At the beginning of the end, the most terrifying thing is not the monster, but the food.

The sealed package will not last long. The key is that from the beginning of the end, there will be people hoarding.

Now the major supermarkets have long been robbed, and the ones who haven’t been robbed are almost starving. Ye Shu once saw a woman who was insulted like a dog for making biscuits. After all, it was a colleague. He didn’t want to see Song Beibei like this. .

Early death and early rebirth is not a bad thing. The key is that if you evolve, you won't be poisoned.

Judging by Ye Shu's eyesight, Yu Mingyuan has a high probability of evolution and is in good health.

Song Beibei's chance of evolution was much lower, so he asked if he wanted to eat it?

He did not force her to eat, nor did he warn that it was poisonous, because soon she had to eat.

"Brother Ye, how can you do this?" Yu Mingyuan was already shaking with anger.

Fortunately, he still admires Ye Shu very much, and plans to follow Ye Shu, and will never go to the west.

He doesn't care, the key is Song Beibei, he likes her so much, he just chased her.

Ye Shu looked at Yu Mingyuan and pointed at the rib that fell on the ground.

"Remember! I grilled this piece of meat. If even the meat I grilled by Ye Shu can be eaten to death, then she should die!"

Having lived in the Dark Age for ten years, Ye Shu knew how to reduce the concentration of dark elements in food.

It is very important to eat for the first time. Start with a small amount of intake, let the body get used to it, and let the body accept it. If you wait until you are extremely hungry and then eat randomly, Song Beibei's mortality rate is higher!

"Beibei, how do you feel?" Yu Mingyuan said a little bit. The girl's face was pale, but she was mainly scared. The girl was holding her belly again, feeling very strange, not very painful, a bit like an aunt?It's not as painful as when you first touched the dark element.

Well, after all, this is Ye's secret barbecue.

"Wait an hour and watch again." Ye Shu said again.

Although he was very busy, he could still wait for an hour. He had a little hope for Yu Mingyuan.

In this hour, Ye Shu was full of food, and went through the cabinets in the small clinic.

He also made pork belly into meatballs, more than fifty full, Xia Qing watched foolishly from the side.

"Husband, why are you making meatballs?"

"Take it to harm people." Ye Shu replied.

Xia Qing pouted, feeling that her husband was fooling her, but it was not...

Ye Shu drew some spiritual blood and mixed it with glucose to dilute it. His luck was indeed good. He also found an adrenaline in this small clinic, but he didn't use it. He just mixed it and diluted it again until it reached 1%. proportion.

Finally, it was combined with the meatballs, and Ye Shu nodded in satisfaction.

"Has it been poisoned?" Ye Shu raised his head and asked the two of them again.

Yu Mingyuan's expression was strange, he seemed to feel a heat flow in his body.

Yes, Ye Shu knows that this kid can evolve, but everyone's evolution time is not necessarily. Some people are very early, and they evolve from the beginning of the end. For example, Ye Shu, including the fat man, some people are late, the later The poorer.

Monsters have been constantly advanced, have you just evolved?It is better not to evolve.

So Ye Shu helped him speed up a bit, using Ye's secret recipe for barbecue.

Humans don’t eat monster meat until they really have nothing to eat, and then they find that it’s so fragrant!So everyone is Wang Jingze. Although some people will die after eating, they will die if they don't, within a year.

It's better to know the answer sooner and save yourself alive in the end.

Ye Shu looked at Song Beibei again, frowned, and Yu Mingyuan immediately became nervous.

"How is Beibei? Is it going to die?" Yu Mingyuan said a bit, hugging the girl tightly.

"No, but pseudo-evolution..." Ye Shu sighed.

Because the genetic potential is not strong enough, the antibody is not perfect, and Song Beibei's future is pitiful.

Every time she eats monster meat, her stomach hurts, just like her aunt, well, she comes to her every day.

She can't stay where the dark element concentration is too high. The key is that she can't become stronger.

"Just don't die!" Yu Mingyuan said happily, but he didn't understand.

In the future, when evolved humans become stronger and stronger, and when their living environment becomes worse and worse, pseudo-evolved people will become more and more pitiful. Evolutionary humans will dislike them very much, and will not take them with them or help them find food. It is a drag.

After all, pseudo-evolved people do not have any ability to protect themselves, and they are also called parasites by evolved humans.

But forget it, Yu Ming doesn't care anyway, and Ye Shu doesn't care much.

"Beibei, is it hot if you touch my chest? I feel so strong. I seem to be able to fight monsters, so that I can protect you in the future." Yu Mingyuan said excitedly.

"Illusion..." Ye Shu poured cold water on the side, and Xia Qing desperately pulled the corner of his clothes.

After all, not everyone is like their husband and wife, a young marshal, a queen, a strongest evolved human, and a strongest mutant creature. Are they just ordinary people?

"It's really just an illusion, this kid seems to be an enhanced type." Ye Shu mumbled again.

