How to Live as the Enemy Prince

< Chapter 64. Nest (2) >

Candy with different colors and flavors.

Cookies that don't seem to taste good.

So this time, one of the towels of thought that was always going on in many branches came to mind.

"I'm thinking about making something this time. What I couldn't do when I was raising three children made it a fun hobby that I couldn't give up."

However, Sherry said she had just returned to the capital, Cairysis, and that she hadn't made anything new yet, so she just put down a simple almond cookie. The cherry tea that came out with Cookie was infused with a subtle sweetness and sandalwood aroma. After another small reception room, Jarn, who will be with Léric, likes cherries and prepares them together.

Sherry's interest in my children. I never hated the love that was conveyed to Riley. The time to be bitter or envious of it has already passed.


"If you don't like sweets, I suggest you prepare some fruit. I didn't know what he liked, so I prepared according to the tastes of other children."

"No, it's delicious."

It's the first time we've had a private conversation.

Even when going to Duke Siegfried for an adult Roselita, Plants did not mix words like those of Siegfried.

A portrait of two boys and a girl. Maybe he saw it and realized who his servant was, or he found out afterwards. At that time, I didn't have a chance to pay attention to Yan. Even though I had that smart head, I couldn't remember it well.

We didn't have any special conversations with Demirea, Sherry or Slayman Plants at the dinner. All the conversations were held by the senior acolyte who stood by Plants at that time, and Plants just stayed there and returned.

"At first, I heard Prince Kalian wanted to see me. However, I was a little surprised that He said He would speak for me."

"I'm not replacing him. My brother was replacing him."

"I see."

Plants raises his head, embracing the events of a few memorable days. And he pulled the horse out towards the only member of the family who didn't have the hair of a puppy blonde.

"I have something I want to ask · · · · · · · ·."

It's not easy to keep your mouth shut.

The first day I went down to the third floor a long time ago. The day I went down to give my life and the life of my mother to another person who looked like my brother.

Until the day I asked you to hold my hand so I could put it all down, I had asked only one person, and because I had always been denied the request. Because I've rarely asked someone to.

"Tell me. I'll hear what you have to say." "

I heard that Plants had changed, but I didn't expect Sherry to bring this up, and she said, swallowing a bit of a shock.

"Maybe I can learn your spear."

Now, not the mother of two children, not the new mother of another bright green child, but the Sherry woman who became herself looked at Plants.

"You mean spears."


Plants' answer was not long.

Sherry looks at such plants and says with a smile that resembles Demirea.

"Low - this is usually why people ask someone else to do it. because you can decide whether or not you want to do it for a reason."

"· · · · · · · Why."

"Yes, it is. If this is not an order, I would like you to share the reason for your request."

Perhaps if it were Khalian, he would have explained why, holding up his sword, as he did to Jan. But I was just learning how to breathe and live, so I didn't even know how to deal with other people.

"There are two swords."

I couldn't explain.

You must have thought that you would understand why. Thanks to you, even Slayman's terrified Sherry bursts into a small smile. I laughed because my memory of this situation and the person sitting in front of me was too big.

Sherry stops smiling for a moment and looks at Plants. He reached out his hand to the prince who was still looking at him with a expressionless face and said something else instead of apologizing for the smile.

"Then may I have a look at your sword for a moment?"

The prince gently nodded his head, handing over the Sinister, which contained all the secrets of Bricen, to Sherry, though Siegfried's blacksmith had made it.

Sherry, whose eyes have become sharp, pulls out her sword in front of Plants. He carefully examined the two swords as if he was going to find a connection between the two swords and the words they asked him to teach spear. The fact that the unarmed man in front of the Crown Prince was holding a weapon was ignored by both of them.

- Chop, chop.

How much time has passed. It was not until the Sherry had confirmed the Sinister's special device that the respective ends of the knobs were secured together that she understood the Plants' words. Demiredo Siegfried's blacksmith has been silent about all the secrets hidden in the sword, and now I know why.

"It can be a sword, it can be a double-edged sword in both hands, and it sticks together like this, and it's an incredibly fascinating weapon to come up with in Brassen."


It's also a gossip that you can bring out because you don't see Brycen and Plants together. Plants didn't feel bad and just empathized.

"You came to see me in this condition to know how to use a sword."

"That's right."

"Very well. But this is not the same as the window, so I will think of a way to use it and contact you."

