How to Live as the Enemy Prince

< Chapter 69. The Cat (7) >

There is eternal silence.

The wind was calm and clouds like bird's fur were embroidered in the sky, and silence flowed with the long rain that was no longer smeared on the ground. Randall looks at the eyes of the man who was silent after all the rain had been smeared and all the clouds had been scattered by the wind.

"You look alike."

The day the wind blew the rose petals.

I remembered the sparkly eyes of the one who was looking in the rose garden.

"· · · · · · You, the estramor."

The word I was worried about getting hurt by thorns while handling flowers was probably a warning that I would get hurt if I walked in to deal with Kalian.

Or maybe he asked you not to forget the thorns to protect the flowers while looking after the red flowers blooming.

Randall hears the strange but clear voice of Kalian, who has been reminiscing about the meaning of what only Chase would know that day.

"Yes, they do. His Majesty, the King of Cecretia, I..."

"He lowered his voice about Tensyl. Was that the reason?"

"We don't get along. Not before, not now."

"In the meantime, what about the future?"

"It depends on my hand. Or we could just go our separate ways."

It seems that neither Landel's decision nor Sergei's insides nor Rashid's actions matter. Randell opens his mouth, silent and looking at it.

"You're full of yourself."

"I'm just measuring."

Problems of possibility have not been taken into consideration. I wasn't sure if I could or couldn't do it, but I was considering whether I should. You can do what you need to do.

"It is to say that the appearance is self-confident."

"Of course not. I'm Callian."

"You know what I can do."

"I'm sure you can help."

"Do you really believe me?"

"You said you would trust your brother this time."

Randall looks at you with a rose in front of him. Callian opens his mouth, pretending he didn't see it.

"I know what's beyond the curtain, but I've done something I'm afraid to recognize, something I can't turn back, done something I can't turn back, turned my eyes away, closed my eyes, turned away, and shut up. As if there were only roses in the world, as if they would only grow up in Randall's hands and be cut off without a word, they are the only roses in his life. He's lived there all his life."

One step closer to Randall, placing the curtain, Calian's fingertips point towards Randall's feet.

"I can't stand it three times because I'm not my brother. Brother Randall's situation was not so good, so I endured it once, and I endured it once because you stepped in the wind before him."

The old Khalian was only rejected. I was always rejected everywhere. All my life, I was dishonored and turned away. Even that death.

I hit it once. When I counted, I felt like there was nowhere to lean except Jan's touch in such a large palace. I hit all the rejections all at once.

I knew that Randall had been rejected as well. I didn't forgive him, but I understood.

I swallowed Silica's poison and hit my foot with a single bite when I asked for help. I wanted to step up, but the reason I would have been silent was because of the first pair of helical plants to save Silica was good, so I endured it one more time as an excuse. I didn't understand it, I just forgave him.

I understand, I forgive.

I endured it twice.

"It's enough to be rejected by my hand as it melts in me twice. I can't take it anymore."

I finally burst what I had endured.

It looks like it's gonna explode.

Really, I feel like I'm gonna burst.

The flood in the abyss is going to burst inside Randall. Kalian blows it up first.

"You know Randall can't stand three times. You'll help me this time.So I'll trust you, too."

I've seen Randall, and Plants has already broken it once. So Callian finally crosses a wall he didn't want to cross. Randall finds out that he's different from Plants and finally sets foot where he was meant to be.

Looking at that foot, carving that hand, looking at that mouth, looking at that eye.

"I can't get bitten anymore."

Randall replies.

"Your patience is lacking."

"Besides, you're the one who doesn't let go. You can't beat him."

"Now, then. Which way do you want to set foot? Tell me about it. I'll let you know."

"I don't like living like that and going to the tower. I don't like being stuck in a landscape. I don't have to wear the crown of a country without a foundation. I don't want to stand in the square. Everyone hates Randall."

Callian replied.

I just told you exactly what Randall told me. After that, he took his hand to the confused blue head and spoke.

"Decide for yourself whether the rose is good or the cat is good."

Sweeps hair down like a knot.

A few strands of hair are wrapped around the tips of your hands and slip out.

"It's a hard choice to pick up."

"There's plenty of time. It's 30 years, 50 years and a long life."

Calian rolls around the tip of his hand and looks down at a few strands of hair that fall off. Because I got out of my body, I watched the magic go down and turn dark for a while, and then I just snapped. I poured it all over the floor.