The enhanced type has an illusion, Lao Tzu is very awesome, such as the fat man before, but in fact...

Forget it, Ye Shu didn't want to hit Yu Mingyuan too much.

"Let's go without poisoning to death. I'm still very busy. By the way, Xiaoyu, do you know Chengdong's Xuanzhen Taoist temple?"

Yu Mingyuan nodded hurriedly. Xuanzhen Taoist Temple is a very famous tourist attraction in the city. On the hillside of the east of the city, many people like to burn incense and worship the gods. There are many tourists from other places to visit during holidays.

"You go to Xuanzhen Taoist Temple. After the end, a refuge has been built there. Go and find a guy called the old god stick."

Yu Mingyuan agreed, and said in amazement: "It's just us? Ye Ge, aren't you going?"

Ye Shu shook his head and said, "I have other things to do. Tell the old god stick, I will look for him in a few days."

"By the way, tell him not to run indiscriminately, discount his legs if he dares to run indiscriminately!"

After Ye Shu finished speaking, he pushed the two of them out of the small clinic, and asked a few more words about what to do when they encounter zombies and dark ghosts!

"You are a reinforced type, but remember! The reinforced type is not as strong as you feel, so run away when you encounter a dark ghost."

After speaking, Ye Shu also gave Yu Mingyuan the boning knife.

Yu Mingyuan remembered it, but it was this sentence that made him feel inferior for a long time, and he would tell him whoever met him.

I'm an enhanced type, I'm not good, what?I killed the monster just now?Brother Ye said that was an illusion...

When the two of them left, Ye Shu took Xia Qing to the south of the city again. Several days have passed since the end. Although some people were hiding at home stupidly, most of them gathered together for refuge. This city There is a refuge in each of the north, southeast and northwest.

Ye Shu also passed by the downtown square. In the periphery of the city, you can occasionally see a few people running in panic, but the downtown is no longer there. The original lively square is crowded with countless zombies.

Standing among the zombies, Ye Shu looked at the cinema next to the square, Xia Qing frowned suddenly.

"Husband, it smells so bad over there!"

At a distance of a few hundred meters, she could smell the stench, and one could imagine that there were all ghosts in it!

"Well, there is a hidden ghost's lair." Ye Shu nodded.

There are about dozens, maybe hundreds, staying in the cinema to build their nests, they will eat a lot of people, and they will sleep when they are full, just like hibernation, and then start the first advancement!

The spiritual blood has also advanced. At this moment, Ye Shu could kill several dark ghosts without using adrenaline.

But after those dark ghosts also advanced...

"They will slaughter the city!" Ye Shu said again.

Xia Qing was stunned, but wait, although dozens or hundreds of them are terrible, they won't be able to kill the city, right?

Ye Shu shook his head and said, "There are also darkening insects and darkening beasts."

At this moment, the darkening insects and darkening beasts are all in the wilderness. There are very few in the city, at most they are pet cats and dogs.

They will hunt other creatures outside the city first, or fools who escaped from the city, but after eating, they will hunt in the city!

The darkening insects will also take their prey out and share them with the darkening plants, and then the darkening plants will continue to grow wildly until they form a cage in all directions, completely trapping the city.

At that time, the city will become a slaughterhouse for monsters!

The key is when those darkened monsters meet advanced dark ghosts...

"The dark ghost can control the darkened monster." Ye Shu said.

Just imagine, nearly a hundred advanced dark ghosts, leading nearly a thousand darkening beasts, nearly ten thousand darkening insects, maybe more!

"Then how many people will they kill?" Xia Qing asked tremblingly.

Ye Shu didn't know. He could only tell Xia Qing if he couldn't count.

At the end of the last time, there were less than 20,000 people left in the city.

This is a small city with a population of only a few hundred thousand. The dark elements have killed half of them. The zombies went crazy and the dark ghosts hunted, and some died, but there are still many people. There will always be two to three hundred thousand, but in the end only left Less than 20,000.

Those 20,000 people desperately broke through and rushed out of this slaughterhouse, but in the end they still...

Ye Shu gritted his teeth, his expression increasingly serious.

"Qingqing, what I have to do next is terrible and cruel. I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it, or will be scared, or you should go to Xuanzhen Taoist Temple first, and I will look for you in a few days."

"No!" Xia Qing hugged her husband tightly.

"You won't let me run around! I'll be obedient, and you'll have the final say!"

Half an hour later, outside the industrial park in the south of the city, a bus that has not yet been scrapped passed.

Ye Shu greeted him and told Xia Qing as he walked that the bus would take people to the refuge. There was food and drink in it, and there was an evolved human named Lin Boss, who took someone to clean up the industrial park after the end. Zombies.

"That boss Lin is very good." Xia Qing admired.

To know that there is such a good refuge in the south of the city, she had come long ago, and ran to some country stupidly.

But before getting close to the bus, Xia Qing heard gunshots and women's crying.