Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 173: Not a Normal Person (Five Changes Completed)

"Do you have anything else you want to say?" Allen asked, looking down at the other person from a high position.

Obviously, he recognized the identity of the other party, and also knew that this guy had been one of Zairo's men before being eaten by the queen.

Whether it was the previous acts of drug manufacturing and trafficking, or the identity of the head of the chimeric ant division, it was enough to directly pronounce the death sentence and execute it immediately.

"Don't... don't kill me! I am willing to surrender!"

Wilfin was obviously not a tough guy, and he didn't have the so-called ethics. He knelt down and begged for mercy with a plop, and at the same time, he lifted the black feet from the two hunters at an extremely fast speed.

But unfortunately, Allen didn't intend to give this guy a chance to rehabilitate, let alone believe that the dog could change eating shit, and threw a thorium arrow, which instantly penetrated Wilfin's chest.

Due to the speed, the division leader felt severe pain two or three seconds later, and fell on his back to the sky, feeling the rapid passing of vitality.

Then it turned into a cocoon under the fire of the red dragon's life, and was swallowed on the spot.

After all this was done, Alan asked Vilna Lasas to blur again, and he jumped down and asked the two hunters: "Are you all right?"

"Ah! No... it's okay! Thank you very much for being able to arrive in time, otherwise we will really die here!" The woman hurriedly got up and thanked.

The fat man wiped the blood stained on his face and said with a wry smile: "I really didn't expect that our last savior would be the famous god of death. But after seeing you with my own eyes, I finally understand why so many wanted criminals mentioned you. Names and nicknames will be scared. They should be scared! Compared to these chimeric ants, you are the real monster."

"Thank you for the compliment! But I'm a bit in a hurry now. Could you please tell me where are Xiaojie, Qi Ya, and Mo Laowu's two apprentices?" Allen asked straightforwardly.

I don't know what is always interfering. His ability to hunt maps has recently completely failed, so it has become extremely troublesome to find people.

"Sorry, we don't know the few people you mentioned very well, but Pomm should know. She lives in a house a few blocks away." The woman turned around and pointed out the direction.


Allen jumped onto the roof, ready to take a shortcut.

"We should say thank you!" the woman yelled, standing on tiptoe and waving her hands.

"You're welcome! See you in the future!"

After all, Allen jumped directly, and it didn't take long to find the house where Pum lived.

But just as he was about to knock on the door, he suddenly heard a harsh scream from inside, followed by a mad woman with long black hair holding two kitchen knives and breaking the window.

You don't need to ask, this woman with a gloomy temperament is Nob's apprentice-Pomm.

At this moment, a chimeric ant that was suspected of being the captain was pressed under her body, and she was waving two kitchen knives frantically.

Suddenly, all kinds of blood, minced meat, and broken limbs were scattered all around, and the picture made people feel stomach acid surge just by looking at it.

When Pang stopped, the poor ant had only the most basic skeleton left.

Only other things such as muscles, skin, internal organs, etc., were all thrown on the surrounding ground, walls, and windows. At first glance, they were everywhere, almost covering the nearby streets.

As the only audience member, the corners of Allen's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly, resisting the desire to complain.

What kind of apprentices both Mo Laowu and Nobu accept!

There is almost no normal one!

Na Kusu is an awkward ghost with a fierce and irritable appearance, but a very warm and gentle heart.

Needless to say, Xiutuo is a contradiction mixed with pride and timidity. He often misses opportunities because of entanglement and hesitation.

But the most outrageous is Pum!

Obviously, she belongs to the top beauties in both appearance and figure, but she always dresses herself like a "Sadako" all day long, and is full of neuroticism. There is no feature of strengthening the system at all, but it is related to the reality. One fight.

"Huh? Who are you?"

After dismembering the ant in front of him, Pang finally found Alan standing on the side, standing with two knives stained with blood and minced meat.

With that temperament and posture, it's okay to directly act as a female ghost in a horror movie, or a perverted murderer.

"My name is Ellen, and I am entrusted by Mr. Mo Laowu to check the status of his two apprentices, as well as Xiaojie and Qi Ya. If you don't mind, can you tell me where they are?" Allen Carefully expressed his intention.

He wasn't sure if this lunatic woman would suddenly rush up with two kitchen knives, and even chop them together.

"Mo Laowu?"

Pang was stunned when he heard the name, but quickly reacted and quickly replied: "As far as I know, they went to a duel in the suburbs outside the city not long ago. But counting the time, it should be back now. . Isn't it something troublesome?"

The voice is not over!

She hurriedly reentered the house, ran out holding a purple crystal ball, and directly activated her ability-"Lonely Deep Sea Fish".

But after a long time, nothing appeared in the crystal ball, only a piece of white mist.

"Damn it! What's the matter? My ability... is invalid?" Pang muttered to himself with a blank face.

"No! It's not that your ability is invalid, but that all the ability to detect and track has been interfered. Some of the chimeric ants have developed interesting abilities specifically for us." Allen explained meaningfully.

If only the hunting map fails, he still dare not be too sure.

But now that the "lonely deep-sea fish" is also ineffective, coupled with the paper-cuts where Kurt could only hear the noise before, it can basically be concluded that it is 100% of the ants' ghosts.

I have to say that this hand is really beautiful.

On the one hand, he completely cut off the possibility of being tracked by his mind ability, and on the other hand, let the division leader lead his men to attack the human town to divert attention.

Had it not been for Allen had long known that Dongguotuo would be the first choice for the ants, 80% would have been confused by this series of dazzling actions and would eventually make some wrong choices.

"Interference? That's it!"

There was a suddenly realized expression on Pomm's face.

Just when she wanted to say something, she found that the other party had rushed out like an arrow from the string.

As long as the approximate location is known, at Alan's current speed, it is estimated that a person can be found in about ten minutes at most.

Of course, the premise is still alive.

As for the invading chimeric ants on the street, they were resolved easily when passing by.

When he rushed out of the urban area, more than 80% of the ants in the city were dead, and only two or three kittens were still fighting, trying to continue to cause greater killing and destruction as ordered.

There are also a few more clever guys who wanted to set fire to a warehouse storing flammable and explosive chemicals, but they were dismantled by Pang who arrived later. The bloody scene made many hunters subconsciously cover it. Nose and mouth.

After the last one was executed, the whole city finally recovered calm, and the police began to return to the streets to maintain order, and at the same time organized a medical team to rescue the wounded.