"I mean, are you going to help me stay quiet while I live like that, or are you going to help me leave footprints everywhere?" Now it's up to you to decide. Whichever one's better, whatever else is good, whatever. "

You don't care if it's blue or black.

No matter what you look like.

"I'll let you do what you want. I am."

It won't change the fact that you're a talented Khalian.

* * *

There is a silence that will soon disappear.

Plants glances up at the second-floor window of the Wilhelm tube and turns his head forward again. Remembering that there is someone in there who is enduring even more silence by now.

Sixty-six people who were harder to control than the sand rolling around in the conch shell were all looking at the plant with one identical aspiration in their eyes. Plants gives a tremendous voice, each one of them facing the eyes of all that light.

"Is it because of the army my brother created? · · · · · · · · ·."

What are the names of the eighty-six? What color are your hair? What color are your eyes? What are your voices? What are you good at? What are your habits? What are your habits? What are your difficulties? What are your handwriting?

It was followed by Plants, who remembered it all.

"Everyone barks well."

Of course, people are all different in every way. Eighty-six people here can bark in one voice.

I was curious about it as a habit.

"You mean Prince Kalian's military response?"

Plants doesn't yell at my brother in front of the others, so I don't understand the correlation between Calian-made soldiers and their men barking well, but I feel very proud of the words that I associate with Calian all of a sudden.

"It's not a compliment."

"Yep. I know, Deputy Commander. You're welcome."

"· · · · · · · · · · · Ha."

The day Lucy poured the finest ink that was twice as expensive as the messy perfume that Anne stomped on and Coco whisked. I know that documents with three neatly stamped ink paws, other than the usual dirt paws, were once scattered into Allen's eyes for a tremendous price to be sold in their own auction.

I know that Hara stayed up all night and went just before being put to death by Hina's hand, saying that she would make a magical item for Hina's voice to be heard.

After three days and nights of discussing how not to work late, they were unable to come to any conclusions, and they knew that they were going to be unable to go home for the rest of their lives in Kalian's hands.

You don't have to say anything.

They're all just idiots.

It used to be a wizard, but now it's all a wizard. Without having to think of knights and wizards, my satisfaction with life has become a skyrocketing psychopath. I wonder if Jeonseo-gu would still be here.

"By the way, Deputy General,"


"Instead of keeping our mouths shut, you told us to say one wish at a time. and not to boast about other people's wishes."

"By the way."

Like this, it looks like we've got the most famous maniacs in Cairys, but he's a soldier after all. They even listened well to Plants' orders to keep quiet about seeing Bern.

"You said you can't leave paintings on the walls of the training ground today, and you can't write them down."

"Tell me what you think will happen."

"It can't be engraved on the bottom of the Seine, it can't make a flame and shoot it into the sky · · · · ·."

"The pink-haired wizard who can't eat milk."

"I'll take ten laps, Deputy Commander."

There was a problem that I only heard well.

Plants frowns at the sight of another pink-haired wizard, other than Needlelen, running straight into the training ground.

"So we've been thinking, Deputy General,"

That's why the knight came out and started barking. Like he was one from the start.

So after a while.

Plants, who watched four knights flop like one, said.

"Don't spin it. Just say it."

Come out with all your weird wishes and don't just jump in between them and say what you want.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Do it."

Please, just say it.

Eighty people who saw these expressionless green eyes filled with such desperate intent smiled. And he said one true wish.

"When Prince Kalian is all better, you can't fight us like that."

"Why not?"

No one really saw how it flew in here, but it was pretty cool. That's why I wanted to fight.

"Oh, of course, I know there's no way you can do that. You have to fight one-on-one 86 times. So I told Prince Kalian that if all the eighty-six of us came at once, he would somehow be the opponent."

"You're a coward."

"You know your own level, Deputy Commander. That way I know I can't win, Deputy Commander. Still, I'd like to fight you, Deputy Commander."

Surprisingly, the soldiers are braver and as crazy as they used to be, Plants exhales slowly. And I looked at all the different eyes one by one.

"I'm not saying I can't win. I'm going to die."

I meant it.

