Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 125 Cannibalism is the "fourth natural disaster" tradition (2/5)

"So... your team was all bombed by Gan Shu with the "Voice of Life" bomb, and then threatened to hand over the hard-collected cards, and you feel that even if you hand it over, the other party may not abide by the agreement. Right?"

After listening to the process described by the dementor, Alan showed a playful expression on his face.

Undoubtedly, he recognized the identity of the other party, and at the same time realized that he no longer had to go on looking for clues of "Elder's Heightening Medicine B-30", and just went to the "Bomb Demon" trio to grab it. .

After all, the other party has collected 90 types of designated cards, and "Elder's Heightening Medicine B-30" is definitely indispensable.

"Yes! Gan Shu is a murderous demon! This can be felt by the evil air emanating from him. So please, please give him just sanctions." Abenka lowered His head bowed deeply.

"Justice sanctions? No, I think you have misunderstood something."

Allen shook his head with a smile, and then stretched out two fingers: "First, this is the game world. No matter what the player does inside, it will not violate the law and order of the outside world.

Therefore, no matter how many people Gan Shu and his team use intimidation, inducement, deception, coercion, intimidation, etc., or how many people are killed, it is a personal grievance between players in the game.

Second, when entering the island of greed, I think you should have been clearly notified that death in this game is equivalent to death in the real world.

In other words, from the moment you enter, all players are equivalent to signing a life and death status.

You can choose to follow the guidelines in the real world, or you can do whatever you want without restraint.

In my opinion, although the actions of the bomber are a bit low-level, naive, and nasty, everything has not exceeded the lower limit set by the game designer, otherwise the game administrator would have warned and punished him.

In other words, what Gan Shu did in the game was in accordance with the rules of the player."

What kind of group are game players?

Look at what they are called on the Internet-the fourth natural disaster will know!

According to the camp of Dungeons and Dragons, the proper ones are evil and neutral.

That is to say, there is no benefit and can not be early. Once you see the benefits, they will swarm like locusts. Cannibalism is a traditional repertoire.

If a multiplayer online game does not have PVP content, the fun of the game will drop a lot in an instant.

As long as they can get the benefits, they don't care about the morality, law and order in reality, and even make use of some exploitable loopholes in the game to make huge profits for themselves.

Although the island of greed is a real game built on an island in reality, there is actually no essential difference for the players involved.

Here, the darkness and desires in the heart will be amplified, and the constraints of reason and morality will become loose.

Especially as more and more players are trapped here and unable to pass the level, the mood will naturally become more and more irritable, and it is only a matter of time before the final metamorphosis is complete.

So in Alan's view, the emergence of the bomb demon is only an inevitable phenomenon. Even if there is no Ganshu, a second and third similar person will come out sooner or later.

Abenka obviously did not expect that the "Reaper", who was placed in great hopes by him, would actually say such a thing. The whole person was stunned. After a while, he tried with an uncertain tone: "Then yours. Means, won't trouble Gan Shu?"

"On the contrary! I will not only grab all the cards in his hand, but also kill him. But my identity is no longer a bounty hunter, but a purely player's standpoint to do this." Allen gave his answer casually.

He finally understood a little bit now, why at the end of the original Greedy Island chapter, Xiaojie, Qi Ya and others did not choose to kill the bomber trio, but instead healed each other's injuries with the breath of an archangel.

Because in the eyes of these two little guys, Gan Shu's player killing behavior is not recommended in the rules of the game, but it is allowed.

Regarding this point, all players have been clearly informed before entering the island of greed, so those who died are not innocent, just like those who died in the hunter exam.

In addition, his most important friend did not die in the hands of the bomb demon, and after the opponent failed, he surrendered all the cards very simply. This is a typical gambling and surrender, naturally there is no need to kill them all.

This is completely different from Kate's death by Catwoman and Xiaojie's direct and complete blackening.

Simply put, it is the difference between distant and close relatives.

The killing of a stranger who has only known each other for a day or two, or who has never known each other at all, is definitely not the same as the killing of friends or relatives, from the perspective of emotional acceptance.

The former often don't feel much, but the latter will inevitably experience severe mood swings, even mental breakdown, and fall into pain, despair, and even extreme madness.

"Are you going to solve the bomb monster from the player's standpoint? I don't understand, what is the difference between the two?" Abenka showed a puzzled expression on his face.

