Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 263, the "instrument" (five completed)

At night, the entire wooden village has fallen into a silence.

Since the three-generation fire shadow, the peace agreement has returned from the country of the grass, and the war in the top of all the people's heads has finally completely disappeared. Everyone can finally sleep well, do not have to worry all day, it will be very high at any time. The battlefield is going to kill the enemy ninja.

Although all the rivots are implemented in the "Ninja just the tool to complete the task".

But people are people, no matter how brainwashing will have their own ideas.

After all, escape death is the instinct of all organisms.

As the leader of the root organization, the group is sitting in the deep underground secret room at this moment, listening to the report.

I don't know when he is used to the depths of darkness, even in this environment, will have an inexplicable peace of mind.

When the oil woman taking roots of the conversation between himself and Allen, the "The Dark" of the "The Dark" is interested: "That is to say, this child has quite mature. My mind, and the mysterious ability to complete the mission of the mission, right? "

"Yes, adults. But I think he is a bit similar to the character of Big Snake, and it is best to take care of it." The oil woman took the roots and nodded.

"No! You don't understand. In this world, all the strengths, talented ninja will have some hobbies, this is not worth a strange. As for him, it doesn't matter, as long as you can use it for me. Ok. After all, I will continue to train three disciples who have been cultivated by it, and I will never choose to go to him. "Treasury explained a deep explanation.

It is also a good color, and the board is gambound, and the Big Snake Pill is in order to study the ban and even regard his disciples as the experiment.

But all this hinders them to become a strong?

Obviously not!

Even the waves are also known as the perfect noodles, and it is also a nerd in daily life, and it is still a nerd that is afraid of his wife.

I have a rich experience of life and experience, I have long understood a truth, that is, people have no finish.

If you want to get the loyalty to the strong, the power in your hand is far less than enough, but also needs the amount of instruments and inclusion.

The three generations of fire shadows are like this, so they can recruit those excellent ninja to their own once again, and the body of Carti is no exception.

So this time, he intends to follow his own old friend.

"Then what do you mean ... promise him?" The oil woman took a root a surprised expression.

This is his first time I saw the leader of the root organization made a compromise to the outsiders.

"Well! Because this is called Allen's teenager, there is such a value. That's about thunderbone, should you have seen it? The kind of way to the sky is a way to kill the loess this age. His future is destined to be ordinary. So if you can first grab him in the hand, you can't use how long it will be in my pouch. "

When I said this, the head of the group worked in the fist, and the tone revealed that it would be determined.

"I understand! I will return to him right away."

The oil woman will not be thinking about the root, and you will leave.

I haven't waited for him to get out of a few steps. I will call it from behind: "Wait! As a meeting, you bring these two things to him."

The voice just fell!

A small seal reel is thrown over.

The oil woman took the root and took the roots, even didn't look at it, bending down, and then disappeared in the dark.

After about a few minutes, he directly appeared in the village to Allen's residence, and said: "The Triple Hidden advice on your conditions! This is a meeting! From now, you are a member of the root organization."

"Oh? There is also a meeting? The group hidden people are really generous."

Aren is very happy, when the opponent opens the reel, removed from the inside.

The same is the eyeball in some kind of liquid, which is exactly a two-hidden eyelet, and the other is a reel of a large number of thunder.

"Remember! Joining the root means that you must obey the order of the Normal University! If one day, the order of the three-generation rigid, conflict with the Tony Hidden people, then ..."

I haven't waited for the oil to finish the root, Allen smiled and said: "I don't need to say, I understand what I should do. What's more, you feel that after this incident, I have experienced it. Is there any trust and feelings? "

"You understand! It is also two days from the task, you should best take the time to prepare, if you need anything, please contact me directly."

The oil woman will take the root obviously very satisfied with the response of this boy in front of you, and it is also actively put forward the meaning of help.

However, Allen shook his head and refused to say: "No! I don't need any help. No matter what kind of team of Shoushi sent, I will not leave them. Treat those who believe in violence and barbarism can solve Everything is guys, I don't mind, I will go with the same method. Since the wild wood is dead, there is not enough, let his granddaughter black land will die together. "

"Oh! I like the tone of you now! It seems that the judge of the Triple Hidden adults is right! You are really suitable for our roots. That's right! Treat those enemy ninja, don't have a kind of kindness and compassion, as long as Just kill them. "The oil laughed with a laughter.

In fact, all the Ninja, which voluntarily join the root organization, essentially the people who are extremely dissatisfied with the three-generation flaws.

They believe that strong wooden leaves do not need to compromise, but should play all the war potential to eliminate all other countries, and finally a whole tolerance.

The killing decisions in Allen, are the most appreciated style of these people.

"Thank you for your praise, if there is nothing else, I have to start studying this interesting eye." Allen is cut down to the coupon.

For write-wheel eyes, he is full of interest, nor does it know that the Red Dragon will also give yourself a similar ability after swallowing this eye.

The oil woman will undoubtedly notice this, can't help but remind: "Write the eyes for people who do not have the family of Unecao family. If you want to transplant, it is best to think about it. Otherwise it will be like Kaki. "

"Don't worry, I have seen Kakasi, know how big the write wheel is burden on his body." Allen shrugged.


He is not so stupid!

What he has to do is swallowed through the ability of embedded ants, directly extracting the corresponding genetic genes, then acts on your own body.

Only in this way can we really get the whole force of the write-eyed eye.

Or, whether it is written, white, or a thousand-hand family, vortex family, Hui Night family, these people are the descendants of the alien tube wooden glow night with this world humanity.

As long as you can swallow their genes, you will get some power of this "Goddess", so that you can figure out the secrets hidden in the body of the coastal wood.