Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 183: A Vegetarian Rabbit

"You are really a total pervert!" Allen rubbed his brows helplessly.

Hisuo was not ashamed of this, but proudly smiled and nodded: "Thank you for the compliment!"

"I'm not complimenting you! Asshole!" Allen rolled his eyes irritably.

If it were changed to before, he would definitely give this guy a bit of color.

But now...

I'm somewhat used to it, or it's immune.

After all, if you spend a long time in the circle of abilities, you will inevitably meet all kinds of similar people.

And the more powerful people with the ability to think, the more abnormal their way of thinking is, and their bones are full of madness and paranoia.

Just when the two were about to turn around and retreat, they suddenly found a dark shadow flashing across the woods behind them.

"Aha! There is actually a little mouse here!"

He was the first to rush out without saying a word.

You must know that during this period of time he has been fighting with Chimera Ants, and his thought ability is also rapidly improving. Although it is not as good as Xiaojie and Qi Ya, the two protagonists who took advantage of ten times the time difference of the dungeon, they are also stronger than the previous self. Out of a lot, otherwise Pufu will not be hurt.

Relying on a keen sense of smell for the prey, this pervert quickly caught up with the dark shadow, and with the help of the freely stretchable love, the other party was trapped in twos and twos.

When Allen arrived later, he immediately saw a chimeric ant with a very feminine and cute appearance wearing a yellow fluffy dress and a pink hat, curled up into a ball and staring at it with fear. He seemed to be holding a baby the size of a palm in his arms.

"Don't! Don't kill me! I haven't done anything bad." Chimera ant pleaded pitifully.

It can be seen that she is really scared, and she doesn't have many characteristics of ants.

If it weren't for a short hairy tail like a rabbit on the buttocks, she would definitely be regarded as a teenage human girl.

"Who are you? And, what's the matter with the baby in your hand?" Allen asked, narrowing his eyes.

For some reason, he always felt that the little ant in front of him was familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

There are so many characters in the ant chapter in the anime, especially the large number of chimeric ant army, some even only appear for one or two seconds, it is impossible to remember all of them.

"Xina! My name is Xina! I used to be under the commander of Leolu's division! But later I was transferred to serve the queen by Lord Bit! As for this baby, she was born with the king and was only the size of a palm when she was born. , But in recent days it has suddenly started to grow rapidly, and I don’t know what is going on."

The girl chimera ant who claimed to be Hina had long been frightened by his terrifying murderous aura, and she said everything she knew.

"Hina? Leo the Lion's men?" Alan touched his chin and fell into thought.

After about two or three minutes, he finally remembered who this cute-looking chimeric ant was.

As a matter of fact, this little thing is exactly the person who is the "stupid leopard" Gideo in the original plot. The ability is to eat the ability directly, and then the belly will bulge like a pregnancy.

To put it simply, it is the scavenger in the chimeric ant army.

As for the danger and fighting ability, rounding up is basically equal to zero.

"Do you want to kill her?" Hisuo took out a card, his eyes flashing with danger.

Hina hadn't seen this battle, and she was so scared that she cried for an instant: "Oh! Don't... Don't kill me! I really haven't done anything bad! I have neither killed humans nor eaten them. people."

"Oh? Really?" Allen bent down and looked into the other person's eyes.

"Really! Absolutely true! In fact, I only eat vegetarian!" Hina nodded desperately.

"So what is your ability?" Allen continued to ask with interest.

"I can eat what others want!"

Hina didn't dare to hide it at all, and honestly stated her own ability.

She only wanted to do one thing now, and that was to save her life in front of these two murderous human beings.


Hiso's eyes widened instantly, realizing the preciousness of this little ant in front of him.

After all, the eliminator is an extremely rare and precious character in the entire human world, and even enjoys a certain degree of immunity from death.

Allen made a gesture of peace and quiet to the perverts around him, then pointed to the pink "flexible love" and said, "Demonstrate!"

Without saying anything, Hina lowered her head and took a big bite, then quickly chewed and swallowed it.

She is like a big baby bunny. She eats all the thoughts tied to her body in twos and threes. At the same time, her belly bulges at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a seven or eight months pregnant. Pregnant woman.

"Really a teacher! How, do you want her ability?" Hisoso asked maliciously.

"No, no, I already have similar abilities, and there is no need to do this again. What's more, if you really haven’t killed or eaten people, it’s okay to let her survive. After all, I’m not the same. Reasonable butcher or demon."

After all, Allen carefully picked up the baby who was placed on the ground.

If I remember correctly, this baby should have been reincarnated from Kate's absolute immortality ability mentioned in Jinkou.

When the ants decided to abandon the NGL nest, all the hunters and people with abilities controlled by them were all eaten by the queen.

Presumably Kate completed her reincarnation at that time...

"Oh? Can I not die anymore? Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Hina stood up with her pregnant belly, quickly wiped her nose and tears from her face, bent down and bowed deeply.

I have to say that she looks a bit funny now.

"Don't rush to thank you. I will observe you for a period of time. I will not let you go until I confirm that there is no lying or harm. Here, let you take care of this baby.

After all, Allen handed the baby who was suspected to be reincarnated by Kate to the other party.

"Understood! I will do well and never let you down." Hina waved her small fist confidently.

"I hope so."

Seeing this guy's full of vitality, Alan couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and then took the lead to retreat along the original road, preparing to return to the hotel to meet the other members of the team.

At the same time, far away in a magnificent hotel room, Fei Jie was playing some exciting adult games with more than 20 senior officials and generals.

I saw this queen wearing a black leather coat and holding a long whip, beating the white and fat guys in turns, dripping hot wax oil from time to time.

And those who were abused, instead of groaning in pain, but moaning in excitement, and did not hesitate to use their right to take the supreme leader Digo, who had been controlled by the ants, to the sky.

As for the Illusion fan, he is holding the camera and shooting all the scenes blankly.

As a professional killer, his shooting technique is not only very superb, but also takes into account every detail, which is the level of making money directly on some special websites without editing.

At a glance, I know that I have quite a wealth of sophisticated experience and absolutely professional training...