Allen shrugged his shoulders with a smile: "As far as the result is concerned, there is indeed no difference. But for me, there is still a difference. Haven't you heard that principles, paranoia, and stubbornness can strengthen a person's Read it?"

"So that's it! This involves a certain value. So when you act, you will always determine your role first, and then you will make judgments and choices around the position of the role in your subsequent actions."

Abenka was obviously not the kind of mindful person who was born in Ye Luzi, and she understood the meaning of the words just now.

"Yes! When intervening in something, it is very important to confirm your identity and position in advance. Because there are many times when there is no clear dividing line between right and wrong, and even justice and evil are blurred. If you don't want to be used by someone who doesn't care, you must understand who you are and what you want to do. For example, you want to take my hand to avenge the bomber, but I don't care at all. After all, this is what I want to do. It's easy to understand, isn't it?"

Allen reveals the other side's ridiculous little trick meaningfully.

Abenka's face changed slightly: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Haha, don't rush to deny it. If I guessed correctly, you should be a mind-eliminating teacher? That's why you will remain calm even when the countdown to the Voice of Life keeps dwindling, and even sit here and talk. Don't tell me that you have any enlightenment. I can't see in your eyes the slightest fear that humans should have when facing death."

The voice just fell!

Allen suddenly put the hand knife wrapped in breath on the opponent's neck with lightning speed, and then said with a smile: "Look! Your rapid heartbeat, and the fear in your eyes, It is a person’s truest reaction when facing death."

"You... what do you want to do to me?"

In a few seconds, Abenka's forehead was densely covered with beads of sweat.

Because he didn't catch any movement at all just now, when he noticed it, the hand knife had already stayed on his neck.

This also means that in terms of speed and response, in front of the young man in front of him, he will not even have a chance to resist.

"Don’t do anything, I’m just telling you a fact. Now, you can go and find a place where no one is going to get rid of your thoughts. Remember, next time you want to use others and treat them as cannon fodder, It’s best to first consider whether you can afford the corresponding price. You are not the only smart person in this world, there may be more smart people standing by and admiring your hard performance."

After saying this, Allen ignored the bad-motivated curator and handed the grilled fish to Baudrillard and Fei Jie.

As for the Abenka on the side, his body was already saturated with sweat, and he didn't even dare to say a word, and quickly used the spell card to escape.

After he left completely, Fei Jie couldn't help but ask: "Is this guy called Bomb Demon very strong?"

"Well-if you simply consider it from the perspective of aura, it should be considered relatively strong. However, he obviously entered a certain misunderstanding of the development of abilities, especially the most powerful Voice of Life, which is not very suitable for frontal combat. The power of a small amount of gunpowder is too weak. As long as the opponent's defense is half his capacity, he can ensure that he will not be injured." Allen touched his chin and analyzed.

As the final boss of the entire island of greed, Gan Shu's strength has never been clearly compared. The only thing he knows is that he can use a small amount of gunpowder to injure or even break Xiaojie's arm.

At this time, Xiaojie’s mental energy is about 8,000 to 10,000, plus the extra bonus of his own reinforcement system, Gan Shu’s energy should be at least 40,000 or more, maybe the highest can reach about 890,000. Look like.

In other words, he is not as bad as many people think, but Old Yin B is used to it, so he is not very comfortable with the frontal rigidity. As a result, he was directly overturned by the two protagonists' targeted tactics.

"So, he should be a good opponent." Baudrillard showed an eager expression on his face.

"Hey! This is my prey first!" Fei Jie protested.

"Don't grab it, the Bomb Demon is a small group of three people. There are two other people besides Gan Shu. What's more, it is not easy to find them on such a large map. Instead of spending time and The energy was wasted in this aspect, it is better to wait for the other party to find the door by themselves. After all, after the robbery of Juezjuela, we have several exclusive designated cards in our hands." Alan pursed his lips and showed a confident smile.

What has Gan Shu been busy with for so many years?

Isn't it just to clear the island of greed?

One of the necessary conditions for customs clearance is to collect all the designated cards.

This also means that sooner or later both sides will be up against each other.

The only difference is that Allen's team is not as weak as Juezerla.

Once the opponent comes to the door, all he has to do is to run over with overwhelming strength and grab the enhancement medicine he wants.