He gave his permission to teach me his spear.

I didn't want to persuade him because I thought he would be rejected. I just came to see you because I thought it would be better for you to speak directly and be rejected than for Callian to speak instead and be rejected. I didn't come here for your permission. But it was easier than I thought. It was too soon.

"I thought you'd say no."

"Just in case, I'm not asking you to help me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to help you because I'm in love with Prince Calian, the Duke's fiancée."

"Sure. Why."

Even if I give permission, I ask why.

It was clear that there was no will to persuade anyone, but it didn't seem like the type of person to hide the curiosity, so Sherry smiled again.

"It's always fun to watch people grow with more time than the last time. If we can lead such people, there is nothing more rewarding than that, so we have no reason to hide what we know and keep it to ourselves."

Originally, the Crown Prince must have buried his curiosity. Someone who couldn't have brought out a favor to someone. I think he knew how hard it must have been to put this in his mouth, so Sherry added a soft voice.

"You've changed a lot, Your Highness. I don't think he's the same person I met a few years ago."

"· · · · · · Does it look like that?"

"Yes, you've grown a lot. I don't know why."

Sometimes, I hear praise saying that it is growing well, even though it is withered. I listen to him every day with his mouth, which is clear that he was once a stranger. I heard it from someone else.

Why it grows like that.

Maybe it's because of her.

Or thanks to your brother.

Plants gives you a faint voice for a moment.

"I have a brother."

It may be difficult to repay you for your request, but you answered Sherry's question. Hearing two beautiful cats crying out the window and a beautiful laugh in Riley.

* * *

Eight heroes saved the world.

I fall asleep listening to the stories of the heroes coming from the mother or grandfather sitting on my head and learn their history from the teachers of the institute. After growing up like that, the heroes settle down to fight each other and have serious discussions about who would have won, who would have been the strongest, whose sacrifice was the most grievous, and whose decision was the most decisive. Over time, they sit next to their children or grandchildren and return the old story to their descendants.

In old times' tales, in history, or in small talk or in serious discussions. The words that follow in all ways always end the same way.

- Without them.

- We wouldn't have.

A story told like that.

It's a long story, a long story that has been passed down from mouth to mouth. A tale of heroes who are very good at listening and speaking.

A legendary story that started everyone who lives now. A legend.

"It seems that the Sispanians are hiding their longevity. Not long before, or not long after, the reign of Cecretia."

The story could continue without being buried or transformed, because one of the legends was still breathing.

Sigmund Khan Sispanian.

It speaks of a supremely great, thoughtful Sispanian.

After several generations of Hatsuara's death, the Sispanians had never appeared before. The blood of dragons descending on the House of Cairis, the traces left all over the palace, and the magic that still holds my power, proved that.

That's why they believed in reality, and therefore their stories remained unchanged throughout history. I raised the Sispanian as if it were the last string of salvation to replace Sleeping Serenti. I followed and respected him. I put the Sispanians in the names of all the stores, and I became familiar and affectionate.

"Is the blessing gone?"

"No, I was just checking with Mr. Plants to see if there were any injuries, and since then, I've checked with him to see if there were any abnormalities in his blessing power. The blessing remained intact, and all of the Sispanian magic that remained in the palace remained intact. What the Sispanians were collecting remains the same."

"Then why are you questioning the absence of a dragon?"

"I'm not where I'm supposed to be, and I'm not where I've always been."

Slayman tilts his head to hear that it had to appear, but it didn't.

"That's enough to make you disappear. There's another reason for that."

Just a few months.

For humans, it would be a long time, but for the Szyphanians who lived in CheongGoo, it's the same time. So it's too early to doubt the absence of the dinosaurs just because that much time has passed. That's why Slayman, like Calian, asked for proof of his judgment, instead of shaking his head.

Kalian shakes his head.

"No other reason is necessary."

It's a time continuum.

You summoned the Sispanians, saying the axis of time had appeared. The dragon, who has so much responsibility, cannot ignore the words he calls "disaster" after he created it himself. The Sispanians did not learn to live in such ease, turning their backs.

So the Sispanians must have come before the debris that appeared in the sea. He should have come to the joint he had made. But I didn't.

It was never like the Sispanians.

I can assure you, Calian looks at Slay for a moment. The owner of the family who has protected the Sispanian nest throughout the history of the land has not fully understood the words of the Kalian.

