How To Live In A Different World

Episode 51: The Rare Beast? Part 4

We finished our meal with the village chief and returned to our room.

"Guys, we need to talk."

"What is it, brother?

I look a little harsh and start talking in front of the Cains.

"Did you hear about the village chief earlier?

"Yeah, I hear you've got at least five high cobolts."

Cain answers with a strange face.

Apparently, he understands that there is a problem.

"Yeah, and there could be more Cobolt Queens."

"Are you a Cobolt Queen?

Cui looks at me in the face.

I open the demon atlas and open the Cobolt Queen page.

The page contains detailed information on Cobolt Queen.

And at the end of the page it says the adventurer's crusade rank is D-rank.

In other words, according to this book, Cobolt is ranked F-, High Cobolt is ranked E-, and Cobolt Queen is ranked D-.

However, this would only be a single difficulty and a simple indicator.

I'll tell everyone about it with a tough look on my face.

"According to this book, in some cases someone could die. Why don't you go back to your guild this time and report back?

"I can't do that in this situation where I don't know what's clear."

At the same time as I finished, Cain responded instantly.

"You know what the situation is?

"... I don't know. It's your brother."


"Death is one of the tasks of an adventurer. That's why we get high rewards and honors."

"What are you talking about? Running into a grudge is just a waste of time."

When I say it out loud, Mooie argues.

"... we've been ready to die since we signed up for the guild."

"That's right. Besides, this is not the first time that a fellow has died at our party."

I was stunned when I heard what Kee said.

I didn't usually see anything like it, but it looks like Cain and the others are already dead at the party.

The three of them relaxed and shut up.

"But you won't die in vain, will you?

"It's no use. If we can do this, we'll know it's a threat. That would add extra rewards for the Lords and send higher ranked adventurers. And as a result, the threat can be removed faster."

"So you're going to die for that?

"Of course, it's not about dying. That is only one result. Besides, if you think your brother might have a little strong enemies, do you run away every time? Then you should stop working across these constantly dangerous bridges."

Cain talks to Boso, nagging, and goes on.

"The same thing happened many times in the village where I was born. The first low-ranking adventurers are dispatched, and in the worst case scenario, dying makes the Alliance a monster threat. That's how many times the village was protected by adventurers."

"Such, inefficient..."

"Your brother is smart, and he might think so because he's strong. But in many cases, it's the adventurers who have retarded village protruders after a thousand bucks. That kind of thing. I'm one of them. And very few of them are satisfied with five bodies and can survive to A-rank. And then we all die for them."

"That's not just disposable!

I throw away words.

I heard that. Cain looks up, with his straight eyes, and he looks me in the eye and says,

"That's not true. Everyone has a chance. It depends on ability and luck to survive. So we all hang in there crazy about death."

"... okay. Let's not talk about this anymore."

"Right. If your brother really doesn't like this crusade, you can fall out. My brother is temporary."

"Don't underestimate me! I have a minimum of pride, too. I took it once, and I'm gonna do it till the end."

"... thanks"

Cain thanked me with a small voice.

"It's just, Cain, you're a leader, so from now on, be sure to gather information. If you hadn't listened to the village chief this time, in some cases it would have been wiped out."

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'll keep that in mind."

Cain seemed to have heard me honestly.

Unfortunately, the four of us decided to go to bed because it was getting late at night.


In the morning, the first day of the crusade began.

First, after breakfast with the village chief, we decided to check where the Kobolts were nesting.

At the hands of the village chief, one of the hunters in the village was to be guided to the vicinity of the place where the nest would be.

"Then guide me, please. It's a reconnaissance today, so we'll see where and how big."

When Cain tells everyone like a leader, a total of five of the four and one of the guides go into the woods.

"How far is it from the village to its nest?

I asked the hunter,

"Well, from now on, it's almost past noon."

(about four hours each way)

I draw a lot of terrain on parchment to keep track of the terrain.

A short time before the departure, a summoning magic trick exited, and the terrain around the village was checked from above to complete the mapping.

Cui watched the work and talked to me.

"Mr. Yoji, that's amazing. You can also use summoning magic."

Cui is looking at me with respect.

"Well, only small animal systems can get it out yet. I can get it for reconnaissance. When we get near the nest, we'll check the situation from a remote location."

I told everyone what I meant by emphasizing reconnaissance.

The hunter's description shows the direction and distance, so I can guess which area there is a nest around.

Once I showed the hunter a hand-painted impromptu map and confirmed it, apparently there is a nest at the foot of a small mountain in the middle of the woods.

Now that we know the general location, the five of them slipped into the back of the woods.

The hunter is at the forefront, followed by the queer and constant concentration of consciousness forward.

She has comparatively good ears and nose because she is a dog beast.

There's not much accuracy, but I can sense the situation 30 meters away to some extent.

Unexpectedly, this is the most troublesome part of the woods where such visibility is blocked by trees.

We decided to continue on a regular rest basis so that Cui's concentration could not be interrupted.


Cui suddenly pulls the hunter's clothes and stops moving.

"What's wrong?

I immediately ask Cui.

"There is something. The number... about ten."

"Okay. Precede the Rat with Summoning."

When I immediately activate the summoning magic, a small magic formation floats forward and a rat pops out of its magic formation.

Explore the forward by integrating the summoned rat and consciousness.

I was just 30 meters away and the twelve cobolts were asleep.

They don't even stand guard, they sleep relaxed.

There's only one guy on the fur rug who's in big letters and sleeps lavishly.

This is the only one with different sizes and hairs, so it seems to be a high cobolt.

I stopped summoning magic and explained it to everyone.

"I have one thing I'd like to try..."

Hearing about my reconnaissance, Cain suggested one operation.