Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 247 Aroma Phosphorus (4/5)

"These people are not very strong, but the amount of chakras and media they provide is quite substantial. Besides, I found this in a house."

Verna Lasas did not know when he had finished devouring the ninja corpse on the entire battlefield, and flew back with something like a scroll.

"what is this?"

Alan took it curiously and opened it, and found that hundreds of ninjutsu from S-level to D-level were densely recorded.

Although most of them are ordinary goods, there are also offensive ninjutsu such as Lei Dun-pseudo-darkness that is amazing in both practicality and power.

Obviously, compared to those big countries that are rich in genius, or can devote a lot of human and financial resources to ninjutsu research, Kusama puts limited energy and money into copying and stealing ninjutsu from ninjas in other countries. Up.

After all, this is the lowest investment and the highest rate of return, which can quickly narrow the gap in power with other countries.

Probably the only drawback is that you will never get those truly powerful top bans.

"Good harvest! It seems that in the next period of time, we have something to study." Allen nodded in satisfaction and stuffed the ninjutsu scroll into his pocket.

Just when he was going to search for the wealth of Kushinin Village, and then left directly, a red-haired girl in tattered clothes with tooth marks on his arms, thighs, neck and shoulders suddenly emerged from the ruins of a house with care. He got out and asked in a voice full of fear and trembling: "This... Lord Ninja, can I leave with you?"

"follow me?"

Allen stopped and looked up and down.

There is no doubt that whether it is the iconic red hair or the bite marks all over her body, it is enough to prove that she is one of the few fragrant phosphorus in this world with the blood of the whirlpool family.

"That's right! I'm very useful! I can help you recover from your injury! Just take a bite on my arm." The girl rolled up her sleeves and offered her arm full of red and purple teeth.

But Allen did not choose to bite on it, but showed pity in his eyes, transformed from the Chakra mode to the mind ability mode, and released the enhanced energy to cover the opponent's body.

In just a minute or two, all the bruises that had been bitten had healed.

"this is?!!!!"

It was obviously the first time that Fragrant Phosphorus had encountered a person with a healing ability comparable to his own, and his eyes widened subconsciously, shocked and speechless.

What moved her even more was that the powerful ninja in front of her actually intended to treat her humble self instead of treating her as a tool that could be used like Kushinin.

"What a poor little guy, you must have had a hard time these years."

Alan touched the girl's head lightly, and the effect of the transformation technique was quickly lifted.

After all, he didn't want Xianglin to misunderstand that Fei Duan had saved him, and then he had no hesitation in following the neurosis to kill and set fire everywhere.

"Oh-is this your true face?!"

Seeing that the originally powerful young man in front of him turned into a beautiful boy who was one head shorter than himself, Xianglin was stunned.

Allen explained with a smile: "Because of this, I have to pretend to be, and try not to let others know that I did the destruction of Kushinin Village. In addition, my name is Allen, and I am a member of Konoha for the time being. After this, are you sure you still follow me?"

"Of course! It is an honor for me to be your subordinates. And I swear that even if I die, I will not reveal this secret to anyone."

Fragrant Phosphorus did not hesitate at all, and directly solemnly knelt down to give an affirmative answer.

For a girl who has experienced a hellish childhood and is surrounded by evil people who want to use herself, whoever can first make her feel a little kindness and warmth can become the most important person in her life.

Needless to say, Allen is now playing such a role.

The same principle can also be applied to Baihe no longer cut, Oshemaru and Junmaro.

After all, human beings are social creatures and cannot endure loneliness and loneliness for a long time. They must find a spiritual sustenance.

Especially children who have not yet formed the Three Views, are most likely to be attracted by powerful forces and eventually become fanatical loyalties to the other party.

This is why, Naruto World’s number one scientist, Da She Wan, wandered around every three to five times, specializing in abducting minor children who have blood boundaries.

And these children have never let him down, even proud of being a container for his soul rebirth.

"In this case, then you are my first subordinate. Let's go, let us see how much wealth Kushinin Village has, so that it can be used as the starting capital for the next phase of the plan."

After all, Allen took the lead to walk towards the collapsed building in the center of Cao Ren Village.

Fragrant phosphorus followed closely, his eyes full of excitement and joy, and even a little obsession.

It didn't take long for the two to find a heavy iron box specially used to store money deep underground.

"My lord! There are almost hundreds of millions of taels here! It is all the savings that Cao Ren Village has accumulated through missions over the years!" Xianglin estimated with excitement.

"It's only a few hundred million taels? Cao Ren Village is really poor enough." Allen's tone was with strong contempt.

You know that Asma, the son of the three generations of Hokage, is worth 35 million taels of human head alone.

And the entire Kushinin Village has accumulated wealth for several years before it is worth a dozen Asma heads...

No wonder Cao Renneng existed until the end, it turned out to be too poor, so it didn't even have the value of being destroyed and annexed.

"No way! Cao Ren is just a small village in the cracks of a big country. Originally, there were not many commissions. What are we going to do next?" Xianglin asked in a uncertain tone.

"Well-leave here first, go to a town not far away, and then consider how to place you."

Alan gave the red dragon another order to change her wings, and he picked up the red-haired girl and flew across the sky at a very fast speed.

When the two returned to town quietly, less than an hour passed.

At this moment, the outside world hasn't even realized that Kushinen Village has withdrawn from the stage of history forever, like many small countries that have disappeared.

By tracking the humanoid creatures, Allen quickly confirmed the locations of the third group of people, and then chose the hotel farthest away from them to arrange the phosphorus in, so that he could meet his teammates casually.

As soon as he walked into the room, he saw a mountain of goods and gifts piled up behind the "local tyrant" Tiantian, and immediately couldn't help but vomit: "Are you going to buy all this town?"

"Hey! I couldn't help it by accident. Come on! This is for you."

Tian Tian immediately handed over a unique short knife.


Allen subconsciously pulled out and took a look, and found that the blade was very sharp and had a beautiful pattern, which clearly belonged to the category of boutique.

Tian Tian smiled and nodded: "Yes! To thank you for your advice on the road."

"Haha, well, if that's the case, then I will accept it. Thank you!" Allen decisively accepted the other's kindness.

In fact, during the idle time during the trip, he gave this girl who mainly relies on throwing objects and hidden weapons to fight, and gave some suggestions about setting up organs and explosives on weapons.

Especially the design ideas of firearms and the production of explosives made Tiantian suddenly feel that he has met a confidant, and the relationship between the two has also improved rapidly, becoming an engineering fan in the team.