Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 179 Preparation before the final battle (1/5)

The birth of the king and the death of the queen are big events for the entire chimeric ant army.

Because the death of the queen means the split of the ant colony.

According to the method of reproduction and expansion of chimera ants, once the king is born, he will immediately take three direct guards to another place to mate with other creatures, thus giving birth to a new queen.

Therefore, they did not retain the powerful and incomparable control over the original race like the queen.

Similarly, the king and his immediate guards would not regard the division commanders, army captains, and soldiers of the original group as their own people, but at best as tools and cannon fodder that can be used.

So from this moment on, the chimeric ants are no longer monolithic, and fierce internal conflicts gradually emerge.

Especially those ants who lost the queen's restraint and began to emerge as human memories, began to flee in large numbers.

Although the brutal guards executed some of them mercilessly, they inevitably exposed their existence.

Bit has repeatedly advised Wang not to underestimate human beings, but unfortunately, as the collective of the highest consciousness of the entire ethnic group, there is no concept of fear in the king's genes.

In the end, she could only focus all her energy on quickly creating more eggs, and at the same time, with the help of the industrial power of the entire country in Dongguotuo, she was crazy to make all kinds of powerful guns, artillery, bombs and other weapons, secretly not forgetting to secretly. Study terrible biological and chemical weapons, and plan to use these things to arm soldiers who have been transformed from humans.

By the time Allen had dealt with the division and army commanders who were making trouble and arrived in the territory of Dongguotuo, the ants had assembled a modern army of about five hundred.

Although the number is still small, it no longer relies on primitive low-level weapons such as claws and teeth to fight the enemy.

"How, what are those little ants doing these days?"

As soon as he joined his team, Allen couldn't wait to ask about the situation here.

Il fans directly took out a thick stack of photos taken from hidden corners, and said blankly: "Look at it for yourself! These guys are learning how to make and use thermal weapons. And we also investigated that a few people The biological and chemical weapons laboratory originally abandoned by the Guotuo government has been restarted."

"Oh? Have they finally realized the importance of science and technology? It's a pity, it's too late." Alan glanced at the photos, a dismissive sneer appeared on his face.

You must know that technological development cannot be achieved within a few months or even a few years.

On the contrary, it requires huge capital investment and a very long R&D cycle.

In addition, Dongguotuo was not a technological power in the first place. Most of the weapons are two or three generations behind the advanced countries of the world. Even if thousands of ants are equipped with guns and artillery, they will only be held by human nations led by V5. Repeatedly rubbing the ground, there is no resistance at all.

Moreover, if chimera ants use weapons, it is equivalent to giving up their original greatest advantage-a physical fitness far beyond that of humans, and trying to compete with human beings in terms of number, resources and manufacturing capabilities. It is basically not self-destructive. Any difference.

"When are you going to do it?" Hisoso asked, licking his lips.

Allen touched his chin for a moment and replied immediately: "About half a month or so. But before that, I plan to lift their control of this country first and see if the king is born by the way."

"Ha ha ha ha! If you don't mind, can you give me this opportunity? During your absence, I'm almost boring to death." Hisuo raised his mouth and showed an extremely excited smile.

"Are you sure? Will die!" Allen raised his eyebrows and stared at the pervert in front of him.

But Hisoso spread out his hands nonchalantly: "It's okay! As long as it is exciting enough, it can satisfy my hungry desires."

"Okay. Since you strongly requested, the task of testing the palace is left to you. However, I strongly doubt whether you can pass the level of the direct guard. In order to ensure the success rate of the task, I will take you outside. Remember, this is only an investigation, and immediately retreat after seeing the king."

Allen quickly adjusted the original plan.

After all, it is not easy to test the palace. If you are careless, you will be attacked by three direct guards, plus the siege of the ant king. Even he himself dared to explore after taking the "God's alibi".

But now that someone had intended to take on this dangerous task, he was naturally happy.

"OK! Leave it to me!" Hisoso nodded without thinking.

"What about me?" Baldro pointed to his nose.

"You and Curt are going to destroy all the laboratories and factories that are developing biological and chemical weapons. I will never allow ants to obtain those dangerous things. Fei Jie and Ilmi are responsible for fixing the upper echelons of this country, especially those holding hands. The general of the military power can't let the other party continue to transform mankind unscrupulously..."

In just a few minutes, Allen assigned all the tasks.

Before President Nitro rushed over, he had to do all the preparations in advance and try his best to reduce civilian casualties.

"Isn't it necessary for those high-ranking officials to give orders to the army and let them take the initiative to attack the ants? We can completely disguise this matter as a military coup, first hit the ants unpreparedly, and then launch a surprise attack." Ermi suggested, touching his chin.

As a killer, he doesn't care about the lives of others, he just wants to kill the enemy in the simplest and most labor-saving way.

Allen shook his head lightly: "Forget it! The army of ordinary people cannot be the opponent of Chimera Ants. What's more, we don't know if there are any prisoners alive in the palace, so we can't directly Launch a covering bombardment on the palace."

"That's it! Then let Dongguotuo's army seal off the area near the battlefield to prevent civilians from accidentally getting involved."

With that said, Fei Jie took out a thick dozen of small notes full of names and addresses from her pocket.

You don't need to ask to know that these were secretly recorded when attending banquets and dances, and now they are finally going to come in handy.

For a person with the ability to operate, nothing is more exciting than the goal of controlling the entire country by holding high-level government officials.

Moreover, there is a V5 authorization behind this operation, so there is no need to worry about retaliation.

When she thinks of those great figures who are aloof, kneeling on the ground and licking their boots like a male dog in heat, she will have an inexplicable excitement and expectation.

Allen was undoubtedly aware of this and couldn’t help but reminded: “Don’t go too far! Remember to take two more videos as evidence by the way. If anyone dares to raise the bill, he threatens to use the media and public opinion to make the He was ruined."

"Don't worry, I have more experience than you in this area, and I have specially prepared some props to ensure that the senior officials will be addicted after playing it once."

After all, Fei Jie opened a black suitcase beside her.


All kinds of leather clothes, ropes, whips, shackles, collars, candles, lubricating oil and a series of hot-eyed things suddenly entered the eyes of everyone.

Such a spectacular scene, let alone other people, even the perverted Hisoso was shocked.

As for Curt, he used a paper fan to cover his entire face for the first time, leaving only a pair of eyes staring at his big brother Ilmi, as if asking what these things are for, torture?

Fortunately, Ilmi was used to maintaining facial paralysis most of the time, so he did not show any strange eyes or expressions.

"Damn! Close the box! There are still minors here." Alan held his forehead, his mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably.

"Ha! Sorry, sorry, I forgot."

Fei Jie hurriedly closed the box and smiled awkwardly.

All of a sudden, the eyes of everyone in the room when they looked at her changed...