Of course. Those of you who don't know what the axis of time is and what's going on here will never understand Khalian's certainty.

Callian considers for a moment.

It's okay to tell them what you know. To be precise, even if we inform Slayman that Demirea will be able to move on without pulling the knife.

"There was an axis of time. Siegfried ball."

Then I decided to open my mouth.

Maybe one day we'll have to use elephant swords and shields. Not for the brothers in the palace in this country, but for the nobles. To create another legend that I don't want to be made of.

- You must use the axis of time on your land. I will.

- What nonsense.

Oh, of course I didn't reply like that.

After finishing his hectic days, Bern, who was enjoying elegant language life, gave a very graceful answer that wrapped it up in such an elegant meaning. The peas, who had a very good idea of the hidden meaning in their reply, just came rushing in.

After all, it's not Bern's response that matters. It's the fact that the plant went to war without a proper explanation. The Mad King, who moved the Balkans, pushes into the lands of Cecritia and Bern with Alan's power. Without hesitation, I marched straight into the capital and headed for the axis of time.

Anyway, it's urgent.

So if the time comes again, there may not be time to explain if the same thing happens again. That's why Kalian told Slayman about what happened in the past.

Well, maybe because the pea horse was shorter than it is now, or because the completely withered pea was crazier than Bern, reeked of Renee and had no way to live. Believe me, I would have hated those peas a little less. Anyway.

"The Sispanians built the stuff that started that war. You mean the fragments are starting to reappear."

"That's right."

"And another part of it came out, and the Sispanian didn't answer the call."

"That's right."

"· · · · · · · Huh."

More legendary than legendary, more dramatic than theatrical, more false than false, but now the story of time is gone. Slayman smiles as he tells the story. And then...

"I have to go to the lower Cesar and raise a temple. I couldn't have gone to war over this land without losing one more cub."

I answered:

What a forgotten time, what a waste of time.

Slayman was definitely Demirea's father. After hearing the great story, the first thing I thought about was Jan of the past.

Whether Kalian's words are true or not, and whether Kalian's mind, living with the people of the enemy, holding Bern forgotten, is fine. Only Slay, who doesn't value that much, opens his mouth to Calian.

"Then I can take you with me to the territory."

"If you don't have to go to the territory, a letter with permission to visit the nest is enough. The ball doesn't need to accompany me, because nothing will happen to the nest right now."

"Then · · · · · · · · I came up with an idea to get to know the child a little bit. I'll write you a letter."

"Do so."

Slay had nothing to do with it unless the Sispanians were completely gone. If the Sispanians regain consciousness in front of Calian, they won't be able to meet the Sispanians until Slayman. So Slay didn't have to return with the duc to see Lyrics to take the doggy to Jan.

Shortly after returning to the library, Slay wrote a few lines, handing over the letter with his seal to Kalian.

"Hopefully, this time it won't happen again. Prince Kalian."

I'm not talking about war.

I'm asking you to do it again for Jan. To the Kalian, not anyone else.

Kalian nods, smiling calmly as he usually does.

"I can't undo what's already happened to 'me', but · · · · · · whether I know the facts or pass on forever. Jan will be fine. I'll be there."

Even though you are a father, it can't be done without Slay. Only Kalian knows as well as Slay that he can continue to build Yan.



Granted Plants. And Kalian did me a favor and gave me another. As with Calian, Plants has settled their affairs and returned to the palace together. And Kalian leaves the palace again, putting everything else behind him.

This time, I explained the situation to Demirea in advance, and I didn't forget to postpone the remaining duel for a few days.

In the palace are Allen, Remain and Balkan and Siegfried. I was not worried about leaving the palace even if I was only away for a few days again. Even if things go wrong, it's natural to take what's left of the Sispanian first. If there's a problem inside the Sispanian, it could be a royal palace and the continent could shake.

So, Calian is Siegfried, passed Siegfried's Citrus, to the duc, and then to the Rock Mountain. You make a swift move. Of course, even the peas, which clearly forget their position with their good heads, are with you.

- Did you worry? You.

And I met him.

It's not until we meet again.

"So here I am. I am."

Kalian's eyes narrow.

Left in front of a black dragon that is bigger and bigger than a giant castle and taller than the sky.

A giant egg of transparent light in its arms.

Because I saw the red bird crouching in it.

< Chapter 64. Nest (2) > End