cat, too. Do you have long hair?"

"Lucy is short and Anne is a little long."

"What does it look like? Is she pretty?"

"Beautiful. Both of you. My back is stretching endlessly. They get a lot flatter, sometimes they get crumpled up. Round belly. Warm. They're the same color as each other. Lucy."

When I heard the explanation that reminds me of what Lucy and Anne looked like, I was surprised at her.

"Cats are losing a lot of hair. There's a lot of cat fur in your clothes."

"I don't think it's falling, I think it's breathing. Especially Anne."

The first time Riley heard this, she laughed. Plants was very serious but perhaps interesting.

Plants opened his mouth while watching that face.

"· · · · · · Come to the royal palace. When you get here, I'll show you. Cat."

And like this.

"There's a lot of other weird stuff. In the palace."

Where there are two cats, one duck, a white horse, a black horse, a platinum horse, and a brown horse. There is a barking black cat, there is a blue bird and a foreground fowl, there is a cow · · · · · · and there are many red roses.

I invited someone to such a special place for the first time.

"I'm going. I'll be there. I will go with Demirea, Your Highness."

She spoke several times with an eager face.

Not where you were forced to go, not where you were rescued, but where you were invited. The first place I was invited. Where you can come and get your permission.

I'm definitely going to that place.

* * *

Calian glances down at you as you reach out to him.

"No way."

After a short outing with Demirea, Plants was out in the garden, sending Riley to her room a long time after her bedtime. Calian hurries out of the duc wearing a red cloak, not realizing it's later than expected.

Demirea escorted you to the gate, and Plants gives you something else. Khalian looked at it carefully wrapped in light beige paper and even a pretty red ribbon.

"Jerky again."


In the meantime, there have been a few things that Plants has offered without saying.

Unlike Calian customs, bananas with seeds, bandages without chin, and jerky. Since two of the few things were Jerky, doubting whether they were given the same thing again was not just Calian's problem.

"Then what is it?"

"Eat it."

"Eat me."


"I'm eating meat."


"Then what is it?"


"· · · · · · You didn't keep it short like that for that kid."


"That's good. But why are you feeding people snacks?" "

Sure, bananas are for carnivorous snacks, but they're a little different from cookies. It is not a snack that animals eat with or without animals, but a snack that only humans eat.

"Go to the lily. Give it to her."

"Is it my turn?"


"· · · · · · · I'm surprised. I didn't think you'd take care of me."

"I know all about what you did that day. Don't you know?"

"No, I heard he remembers me."

"I'm not afraid. Tell him thank you for that. I heard."

Yes, I opened my mouth to answer, but there was no voice. That's why Calian nods quietly.

The way back to the palace.

Khalian, who was looking at a clump of paper he didn't know what he heard, immediately released the Ribbon. I was on a non-wobbly raven, but I was confident that I wouldn't spill cookies on a harsh horse.

As you roll out the red ribbon and carefully open the paper, you see the half-full moon cookies. Callian holds one of them in his mouth and smiles at the pungent taste of coconut.

"I think they have coconut jam. Well made. Delicious."

There's no way to know who made those cookies. Knowing that sometimes not knowing can be a medicine, Smart Plants did not necessarily tell us whose thick hand made half the cookies.

Calian looks back at his hand, even though he doesn't realize his brother's deep consideration. I also picked up another cookie and put it in my mouth, hoping for a pretty good coconut scent.


A desolate taste of corn beard.

Grapefruit. Grapefruit Jam.

Calian looks at the cookies in his hands, frozen from the pieces of cookies left in his mouth. I thought something was strange and wanted to quickly get rid of the grapefruit flavor that was left in my mouth, so I grabbed a small cookie again.

- Crisp!

A smile burst from Calian's mouth after chewing a cookie with sour kiwi jam.

Raven's ears twitch with sudden laughter. Calian strokes the Black Mane as if apologizing. He picks up the next cookie. After eating the cookie with the raspberry jam, I burst another smile.

"Jan. Try this. Everything tastes different."

"Leek and I ate a lot. Eat up, prince."

Cookie wanted to thank the third prince who wasn't scared at all.

What it means.

I don't know what that means.

"· · · · · · Caring for grapes also fixes the rose tree."

Does she know?

"Do you have rose jam?"

"No, I don't know what's in it."

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, it's delicious."

I enjoyed eating cookies that I didn't know what I heard.

"Yummy. Here."

It was really, really good.