Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 115: Biyang De's Invitation

I have to say that it is really easy and pleasant to talk to someone with a personality like Irfan.

Because he is different from most of the willful guys in this world, he has a strong principle, and he has a very clear level of distance and closeness in his heart.

First of all, the most important thing is naturally the family, second is the younger brother Qi Ya, and again the killer's work, and finally it is Hiso, the so-called "friend".

Generally speaking, as long as he doesn't touch the first two taboos, then he is a very rational and talkative guy.

Of course, the distorted and pathological love and desire for control of Qi Ya by Yi Er fans are really not something ordinary people can bear.

Fortunately, Allen is not a member of the Hakka family, and there is no essential conflict of interest with the eldest son of the killer family, so the two get along fairly well, and they can also carry out limited Cooperation.

For example, with the help of the mind ability of the Irfan operation system, a large number of chimeric ant soldiers are captured, and Baudrillard forcefully initiates the mind. Fei Jie is responsible for simple ability development with the "180-point love slave". It can form a production and processing chain like an assembly line.

In this way, the originally complicated selection and capture process can be easily completed.

Just as he stood there thinking about the time before the ants appeared, whether he should go to see the island of greed or should he go to the Hunters Association to try to complete some exploration or capture missions, and waited patiently. For a long time, Paliston finally walked over and said in a low voice: "Someone is waiting for you in the woods on the west side and wants to talk with you in person."

"Oh? Who is it?" Allen raised his head and stared into each other's eyes.

"Sorry, it is not convenient for me to say his name here. But trust me, he will not let you down." Paliston's face showed a pretendingly mysterious smile.

But unfortunately Allen didn't take this set, and insisted without backing: "Name! Give me his name! Otherwise I would refuse to meet a guy who dare not even reveal his name."

"Byande! He is the son of President Nitro, and he is also one of the very few people who have been to the Dark Continent and come back alive."

Palistron realized that his little trick did not work, and immediately reported the name of his collaborator.

Especially when referring to the Dark Continent, he deliberately added an accent, as if to emphasize something.

"Beyond?" Alan heard the name, a flash of playfulness flashed in his eyes, and he nodded quickly."Lead the way. I also want to meet this "filial son"."

"this way please!"

Paliston rarely said nonsense, but carefully glanced at the Hunter Association airship that was docked on the ground, confirmed that President Nitro was not paying attention to this side, and then stepped into the narrow and steep path. Woods on the west side.

About two or three minutes or so, a man with a bun tied up, tall and strong like an ancient warlord walked out from behind the tree.

You don't need to ask, this guy is Bijan De, President Nitro's biological son, and he is full of stubbornness, toughness, and perseverance just like his father.

Before Alan could even say something, he smiled and raised his hand to say hello: "Yo! I'm glad you chose to come to meet. I promise you will not regret this choice."

"Please go on, I'm listening." Alan made a pleased gesture with a blank face.

"First of all congratulations to you for winning the old man in today's battle. You must know that even if he is old and his strength is less than half of his heyday, there are no more than five people in this world who can do this. And you are one of them. The youngest and most potential one to reach the apex and lead the entire era. As a hunter who relentlessly pursues strength, I think you must have heard of the dark continent, right?

After a few simple compliments, Biyang De directly turned his words to the sensitive word Dark Continent.

Allen nodded slightly: "Of course! In fact, I know a little more about the Dark Continent than you think. Especially the world currently occupied by humans is just a small piece of the central lake in the Dark Continent. Moreover, all humans and monsters originally migrated from the Dark Continent, where there are infinite resources, terrible disasters, and strange plants and animals."

"Hahahaha! That's right! As expected, you have also developed a strong interest in the dark continent. After all, for a truly outstanding hunter, how can you be satisfied with this small human world. Since we are all There is a common goal, why not work together? My team just lacks a talent like you who has a variety of abilities and can deal with all kinds of emergencies and accidents at any time."

Billund offered the invitation straightforwardly.

People like him who are extremely proud, don't bother playing with boring little tricks like Palistron, and prefer dignified conspiracy.

"Join your team? If I remember correctly, you seem to have promised President Nitro that you won't step into the Dark Continent before he died." Allen reminded meaningfully.

"Ah! That's right. But this obstacle will no longer exist. The old man has lived for too long, and he is constantly weakening every day. I am very sad to see him like this."

When saying these words, Biyang De's face showed strong disappointment.

Perhaps in his eyes, Nitro, who was so powerful that he dare not face it, was the attitude his father really should have.

However, Allen only felt sick about this, and sneered and asked: "So you colluded with Paliston and Kajin, and wanted to use artificially cultivated inlays at the expense of thousands of ordinary people. Do you get rid of the president?"

"Huh? How did you know about this!"

Billander immediately turned his head and stared at his collaborator.

Paliston spread out his hands with an innocent look: "Don't ask me! I haven't disclosed this plan to anyone. Maybe... from where he has seized the ability to predict and predict."

"Can you tell me where you got the news and how did you come to this conclusion?"

Knowing that it was not Paliston's secret, Bijan De immediately turned his attention to the young man in front of him.

Because the chimeric ant plan is really important to him, once it is leaked in advance, it is likely to fall short.

"I am not obligated to answer any of your questions! Nor will you be a company! But don't worry, I will not poke out this secret, which means direct confrontation with the behemoth Kajin Country. But the same, I will do what I should do in my own way. If you think I’m a hindrance, you’re welcome to use any means. But please remember that once a war starts, only the winner has the right to end it."

With the last word blurted out, Allen turned around and left without looking back.

Through this short meeting, he can basically be sure that the two guys' behavior style is definitely the one he hates the most, and there is no possibility of cooperation.

Especially Biyang De!

This guy told the team members in the comics that he has to go to places that others have not seen, meet things that others have not seen, collect treasures that others have not touched, and are not restricted by anyone, and he is doing whatever he wants and trampling on the strange land.Those who come will not refuse, those who go will not chase, and those who hinder us will be destroyed.

With this sentence alone, it is not difficult to see that he was absolutely unscrupulous when he went to the Dark Continent, even if he took the entire human world to bury his ambitions.

To be honest, the more he understands the world of full-time hunters, the more Allen feels that this place is simply a replica of the cruel real world on earth.

Especially those who are in high positions and hold huge power, wealth, and power, often do not care about the life and death of civilians in backward areas.

Take the Chimera Ant incident as an example. Billander, Paliston, and Kajin State used various methods to directly treat the people of NGL and the East Gordes Republic as sacrifices.

V5 was not much better either. It simply didn't want this threat to spread to its own territory, and there was no intention to pursue it afterwards. Instead, they got together to discuss how to get a share of it.

As for the civilians who died in the two victimized countries, no one cared at all.

Just like those small and weak countries ravaged by war on the earth, they have completely disappeared from the news and public opinion.

It seems that their suffering and death are not more important than pets like cats and dogs...