I'm surprised you want to fight with those eyes like you can't kill people because of the law, but I think they'll die if I fight them. I told Kiri I was his age, but I can't believe I ever saw his back, not at my brother's age, but I would kill them if I fought. I admire the thought of holding a knife in the hand of a guy who looks like he's cutting people off with his bare hands, but if we fight, they're all going to die.

"We'll take care of you if you don't die, Deputy Commander."

"It's not enough for a treatment room."

"I'm going to hurt the numbers so they don't run out."

I might have to get down on my knees and put my hands up in front of my brother Hina.

"Vice Admiral, no, Your Highness."


Above all.

Taking on Balkans like Bern.

If you do that, your insides will rot again.

"Think of something else."

Firmly refusing Plants turns away. I can't hear people anymore because I didn't feel I needed to be here anymore.

"Sounds like fun. Why?"

But I heard a low voice.

where I looked up a while ago. A place that would have been silent all this time thanks to Randall's visit. There was someone standing by the window of that place.

His brother, leaning up against a luxurious platinum-painted window frame, presses down on the black hood and heads down toward Plants.

"· · · · · · You, now."

"I had to grant that wish because of what I did. Not you."

The hood covers your face and draws longer, red-mouthed wires. The beast who was sitting in the cage with the collar already uncovered, smiled at the door of the cage, squeaking and opening.

And then...

"When you're all better. I will."

It was ferocious.

* * *

You planted another corn next to the soil where you grew peas.

This time, I planted it to see how it really grew.

If the corn beard is stiff like that, I won't really farm it again. I'll throw it all away and follow my teacher south to raise Raven. Lucy seems to like him the most, so Lucy says, "Do what Lucy wants." If I keep him around, I'm going to lose all my kids, so I'm going to take Hina down with me every day to buy strawberry ice cream, suck coconuts with Kiri and Eila, and teach Jan to teach her how to make harmonica, and work hard in Demirea's backyard.

I felt compelled to plant it.

After doing so, the corners of my heart seemed empty, and I even felt the same idea and stood by the window. I looked down at the voice of the pea and said it was an exciting challenge.

By the way, when does this look like?

Whether it was during the most spectacular time of my life when I smiled when I made a fight that I didn't want to come without stopping the fight, or making a fight that I didn't want to come first.

So I received the challenge well without rejecting it.

You have to pay for your face in order to be a proper person and a healthy adult. So I was praising myself very much, saying that I was really big and great in such an environment.

"Just dig seven graves."

Then, I heard something like this.

I looked back at my happy face, and there was a person who could be happy and happy whenever I met him in the world.


"Bury all 86 of them and I'll fit right in."

"Wow, you don't like how I greet you. People discriminate because their faces have changed, and that makes me sad."

Allen smiles nervously at the horse, pointing to the bed.

"Come and lie down. Then you'll have to live like that forever."

I didn't know it was because I was worried about getting hurt more and that I was going to fight with my old body that I wasn't used to.

That's why Kalian came to bed nodding his head and opened his mouth.

"Have you met Adelia?"

"More than that. I saw Prince Randall leave here."

I'm worried about Allen's face like this again.

"That's all right. I took the curtain out and spoke to him face to face. It's nothing to worry about."

"· · · · · · Yes."

It's everyday to be discovered, so I have nothing more to say. I'm just gonna do it. Almost all the places to be found are gone, so I feel much better now.

Thanks to this, I told Alan about Calian's time with Randall. What he said, what he looked like, what he heard. I told him everything.

Alan had heard of it a long time ago, but never once had Callian done it. A trivial thing that tells you what happened while out of reach of your parents' eyes. I had to do that now.

Alan looks at Callian.

I slowly nodded, looking at the sparkling eyes that were no longer shaking.

"I'm sure you'll be happy to know you have another brother."

"Yes. You'll be congratulated. We'll have brothers, and if we do well, we'll have a lot of help."

Allan's sharp eyes narrow for a moment. Then I opened my mouth as if it was hard to understand no matter how much I thought about it.

"You mean Tensyl."

"Yes, that's right."

"But Tensyl, however, has allied himself with the Great Desert · · · · · · ·."

Alan shuts up as he talks.

Then he turned his gaze back towards Calian, looking out the window. Callian smiles at Alan, who understands what he's saying.


The country that failed to gain Serenti's power and fell.

"Serenty is waking up, Master."

I'm still going to be weak in the future.

< Chapter 69. The Cat (7) > Ends